| // Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM |
| // Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| // Automatically @generated Rust bindings for the following C++ target: |
| // //rs_bindings_from_cc/test/golden:templates_cc |
| // Features: experimental, supported |
| |
| #![rustfmt::skip] |
| #![feature( |
| custom_inner_attributes, |
| impl_trait_in_assoc_type, |
| negative_impls, |
| register_tool, |
| type_alias_impl_trait |
| )] |
| #![allow(stable_features)] |
| #![no_std] |
| #![register_tool(__crubit)] |
| #![allow(improper_ctypes)] |
| #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] |
| #![allow(non_snake_case)] |
| #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] |
| #![deny(warnings)] |
| |
| // Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM |
| // Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "DifferentScope")] |
| pub struct DifferentScope { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!(forward_declare::symbol!("DifferentScope"), crate::DifferentScope); |
| |
| impl Default for DifferentScope { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeC1Ev(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for DifferentScope { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeC1EOS_(&mut tmp, __param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> for DifferentScope { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeaSERKS_(self, __param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for DifferentScope { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeaSEOS_(self, __param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub mod test_namespace_bindings { |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'test_namespace_bindings::MyTemplate': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| pub type MyTypeAlias = crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE; |
| |
| pub type OtherTypeAliasInSameTarget = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE; |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam")] |
| pub struct TemplateParam { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam"), |
| crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for TemplateParam { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamC1Ev( |
| &mut tmp, |
| ); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for TemplateParam { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamC1EOS0_( |
| &mut tmp, __param_0, |
| ); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> for TemplateParam { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamaSERKS0_( |
| self, __param_0, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for TemplateParam { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamaSEOS0_( |
| self, __param_0, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub type TemplateWithStructTemplateParam = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE; |
| |
| pub type ParamFromDifferentScope = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE; |
| |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'test_namespace_bindings::TemplateWithTwoParams': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| pub type AliasToTemplateWithTwoParams = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE; |
| |
| pub type AliasToTemplateOfATemplate = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE; |
| |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'test_namespace_bindings::MyStruct': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| // Explicit class template specialization with definition should not be imported |
| // unless also instantiated. |
| |
| // Explicit class template specialization with definition should be imported |
| // even when not instantiated if there is a type alias for it. |
| |
| pub type MyCharStruct = crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE; |
| |
| // Forward declared explicit class template specialization should be imported |
| // so the forward declaration code is generated (`forward_declare!`). |
| |
| // Explicit class template instantiation definition is imported similarly to |
| // how implicit typedeffed instantiations are. |
| |
| // Explicit class template instantiation declaration is not handled (yet?) |
| // TODO(b/245467707): Consider handling these as a build speed/ergonomic |
| // optimization. |
| } |
| |
| // namespace test_namespace_bindings |
| |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'MyTopLevelTemplate': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| pub type TopLevelTemplateWithNonTopLevelParam = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE; |
| |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn processForwardDeclaredSpecialization<'a>( |
| i: Option<::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE>>, |
| ) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z36processForwardDeclaredSpecializationP18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE(i) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub mod template_template_params { |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'template_template_params::Policy': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'template_template_params::MyTemplate': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| pub type MyTypeAlias = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE; |
| } |
| |
| // namespace template_template_params |
| |
| pub mod forward_declared_template { |
| // Error while generating bindings for item 'forward_declared_template::ForwardDeclaredTemplate': |
| // Class templates are not supported yet |
| |
| pub type TypeAliasToForwardDeclaredTemplate = |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN25forward_declared_template23ForwardDeclaredTemplateIiEE; |
| } |
| |
| // namespace forward_declared_template |
| |
| pub mod private_classes { |
| #[::ctor::recursively_pinned] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "private_classes :: HasPrivateType")] |
| pub struct HasPrivateType { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("private_classes :: HasPrivateType"), |
| crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType |
| ); |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self> for HasPrivateType { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: &'b Self) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeC1ERKS0_( |
| ::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest), |
| __param_0, |
| ); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(&'b Self,)> for HasPrivateType { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (&'b Self,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for HasPrivateType { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeC1EOS0_( |
| ::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest), |
| __param_0, |
| ); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)> for HasPrivateType { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<&'b Self> for HasPrivateType { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>(self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeaSERKS0_( |
| self, __param_0, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> for HasPrivateType { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>( |
| self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>, |
| ) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeaSEOS0_( |
| self, __param_0, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // namespace private_classes |
| |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < DifferentScope >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 0], |
| /// Reason for representing this field as a blob of bytes: |
| /// Types of non-public C++ fields can be elided away |
| pub(crate) value_: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < DifferentScope >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn Create( |
| mut value: crate::DifferentScope, |
| ) -> crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE { |
| unsafe { |
| let mut __return = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit(); |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeE6CreateES1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut __return,&mut value); |
| __return.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn value<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a crate::DifferentScope { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate( |
| cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam >" |
| )] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 0], |
| /// Reason for representing this field as a blob of bytes: |
| /// Types of non-public C++ fields can be elided away |
| pub(crate) value_: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!( |
| "test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam >" |
| ), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn Create( |
| mut value: crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| ) -> crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE { |
| unsafe { |
| let mut __return = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit(); |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEE6CreateES1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut __return,&mut value); |
| __return.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn value<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C, align(4))] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < int >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 0], |
| /// Reason for representing this field as a blob of bytes: |
| /// Types of non-public C++ fields can be elided away |
| pub(crate) value_: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 4], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: MyTemplate < int >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn Create( |
| value: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| ) -> crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE { |
| unsafe { |
| let mut __return = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::uninit(); |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiE6CreateEi__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut __return,value); |
| __return.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn value<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a ::core::ffi::c_int { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate( |
| cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , int >, int >" |
| )] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE { |
| pub value1: crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| pub value2: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!( |
| "test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , int >, int >" |
| ), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , float >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE { |
| pub value1: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| pub value2: f32, |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , float >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , int >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE { |
| pub value1: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| pub value2: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateWithTwoParams < int , int >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Explicit class template specialization with definition should be imported |
| /// even when not instantiated if there is a type alias for it. |
| #[::ctor::recursively_pinned] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "test_namespace_bindings :: MyStruct < char >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("test_namespace_bindings :: MyStruct < char >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl ::ctor::CtorNew<()> for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: ()) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let () = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest)); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self> for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: &'b Self) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1ERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest),__param_0); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(&'b Self,)> for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (&'b Self,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest),__param_0); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<&'b Self> for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>(self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>( |
| self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>, |
| ) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Copy)] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate(cc_type = "MyTopLevelTemplate < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam >")] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE { |
| pub value: crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!("MyTopLevelTemplate < test_namespace_bindings :: TemplateParam >"), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl Default for __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> From<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn from(__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self { |
| let mut tmp = ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed(); |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(&mut tmp,__param_0); |
| tmp.assume_init() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::UnpinAssign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn unpin_assign<'a>(&'a mut self, __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| forward_declare::forward_declare!(pub __CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE = forward_declare::symbol!("__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE")); |
| |
| #[::ctor::recursively_pinned] |
| #[repr(C)] |
| #[__crubit::annotate( |
| cc_type = "template_template_params :: MyTemplate < template_template_params :: Policy >" |
| )] |
| pub struct __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE { |
| __non_field_data: [::core::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; 1], |
| } |
| forward_declare::unsafe_define!( |
| forward_declare::symbol!( |
| "template_template_params :: MyTemplate < template_template_params :: Policy >" |
| ), |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| ); |
| |
| impl ::ctor::CtorNew<()> for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: ()) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let () = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest)); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: &'b Self) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1ERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest),__param_0); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(&'b Self,)> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (&'b Self,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<&'b Self>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let __param_0 = args; |
| unsafe { |
| ::ctor::FnCtor::new( |
| move |dest: ::core::pin::Pin<&mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<Self>>| { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(::core::pin::Pin::into_inner_unchecked(dest),__param_0); |
| }, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::CtorNew<(::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| type CtorType = impl ::ctor::Ctor<Output = Self> + ::ctor::Captures<'b>; |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn ctor_new(args: (::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>,)) -> Self::CtorType { |
| let (arg,) = args; |
| <Self as ::ctor::CtorNew<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>>>::ctor_new(arg) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<&'b Self> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>(self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, __param_0: &'b Self) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'b> ::ctor::Assign<::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>> |
| for __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE |
| { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| fn assign<'a>( |
| self: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut Self>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, Self>, |
| ) { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc(self,__param_0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl __CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE { |
| #[inline(always)] |
| pub fn GetPolicy() -> ::core::ffi::c_int { |
| unsafe { |
| crate::detail::__rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEE9GetPolicyEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| forward_declare::forward_declare!(pub __CcTemplateInstN25forward_declared_template23ForwardDeclaredTemplateIiEE = forward_declare::symbol!("__CcTemplateInstN25forward_declared_template23ForwardDeclaredTemplateIiEE")); |
| |
| mod detail { |
| #[allow(unused_imports)] |
| use super::*; |
| extern "C" { |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeC1Ev<'a>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::DifferentScope>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeC1EOS_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::DifferentScope>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::DifferentScope>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeaSERKS_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::DifferentScope, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::DifferentScope, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::DifferentScope; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN14DifferentScopeaSEOS_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::DifferentScope, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::DifferentScope>, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::DifferentScope; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamC1Ev<'a>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamC1EOS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamaSERKS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamaSEOS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam; |
| #[link_name = "_Z36processForwardDeclaredSpecializationP18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE"] |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z36processForwardDeclaredSpecializationP18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| i: Option<::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIiE>>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeC1ERKS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeC1EOS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeaSERKS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN15private_classes14HasPrivateTypeaSEOS0_<'a, 'b>( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b, crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| __param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeE6CreateES1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc( |
| __return: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >, |
| value: &mut crate::DifferentScope, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| ) -> &'a crate::DifferentScope; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE,__param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE; |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE,__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b,crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE>)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEE6CreateES1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc( |
| __return: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >, |
| value: &mut crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| ) -> &'a crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiE6CreateEi__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc( |
| __return: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| >, |
| value: ::core::ffi::c_int, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZNK23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiE5valueEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| ) -> &'a ::core::ffi::c_int; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b,crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE,__param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE; |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE,__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b,crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE>)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| __param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| __param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1ERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEC1EOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEaSERKS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin< |
| &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: &'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE>; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEaSEOS1___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin< |
| &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE>; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this:&'a mut::core::mem::MaybeUninit<crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b,crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE>, |
| ); |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE,__param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE; |
| pub(crate)fn __rust_thunk___ZN18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc<'a,'b>(__this:&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE,__param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference<'b,crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE>)->&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1Ev__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1ERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEC1EOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: &'a mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >, |
| ); |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEaSERKS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE>, |
| __param_0:&'b crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin< |
| &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEaSEOS2___2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc< |
| 'a, |
| 'b, |
| >( |
| __this: ::core::pin::Pin<&'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE>, |
| __param_0: ::ctor::RvalueReference< |
| 'b, |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >, |
| ) -> ::core::pin::Pin< |
| &'a mut crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >; |
| pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEE9GetPolicyEv__2f_2fthird_5fparty_2fcrubit_2frs_5fbindings_5ffrom_5fcc_2ftest_2fgolden_3atemplates_5fcc() |
| -> ::core::ffi::c_int; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::size_of::<Option<&i32>>() == ::core::mem::size_of::<&i32>()); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::size_of::<crate::DifferentScope>() == 1); |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::align_of::<crate::DifferentScope>() == 1); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::DifferentScope:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::DifferentScope:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::DifferentScope:Drop); |
| }; |
| |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::size_of::<crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>() == 1); |
| const _: () = |
| assert!(::core::mem::align_of::<crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam>() == 1); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::test_namespace_bindings::TemplateParam:Drop); |
| }; |
| |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::size_of::<crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>() == 1); |
| const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::align_of::<crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType>() == 1); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::private_classes::HasPrivateType:Drop); |
| }; |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateI14DifferentScopeEE, |
| value_ |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateINS_13TemplateParamEEE, |
| value_ |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE>() |
| == 4 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE>() |
| == 4 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings10MyTemplateIiEE, |
| value_ |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE, |
| >() == 12 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE, |
| >() == 4 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE, |
| value1 |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsINS0_IiiEEiEE, |
| value2 |
| ) == 8 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >() == 8 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| >() == 4 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| value1 |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIifEE, |
| value2 |
| ) == 4 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >() == 8 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| >() == 4 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| value1 |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings21TemplateWithTwoParamsIiiEE, |
| value2 |
| ) == 4 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE>() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::<crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE>() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN23test_namespace_bindings8MyStructIcEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE:Clone); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE:Drop); |
| }; |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| memoffset::offset_of!( |
| crate::__CcTemplateInst18MyTopLevelTemplateIN23test_namespace_bindings13TemplateParamEE, |
| value |
| ) == 0 |
| ); |
| |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::size_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = assert!( |
| ::core::mem::align_of::< |
| crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE, |
| >() == 1 |
| ); |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE:Copy); |
| }; |
| const _: () = { |
| static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(crate::__CcTemplateInstN24template_template_params10MyTemplateINS_6PolicyEEE:Drop); |
| }; |