blob: 04f7c13da64491d9fcafb4a7f21bed1e02f3b7db [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use anyhow::Result;
use ir::*;
use ir_testing::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
// TODO(mboehme): If we start needing to match on parts of the IR in tests,
// check out the crate
fn assert_cc_produces_ir(cc_src: &str, mut expected: IR) {
let actual = ir_from_cc(cc_src).unwrap();
// ir_from_cc() always sets `used_headers` this way, so add it to the
// expected IR.
expected.used_headers = vec![HeaderName { name: "test/testing_header_0.h".to_string() }];
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
fn test_function() {
"int Add(int a, int b);",
IR {
items: vec![Item::Func(Func {
name: UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(ir_id("Add")),
mangled_name: "_Z3Addii".to_string(),
doc_comment: None,
return_type: ir_int(),
params: vec![ir_int_param("a"), ir_int_param("b")],
is_inline: false,
member_func_metadata: None,
fn test_doc_comment() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
/// Doc comment
/// * with three slashes
struct DocCommentSlashes {};
//! Doc comment
//! * with slashes and bang
struct DocCommentBang {};
/** Multiline comment
* with two stars */
struct MultilineCommentTwoStars {};
// Line comment
// * with two slashes
struct LineComment {};
/* Multiline comment
* with one star */
struct MultilineOneStar {};
let comments: HashMap<_, _> = ir
.map(|r| (r.identifier.identifier.as_str(), r.doc_comment.as_ref().unwrap()))
assert_eq!(comments["DocCommentSlashes"], "Doc comment\n\n * with three slashes");
assert_eq!(comments["DocCommentBang"], "Doc comment\n\n * with slashes and bang");
// TODO(forster): The bullet point is not retained in this
// case. Instead we get the space at the end. Not sure if this
// can be fixed easily...
assert_eq!(comments["MultilineCommentTwoStars"], "Multiline comment\n\n with two stars ");
assert_eq!(comments["LineComment"], "Line comment\n\n * with two slashes");
// TODO(forster): The bullet point is not retained in this
// case. Instead we get the space at the end. Not sure if this
// can be fixed easily...
assert_eq!(comments["MultilineOneStar"], "Multiline comment\n\n with one star ");
fn test_type_conversion() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
struct S {
bool b;
char c;
unsigned char uc;
signed char sc;
char16_t c16;
char32_t c32;
wchar_t wc;
short s;
int i;
long l;
long long ll;
unsigned short us;
unsigned int ui;
unsigned long ul;
unsigned long long ull;
signed short ss;
signed int si;
signed long sl;
signed long long sll;
int8_t i8;
int16_t i16;
int32_t i32;
int64_t i64;
uint8_t u8;
uint16_t u16;
uint32_t u32;
uint64_t u64;
ptrdiff_t pt;
size_t st;
intptr_t ip;
uintptr_t up;
float f;
double d;
let fields = ir.records().next().unwrap().fields.iter();
let type_mapping: HashMap<_, _> =|f| (,;
assert_eq!(type_mapping["bool"], "bool");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["char"], "i8");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["unsigned char"], "u8");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["signed char"], "i8");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["char16_t"], "u16");
// We cannot map C++ char32_t or wchar_t to Rust char,
// because Rust requires that chars are valid UTF scalar values.
assert_eq!(type_mapping["char32_t"], "u32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["wchar_t"], "i32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["short"], "i16");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int"], "i32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["long"], "i64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["long long"], "i64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["unsigned short"], "u16");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["unsigned int"], "u32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["unsigned long"], "u64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["unsigned long long"], "u64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["short"], "i16");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int"], "i32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["long"], "i64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["long long"], "i64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int8_t"], "i8");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int16_t"], "i16");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int32_t"], "i32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["int64_t"], "i64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["uint8_t"], "u8");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["uint16_t"], "u16");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["uint32_t"], "u32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["uint64_t"], "u64");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["ptrdiff_t"], "isize");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["size_t"], "usize");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["intptr_t"], "isize");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["uintptr_t"], "usize");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["float"], "f32");
assert_eq!(type_mapping["double"], "f64");
fn test_member_function_params() {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
struct Struct {
void Foo(int x, int y);
let foo_func =
ir.functions().find(|f| == UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(ir_id("Foo"))).unwrap();
let param_names: Vec<_> = foo_func.params.iter().map(|p| &p.identifier.identifier).collect();
assert_eq!(param_names, vec!["__this", "x", "y"]);
fn assert_member_function_has_instance_method_metadata(
name: &str,
definition: &str,
expected_metadata: &Option<ir::InstanceMethodMetadata>,
) {
let mut file = String::new();
file += "struct Struct {\n ";
file += definition;
file += "\n};";
let ir = ir_from_cc(&file).unwrap();
let function =
ir.functions().find(|f| == UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(ir_id(name)));
let meta = function
.expect("Function not found")
.expect("Member function should specify member_func_metadata");
assert_eq!(&meta.for_type.identifier, "Struct");
assert_eq!(&meta.instance_method_metadata, expected_metadata);
fn test_member_function_static() {
"static void Function();",
fn test_member_function() {
"void Function();",
&Some(ir::InstanceMethodMetadata {
reference: ir::ReferenceQualification::Unqualified,
is_const: false,
is_virtual: false,
fn test_member_function_const() {
"void Function() const;",
&Some(ir::InstanceMethodMetadata {
reference: ir::ReferenceQualification::Unqualified,
is_const: true,
is_virtual: false,
// TODO(b/202853028): Support virtual functions.
fn test_member_function_virtual() {
let file = r#"
struct Struct {
virtual void Function();
let ir = ir_from_cc(file).unwrap();
for func in ir.functions() {
assert!( != UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(ir_id("Function")));
fn test_member_function_lvalue() {
"void Function() &;",
&Some(ir::InstanceMethodMetadata {
reference: ir::ReferenceQualification::LValue,
is_const: false,
is_virtual: false,
fn test_member_function_rvalue() {
"void Function() &&;",
&Some(ir::InstanceMethodMetadata {
reference: ir::ReferenceQualification::RValue,
is_const: false,
is_virtual: false,
fn get_func_names(definition: &str) -> Vec<ir::UnqualifiedIdentifier> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(definition).unwrap();
fn test_identifier_function_name() {
get_func_names("void Function();"),
vec![ir::UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(ir::Identifier {
identifier: "Function".into()
fn test_constructor_function_name() {
get_func_names("struct Struct {Struct();};"),
fn test_destructor_function_name() {
get_func_names("struct Struct {~Struct();};")