blob: 83faa10aa64143485b92919058d212aa9c04ca57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lifetime_analysis/lifetime_analysis.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "lifetime_analysis/builtin_lifetimes.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/object.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/object_repository.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/object_set.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/pointer_compatibility.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/points_to_map.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/function_lifetimes.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/lifetime.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/pointee_type.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/type_lifetimes.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/OperationKinds.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace lifetimes {
namespace {
class TransferStmtVisitor
: public clang::StmtVisitor<TransferStmtVisitor,
std::optional<std::string>> {
ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints, ObjectSet& single_valued_objects,
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*,
FunctionLifetimesOrError>& callee_lifetimes,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter)
: object_repository_(object_repository),
diag_reporter_(diag_reporter) {}
std::optional<std::string> VisitExpr(const clang::Expr* expr);
std::optional<std::string> VisitDeclRefExpr(
const clang::DeclRefExpr* decl_ref);
std::optional<std::string> VisitStringLiteral(
const clang::StringLiteral* strlit);
std::optional<std::string> VisitCastExpr(const clang::CastExpr* cast);
std::optional<std::string> VisitReturnStmt(
const clang::ReturnStmt* return_stmt);
std::optional<std::string> VisitDeclStmt(const clang::DeclStmt* decl_stmt);
std::optional<std::string> VisitUnaryOperator(const clang::UnaryOperator* op);
std::optional<std::string> VisitArraySubscriptExpr(
const clang::ArraySubscriptExpr* subscript);
std::optional<std::string> VisitBinaryOperator(
const clang::BinaryOperator* op);
std::optional<std::string> VisitConditionalOperator(
const clang::ConditionalOperator* op);
std::optional<std::string> VisitInitListExpr(
const clang::InitListExpr* init_list);
std::optional<std::string> VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(
const clang::MaterializeTemporaryExpr* temporary_expr);
std::optional<std::string> VisitMemberExpr(const clang::MemberExpr* member);
std::optional<std::string> VisitCXXThisExpr(
const clang::CXXThisExpr* this_expr);
std::optional<std::string> VisitCallExpr(const clang::CallExpr* call);
std::optional<std::string> VisitCXXConstructExpr(
const clang::CXXConstructExpr* construct_expr);
ObjectRepository& object_repository_;
PointsToMap& points_to_map_;
LifetimeConstraints& constraints_;
ObjectSet& single_valued_objects_;
const clang::FunctionDecl* func_;
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter_;
void GenerateConstraintsForSingleAssignment(const Object* oldp,
const Object* newp,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
if (oldp->GetFuncLifetimes().has_value() &&
newp->GetFuncLifetimes().has_value()) {
// The order of `newp` and `oldp` here may seem surprising. However, this
// can be thought of as: "I am assigning `newp` where before I had `oldp`,
// therefore `oldp` needs to be able to represent a call to whatever it is
// that `newp` represents, hence I need to generate constraints for
// replacing `newp` with `oldp`". At least this is why veluca@ thinks this
// is the correct order (the opposite order generates incorrect results).
*newp->GetFuncLifetimes(), *oldp->GetFuncLifetimes()));
constraints.AddOutlivesConstraint(oldp->GetLifetime(), newp->GetLifetime());
void GenerateConstraintsForAssignmentNonRecursive(
const ObjectSet& old_pointees, const ObjectSet& new_pointees,
bool is_in_invariant_context, LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
// The new pointees must always outlive the old pointees.
for (const Object* old : old_pointees) {
for (const Object* newp : new_pointees) {
GenerateConstraintsForSingleAssignment(old, newp, constraints);
// If we are in an invariant context, we need to insert constraints in the
// opposite direction too (i.e. we need equality).
if (is_in_invariant_context) {
for (const Object* old : old_pointees) {
for (const Object* newp : new_pointees) {
GenerateConstraintsForSingleAssignment(newp, old, constraints);
// TODO(veluca): this is quadratic.
void GenerateConstraintsForAssignmentRecursive(
const ObjectSet& pointers, const ObjectSet& new_pointees,
clang::QualType pointer_type, const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const PointsToMap& points_to_map, bool is_in_invariant_context,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints,
llvm::DenseSet<std::pair<const Object*, const Object*>>& seen_pairs) {
// Check for cycles.
size_t num_seen_pairs = seen_pairs.size();
for (auto pointer : pointers) {
for (auto pointee : new_pointees) {
seen_pairs.insert({pointer, pointee});
// All done: all the pairs we have were already seen.
if (num_seen_pairs == seen_pairs.size()) return;
if (pointer_type->isIncompleteType()) {
// Nothing we *can* do.
if (!pointer_type->isPointerType() && !pointer_type->isReferenceType()) {
// Nothing to do.
ObjectSet old_pointees = points_to_map.GetPointerPointsToSet(pointers);
old_pointees, new_pointees, is_in_invariant_context, constraints);
// See for an explanation of
// variance; here in particular, we use the fact that the pointee of a pointer
// is covariant if the pointer points to a const-qualified type, and invariant
// otherwise.
is_in_invariant_context = !pointer_type->getPointeeType().isConstQualified();
// Recurse in pointees. As the pointee might be of struct type, we need first
// to extract all field pointers from it.
struct RecursiveVisitInfo {
clang::QualType type;
ObjectSet old_pointees;
ObjectSet new_pointees;
std::vector<RecursiveVisitInfo> calls_to_make;
{pointer_type->getPointeeType(), old_pointees, new_pointees});
while (!calls_to_make.empty()) {
RecursiveVisitInfo call = std::move(calls_to_make.back());
if (call.type->isIncompleteType()) {
// Nothing we *can* do.
if (const auto* record_type = call.type->getAs<clang::RecordType>()) {
for (auto field : record_type->getDecl()->fields()) {
object_repository.GetFieldObject(call.old_pointees, field),
object_repository.GetFieldObject(call.new_pointees, field)});
if (auto* cxxrecord =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(record_type->getDecl())) {
for (const clang::CXXBaseSpecifier& base : cxxrecord->bases()) {
call.old_pointees, base.getType()),
call.new_pointees, base.getType())});
} else {
points_to_map.GetPointerPointsToSet(call.new_pointees), call.type,
object_repository, points_to_map, is_in_invariant_context,
constraints, seen_pairs);
void GenerateConstraintsForAssignment(const ObjectSet& pointers,
const ObjectSet& new_pointees,
clang::QualType pointer_type,
const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
llvm::DenseSet<std::pair<const Object*, const Object*>> seen_pairs;
// Outer-most pointers are never invariant.
pointers, new_pointees, pointer_type, object_repository, points_to_map,
/*is_in_invariant_context=*/false, constraints, seen_pairs);
void GenerateConstraintsForObjectLifetimeEquality(
const ObjectSet& a, const ObjectSet& b, const clang::QualType& type,
const PointsToMap& points_to_map, const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
a, b, /*is_in_invariant_context=*/true, constraints);
if (const auto* record_type = type->getAs<clang::RecordType>()) {
for (auto field : record_type->getDecl()->fields()) {
object_repository.GetFieldObject(a, field),
object_repository.GetFieldObject(b, field), field->getType(),
points_to_map, object_repository, constraints);
if (auto* cxxrecord =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(record_type->getDecl())) {
for (const clang::CXXBaseSpecifier& base : cxxrecord->bases()) {
object_repository.GetBaseClassObject(a, base.getType()),
object_repository.GetBaseClassObject(b, base.getType()),
base.getType(), points_to_map, object_repository, constraints);
} else if (!PointeeType(type).isNull()) {
points_to_map.GetPointerPointsToSet(b), PointeeType(type),
points_to_map, object_repository, constraints);
} // namespace
void HandlePointsToSetExtension(const ObjectSet& pointers,
const ObjectSet& new_pointees,
clang::QualType pointer_type,
const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
// Record types should not get to this point at all, as
// their initialization is done by constructor calls.
GenerateConstraintsForAssignment(pointers, new_pointees, pointer_type,
object_repository, points_to_map,
for (const Object* pointer : pointers) {
points_to_map.ExtendPointerPointsToSet(pointer, new_pointees);
void TransferInitializer(const Object* dest, clang::QualType type,
const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const clang::Expr* init_expr,
TargetPointeeBehavior pointee_behavior,
PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
type = type.getCanonicalType();
if (type->isArrayType()) {
type = type->castAsArrayTypeUnsafe()->getElementType();
// Initializer lists are handled one member/field at a time.
if (type->isRecordType()) {
if (auto init_list_expr = clang::dyn_cast<clang::InitListExpr>(init_expr)) {
// We assume that initializers are always the semantic form of
// InitListExpr.
size_t init = 0;
for (auto f : type->getAs<clang::RecordType>()->getDecl()->fields()) {
assert(init < init_list_expr->getNumInits());
auto field_init = init_list_expr->getInit(init);
TransferInitializer(object_repository.GetFieldObject(dest, f),
f->getType(), object_repository, field_init,
pointee_behavior, points_to_map, constraints);
if (type->isPointerType() || type->isReferenceType() ||
type->isStructureOrClassType()) {
ObjectSet init_points_to = points_to_map.GetExprObjectSet(init_expr);
if (pointee_behavior == TargetPointeeBehavior::kKeep) {
// It's important to use "Extend" (not "Set") here because we process
// initializers for member variables only _after_ the dataflow analysis
// has run.
HandlePointsToSetExtension({dest}, init_points_to, type,
object_repository, points_to_map, constraints);
} else {
points_to_map.SetPointerPointsToSet(dest, init_points_to);
LifetimeLattice LifetimeAnalysis::initialElement() {
return LifetimeLattice(object_repository_.InitialPointsToMap(),
std::string LifetimeAnalysis::ToString(const LifetimeLattice& state) {
return state.ToString();
bool LifetimeAnalysis::IsEqual(const LifetimeLattice& state1,
const LifetimeLattice& state2) {
return state1 == state2;
void LifetimeAnalysis::transfer(const clang::CFGElement& elt,
LifetimeLattice& state,
clang::dataflow::Environment& /*environment*/) {
if (state.IsError()) return;
auto cfg_stmt = elt.getAs<clang::CFGStmt>();
if (!cfg_stmt) return;
auto stmt = cfg_stmt->getStmt();
TransferStmtVisitor visitor(object_repository_, state.PointsTo(),
state.Constraints(), state.SingleValuedObjects(),
func_, callee_lifetimes_, diag_reporter_);
if (std::optional<std::string> err =
visitor.Visit(const_cast<clang::Stmt*>(stmt))) {
state = LifetimeLattice(*err);
namespace {
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitExpr(
const clang::Expr* expr) {
// Ensure that we don't attempt to analyze code that contains errors.
// This is triggered by TypoExpr and RecoveryExpr, but rather than handling
// these particular expression types individually, we just check
// Expr::containsErrors().
if (expr->containsErrors()) {
return "encountered an expression containing errors";
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitDeclRefExpr(
const clang::DeclRefExpr* decl_ref) {
auto* decl = decl_ref->getDecl();
if (!clang::isa<clang::VarDecl>(decl) &&
!clang::isa<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl)) {
return std::nullopt;
const Object* object = object_repository_.GetDeclObject(decl);
assert(decl_ref->isGLValue() || decl_ref->getType()->isBuiltinType());
clang::QualType type = decl->getType().getCanonicalType();
if (type->isReferenceType()) {
decl_ref, points_to_map_.GetPointerPointsToSet(object));
} else {
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(decl_ref, {object});
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitStringLiteral(
const clang::StringLiteral* strlit) {
strlit, {object_repository_.GetStringLiteralObject()});
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitCastExpr(
const clang::CastExpr* cast) {
switch (cast->getCastKind()) {
case clang::CK_LValueToRValue: {
if (cast->getType()->isPointerType()) {
// Converting from a glvalue to a prvalue means that we need to perform
// a dereferencing operation because the objects associated with
// glvalues and prvalues have different meanings:
// - A glvalue is associated with the object identified by the glvalue.
// - A prvalue is only associated with an object if the prvalue is of
// pointer type; the object it is associated with is the object the
// pointer points to.
// See also documentation for PointsToMap.
ObjectSet points_to = points_to_map_.GetPointerPointsToSet(
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(cast, points_to);
case clang::CK_NullToPointer: {
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(cast, {});
// These casts are just no-ops from a Object point of view.
case clang::CK_FunctionToPointerDecay:
case clang::CK_BuiltinFnToFnPtr:
case clang::CK_ArrayToPointerDecay:
case clang::CK_UserDefinedConversion:
// Note on CK_UserDefinedConversion: The actual conversion happens in a
// CXXMemberCallExpr that is a subexpression of this CastExpr. The
// CK_UserDefinedConversion is just used to mark the fact that this is a
// user-defined conversion; it's therefore a no-op for our purposes.
case clang::CK_NoOp: {
clang::QualType type = cast->getType().getCanonicalType();
if (type->isPointerType() || cast->isGLValue()) {
cast, points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(cast->getSubExpr()));
case clang::CK_DerivedToBase:
case clang::CK_UncheckedDerivedToBase:
case clang::CK_BaseToDerived:
case clang::CK_Dynamic: {
// These need to be mapped to what the subexpr points to.
// (Simple cases just work okay with this; may need to be revisited when
// we add more inheritance support.)
ObjectSet points_to = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(cast->getSubExpr());
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(cast, points_to);
case clang::CK_BitCast:
case clang::CK_LValueBitCast:
case clang::CK_IntegralToPointer: {
// We don't support analyzing functions that perform a reinterpret_cast.
"cannot infer lifetimes because function uses a type-unsafe cast",
diag_reporter_(cast->getBeginLoc(), "type-unsafe cast occurs here",
return "type-unsafe cast prevents analysis";
default: {
if (cast->isGLValue() ||
cast->getType().getCanonicalType()->isPointerType()) {
llvm::errs() << "Unknown cast type:\n";
// No-noop casts of pointer types are not handled yet.
llvm::report_fatal_error("unknown cast type encountered");
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitReturnStmt(
const clang::ReturnStmt* return_stmt) {
clang::QualType return_type = func_->getReturnType();
// We only need to handle pointers and references.
// For record types, initialization of the return value has already been
// handled in VisitCXXConstructExpr() or VisitInitListExpr(), so nothing
// to do here.
if (!return_type->isPointerType() && !return_type->isReferenceType()) {
return std::nullopt;
const clang::Expr* ret_expr = return_stmt->getRetValue();
// This occurs when computing `ret_expr`s result includes creating temporary
// objects with destructors. We want to find the value to be returned inside
// the ExprWithCleanups.
// The PointsToMap::GetExprObjectSet() function could do this but it doesn't
// understand the context from which it is being called. This operation needs
// to be done only in cases where we are leaving scope - that is, the return
// statement. And the return statement also needs to look for initializers in
// its sub expressions, after looking inside ExprWithCleanups.
// That means GetExprObjectSet() would need to also look for initializers but
// we don't want to do this on every call to GetExprObjectSet().
if (auto cleanups = clang::dyn_cast<clang::ExprWithCleanups>(ret_expr)) {
ret_expr = cleanups->getSubExpr();
ObjectSet expr_points_to = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(ret_expr);
{object_repository_.GetReturnObject()}, expr_points_to, return_type,
object_repository_, points_to_map_, constraints_);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitDeclStmt(
const clang::DeclStmt* decl_stmt) {
for (const clang::Decl* decl : decl_stmt->decls()) {
if (const auto* var_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(decl)) {
const Object* var_object = object_repository_.GetDeclObject(var_decl);
// Don't need to record initializers because initialization has already
// happened in VisitCXXConstructExpr(), VisitInitListExpr(), or
// VisitCallExpr().
if (var_decl->hasInit() && !var_decl->getType()->isRecordType()) {
TransferInitializer(var_object, var_decl->getType(), object_repository_,
var_decl->getInit(), TargetPointeeBehavior::kIgnore,
points_to_map_, constraints_);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitUnaryOperator(
const clang::UnaryOperator* op) {
if (!op->isGLValue() && !op->getType()->isPointerType() &&
!op->getType()->isArrayType()) {
return std::nullopt;
ObjectSet sub_points_to = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getSubExpr());
// Maybe surprisingly, the code here doesn't do any actual address-taking or
// dereferencing.
// This is because AddrOf and Deref really only do a reinterpretation:
// - AddrOf reinterprets a glvalue of type T as a prvalue of type T*
// - Deref reinterprets an prvalue of type T* as a glvalue of type T
// (See also the assertions below.)
// The actual dereferencing happens in the LValueToRValue CastExpr,
// see TransferCastExpr().
switch (op->getOpcode()) {
case clang::UO_AddrOf:
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(op, sub_points_to);
case clang::UO_Deref:
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(op, sub_points_to);
case clang::UO_PostInc:
case clang::UO_PostDec:
op, points_to_map_.GetPointerPointsToSet(sub_points_to));
case clang::UO_PreInc:
case clang::UO_PreDec:
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(op, sub_points_to);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitArraySubscriptExpr(
const clang::ArraySubscriptExpr* subscript) {
// For our purposes here, a subscripting operation is equivalent to a
// dereference on its base - we don't make a distinction between different
// lifetimes in an array. This effectively merges the points-to sets of all
// elements in the array. See [/docs/](/docs/ for why we
// don't track individual array elements.
ObjectSet sub_points_to =
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(subscript, sub_points_to);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitBinaryOperator(
const clang::BinaryOperator* op) {
switch (op->getOpcode()) {
case clang::BO_Assign: {
ObjectSet lhs_points_to = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getLHS());
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(op, lhs_points_to);
// Because of how we handle reference-like structs, a member access to a
// non-reference-like field in a struct might still produce lifetimes. We
// don't want to change points-to sets in those cases.
if (!op->getLHS()->getType()->isPointerType()) break;
ObjectSet rhs_points_to = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getRHS());
// We can overwrite (instead of extend) the destination points-to-set
// only in very specific circumstances:
// - We need to know unambiguously what the LHS refers to, so that we
// know we're definitely writing to a particular object, and
// - That destination object needs to be "single-valued" (see docstring of
// LifetimeLattice::SingleValuedObjects for the definition of this
// term).
if (lhs_points_to.size() == 1 &&
single_valued_objects_.Contains(*lhs_points_to.begin())) {
// Replacing the points-to-set entirely does not generate any
// constraints.
points_to_map_.SetPointerPointsToSet(lhs_points_to, rhs_points_to);
} else {
HandlePointsToSetExtension(lhs_points_to, rhs_points_to,
op->getLHS()->getType(), object_repository_,
points_to_map_, constraints_);
case clang::BO_Add:
case clang::BO_Sub: {
// Pointer arithmetic.
// We are only interested in the case in which exactly one of the two
// operands is a pointer (in particular we want to exclude int* - int*).
if (op->getLHS()->getType()->isPointerType() ^
op->getRHS()->getType()->isPointerType()) {
if (op->getLHS()->getType()->isPointerType()) {
op, points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getLHS()));
} else {
op, points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getRHS()));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitConditionalOperator(
const clang::ConditionalOperator* op) {
clang::QualType type = op->getType().getCanonicalType();
if (op->isGLValue() || type->isPointerType()) {
// It is possible that either of the expressions may not have an ObjectSet
// if the node is pruned as it is considered unreachable.
assert(points_to_map_.ExprHasObjectSet(op->getTrueExpr()) ||
ObjectSet points_to_true =
? points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getTrueExpr())
: ObjectSet();
ObjectSet points_to_false =
? points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(op->getFalseExpr())
: ObjectSet();
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(op, points_to_true.Union(points_to_false));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitInitListExpr(
const clang::InitListExpr* init_list) {
if (init_list->isSyntacticForm()) {
// We are only interested in the semantic form, which is fully realized,
// and is the one considered to be the initializer.
return std::nullopt;
if (IsInitExprInitializingARecordObject(init_list)) {
if (init_list->isTransparent()) {
// A transparent initializer list does nothing, the actual initializer
// terminating expression is within, and has already transferred lifetimes
// up to the object being initialized.
return std::nullopt;
// The object set for each field should be pointing to the initializers.
const Object* init_object =
TransferInitializer(init_object, init_list->getType(), object_repository_,
init_list, TargetPointeeBehavior::kKeep, points_to_map_,
} else {
// If the InitListExpr is not initializing a record object, we assume it's
// initializing an array or a reference and hence associate the InitListExpr
// with the union of the points-to sets of the initializers (as the analysis
// is array-insensitive).
ObjectSet targets;
for (clang::Expr* expr : init_list->inits()) {
// If we are constructing an initializer list of non-pointer types, we
// don't need to do anything here. Note that initializer list elements
// must all have the same type in this case.
if (PointeeType(expr->getType()).isNull() && !expr->isGLValue()) {
return std::nullopt;
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(init_list, std::move(targets));
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitMaterializeTemporaryExpr(
const clang::MaterializeTemporaryExpr* temporary_expr) {
const Object* temp_object =
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(temporary_expr, {temp_object});
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitMemberExpr(
const clang::MemberExpr* member) {
ObjectSet struct_points_to =
if (const auto* method =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(member->getMemberDecl())) {
// It doesn't really make sense to associate an object set with a non-static
// member function.
// If the member function is being called, we're not interested in its
// "value" anyway. If the non-static member function is used outside of a
// function call, then, it's a pointer-to-member, but those aren't
// really pointers anyway, and we'll need special treatment for them.
if (method->isStatic()) {
member, {object_repository_.GetDeclObject(method)});
return std::nullopt;
auto field = clang::dyn_cast<clang::FieldDecl>(member->getMemberDecl());
if (field == nullptr) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("indirect member access is not supported yet");
ObjectSet expr_points_to =
object_repository_.GetFieldObject(struct_points_to, field);
if (field->getType()->isReferenceType()) {
expr_points_to = points_to_map_.GetPointerPointsToSet(expr_points_to);
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(member, expr_points_to);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitCXXThisExpr(
const clang::CXXThisExpr* this_expr) {
std::optional<const Object*> this_object = object_repository_.GetThisObject();
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(this_expr, ObjectSet{this_object.value()});
return std::nullopt;
namespace {
void ConstrainFunctionLifetimesForCall(
const FunctionLifetimes& callee_lifetimes,
const FunctionLifetimes& placeholder_lifetimes,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
// We handle function calls as follows:
// - We create a placeholder FunctionLifetimes for each call location, meant
// to indicate the concrete lifetimes that the callee is instantiated with for
// that specific call.
// - When we analyze the call, we constrain the concrete lifetimes so that
// they are compatible with the lifetimes of the arguments.
// - We then constrain the placeholder lifetimes so that the actual callee
// could be used in place of the placeholder callee.
// - As a consequence, the lifetimes of the return object are also constrained
// correctly (ie. in such a way that they are compatible with the callee and
// the call arguments).
// TODO(veluca): this code assumes that the lifetime of variables cannot
// change across function call boundaries. It is not an intrinsic limitation
// (could potentially be resolved by updating the PointsToMap after the fact,
// or - even better - by converting the entire CFG into SSA form), but for
// simplicity we are leaving things as they are for now; if real-world usage
// shows this to be an important limitation, we should revisit this decision.
callee_lifetimes, placeholder_lifetimes));
} // namespace
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitCallExpr(
const clang::CallExpr* call) {
struct CalleeInfo {
bool is_member_operator;
FunctionLifetimes lifetimes;
// Type of the function being called. Note that this might not know anything
// about the `this` argument for non-static methods.
const clang::FunctionProtoType* type;
llvm::SmallVector<CalleeInfo, 1> callees;
auto add_callee_from_decl =
[&callees, call,
this](const clang::FunctionDecl* decl) -> std::optional<std::string> {
const FunctionLifetimesOrError& callee_lifetimes_or_error =
GetFunctionLifetimes(decl, callee_lifetimes_);
if (!std::holds_alternative<FunctionLifetimes>(callee_lifetimes_or_error)) {
// Note: It is possible that this does not have an entry if the function
// is not analyzed (because its body is not defined in this TU). If this
// happens, we currently bail without analyzing further.
return "No lifetimes for callee '" + decl->getNameAsString() + "': " +
FunctionLifetimes callee_lifetimes =
bool is_member_operator = clang::isa<clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr>(call) &&
CalleeInfo{is_member_operator, callee_lifetimes,
return std::nullopt;
const clang::FunctionDecl* direct_callee = call->getDirectCallee();
if (direct_callee) {
// This code path is needed for non-static member functions, as those don't
// have an `Object` for their callees.
if (auto err = add_callee_from_decl(direct_callee); err.has_value()) {
return err;
} else {
const clang::Expr* callee = call->getCallee();
for (const auto& object : points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(callee)) {
if (const std::optional<FunctionLifetimes>& func_lifetimes =
func_lifetimes.has_value()) {
{.is_member_operator = false,
.lifetimes = *func_lifetimes,
.type = object->Type()->getAs<clang::FunctionProtoType>()});
for (const CalleeInfo& callee : callees) {
callee.lifetimes, object_repository_.GetCallExprVirtualLifetimes(call),
for (size_t i = callee.is_member_operator ? 1 : 0; i < call->getNumArgs();
i++) {
// We can't just use SetPointerPointsToSet here because call->getArg(i)
// might not have an ObjectSet (for example for integer constants); it
// also may be needed for struct initialization.
// Note that we don't need to worry about possibly extending the
// PointsToSet more than needed, as dataflow analysis relies on points-to
// sets never shrinking.
object_repository_.GetCallExprArgumentObject(call, i),
callee.type->getParamType(callee.is_member_operator ? i - 1 : i),
object_repository_, call->getArg(i), TargetPointeeBehavior::kKeep,
points_to_map_, constraints_);
std::optional<ObjectSet> this_object_set;
if (callee.is_member_operator) {
this_object_set = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(call->getArg(0));
} else if (const auto* member_call =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr>(call)) {
this_object_set = points_to_map_.GetExprObjectSet(
if (this_object_set.has_value()) {
const Object* this_ptr = object_repository_.GetCallExprThisPointer(call);
HandlePointsToSetExtension({this_ptr}, *this_object_set, this_ptr->Type(),
object_repository_, points_to_map_,
if (IsInitExprInitializingARecordObject(call)) {
const Object* init_object = object_repository_.GetInitializedObject(call);
{init_object}, {object_repository_.GetCallExprRetObject(call)},
init_object->Type(), points_to_map_, object_repository_, constraints_);
} else {
ObjectSet ret_pts = points_to_map_.GetPointerPointsToSet(
// SetExprObjectSet will assert-fail if `call` does not have a type that can
// have an object set; this `if` guards against that.
if (!ret_pts.empty()) {
points_to_map_.SetExprObjectSet(call, ret_pts);
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<std::string> TransferStmtVisitor::VisitCXXConstructExpr(
const clang::CXXConstructExpr* construct_expr) {
const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* constructor =
const FunctionLifetimesOrError& callee_lifetimes_or_error =
if (!std::holds_alternative<FunctionLifetimes>(callee_lifetimes_or_error)) {
return "No lifetimes for constructor " + constructor->getNameAsString();
const FunctionLifetimes& callee_lifetimes =
// We check <= instead of == because of default arguments.
assert(construct_expr->getNumArgs() <= constructor->getNumParams());
for (size_t i = 0; i < construct_expr->getNumArgs(); i++) {
object_repository_.GetCXXConstructExprArgumentObject(construct_expr, i),
constructor->getParamDecl(i)->getType(), object_repository_,
construct_expr->getArg(i), TargetPointeeBehavior::kKeep, points_to_map_,
// Handle the `this` parameter, which should point to the object getting
// initialized.
constructor->getThisType(), object_repository_, points_to_map_,
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace
} // namespace lifetimes
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang