blob: 84d864a6d1a4b29030601ba8308678e82950c87b [file] [log] [blame]
"""C++ libraries that help work with Rust types."""
load("//common:crubit_wrapper_macros_oss.bzl", "crubit_cc_test")
package(default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"])
name = "rs_char",
hdrs = ["rs_char.h"],
# Enable bidirectional bindings (via crubit_internal_rust_type).
aspect_hints = ["//:experimental"],
visibility = [
# It is important to be thoughtful when adding new dependencies for `char`
# (and possibly other targets in this BUILD file). Using mature Abseil APIs
# seems okay - we should be able to assume that Crubit users have a version
# of Abseil that is relatively recent (although we can't rely on an
# exact version and/or exact absl/base/options.h).
deps = [
name = "rs_char_test",
srcs = [""],
deps = [