blob: f39a6947d0de44552e39364cce9b8f624f34138e [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lifetime_analysis/analyze.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_replace.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/lifetime_analysis.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/lifetime_lattice.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/object_repository.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/template_placeholder_support.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/function_lifetimes.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/lifetime.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/lifetime_substitutions.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/pointee_type.h"
#include "lifetime_annotations/type_lifetimes.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/ControlFlowContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowAnalysis.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowEnvironment.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace lifetimes {
namespace {
struct VisitedCallStackEntry {
const clang::FunctionDecl* func;
bool in_cycle;
bool in_overrides_traversal;
// A map from base methods to overriding methods.
using BaseToOverrides =
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*,
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*, 2>>;
// Enforce the invariant that an object of static lifetime should only point at
// other objects of static lifetime.
llvm::Error PropagateStaticToPointees(LifetimeSubstitutions& subst,
const PointsToMap& points_to_map) {
std::vector<const Object*> pointees =
llvm::DenseSet<const Object*> visited;
while (!pointees.empty()) {
const Object* cur = pointees.back();
if (cur->GetLifetime().IsLocal()) {
return llvm::createStringError(
"attempted to make a pointer of static lifetime point at an object "
"of local lifetime");
if (cur->GetLifetime() != Lifetime::Static()) {
subst.Add(cur->GetLifetime(), Lifetime::Static());
for (const Object* pointee : points_to_map.GetPointerPointsToSet(cur)) {
if (!visited.count(pointee)) {
return llvm::Error::success();
// DO NOT use this function on untrusted input.
// TODO(veluca): ideally, this function should be replaced with one from a
// fuzzed library. However, as the way it is used doesn't have significant
// security implications (its input is trusted, coming from tests, and its
// output is unused except sometimes to produce a graphviz .dot file), and as
// the logic for HTML escaping is simple enough, this function is reasonable to
// use here.
std::string EscapeHtmlChars(absl::string_view input) {
std::string escaped;
for (auto c : input) {
switch (c) {
case '\'':
escaped += "&#39;";
case '"':
escaped += "&quot;";
case '<':
escaped += "&lt;";
case '>':
escaped += "&gt;";
case '&':
escaped += "&amp;";
escaped += c;
return escaped;
std::string VariableLabel(absl::string_view name, const Object* object) {
return absl::StrFormat("<<b>%s</b> (%s)>", EscapeHtmlChars(name),
std::string PointsToEdgesDot(const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const PointsToMap& points_to_map,
absl::string_view name_prefix) {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
llvm::DenseSet<const Object*> all_objects, var_objects;
for (auto [pointer, points_to_set] : points_to_map.PointerPointsTos()) {
for (auto points_to : points_to_set) {
lines.push_back(absl::StrFormat(R"("%1$s%2$s" -> "%1$s%3$s")",
name_prefix, pointer->DebugString(),
for (auto [key, field_object] : object_repository.GetFieldObjects()) {
auto [struct_object, field] = key;
R"("%1$s%2$s" -> "%1$s%3$s" [style=dashed label="%4$s"])", name_prefix,
struct_object->DebugString(), field_object->DebugString(),
for (auto [key, base_object] : object_repository.GetBaseObjects()) {
auto [struct_object, base] = key;
R"("%1$s%2$s" -> "%1$s%3$s" [style=dashed label="%4$s"])", name_prefix,
struct_object->DebugString(), base_object->DebugString(),
clang::QualType(base, 0).getAsString()));
if (object_repository.GetThisObject().has_value()) {
"\"%s%s\"[label=%s]", name_prefix,
VariableLabel("this", *object_repository.GetThisObject())));
for (auto [decl, object] : object_repository) {
"\"%s%s\"[label=%s]", name_prefix, object->DebugString(),
VariableLabel(decl->getNameAsString(), object)));
"\"%s%s\"[label=%s]", name_prefix,
VariableLabel("return", object_repository.GetReturnObject())));
for (const Object* object : all_objects) {
if (!var_objects.contains(object)) {
name_prefix, object->DebugString()));
for (auto [_, object] : object_repository.GetFieldObjects()) {
if (!var_objects.contains(object)) {
name_prefix, object->DebugString()));
for (auto [_, object] : object_repository.GetBaseObjects()) {
if (!var_objects.contains(object)) {
VariableLabel("this", object)));
return absl::StrJoin(lines, ";\n");
std::string PointsToGraphDot(const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const PointsToMap& points_to_map) {
return absl::StrCat("digraph d {\n",
PointsToEdgesDot(object_repository, points_to_map, ""),
std::string ConstraintsEdgesDot(const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const LifetimeConstraints& constraints,
absl::string_view name_prefix) {
std::vector<std::string> lines;
llvm::DenseSet<Lifetime> all_lifetimes;
for (const auto& cstr : constraints.AllConstraints()) {
lines.push_back(absl::StrFormat(R"("%1$s%2$d" -> "%1$s%3$d")", name_prefix,
cstr.second.Id(), cstr.first.Id()));
for (auto lftm : all_lifetimes) {
lines.push_back(absl::StrFormat(R"("%s%d"[label="%s"])", name_prefix,
lftm.Id(), lftm.DebugString()));
return absl::StrJoin(lines, ";\n");
std::string ConstraintsDot(const ObjectRepository& object_repository,
const LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
return absl::StrCat("digraph d {\n",
ConstraintsEdgesDot(object_repository, constraints, ""),
std::string CfgBlockLabel(const clang::CFGBlock* block, const clang::CFG& cfg,
const clang::ASTContext& ast_context) {
std::string block_name = absl::StrCat("B", block->getBlockID());
if (block == &cfg.getEntry()) {
absl::StrAppend(&block_name, " (ENTRY)");
} else if (block == &cfg.getExit()) {
absl::StrAppend(&block_name, " (EXIT)");
std::string label =
absl::StrFormat("<tr><td>%s</td></tr>", EscapeHtmlChars(block_name));
clang::SourceRange range;
for (const auto& element : *block) {
if (auto cfg_stmt = element.getAs<clang::CFGStmt>()) {
clang::SourceRange stmt_range = cfg_stmt->getStmt()->getSourceRange();
if (range.isInvalid()) {
range = stmt_range;
} else {
if (stmt_range.getBegin() < range.getBegin()) {
if (stmt_range.getEnd() > range.getEnd()) {
if (range.isValid()) {
const clang::SourceManager& source_manager = ast_context.getSourceManager();
clang::StringRef filename = source_manager.getFilename(range.getBegin());
unsigned line_begin =
unsigned col_begin =
unsigned line_end = source_manager.getSpellingLineNumber(range.getEnd());
unsigned col_end = source_manager.getSpellingColumnNumber(range.getEnd());
absl::StrAppendFormat(&label, "<tr><td>%s:%u:%u-%u:%u</td></tr>",
EscapeHtmlChars(filename.str()), line_begin,
col_begin, line_end, col_end);
&label, "<tr><td>%s</td></tr>",
source_manager, ast_context.getLangOpts())
return absl::StrFormat("<<table border=\"0\">%s</table>>", label);
std::string CreateCfgDot(
const clang::CFG& cfg, const clang::ASTContext& ast_context,
const std::vector<
const ObjectRepository& object_repository) {
std::string result = "digraph d {\ncompound=true;\nedge [minlen=2];\n";
for (const clang::CFGBlock* block : cfg) {
unsigned id = block->getBlockID();
absl::StrAppendFormat(&result, "subgraph cluster%u {\n", id);
absl::StrAppendFormat(&result, "label=%s;\n",
CfgBlockLabel(block, cfg, ast_context));
absl::StrAppend(&result, "{\nrank=source;\n");
"B%usource [style=\"invis\",width=0,height=0,fixedsize=true];\n", id);
absl::StrAppend(&result, "}\n");
absl::StrAppend(&result, "{\nrank=sink;\n");
&result, "B%usink [style=\"invis\",width=0,height=0,fixedsize=true];\n",
absl::StrAppend(&result, "}\n");
const auto& block_state = block_to_output_state[id];
if (block_state) {
auto lattice = block_state->Lattice;
if (!lattice.IsError()) {
PointsToEdgesDot(object_repository, lattice.PointsTo(),
absl::StrCat("B", id, "_")));
absl::StrAppend(&result, ConstraintsEdgesDot(
object_repository, lattice.Constraints(),
absl::StrCat("B", id, "_cstr_")));
absl::StrAppend(&result, "}\n");
for (const clang::CFGBlock* block : cfg) {
if (!block) continue;
for (const auto& succ : block->succs()) {
if (!succ.isReachable()) continue;
"B%1$usink -> B%2$usource [ltail=cluster%1$u,lhead=cluster%2$u];\n",
block->getBlockID(), succ->getBlockID());
absl::StrAppend(&result, "}");
return result;
// TODO(veluca): this really ought to happen in the dataflow framework/CFG, but
// at the moment only the *expressions* in initializers get added, not
// initialization itself.
void ExtendPointsToMapAndConstraintsWithInitializers(
const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* constructor,
const ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints) {
auto this_object = object_repository.GetThisObject();
if (!this_object.has_value()) {
for (const auto* init : constructor->inits()) {
if (!init->isAnyMemberInitializer()) continue;
const clang::FieldDecl* field = init->getMember();
const auto* init_expr = init->getInit();
if (clang::isa<clang::CXXDefaultInitExpr>(init_expr)) {
init_expr = field->getInClassInitializer();
if (!IsInitExprInitializingARecordObject(init_expr)) {
object_repository.GetFieldObject(this_object.value(), field),
field->getType(), object_repository, init_expr,
TargetPointeeBehavior::kKeep, points_to_map, constraints);
llvm::Error ConstrainLifetimes(FunctionLifetimes& base,
const FunctionLifetimes& constraining) {
auto constraints =
LifetimeConstraints::ForCallableSubstitution(base, constraining);
return constraints.ApplyToFunctionLifetimes(base);
struct FunctionAnalysis {
ObjectRepository object_repository;
PointsToMap points_to_map;
LifetimeConstraints constraints;
LifetimeSubstitutions subst;
const CXXConstructorDecl* GetDefaultConstructor(const CXXRecordDecl* record) {
for (const CXXConstructorDecl* ctor : record->ctors()) {
if (ctor->isDefaultConstructor()) {
return ctor;
return nullptr;
llvm::Error TransferDefaultConstructor(
const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* default_ctor, const Object* this_object,
ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints, ObjectSet& single_valued_objects,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
callee_lifetimes) {
const FunctionLifetimesOrError& ctor_lifetimes_or_error =
if (!std::holds_alternative<FunctionLifetimes>(ctor_lifetimes_or_error)) {
return llvm::createStringError(
absl::StrCat("No lifetimes for constructor ",
const FunctionLifetimes& ctor_lifetimes =
// Similar to handling of constructor calls; however, this is simpler because
// there is only the "this" argument (as this is the default constructor).
// Moreover, since we don't run dataflow, we create the objects on the fly.
clang::QualType this_type = default_ctor->getThisType();
// "object" for the `this` pointer itself.
const Object* placeholder_this_ptr_object = object_repository.CreateObject(
HandlePointsToSetExtension({placeholder_this_ptr_object}, {this_object},
this_type, object_repository, points_to_map,
return llvm::Error::success();
llvm::Error AnalyzeDefaultedDefaultConstructor(
const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* ctor,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints, ObjectSet& single_valued_objects) {
assert(ctor->isDefaulted() && ctor->isDefaultConstructor());
std::optional<const Object*> this_object_maybe =
if (!this_object_maybe.has_value()) {
llvm::report_fatal_error("didn't find `this` object for constructor");
const Object* this_object = *this_object_maybe;
const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record = ctor->getParent();
for (const CXXBaseSpecifier& base : record->bases()) {
if (const clang::CXXRecordDecl* base_record =
base.getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* base_ctor =
GetDefaultConstructor(base_record)) {
const Object* base_this_object =
object_repository.GetBaseClassObject(this_object, base.getType());
if (llvm::Error err = TransferDefaultConstructor(
base_ctor, base_this_object, object_repository, points_to_map,
constraints, single_valued_objects, callee_lifetimes)) {
return err;
for (const clang::FieldDecl* field : record->fields()) {
if (const clang::CXXRecordDecl* field_record =
field->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* field_ctor =
GetDefaultConstructor(field_record)) {
const Object* field_this_object =
object_repository.GetFieldObject(this_object, field);
if (llvm::Error err = TransferDefaultConstructor(
field_ctor, field_this_object, object_repository, points_to_map,
constraints, single_valued_objects, callee_lifetimes)) {
return err;
return llvm::Error::success();
llvm::Error AnalyzeDefaultedFunction(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints, ObjectSet& single_valued_objects) {
// TODO(b/230693710): Add complete support for defaulted functions.
if (const auto* ctor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(func)) {
if (ctor->isDefaultConstructor()) {
return AnalyzeDefaultedDefaultConstructor(
ctor, callee_lifetimes, object_repository, points_to_map, constraints,
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
"unsupported type of defaulted function");
llvm::Error AnalyzeFunctionBody(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter,
ObjectRepository& object_repository, PointsToMap& points_to_map,
LifetimeConstraints& constraints, std::string* cfg_dot) {
auto cfctx = clang::dataflow::ControlFlowContext::build(*func);
if (!cfctx) return cfctx.takeError();
clang::dataflow::DataflowAnalysisContext analysis_context(
clang::dataflow::Environment environment(analysis_context);
LifetimeAnalysis analysis(func, object_repository, callee_lifetimes,
maybe_block_to_output_state =
clang::dataflow::runDataflowAnalysis(*cfctx, analysis, environment);
if (!maybe_block_to_output_state) {
return maybe_block_to_output_state.takeError();
auto& block_to_output_state = *maybe_block_to_output_state;
const auto& exit_block_state =
if (!exit_block_state.has_value()) {
return llvm::createStringError(
absl::StrCat("CFG exit block for '", func->getNameAsString(),
"' unexpectedly does not exist"));
auto exit_lattice = exit_block_state->Lattice;
if (exit_lattice.IsError()) {
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
points_to_map = exit_lattice.PointsTo();
constraints = exit_lattice.Constraints();
// Adding initializers to the PointsToMap *before* dataflow analysis is
// problematic because the expressions do not have a lifetime yet in the map
// itself.
// However, member access in a struct does not ever produce lifetimes that
// depend on what those members are initialized to - lifetimes of members
// (or things that members point to) are either the same as the lifetime of
// this, or a lifetime parameter of the struct, so processing initializers
// afterwards is correct.
if (auto* constructor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(func)) {
constructor, object_repository, points_to_map, constraints);
// Extend the constraint set with constraints of the form "'a >= 'static" for
// every object that is (transitively) reachable from a 'static object.
std::vector<const Object*> stack =
llvm::DenseSet<const Object*> visited;
while (!stack.empty()) {
const Object* obj = stack.back();
if (visited.contains(obj)) {
constraints.AddOutlivesConstraint(Lifetime::Static(), obj->GetLifetime());
for (auto pointee : points_to_map.GetPointerPointsToSet(obj)) {
if (cfg_dot) {
*cfg_dot = CreateCfgDot(cfctx->getCFG(), func->getASTContext(),
block_to_output_state, object_repository);
return llvm::Error::success();
llvm::Expected<FunctionAnalysis> AnalyzeSingleFunction(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const FunctionLifetimesMap& callee_lifetimes,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info) {
llvm::Expected<ObjectRepository> object_repository =
ObjectRepository::Create(func, callee_lifetimes);
if (auto err = object_repository.takeError()) {
return std::move(err);
FunctionAnalysis analysis{.object_repository = std::move(*object_repository)};
const auto* cxxmethod = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(func);
if (cxxmethod && cxxmethod->isPure()) {
return analysis;
func = func->getDefinition();
assert(func != nullptr);
// Unconditionally use our custom logic to analyze defaulted functions, even
// if they happen to have a body (because something caused Sema to create a
// body for them). We don't want the code path for defaulted functions to
// change based on whether a body happened to be created for them, and we
// want to make sure we always exercise our logic for defaulted functions in
// tests.
// TODO(b/230693710): We currently only support analyzing defaulted default
// constructors, so for other defaulted functions, we currently fall back to
// AnalyzeFunctionBody() (if they do have a body).
const auto* ctor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(func);
bool can_analyze_defaulted_func =
ctor != nullptr && ctor->isDefaultConstructor();
if (func->isDefaulted() && can_analyze_defaulted_func) {
// Single-valued objects are only used during the analysis itself, so no
// need to keep track of them past this point.
ObjectSet single_valued_objects =
if (llvm::Error err = AnalyzeDefaultedFunction(
func, callee_lifetimes, analysis.object_repository,
analysis.points_to_map, analysis.constraints,
single_valued_objects)) {
return std::move(err);
} else if (func->getBody()) {
std::string* cfg_dot = debug_info ? &(*debug_info)[func].cfg_dot : nullptr;
if (llvm::Error err = AnalyzeFunctionBody(
func, callee_lifetimes, diag_reporter, analysis.object_repository,
analysis.points_to_map, analysis.constraints, cfg_dot)) {
return std::move(err);
} else {
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
if (debug_info) {
std::string ast;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(ast);
(*debug_info)[func].ast = std::move(ast);
(*debug_info)[func].object_repository =
(*debug_info)[func].points_to_map_dot =
PointsToGraphDot(analysis.object_repository, analysis.points_to_map);
(*debug_info)[func].constraints_dot =
ConstraintsDot(analysis.object_repository, analysis.constraints);
if (llvm::Error err =
PropagateStaticToPointees(analysis.subst, analysis.points_to_map)) {
return std::move(err);
return analysis;
llvm::Error DiagnoseReturnLocal(const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const FunctionLifetimes& lifetimes,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter) {
auto contains_local = [](const ValueLifetimes& lifetimes) {
return lifetimes.HasAny(&Lifetime::IsLocal);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < func->getNumParams(); ++i) {
const clang::ParmVarDecl* param = func->getParamDecl(i);
if (contains_local(lifetimes.GetParamLifetimes(i))) {
std::string error_msg = absl::StrFormat(
"function returns reference to a local through parameter '%s'",
diag_reporter(param->getBeginLoc(), error_msg,
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), error_msg);
if (const auto* method = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(func);
method && !method->isStatic() &&
contains_local(lifetimes.GetThisLifetimes())) {
std::string error_msg =
"function returns reference to a local through 'this'";
diag_reporter(func->getBeginLoc(), error_msg, clang::DiagnosticIDs::Error);
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), error_msg);
if (contains_local(lifetimes.GetReturnLifetimes())) {
std::string error_msg = "function returns reference to a local";
diag_reporter(func->getBeginLoc(), error_msg, clang::DiagnosticIDs::Error);
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), error_msg);
return llvm::Error::success();
// Constructs the FunctionLifetimes for a function, given a PointsToMap,
// ObjectRepository, and LifetimeSubstitutions that have been built from the
// function's body, which would include the function's parameters. It's also
// possible to call this function with an empty inputs in order to generate
// a FunctionLifetimes that matches the function's signature but without any
// constraints (i.e. each lifetime that appears would be independent).
llvm::Expected<FunctionLifetimes> ConstructFunctionLifetimes(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func, FunctionAnalysis analysis,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter) {
if (func->getDefinition()) {
func = func->getDefinition();
} else {
// This can happen only when `func` is a pure virtual method.
const auto* cxxmethod = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(func);
assert(cxxmethod && cxxmethod->isPure());
// Pure virtual member functions can only ever have a single declaration,
// so we know we're already looking at the canonical declaration.
if (++cxxmethod->redecls_begin() != cxxmethod->redecls_end()) {
func = func->getCanonicalDecl();
auto& [object_repository, points_to_map, constraints, subst] = analysis;
FunctionLifetimes result;
result = object_repository.GetOriginalFunctionLifetimes();
if (llvm::Error err = constraints.ApplyToFunctionLifetimes(result)) {
return std::move(err);
if (llvm::Error err = DiagnoseReturnLocal(func, result, diag_reporter)) {
return std::move(err);
return result;
llvm::Expected<llvm::DenseSet<const clang::FunctionDecl*>>
GetDefaultedFunctionCallees(const clang::FunctionDecl* func) {
// TODO(b/230693710): Add complete support for defaulted functions.
if (const auto* ctor = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(func)) {
if (ctor->isDefaultConstructor()) {
llvm::DenseSet<const clang::FunctionDecl*> callees;
const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record = ctor->getParent();
for (const CXXBaseSpecifier& base : record->bases()) {
if (const clang::CXXRecordDecl* base_record =
base.getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* base_ctor =
GetDefaultConstructor(base_record)) {
for (const clang::FieldDecl* field : record->fields()) {
if (const clang::CXXRecordDecl* field_record =
field->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
if (const clang::CXXConstructorDecl* field_ctor =
GetDefaultConstructor(field_record)) {
return callees;
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
"unsupported type of defaulted function");
llvm::Expected<llvm::DenseSet<const clang::FunctionDecl*>> GetCallees(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func) {
using clang::ast_matchers::anyOf;
using clang::ast_matchers::cxxConstructExpr;
using clang::ast_matchers::declRefExpr;
using clang::ast_matchers::expr;
using clang::ast_matchers::findAll;
using clang::ast_matchers::functionDecl;
using clang::ast_matchers::hasDeclaration;
using clang::ast_matchers::match;
using clang::ast_matchers::memberExpr;
using clang::ast_matchers::to;
func = func->getDefinition();
if (!func) return llvm::DenseSet<const clang::FunctionDecl*>();
const clang::Stmt* body = func->getBody();
if (!body) {
// TODO(b/230693710): Do this unconditionally for defaulted functions, even
// if they happen to have a body (because something caused Sema to create a
// body for them). We can't do this yet because we don't have full support
// for defaulted functions yet, so we would break tests where we happen to
// have a body for the defaulted function today.
if (func->isDefaulted()) {
return GetDefaultedFunctionCallees(func);
return llvm::createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(),
llvm::SmallVector<const clang::Stmt*> body_parts;
if (const auto* constructor =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(func)) {
for (const auto* init : constructor->inits()) {
llvm::DenseSet<const clang::FunctionDecl*> callees;
for (const auto& body_part : body_parts) {
for (const auto& node : match(
*body_part, func->getASTContext())) {
const auto* fn = node.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("function");
for (const auto& node :
match(findAll(cxxConstructExpr().bind("cxx_construct")), *body_part,
func->getASTContext())) {
const auto* ctor_exp =
if (auto ctor = ctor_exp->getConstructor()) {
return std::move(callees);
// Looks for `func` in the `visited_call_stack`. If found it marks `func` and
// each function that came after it as being part of the cycle. This marking is
// stored in the `VisitedCallStackEntry`.
bool FindAndMarkCycleWithFunc(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<VisitedCallStackEntry>& visited_call_stack,
const clang::FunctionDecl* func) {
// We look for recursive cycles in a simple (but potentially slow for huge
// call graphs) way. If we reach a function that is already on the call stack
// (i.e. in `visited`), we declare `func`, and every other function after
// where `func` was seen in `visited` as being part of a cycle. Then a cycle
// graph is a contiguous set of functions in the `visited` call stack that are
// marked as being in a cycle.
bool found_cycle = false;
for (size_t i = visited_call_stack.size(); i > 0; --i) {
const auto& stack_entry = visited_call_stack[i - 1];
if (stack_entry.func == func) {
found_cycle = true;
for (; i <= visited_call_stack.size(); ++i) {
auto& mut_stack_entry = visited_call_stack[i - 1];
mut_stack_entry.in_cycle = true;
return found_cycle;
llvm::SmallVector<const clang::FunctionDecl*> GetAllFunctionDefinitions(
const clang::TranslationUnitDecl* tu) {
using clang::ast_matchers::findAll;
using clang::ast_matchers::functionDecl;
using clang::ast_matchers::hasBody;
using clang::ast_matchers::isDefinition;
using clang::ast_matchers::match;
using clang::ast_matchers::stmt;
llvm::SmallVector<const clang::FunctionDecl*> functions;
// For now we specify 'hasBody' to skip functions that don't have a body and
// are not called. TODO(veluca): a function might be used in other ways.
for (const auto& node : match(
findAll(functionDecl(isDefinition(), hasBody(stmt())).bind("func")),
tu->getASTContext())) {
const auto* func = node.getNodeAs<clang::FunctionDecl>("func");
return functions;
BaseToOverrides BuildBaseToOverrides(const clang::TranslationUnitDecl* tu) {
BaseToOverrides base_to_overrides;
for (const clang::FunctionDecl* f : GetAllFunctionDefinitions(tu)) {
auto* func = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(f);
if (!func) continue;
func = func->getCanonicalDecl();
if (!func->isVirtual()) continue;
for (const auto* base : func->overridden_methods()) {
return base_to_overrides;
void GetBaseMethods(const clang::CXXMethodDecl* cxxmethod,
llvm::DenseSet<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*>& bases) {
if (cxxmethod->size_overridden_methods() == 0) {
// TODO(kinuko): It is not fully clear if one method may ever have multiple
// base methods. If not this can simply return a single CXXMethodDecl rathr
// than a set.
for (const auto* base : cxxmethod->overridden_methods()) {
// Each method's overridden_methods() only returns an immediate base but not
// ancestors of further than that, so recursively call it.
GetBaseMethods(base, bases);
std::optional<FunctionLifetimes> GetFunctionLifetimesFromAnalyzed(
const clang::FunctionDecl* canonical_func,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
analyzed) {
auto found = analyzed.find(canonical_func);
if (found == analyzed.end()) return std::nullopt;
auto* lifetimes = std::get_if<FunctionLifetimes>(&found->second);
if (!lifetimes) return std::nullopt;
return *lifetimes;
// Update the function lifetimes of `func` with its immediate `overrides` so
// that the lifetimes of the base method will become least permissive. The
// updates will be reflected from the base to its final overrides as this is
// recursively called.
llvm::Error UpdateFunctionLifetimesWithOverrides(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
const llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*, 2>& overrides) {
const auto* canonical = func->getCanonicalDecl();
const auto* method = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(func);
assert(method != nullptr);
auto opt_lifetimes = GetFunctionLifetimesFromAnalyzed(canonical, analyzed);
if (!opt_lifetimes) return llvm::Error::success();
FunctionLifetimes base_lifetimes = *opt_lifetimes;
for (const auto* overriding : overrides) {
if (overriding->getNumParams() != func->getNumParams()) {
llvm::errs() << "Param number mismatches between "
<< method->getParent()->getNameAsString() << " and "
<< overriding->getParent()->getNameAsString() << "\n";
return llvm::createStringError(
absl::StrFormat("Param number mismatches between %s and %s\n",
auto opt_override_lifetimes = GetFunctionLifetimesFromAnalyzed(
overriding->getCanonicalDecl(), analyzed);
if (!opt_override_lifetimes) continue;
FunctionLifetimes override_lifetimes = *opt_override_lifetimes;
if (llvm::Error err = ConstrainLifetimes(
base_lifetimes, override_lifetimes.ForOverriddenMethod(method))) {
return err;
analyzed[canonical] = base_lifetimes;
return llvm::Error::success();
llvm::Error AnalyzeRecursiveFunctions(
llvm::ArrayRef<VisitedCallStackEntry> funcs, FunctionLifetimesMap& analyzed,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info) {
for (const auto [func, in_cycle, _] : funcs) {
// Construct an initial FunctionLifetimes for each function in the cycle,
// without doing a dataflow analysis, which would need other functions
// in the cycle to already be analyzed.
auto func_lifetimes_result = FunctionLifetimes::CreateForDecl(
func, FunctionLifetimeFactorySingleCallback([](const clang::Expr*) {
return Lifetime::CreateVariable();
if (!func_lifetimes_result) {
return func_lifetimes_result.takeError();
analyzed[func->getCanonicalDecl()] = func_lifetimes_result.get();
int64_t expected_iterations = 0;
for (const auto [func, _1, _2] : funcs) {
expected_iterations =
std::max(expected_iterations, int64_t{func->getNumParams()});
// Add 1 for the last iteration that sees nothing changed.
expected_iterations += 1;
// Analyze all lifetimes in the cycle repeatedly with dataflow analysis
// until they stabilize.
bool func_lifetimes_changed = true;
for (int64_t count = 0; func_lifetimes_changed; ++count) {
func_lifetimes_changed = false;
if (count > expected_iterations) {
return llvm::createStringError(
absl::StrFormat("Recursive cycle requires more than the expected "
"%u iterations to resolve!",
for (const auto [func, in_cycle, _] : funcs) {
auto analysis_result =
AnalyzeSingleFunction(func, analyzed, diag_reporter, debug_info);
if (!analysis_result) {
return analysis_result.takeError();
auto func_lifetimes_result = ConstructFunctionLifetimes(
func, std::move(analysis_result.get()), diag_reporter);
if (!func_lifetimes_result) {
return func_lifetimes_result.takeError();
// TODO(danakj): We can avoid this structural comparison and just do a
// check for equality if AnalyzeSingleFunction would reuse Lifetimes
// from the existing FunctionLifetime for its parameters/return/this.
// Currently it makes a new set of Lifetimes each time we do the analyze
// step, but the actual Lifetime ids aren't meaningful, only where and
// how often a given Lifetime repeats is meaningful.
FunctionLifetimesOrError& existing_result =
if (std::holds_alternative<FunctionLifetimes>(existing_result) &&
func_lifetimes_result.get())) {
existing_result = func_lifetimes_result.get();
func_lifetimes_changed = true;
return llvm::Error::success();
// The entry point for analyzing a function named by `func`.
// This function is recursive as it searches for and walks through all CallExpr
// instances, calling this function again for each function. This is done to
// analyze the leaves of the call graph first, so that when analyzing a given
// function, all the functions it calls have already been analyzed.
// This function also handles walking through recursive cycles of function
// calls. When a cycle is detected, we:
// 1. Do not analyze any of the functions until the cycle is fully explored and
// we've returned to the entry point to the cycle.
// 2. At that point, we generate a FunctionLifetimes for each function in the
// cycle, where the lifetimes are all completely disconnected.
// 3. Then we analyze each function in the cycle based on those
// FunctionLifetimes, connecting lifetimes within the body of each function.
// This changes a given function's resulting FunctionLifetimes, which can
// affect the callers to it.
// 4. Thus we repeat step 3 until we see that the FunctionLifetimes have stopped
// changing when we analyze each function in the cycle.
void AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<VisitedCallStackEntry>& visited,
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info,
const BaseToOverrides& base_to_overrides) {
// Make sure we're always using the canonical declaration when using the
// function as a key in maps and sets.
func = func->getCanonicalDecl();
// See if we have finished analyzing the function.
bool is_analyzed = analyzed.count(func) > 0;
auto* cxxmethod = clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(func);
bool is_virtual = cxxmethod != nullptr && cxxmethod->isVirtual();
bool is_pure_virtual = is_virtual && cxxmethod->isPure();
if (func->getBuiltinID() != 0) {
if (!func->isDefined() && !is_pure_virtual && !is_analyzed) {
FunctionLifetimes annotations;
if (llvm::Error err = GetLifetimeAnnotations(func, lifetime_context)
.moveInto(annotations)) {
analyzed[func] = FunctionAnalysisError(err);
} else {
analyzed[func] = annotations;
// Check if we're in an overrides traversal for a virtual method.
bool in_overrides_traversal =
visited.empty() ? false : visited.back().in_overrides_traversal;
if (is_analyzed && !in_overrides_traversal) {
// This function is already analyzed and this analysis is not for an
// overrides traversal (where repeated update may happen).
// TODO(kinuko): Avoid repeatedly visit the same virtual methods again and
// again if all the methods in the same overriding chain are already
// analyzed.
if (!in_overrides_traversal && FindAndMarkCycleWithFunc(visited, func)) {
// Defer analyzing the cycle until we have fully explored the recursive
// cycle graph.
// This cycle check should exclude in_overrides_traversal case, because the
// traversal can come back to the same function while traversing from its
// overridden base method, e.g. when we see Child::f() we start the analysis
// from its overridden implementation Base::f() and then recursively look
// into its overrides until it reaches its final overrides (and it should
// see Child::f() on its way.
// TODO(kinuko): We may return here when Base::f() calls f() even when
// it has overrides, and if it happens AnalyzeRecursiveFunctions don't
// look into the overrides so the Base::f() lifetime is not updated.
// See DISABLED_FunctionVirtualInheritanceWithComplexRecursion tests.
auto maybe_callees = GetCallees(func);
if (!maybe_callees) {
analyzed[func] = FunctionAnalysisError(maybe_callees.takeError());
// Keep track of where `func` is found in the call stack. It may not be at the
// top anymore after we return from calling `AnalyzeFunctionRecursive()` if
// `func` is part of a recursive cycle, as we keep all members of the
// recursive cycle in the `visited` stack until we explore the whole graph and
// then analyze it all.
size_t func_in_visited = visited.size();
.func = func, .in_cycle = false, .in_overrides_traversal = false});
for (auto& callee : maybe_callees.get()) {
if (analyzed.count(callee)) {
AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(analyzed, visited, callee, lifetime_context,
diag_reporter, debug_info, base_to_overrides);
llvm::DenseSet<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*> bases;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::CXXMethodDecl*, 2> overrides;
// This is a virtual method and we want to recursively analyze the inheritance
// chain and update the base methods with their overrides. The base methods
// may be visited and updated repeatedly.
if (is_virtual) {
assert(cxxmethod != nullptr);
visited[func_in_visited].in_overrides_traversal = true;
if (!in_overrides_traversal) {
// If it's a virtual method and we are not yet in an overrides traversal,
// start from the base method.
GetBaseMethods(cxxmethod, bases);
for (const auto* base : bases) {
AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(analyzed, visited, base, lifetime_context,
diag_reporter, debug_info, base_to_overrides);
} else {
// We are in an overrides traversal for a virtual method starting from its
// base method. Recursively look into the overrides that this TU knows
// about, so that the base method's analysis result can be updated with
// the overrides (that are discovered in this TU).
auto iter = base_to_overrides.find(cxxmethod->getCanonicalDecl());
if (iter != base_to_overrides.end()) {
overrides = iter->second;
for (const auto* derived : overrides) {
AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(analyzed, visited, derived, lifetime_context,
diag_reporter, debug_info,
visited[func_in_visited].in_overrides_traversal = false;
// Recursing through CallExprs should not remove `func` from the stack, though
// there may be more on the stack after `func` if they are all part of a
// recursive cycle graph.
assert(visited[func_in_visited].func == func);
if (func_in_visited < visited.size() - 1) {
for (size_t i = func_in_visited; i < visited.size(); ++i) {
// Once we return back here, there are 3 possibilities for `func`.
// 1. If `func` is part of a cycle, but was not the first entry point of the
// cycle, then we defer analyzing `func` until we get back to the entry
// point. We look for this by seeing if there is another function marked as
// being in a cycle above `func` in the `visited` call stack. Note that we
// will leave `func` in the `visited` call stack when we return so that
// once we get back to the recursive cycle's entry point, we can see all
// the functions that are part of the cycle graph.
// 2. If `func` was not part of a cycle, we can analyze it and expect it to
// have valid FunctionLifetimes already generated for anything it calls.
// 3. Otherwise, we collect the whole cycle (which may be just the `func` if
// it calls itself directly), and we analyze the cycle as a whole.
if (func_in_visited > 0 && visited[func_in_visited].in_cycle &&
visited[func_in_visited - 1].in_cycle) {
// Case 1. In a recursive cycle, but not the entry point.
if (!visited[func_in_visited].in_cycle) {
// Case 2. Not part of a cycle.
if (bases.empty()) {
// This function is not where we initiated an overrides traversal from its
// base methods.
auto analysis_result =
AnalyzeSingleFunction(func, analyzed, diag_reporter, debug_info);
if (!analysis_result) {
analyzed[func] = FunctionAnalysisError(analysis_result.takeError());
} else {
auto func_lifetimes_result = ConstructFunctionLifetimes(
func, std::move(analysis_result.get()), diag_reporter);
if (!func_lifetimes_result) {
analyzed[func] =
} else {
analyzed[func] = func_lifetimes_result.get();
} else {
// In this branch we have initiated (and finished) an overrides
// traversal starting with its base method, and the traversal for this
// function must be already done as a part of the overrides traversal.
assert(analyzed.count(func) > 0);
} else {
// Case 3. The entry point to a recursive cycle.
auto funcs_in_cycle =
if (llvm::Error err = AnalyzeRecursiveFunctions(
funcs_in_cycle, analyzed, diag_reporter, debug_info)) {
for (const auto [func_in_cycle, _1, _2] : funcs_in_cycle) {
analyzed[func_in_cycle] = FunctionAnalysisError(err);
// If this has overrides and we're in an overrides traversal, the lifetimes
// need to be (recursively) updated with the results of the overrides.
if (in_overrides_traversal) {
if (llvm::Error err =
UpdateFunctionLifetimesWithOverrides(func, analyzed, overrides)) {
analyzed[func] = FunctionAnalysisError(err);
// Once we have finished analyzing `func`, we can remove it from the visited
// stack, along with anything it called in a recursive cycle (which will be
// found after `func` in the `visited` call stack.
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>
const clang::TranslationUnitDecl* tu,
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info,
llvm::DenseMap<clang::FunctionTemplateDecl*, const clang::FunctionDecl*>&
const BaseToOverrides& base_to_overrides) {
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError> result;
llvm::SmallVector<VisitedCallStackEntry> visited;
for (const clang::FunctionDecl* func : GetAllFunctionDefinitions(tu)) {
// Skip templated functions.
if (func->isTemplated()) {
clang::FunctionTemplateDecl* template_decl =
if (template_decl) {
uninstantiated_templates.insert({template_decl, func});
if (func->isFunctionTemplateSpecialization()) {
auto* info = func->getTemplateSpecializationInfo();
// For some reason that's not clear to mboehme@, the AST matcher is
// returning two matches for every function definition; maybe there are two
// different paths from a TranslationUnitDecl to a function definition.
// This doesn't really have any ill effect, however, as
// AnalyzeFunctionRecursive() bails out anyway if it has analyzed the
// function before.
AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(result, visited, func, lifetime_context,
diag_reporter, debug_info, base_to_overrides);
return result;
std::string GetFunctionUSRString(const clang::Decl* func) {
llvm::SmallString</*inline size=*/128> usr;
if (clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(func, usr)) {
llvm::errs() << "Could not generate USR for ";
return std::string();
return std::string(, usr.size());
// Run AnalyzeFunctionRecursive with `context`. Report results through
// `result_callback` and update `debug_info` using USR strings to map functions
// to the original ASTContext.
void AnalyzeTemplateFunctionsInSeparateASTContext(
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
const llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>&
const FunctionAnalysisResultCallback& result_callback,
const DiagnosticReporter& diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info,
const std::map<std::string, const clang::FunctionDecl*>&
const BaseToOverrides& base_to_overrides, clang::ASTContext& context) {
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>
llvm::SmallVector<VisitedCallStackEntry> inner_visited;
FunctionDebugInfoMap inner_debug_info;
for (const clang::FunctionDecl* func :
GetAllFunctionDefinitions(context.getTranslationUnitDecl())) {
// Skip templated functions.
if (func->isTemplated()) continue;
AnalyzeFunctionRecursive(inner_result, inner_visited, func,
lifetime_context, diag_reporter, &inner_debug_info,
// We need to remap the results with FunctionDecl* in the
// original ASTContext. (Because this context goes away after
// this)
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>
merged_result = initial_result;
for (const auto& [decl, lifetimes_or_error] : inner_result) {
if (!decl->isFunctionTemplateSpecialization()) continue;
auto* tmpl = decl->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()->getTemplate();
auto iter = template_usr_to_decl.find(GetFunctionUSRString(tmpl));
if (iter != template_usr_to_decl.end()) {
merged_result.insert({iter->second, lifetimes_or_error});
for (const auto& [decl, lifetimes_or_error] : merged_result) {
result_callback(decl, lifetimes_or_error);
for (auto& [decl, info] : inner_debug_info) {
if (!decl->isFunctionTemplateSpecialization()) continue;
auto* tmpl = decl->getTemplateSpecializationInfo()->getTemplate();
auto iter = template_usr_to_decl.find(GetFunctionUSRString(tmpl));
if (iter != template_usr_to_decl.end()) (*debug_info)[iter->second] = info;
DiagnosticReporter DiagReporterForDiagEngine(
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& diag_engine) {
[&diag_engine](clang::SourceLocation location, clang::StringRef message,
clang::DiagnosticIDs::Level level) {
return diag_engine.Report(
diag_engine.getDiagnosticIDs()->getCustomDiagID(level, message));
} // namespace
bool IsIsomorphic(const FunctionLifetimes& a, const FunctionLifetimes& b) {
return LifetimeConstraints::ForCallableSubstitution(a, b)
.empty() &&
LifetimeConstraints::ForCallableSubstitution(b, a)
FunctionLifetimesOrError AnalyzeFunction(
const clang::FunctionDecl* func,
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
FunctionDebugInfo* debug_info) {
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError> analyzed;
llvm::SmallVector<VisitedCallStackEntry> visited;
std::optional<FunctionDebugInfoMap> debug_info_map;
if (debug_info) {
DiagnosticReporter diag_reporter =
analyzed, visited, func, lifetime_context, diag_reporter,
debug_info_map ? &debug_info_map.value() : nullptr, BaseToOverrides());
if (debug_info) {
*debug_info = debug_info_map->lookup(func);
return analyzed.lookup(func);
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>
AnalyzeTranslationUnit(const clang::TranslationUnitDecl* tu,
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
DiagnosticReporter diag_reporter,
FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info) {
if (!diag_reporter) {
diag_reporter =
llvm::DenseMap<clang::FunctionTemplateDecl*, const clang::FunctionDecl*>
// Builds a map from a base method to its overrides within this TU. It will
// not find out all the overrides, but still cover (and can partially update)
// all the base methods that this TU implements.
auto base_to_overrides = BuildBaseToOverrides(tu);
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError> result =
tu, lifetime_context, diag_reporter, debug_info,
uninstantiated_templates, base_to_overrides);
return result;
void AnalyzeTranslationUnitWithTemplatePlaceholder(
const clang::TranslationUnitDecl* tu,
const LifetimeAnnotationContext& lifetime_context,
const FunctionAnalysisResultCallback& result_callback,
DiagnosticReporter diag_reporter, FunctionDebugInfoMap* debug_info) {
if (!diag_reporter) {
diag_reporter =
llvm::DenseMap<clang::FunctionTemplateDecl*, const clang::FunctionDecl*>
// Builds a map from a base method to its overrides within this TU. It will
// not find out all the overrides, but still cover (and can partially update)
// all the base methods that this TU implements.
auto base_to_overrides = BuildBaseToOverrides(tu);
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::FunctionDecl*, FunctionLifetimesOrError>
initial_result = AnalyzeTranslationUnitAndCollectTemplates(
tu, lifetime_context, diag_reporter, debug_info,
uninstantiated_templates, base_to_overrides);
// Make a map from USRString to funcDecls in the original ASTContext.
std::map<std::string, const clang::FunctionDecl*> template_usr_to_decl;
for (const auto& [tmpl, func] : uninstantiated_templates) {
template_usr_to_decl[GetFunctionUSRString(tmpl)] = func;
GeneratedCode code_with_placeholder;
if (llvm::Error err =
GenerateTemplateInstantiationCode(tu, uninstantiated_templates)
.moveInto(code_with_placeholder)) {
FunctionAnalysisError analysis_error(err);
for (const auto& [tmpl, func] : uninstantiated_templates) {
result_callback(func, analysis_error);
// A callback to call AnalyzeFunctionRecursive again with template
// placeholders. This is passed to RunToolOnCodeWithOverlay below.
auto analyze_with_placeholder =
[&lifetime_context, &initial_result, &result_callback, &diag_reporter,
&debug_info, &template_usr_to_decl,
&base_to_overrides](clang::ASTContext& context) {
lifetime_context, initial_result, result_callback, diag_reporter,
debug_info, template_usr_to_decl, base_to_overrides, context);
// Run `analyze_with_placeholder` in a separate ASTContext on top of an
// overlaid filesystem with the `code_with_placeholder` file.
RunToolOnCodeWithOverlay(tu->getASTContext(), code_with_placeholder.filename,
} // namespace lifetimes
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang