blob: 3fe5e66f4e5476b7bf5fca5f7f0408da5f4c4b99 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Forked from
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.AbortException
import hudson.console.HyperlinkNote
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
import groovy.json.*
import java.text.*
String.metaClass.encodeURL = {
class Globals {
static String gerrit = ""
static String gerritReviewer = "Bazel CI <>"
static long curlTimeout = 10000
static SimpleDateFormat tsFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S Z")
static int maxChanges = 100
static int myAccountId = 5995
static int waitForResultTimeout = 10000
static String cookiesFile = "/opt/secrets/gerritcookies"
static def gerritJobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.findAll{job ->"Gerrit-")}
// Post a JSON payload to the given url setting the correct cookies for authentication.
def gerritPost(url, jsonPayload) {
def gerritPostUrl = Globals.gerrit + url
def curl = ['curl', '-n', '-s', '-S',
"-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: application/json",
"-b", Globals.cookiesFile,
"--data-binary", jsonPayload,
gerritPostUrl ]
def proc = curl.execute()
def sout = new StringBuffer(), serr = new StringBuffer()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
def curlExit = proc.exitValue()
if(curlExit != 0) {
println "$curl ** FAILED ** with exit code $curlExit"
if(!serr.toString().trim().isEmpty()) {
println "--- ERROR ---"
println serr
return curlExit
// Set a change to verified +1/-1
// Parameters:
// changeNum: number of the change to mark as verified
// sha1: SHA-1 sum of the commit to mark as verified
// verified: +1/-1 value for the verified flag on Gerrit
def gerritReview(changeNum, sha1, verified) {
if(verified == 0) {
def addReviewerExit = gerritPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/reviewers", '{ "reviewer" : "' +
Globals.gerritReviewer + '" }')
if(addReviewerExit != 0) {
println "**** ERROR: cannot add myself as reviewer of change " + changeNum + " *****"
return addReviewerExit
def jsonPayload = '{"labels":{"Code-Review":0,"Verified":' + verified + '},' +
' "notify" : "' + (verified < 0 ? "OWNER":"NONE") + '" }'
def addVerifiedExit = gerritPost("a/changes/" + changeNum + "/revisions/" + sha1 + "/review",
if(addVerifiedExit == 0) {
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
println "Gerrit Review: Verified=" + verified + " to change " + changeNum + "/" + sha1
println "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
return addVerifiedExit
// Add a comment without notifying everybody on the change.
// buildUrl: URL of the build corresponding to that message
// changeNum: change to comment on
// sha1: SHA-1 of the commit to comment on
// msgPrefix: the prefix of the message, the result message will be: <msgPrefix> Bazel CI: <buildUrl>
def gerritComment(buildUrl,changeNum, sha1, msgPrefix) {
return gerritPost("a/changes/$changeNum/revisions/$sha1/review",
"{\"message\": \"$msgPrefix Bazel CI: $buildUrl\", \"notify\" : \"NONE\" }")
// Wait for build to finish and return the result of the build.
def waitForResult(build) {
def result = null
def startWait = System.currentTimeMillis()
while(result == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startWait) < Globals.waitForResultTimeout) {
result = build.getResult()
if(result == null) {
Thread.sleep(100) {
return result == null ? Result.FAILURE : result
// Convert a build result from Jenkins into a +1/-1/0 for verification bit in Gerrit.
def getVerified(result) {
if(result == null) {
return 0;
switch(result) {
case Result.SUCCESS:
return +1;
case Result.FAILURE:
case Result.UNSTABLE:
return -1;
return 0;
// Build the jobs associated to a given change.
// This will build all jobs associated to the project the change is submitted to and
// set the verification status: +1 if all build succeed, 0 or -1 if one build
// is interrupted/failed (it stops after the first non successfull build).
def buildChange(change) {
def sha1 = change.current_revision
def changeNum = change._number
def revision = change.revisions.get(sha1)
def ref = revision.ref
def patchNum = revision._number
def branch = change.branch
def changeUrl = Globals.gerrit + "#/c/" + changeNum + "/" + patchNum
def refspec = "+" + ref + ":" + ref.replaceAll('ref/', 'ref/remotes/origin/')
def jobs = Globals.gerritJobs.findAll{job -> job.description.contains("Gerrit project: " + change.project + ".\n")}
if (!jobs.empty) {
println "Building Change " + changeUrl
def result = null
for (job in jobs) {
def b = build(, REFSPEC: refspec, BRANCH: sha1, CHANGE_URL: changeUrl)
result = waitForResult(b)
gerritComment(b.getBuildUrl(), change._number, change.current_revision,
"Build for job " + + " finished with status " + result + " on ")
if (result != Result.SUCCESS) {
} else {
gerritComment(build.startJob.getBuildUrl() + "console",change._number,change.current_revision,"Verification skipped (no job) by ")
// The main loop
// Get information from the last build
def lastBuild = build.getPreviousBuild()
def logOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
if(lastBuild != null) {
def lastLog = new String(logOut.toByteArray())
def lastBuildStartTimeMillis = lastBuild == null ?
(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1800000) : lastBuild.getStartTimeInMillis()
def sinceMillis = lastBuildStartTimeMillis - 30000
def since = Globals.tsFormat.format(new Date(sinceMillis))
if(lastBuild != null) {
println "Last build was " + lastBuild.toString()
// Get open gerrit changes
def gerritQuery = "status:open since:\"" + since + "\""
def requestedChangeId = params.get("CHANGE_ID")
def processAll = requestedChangeId.equals("ALL")
queryUrl = processAll ?
new URL(Globals.gerrit + "changes/?pp=0&o=DETAILED_LABELS&o=CURRENT_REVISION&n=" + Globals.maxChanges + "&q=" + gerritQuery.encodeURL()) :
new URL(Globals.gerrit + "changes/?pp=0&o=DETAILED_LABELS&o=CURRENT_REVISION&q=" + requestedChangeId)
def changes = queryUrl.getText().substring(5)
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def changesJson = jsonSlurper.parseText(changes)
// Accept change that have been marked verified and not yet processed
def acceptedChanges = changesJson.findAll {
change ->
sha1 = change.current_revision
if(processAll && lastLog.contains(sha1)
&& !lastLog.contains("Nobody has approved commit " + sha1)) {
println "Skipping SHA1 " + sha1 + " because has been already built by " + lastBuild
return false
def verified = change.labels.Verified
if (verified != null) {
// This one has the verified label, let's try to test it
def approved = verified.all.findAll({x -> x.value == 1}).collect({x -> x._account_id})
def rejected = verified.all.findAll({x -> x.value == -1}).collect({x -> x._account_id})
if (processAll && approved && Globals.myAccountId in approved) {
println "I have already approved commit " + sha1 + " of change " + change._number + ": SKIPPING"
return false
} else if (processAll && rejected && Globals.myAccountId in rejected) {
println "I have already rejected commit " + sha1 + " of change " + change._number + ": SKIPPING"
return false
} else if (!approved) {
println "Nobody has approved commit " + sha1 + " of change " + change._number + ": SKIPPING"
return false
} else {
gerritComment(build.startJob.getBuildUrl() + "console",change._number,change.current_revision,"Verification queued on")
return true
println "Gerrit has " + acceptedChanges.size() + " change(s) since " + since
println "================================================================================"
// And finally build accepted changes
for (change in acceptedChanges) {