blob: 655a6f5e758f353f4afd32b87992a9229b1b9136 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "third_party/absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/bazel_types.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ir.h"
namespace rs_bindings_from_cc {
// Parses and validates command line arguments.
class Cmdline {
// Creates `Cmdline` based on the actual cmdline arguments.
static absl::StatusOr<Cmdline> Create();
// Creates `Cmdline` based on the provided cmdline arguments - `cc_out`,
// `rs_out`, and so forth.
static absl::StatusOr<Cmdline> CreateForTesting(
std::string cc_out, std::string rs_out, std::string ir_out,
bool do_nothing, std::vector<std::string> public_headers,
std::string targets_and_headers_str) {
return CreateFromArgs(cc_out, rs_out, ir_out, do_nothing, public_headers,
Cmdline(const Cmdline&) = delete;
Cmdline& operator=(const Cmdline&) = delete;
Cmdline(Cmdline&&) = default;
Cmdline& operator=(Cmdline&&) = default;
absl::string_view cc_out() const { return cc_out_; }
absl::string_view rs_out() const { return rs_out_; }
absl::string_view ir_out() const { return ir_out_; }
bool do_nothing() const { return do_nothing_; }
const std::vector<HeaderName>& public_headers() const {
return public_headers_;
const BazelLabel& current_target() const { return current_target_; }
const absl::flat_hash_map<const HeaderName, const BazelLabel>&
headers_to_targets() const {
return headers_to_targets_;
static absl::StatusOr<Cmdline> CreateFromArgs(
std::string cc_out, std::string rs_out, std::string ir_out,
bool do_nothing, std::vector<std::string> public_headers,
std::string targets_and_headers_str);
absl::StatusOr<BazelLabel> FindHeader(const HeaderName& header) const;
std::string cc_out_;
std::string rs_out_;
std::string ir_out_;
bool do_nothing_ = true;
BazelLabel current_target_;
std::vector<HeaderName> public_headers_;
absl::flat_hash_map<const HeaderName, const BazelLabel> headers_to_targets_;
} // namespace rs_bindings_from_cc