tree: 5fd787f36af5ad46b6368aaf14bdfa42ac6182ca [path history] [tgz]

BCR Postsubmit is a script used for Bazel Central Registry (BCR) postsubmit operations. It synchronizes the bazel_registry.json and the modules/ directory from the main branch of the Bazel Central Registry to the BCR's public cloud storage bucket.

BCR Presubmit is a script used for Bazel Central Registry (BCR) presubmit operations. This script primarily handles the preparation and execution of tests for new modules or updated versions of modules being added to the Bazel Central Registry.

This script powers the BCR Presubmit pipeline.

BCR Bazel Compatibility Test is a script used for testing compatibility between any versions of Bazel and BCR modules, and optionally with given incompatible flags.

A new build can be triggered via the BCR Bazel Compatibility Test pipeline with the following environment variables:

  • MODULE_SELECTIONS: (Mandatory) A comma-separated list of module patterns to be tested in the format <module_pattern>@<version_pattern>. A module is selected if it matches any of the given patterns.

    The <module_pattern> can include wildcards (*) to match multiple modules (e.g. rules_*).

    The <version_pattern> can be:

    • A specific version (e.g. 1.2.3)
    • latest to select the latest version
    • A comparison operator followed by a version (e.g. >=1.0.0, <2.0.0)

    Examples: rules_cc@0.0.13,rules_java@latest, rules_*@latest, protobuf@<29.0-rc1

  • SMOKE_TEST_PERCENTAGE: (Optional) Specifies a percentage of selected modules to be randomly sampled for smoke testing.

    For example, if MODULE_SELECTIONS=rules_*@latest and SMOKE_TEST_PERCENTAGE=10, then 10% of modules with name starting with rules_ will be randomly selected.

  • USE_BAZEL_VERSION: (Optional) Specifies the Bazel version to be used. The script will override Bazel version for all task configs.

  • USE_BAZELISK_MIGRATE: (Optional) Set this env var to 1 to enable testing incompatible flags with Bazelisk's --migrate feature. A report will be generated for the pipeline if this feature is enabled.

  • INCOMPATIBLE_FLAGS: (Optional) Specifies the list of incompatible flags to be tested with Bazelisk. By default incompatible flags are fetched by parsing titles of open Bazel Github issues with incompatible-change and migration-ready labels. Make sure the Bazel version you select support those flags.

  • CI_RESOURCE_PERCENTAGE: (Optional) Specifies the percentage of CI machine resources to use for running tests. Default is 30%. ATTENTION: please do NOT overwhelm CI during busy hours.