blob: d0874ea2db8c6c1eb3d5f573fd245dad49e7332d [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/importer.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "absl/log/log.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "common/status_macros.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/type_lifetimes.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ast_util.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/bazel_types.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ir.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclFriend.h"
#include "clang/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "clang/AST/RawCommentList.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
namespace crubit {
namespace {
constexpr absl::string_view kTypeStatusPayloadUrl =
// Checks if the return value from `GetDeclItem` indicates that the import was
// successful.
absl::Status CheckImportStatus(const std::optional<IR::Item>& item) {
if (!item.has_value()) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("The import has been skipped");
if (auto* unsupported = std::get_if<UnsupportedItem>(&*item)) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(unsupported->message);
return absl::OkStatus();
} // namespace
// A mapping of C++ standard types to their equivalent Rust types.
// To produce more idiomatic results, these types receive special handling
// instead of using the generic type mapping mechanism.
std::optional<absl::string_view> MapKnownCcTypeToRsType(
absl::string_view cc_type) {
static const auto* const kWellKnownTypes =
new absl::flat_hash_map<absl::string_view, absl::string_view>({
{"ptrdiff_t", "isize"},
{"intptr_t", "isize"},
{"size_t", "usize"},
{"uintptr_t", "usize"},
{"std::ptrdiff_t", "isize"},
{"std::intptr_t", "isize"},
{"std::size_t", "usize"},
{"std::uintptr_t", "usize"},
{"int8_t", "i8"},
{"int16_t", "i16"},
{"int32_t", "i32"},
{"int64_t", "i64"},
{"std::int8_t", "i8"},
{"std::int16_t", "i16"},
{"std::int32_t", "i32"},
{"std::int64_t", "i64"},
{"uint8_t", "u8"},
{"uint16_t", "u16"},
{"uint32_t", "u32"},
{"uint64_t", "u64"},
{"std::uint8_t", "u8"},
{"std::uint16_t", "u16"},
{"std::uint32_t", "u32"},
{"std::uint64_t", "u64"},
{"char16_t", "u16"},
{"char32_t", "u32"},
{"wchar_t", "i32"},
auto it = kWellKnownTypes->find(cc_type);
if (it == kWellKnownTypes->end()) return std::nullopt;
return it->second;
namespace {
// Converts clang::CallingConv enum [1] into an equivalent Rust Abi [2, 3, 4].
// [1]
// [2]
// [3]
// [4]
absl::StatusOr<absl::string_view> ConvertCcCallConvIntoRsAbi(
clang::CallingConv cc_call_conv) {
switch (cc_call_conv) {
case clang::CC_C: // __attribute__((cdecl))
// says
// that:
// - `extern "C"` [...] whatever the default your C compiler supports.
// - `extern "cdecl"` -- The default for x86_32 C code.
// We don't support C++ exceptions and therefore we use "C" (rather than
// "C-unwind") - we have no need for unwinding across the FFI boundary -
// e.g. from C++ into Rust frames (or vice versa).
return "C";
case clang::CC_X86FastCall: // __attribute__((fastcall))
// says
// that the fastcall ABI -- corresponds to MSVC's __fastcall and GCC and
// clang's __attribute__((fastcall)).
return "fastcall";
case clang::CC_X86VectorCall: // __attribute__((vectorcall))
// says
// that the vectorcall ABI -- corresponds to MSVC's __vectorcall and
// clang's __attribute__((vectorcall)).
return "vectorcall";
case clang::CC_X86ThisCall: // __attribute__((thiscall))
// We don't support C++ exceptions and therefore we use "thiscall" (rather
// than "thiscall-unwind") - we have no need for unwinding across the FFI
// boundary - e.g. from C++ into Rust frames (or vice versa).
return "thiscall";
case clang::CC_X86StdCall: // __attribute__((stdcall))
// says
// extern "stdcall" -- The default for the Win32 API on x86_32.
// We don't support C++ exceptions and therefore we use "stdcall" (rather
// than "stdcall-unwind") - we have no need for unwinding across the FFI
// boundary - e.g. from C++ into Rust frames (or vice versa).
return "stdcall";
case clang::CC_Win64: // __attribute__((ms_abi))
// says
// extern "win64" -- The default for C code on x86_64 Windows.
return "win64";
case clang::CC_AAPCS: // __attribute__((pcs("aapcs")))
case clang::CC_AAPCS_VFP: // __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp")))
// TODO(lukasza): Should both map to "aapcs"?
case clang::CC_X86_64SysV: // __attribute__((sysv_abi))
// TODO(lukasza): Maybe this is "sysv64"?
case clang::CC_X86Pascal: // __attribute__((pascal))
case clang::CC_X86RegCall: // __attribute__((regcall))
case clang::CC_IntelOclBicc: // __attribute__((intel_ocl_bicc))
case clang::CC_SpirFunction: // default for OpenCL functions on SPIR target
case clang::CC_OpenCLKernel: // inferred for OpenCL kernels
case clang::CC_Swift: // __attribute__((swiftcall))
case clang::CC_SwiftAsync: // __attribute__((swiftasynccall))
case clang::CC_PreserveMost: // __attribute__((preserve_most))
case clang::CC_PreserveAll: // __attribute__((preserve_all))
case clang::CC_AArch64VectorCall: // __attribute__((aarch64_vector_pcs))
// TODO(hlopko): Uncomment once we integrate the upstream change that
// introduced it:
// case clang::CC_AArch64SVEPCS: __attribute__((aarch64_sve_pcs))
// These don't seem to have any Rust equivalents.
return absl::UnimplementedError(
absl::StrCat("Unsupported calling convention: ",
} // namespace
// Multiple IR items can be associated with the same source location (e.g. the
// implicitly defined constructors and assignment operators). To produce
// deterministic output, we order such items based on GetDeclOrder. The order
// is somewhat arbitrary, but we still try to make it aesthetically pleasing
// (e.g. constructors go before assignment operators; default constructor goes
// first, etc.).
static int GetDeclOrder(const clang::Decl* decl) {
if (clang::isa<clang::RecordDecl>(decl)) {
return decl->getDeclContext()->isRecord() ? 101 : 100;
if (auto* ctor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(decl)) {
return ctor->isDefaultConstructor() ? 202
: ctor->isCopyConstructor() ? 203
: ctor->isMoveConstructor() ? 204
: 299;
if (clang::isa<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(decl)) {
return 306;
if (auto* method = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(decl)) {
return method->isCopyAssignmentOperator() ? 401
: method->isMoveAssignmentOperator() ? 402
: 499;
return 999;
class Importer::SourceOrderKey {
SourceOrderKey(clang::SourceRange source_range, int decl_order = 0,
std::string name = "")
: source_range_(source_range), decl_order_(decl_order), name_(name) {}
SourceOrderKey(const SourceOrderKey&) = default;
SourceOrderKey& operator=(const SourceOrderKey&) = default;
bool isBefore(const SourceOrderKey& other,
const clang::SourceManager& sm) const {
if (!source_range_.isValid() || !other.source_range_.isValid()) {
if (source_range_.isValid() != other.source_range_.isValid())
return !source_range_.isValid() && other.source_range_.isValid();
} else {
if (source_range_.getBegin() != other.source_range_.getBegin()) {
return sm.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(source_range_.getBegin(),
if (source_range_.getEnd() != other.source_range_.getEnd()) {
return sm.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(source_range_.getEnd(),
if (decl_order_ < other.decl_order_) {
return true;
} else if (decl_order_ > other.decl_order_) {
return false;
return name_ < other.name_;
clang::SourceRange source_range_;
int decl_order_;
std::string name_;
Importer::SourceOrderKey Importer::GetSourceOrderKey(
const clang::Decl* decl) const {
return SourceOrderKey(decl->getSourceRange(), GetDeclOrder(decl),
Importer::SourceOrderKey Importer::GetSourceOrderKey(
const clang::RawComment* comment) const {
return SourceOrderKey(comment->getSourceRange());
class Importer::SourceLocationComparator {
const bool operator()(const clang::SourceLocation& a,
const clang::SourceLocation& b) const {
return b.isValid() && a.isValid() && sm.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(a, b);
const bool operator()(const clang::RawComment* a,
const clang::SourceLocation& b) const {
return this->operator()(a->getBeginLoc(), b);
const bool operator()(const clang::SourceLocation& a,
const clang::RawComment* b) const {
return this->operator()(a, b->getBeginLoc());
const bool operator()(const clang::RawComment* a,
const clang::RawComment* b) const {
return this->operator()(a->getBeginLoc(), b->getBeginLoc());
using OrderedItemId = std::pair<SourceOrderKey, ItemId>;
using OrderedItem = std::pair<SourceOrderKey, IR::Item>;
template <typename OrderedItemOrId>
bool operator()(const OrderedItemOrId& a, const OrderedItemOrId& b) const {
auto a_source_order = a.first;
auto b_source_order = b.first;
return a_source_order.isBefore(b_source_order, sm);
SourceLocationComparator(const clang::SourceManager& sm) : sm(sm) {}
const clang::SourceManager& sm;
static std::vector<clang::Decl*> GetCanonicalChildren(
const clang::DeclContext* decl_context) {
std::vector<clang::Decl*> result;
for (clang::Decl* decl : decl_context->decls()) {
if (const auto* linkage_spec_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::LinkageSpecDecl>(decl)) {
// `CXXRecordDeclImporter::Import` supports class template specializations
// but such import should only be triggered when
// `Importer::ConvertTemplateSpecializationType` is called (which means that
// the specialization is actually used in an explicit instantiation via
// `cc_template!` macro, in a type alias, or as a parameter type of a
// function, etc.).
if (clang::isa<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) continue;
// In general we only import (and include as children) canonical decls.
// Namespaces are exempted to ensure that we process every one of
// (potential) multiple namespace blocks with the same name.
if (decl == decl->getCanonicalDecl() ||
clang::isa<clang::NamespaceDecl>(decl)) {
return result;
std::vector<ItemId> Importer::GetItemIdsInSourceOrder(
clang::Decl* parent_decl) {
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
std::vector<SourceLocationComparator::OrderedItemId> items;
auto compare_locations = SourceLocationComparator(sm);
// We are only interested in comments within this decl context.
std::vector<const clang::RawComment*> comments_in_range(
llvm::lower_bound(comments_, parent_decl->getBeginLoc(),
llvm::upper_bound(comments_, parent_decl->getEndLoc(),
std::map<clang::SourceLocation, const clang::RawComment*,
for (auto& comment : comments_in_range) {
ordered_comments.insert({comment->getBeginLoc(), comment});
absl::flat_hash_set<ItemId> visited_item_ids;
auto* decl_context = clang::cast<clang::DeclContext>(parent_decl);
for (auto decl : GetCanonicalChildren(decl_context)) {
auto item = GetDeclItem(decl);
// We generated IR for top level items coming from different targets,
// however we shouldn't generate bindings for them, so we don't add them
// to ir.top_level_item_ids.
if (decl_context->isTranslationUnit() && !IsFromCurrentTarget(decl))
// Only add item ids for decls that can be successfully imported.
if (item.has_value()) {
auto item_id = GenerateItemId(decl);
// TODO(rosica): Drop this check when we start importing also other
// redecls, not just the canonical
if (visited_item_ids.find(item_id) == visited_item_ids.end()) {
items.push_back({GetSourceOrderKey(decl), item_id});
// We remove comments attached to a child decl or that are within a child
// decl.
if (auto raw_comment = ctx_.getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(decl)) {
for (auto& [_, comment] : ordered_comments) {
items.push_back({GetSourceOrderKey(comment), GenerateItemId(comment)});
llvm::sort(items, compare_locations);
std::vector<ItemId> ordered_item_ids;
for (auto& ordered_item : items) {
return ordered_item_ids;
std::vector<ItemId> Importer::GetOrderedItemIdsOfTemplateInstantiations()
const {
std::vector<SourceLocationComparator::OrderedItemId> items;
for (const auto* decl : class_template_instantiations_for_current_target_) {
items.push_back({GetSourceOrderKey(decl), GenerateItemId(decl)});
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
auto compare_locations = SourceLocationComparator(sm);
llvm::sort(items, compare_locations);
std::vector<ItemId> ordered_item_ids;
for (const auto& ordered_item : items) {
return ordered_item_ids;
void Importer::ImportFreeComments() {
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
for (const auto& header : invocation_.entry_headers_) {
if (auto file = sm.getFileManager().getFile(header.IncludePath())) {
if (auto comments_in_file = ctx_.Comments.getCommentsInFile(
sm.getOrCreateFileID(*file, clang::SrcMgr::C_User))) {
for (const auto& [_, comment] : *comments_in_file) {
llvm::sort(comments_, SourceLocationComparator(sm));
void Importer::Import(clang::TranslationUnitDecl* translation_unit_decl) {
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
std::vector<SourceLocationComparator::OrderedItem> ordered_items;
for (auto& comment : comments_) {
Comment{.text = comment->getFormattedText(sm, sm.getDiagnostics()),
.id = GenerateItemId(comment)}});
for (const auto& [decl, item] : import_cache_) {
if (item.has_value()) {
if (std::holds_alternative<UnsupportedItem>(*item) &&
!IsFromCurrentTarget(decl)) {
ordered_items.push_back({GetSourceOrderKey(decl), *item});
llvm::sort(ordered_items, SourceLocationComparator(sm));
for (auto& ordered_item : ordered_items) {
invocation_.ir_.top_level_item_ids =
// TODO(b/222001243): Consider placing the generated template instantiations
// into a separate namespace (maybe `crubit::instantiated_templates` ?).
void Importer::ImportDeclsFromDeclContext(
const clang::DeclContext* decl_context) {
for (auto decl : GetCanonicalChildren(decl_context)) {
std::optional<IR::Item> Importer::GetDeclItem(clang::Decl* decl) {
// TODO: Move `decl->getCanonicalDecl()` from callers into here.
auto it = import_cache_.find(decl);
if (it == import_cache_.end()) {
it = import_cache_.insert({decl, ImportDecl(decl)}).first;
return it->second;
std::optional<IR::Item> Importer::ImportDecl(clang::Decl* decl) {
std::optional<IR::Item> result;
for (auto& importer : decl_importers_) {
if (importer->CanImport(decl)) {
result = importer->ImportDecl(decl);
if (auto* record_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(decl)) {
// TODO(forster): Should we even visit the nested decl if we couldn't
// import the parent? For now we have tests that check that we generate
// error messages for those decls, so we're visiting.
return result;
std::optional<IR::Item> Importer::GetImportedItem(const clang::Decl* decl) {
auto it = import_cache_.find(decl);
if (it != import_cache_.end()) {
return it->second;
return std::nullopt;
BazelLabel Importer::GetOwningTarget(const clang::Decl* decl) const {
// Template instantiations need to be generated in the target that triggered
// the instantiation (not in the target where the template is defined).
if (IsFullClassTemplateSpecializationOrChild(decl)) {
return invocation_.target_;
clang::SourceManager& source_manager = ctx_.getSourceManager();
auto source_location = decl->getLocation();
// If the header this decl comes from is not associated with a target we
// consider it a textual header. In that case we go up the include stack
// until we find a header that has an owning target.
while (source_location.isValid()) {
if (source_location.isMacroID()) {
source_location = source_manager.getExpansionLoc(source_location);
auto id = source_manager.getFileID(source_location);
llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> filename =
if (!filename) {
return BazelLabel("//:_nothing_should_depend_on_private_builtin_hdrs");
if (filename->startswith("./")) {
filename = filename->substr(2);
if (auto target = invocation_.header_target(HeaderName(filename->str()))) {
return *target;
source_location = source_manager.getIncludeLoc(id);
return BazelLabel("//:virtual_clang_resource_dir_target");
bool Importer::IsFromCurrentTarget(const clang::Decl* decl) const {
return invocation_.target_ == GetOwningTarget(decl);
IR::Item Importer::ImportUnsupportedItem(const clang::Decl* decl,
std::string error) {
std::string name = "unnamed";
if (const auto* named_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(decl)) {
name = named_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString();
SourceLoc source_loc = ConvertSourceLocation(decl->getBeginLoc());
return UnsupportedItem{.name = name,
.message = error,
.source_loc = source_loc,
.id = GenerateItemId(decl)};
IR::Item Importer::ImportUnsupportedItem(const clang::Decl* decl,
std::set<std::string> errors) {
return ImportUnsupportedItem(decl, absl::StrJoin(errors, "\n\n"));
static bool ShouldKeepCommentLine(absl::string_view line) {
// Based on
llvm::Regex patterns_to_ignore(
"^[[:space:]/]*" // Whitespace, or extra //
"(\\([^)[:space:]]*\\)?)?" // Optional (...)
"[[:space:]]*$"); // Whitespace
return !patterns_to_ignore.match(line);
llvm::Optional<std::string> Importer::GetComment(
const clang::Decl* decl) const {
// This does currently not distinguish between different types of comments.
// In general it is not possible in C++ to reliably only extract doc comments.
// This is going to be a heuristic that needs to be tuned over time.
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
clang::RawComment* raw_comment = ctx_.getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(decl);
if (raw_comment == nullptr) {
return {};
std::string raw_comment_text =
raw_comment->getFormattedText(sm, sm.getDiagnostics());
std::string cleaned_comment_text = absl::StrJoin(
absl::StrSplit(raw_comment_text, '\n', ShouldKeepCommentLine), "\n");
if (cleaned_comment_text.empty()) return {};
return cleaned_comment_text;
SourceLoc Importer::ConvertSourceLocation(clang::SourceLocation loc) const {
auto& sm = ctx_.getSourceManager();
clang::StringRef filename = sm.getFilename(loc);
if (filename.startswith("./")) {
filename = filename.substr(2);
return SourceLoc{.filename = filename.str(),
.line = sm.getSpellingLineNumber(loc),
.column = sm.getSpellingColumnNumber(loc)};
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> Importer::ConvertTemplateSpecializationType(
const clang::TemplateSpecializationType* type) {
// Qualifiers are handled separately in TypeMapper::ConvertQualType().
std::string type_string = clang::QualType(type, 0).getAsString();
auto* specialization_decl =
if (!specialization_decl) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::Substitute(
"Template specialization '$0' without an associated record decl "
"is not supported.",
if (HasBeenAlreadySuccessfullyImported(specialization_decl))
return ConvertTypeDecl(specialization_decl);
// `Sema::isCompleteType` will try to instantiate the class template as a
// side-effect and we rely on this here. `decl->getDefinition()` can
// return nullptr before the call to sema and return its definition
// afterwards.
// TODO(lukasza): Limit specialization depth? (e.g. using
// `isSpecializationDepthGreaterThan` from earlier prototypes).
absl::Status import_status =
if (!import_status.ok()) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(absl::Substitute(
"Failed to create bindings for template specialization type $0: $1",
type_string, import_status.message()));
// Store `specialization_decl`s so that they will get included in
// IR::top_level_item_ids.
return ConvertTypeDecl(specialization_decl);
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> Importer::ConvertTypeDecl(
const clang::TypeDecl* decl) const {
if (!HasBeenAlreadySuccessfullyImported(decl)) {
return absl::NotFoundError(absl::Substitute(
"No generated bindings found for '$0'", decl->getNameAsString()));
ItemId decl_id = GenerateItemId(decl);
return MappedType::WithDeclId(decl_id);
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> Importer::ConvertType(
const clang::Type* type,
std::optional<clang::tidy::lifetimes::ValueLifetimes>& lifetimes,
bool nullable) {
// Qualifiers are handled separately in ConvertQualType().
std::string type_string = clang::QualType(type, 0).getAsString();
if (auto maybe_mapped_type = MapKnownCcTypeToRsType(type_string);
maybe_mapped_type.has_value()) {
return MappedType::Simple(std::string(*maybe_mapped_type), type_string);
} else if (type->isPointerType() || type->isLValueReferenceType() ||
type->isRValueReferenceType()) {
clang::QualType pointee_type = type->getPointeeType();
std::optional<LifetimeId> lifetime;
if (lifetimes.has_value()) {
lifetime =
lifetimes = lifetimes->GetPointeeLifetimes().GetValueLifetimes();
if (const auto* func_type =
pointee_type->getAs<clang::FunctionProtoType>()) {
if (lifetime.has_value() &&
lifetime->value() !=
clang::tidy::lifetimes::Lifetime::Static().Id()) {
return absl::UnimplementedError(
absl::StrCat("Function pointers with non-'static lifetimes are "
"not supported: ",
clang::StringRef cc_call_conv =
absl::string_view rs_abi,
MappedType mapped_return_type,
ConvertQualType(func_type->getReturnType(), lifetimes));
std::vector<MappedType> mapped_param_types;
for (const clang::QualType& param_type : func_type->getParamTypes()) {
CRUBIT_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(MappedType mapped_param_type,
ConvertQualType(param_type, lifetimes));
if (type->isPointerType()) {
return MappedType::FuncPtr(cc_call_conv, rs_abi, lifetime,
} else {
return MappedType::FuncRef(cc_call_conv, rs_abi, lifetime,
CRUBIT_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(MappedType mapped_pointee_type,
ConvertQualType(pointee_type, lifetimes));
if (type->isPointerType()) {
return MappedType::PointerTo(std::move(mapped_pointee_type), lifetime,
} else if (type->isLValueReferenceType()) {
return MappedType::LValueReferenceTo(std::move(mapped_pointee_type),
} else {
if (!lifetime.has_value()) {
return absl::UnimplementedError(
"Unsupported type: && without lifetime");
return MappedType::RValueReferenceTo(std::move(mapped_pointee_type),
} else if (const auto* builtin_type =
// Use getAsAdjusted instead of getAs so we don't desugar
// typedefs.
type->getAsAdjusted<clang::BuiltinType>()) {
switch (builtin_type->getKind()) {
case clang::BuiltinType::Bool:
return MappedType::Simple("bool", "bool");
case clang::BuiltinType::Float:
return MappedType::Simple("f32", "float");
case clang::BuiltinType::Double:
return MappedType::Simple("f64", "double");
case clang::BuiltinType::Void:
return MappedType::Void();
if (builtin_type->isIntegerType()) {
auto size = ctx_.getTypeSize(builtin_type);
if (size == 8 || size == 16 || size == 32 || size == 64) {
return MappedType::Simple(
"$0$1", builtin_type->isSignedInteger() ? 'i' : 'u', size),
} else if (const auto* tag_type = type->getAsAdjusted<clang::TagType>()) {
return ConvertTypeDecl(tag_type->getDecl());
} else if (const auto* typedef_type =
type->getAsAdjusted<clang::TypedefType>()) {
return ConvertTypeDecl(typedef_type->getDecl());
} else if (const auto* tst_type =
type->getAs<clang::TemplateSpecializationType>()) {
return ConvertTemplateSpecializationType(tst_type);
} else if (const auto* subst_type =
type->getAs<clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType>()) {
return ConvertQualType(subst_type->getReplacementType(), lifetimes);
} else if (const auto* deduced_type = type->getAs<clang::DeducedType>()) {
// Deduction should have taken place earlier (e.g. via DeduceReturnType
// called from FunctionDeclImporter::Import).
return ConvertQualType(deduced_type->getDeducedType(), lifetimes);
return absl::UnimplementedError(absl::StrCat(
"Unsupported clang::Type class '", type->getTypeClassName(), "'"));
// Returns a QualType with leading ElaboratedType nodes removed.
// This is analogous to getDesugaredType but *only* removes ElaboratedType
// sugar.
static clang::QualType GetUnelaboratedType(clang::QualType qual_type,
clang::ASTContext& ast_context) {
clang::QualifierCollector qualifiers;
while (true) {
const clang::Type* type = qualifiers.strip(qual_type);
if (const auto* elaborated = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::ElaboratedType>(type)) {
qual_type = elaborated->getNamedType();
return ast_context.getQualifiedType(type, qualifiers);
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> Importer::ConvertQualType(
clang::QualType qual_type,
std::optional<clang::tidy::lifetimes::ValueLifetimes>& lifetimes,
bool nullable) {
qual_type = GetUnelaboratedType(std::move(qual_type), ctx_);
std::string type_string = qual_type.getAsString();
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> type =
ConvertType(qual_type.getTypePtr(), lifetimes, nullable);
if (!type.ok()) {
absl::Status error = absl::UnimplementedError(absl::Substitute(
"Unsupported type '$0': $1", type_string, type.status().message()));
error.SetPayload(kTypeStatusPayloadUrl, absl::Cord(type_string));
return error;
// Handle cv-qualification.
type->cc_type.is_const = qual_type.isConstQualified();
if (qual_type.isVolatileQualified()) {
return absl::UnimplementedError(
absl::StrCat("Unsupported `volatile` qualifier: ", type_string));
return type;
std::string Importer::GetMangledName(const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
if (auto record_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(named_decl)) {
// Mangled record names are used to 1) provide valid Rust identifiers for
// C++ template specializations, and 2) help build unique names for virtual
// upcast thunks.
llvm::SmallString<128> storage;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream buffer(storage);
mangler_->mangleTypeName(ctx_.getRecordType(record_decl), buffer);
// The Itanium mangler does not provide a way to get the mangled
// representation of a type. Instead, we call mangleTypeName() that
// returns the name of the RTTI typeinfo symbol, and remove the _ZTS
// prefix.
constexpr llvm::StringRef kZtsPrefix = "_ZTS";
CHECK(buffer.str().take_front(4) == kZtsPrefix);
llvm::StringRef mangled_record_name =
if (clang::isa<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(named_decl)) {
// We prepend __CcTemplateInst to reduce chances of conflict
// with regular C and C++ structs.
constexpr llvm::StringRef kCcTemplatePrefix = "__CcTemplateInst";
return llvm::formatv("{0}{1}", kCcTemplatePrefix, mangled_record_name);
return std::string(mangled_record_name);
clang::GlobalDecl decl;
// There are only three named decl types that don't work with the GlobalDecl
// unary constructor: GPU kernels (which do not exist in standard C++, so we
// ignore), constructors, and destructors. GlobalDecl does not support
// constructors and destructors from the unary constructor because there is
// more than one global declaration for a given constructor or destructor!
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Complete is a function which constructs / destroys the
// entire object. This is what we want. :)
// * Dtor_Deleting is a function which additionally calls operator delete.
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Base is a function which constructs/destroys the object but
// NOT including virtual base class subobjects.
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Comdat: I *believe* this is the identifier used to
// deduplicate inline functions, and is not callable.
// * Dtor_(Copying|Default)Closure: These only exist in the MSVC++ ABI,
// which we don't support for now. I don't know when they are used.
// It was hard to piece this together, so writing it down here to explain why
// we magically picked the *_Complete variants.
if (auto dtor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(named_decl)) {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(dtor, clang::CXXDtorType::Dtor_Complete);
} else if (auto ctor =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(named_decl)) {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(ctor, clang::CXXCtorType::Ctor_Complete);
} else {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(named_decl);
std::string name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(name);
mangler_->mangleName(decl, stream);
return name;
std::string Importer::GetNameForSourceOrder(const clang::Decl* decl) const {
// Implicit class template specializations and their methods all have the
// same source location. In order to provide deterministic order of the
// respective items in generated source code, we additionally use the
// mangled names when sorting the items.
if (auto* class_template_specialization_decl =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) {
return GetMangledName(class_template_specialization_decl);
} else if (auto* func_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionDecl>(decl)) {
return GetMangledName(func_decl);
} else if (auto* friend_decl = clang::dyn_cast<clang::FriendDecl>(decl)) {
if (auto* named_decl = friend_decl->getFriendDecl()) {
if (auto function_template_decl =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::FunctionTemplateDecl>(named_decl)) {
// Reach through the function template declaration for a function that
// can be mangled.
named_decl = function_template_decl->getTemplatedDecl();
return GetMangledName(named_decl);
} else {
// This FriendDecl names a type. We don't import those, so we don't have
// to assign a name.
return "";
} else {
return "";
std::optional<UnqualifiedIdentifier> Importer::GetTranslatedName(
const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
switch (named_decl->getDeclName().getNameKind()) {
case clang::DeclarationName::Identifier: {
auto name = std::string(named_decl->getName());
if (const clang::ParmVarDecl* param_decl =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::ParmVarDecl>(named_decl)) {
int param_pos = param_decl->getFunctionScopeIndex();
if (name.empty()) {
return {Identifier(absl::StrCat("__param_", param_pos))};
if (auto* sttpt = param_decl->getType()
sttpt && sttpt->getReplacedParameter()->isParameterPack()) {
// Avoid giving the same name to all parameters expanded from a pack.
return {Identifier(absl::StrCat("__", name, "_", param_pos))};
if (name.empty()) {
auto anon_decl_name = anon_decl_names_.find(named_decl);
if (anon_decl_name != anon_decl_names_.end()) {
return {Identifier(std::string(anon_decl_name->second))};
return std::nullopt;
return {Identifier(std::move(name))};
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName:
return {SpecialName::kConstructor};
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName:
return {SpecialName::kDestructor};
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXOperatorName:
switch (named_decl->getDeclName().getCXXOverloadedOperator()) {
case clang::OO_None:
LOG(FATAL) << "No OO_None expected under CXXOperatorName branch";
return std::nullopt;
LOG(FATAL) << "No NUM_OVERLOADED_OPERATORS expected at runtime";
return std::nullopt;
// clang-format off
#define OVERLOADED_OPERATOR(name, spelling, ...) \
case clang::OO_##name: { \
return {Operator(spelling)}; \
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.def"
// clang-format on
LOG(FATAL) << "The `switch` above should handle all cases";
return std::nullopt;
// To be implemented later: CXXConversionFunctionName.
// There are also e.g. literal operators, deduction guides, etc., but
// we might not need to implement them at all. Full list at:
return std::nullopt;
void Importer::MarkAsSuccessfullyImported(const clang::TypeDecl* decl) {
bool Importer::HasBeenAlreadySuccessfullyImported(
const clang::TypeDecl* decl) const {
return known_type_decls_.contains(
} // namespace crubit