blob: d6d6c1d53f516f5a41f3b0e24b4b6a3bfb06377a [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
extern crate rustc_attr;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_infer;
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate rustc_target;
extern crate rustc_trait_selection;
extern crate rustc_type_ir;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context, Result};
use code_gen_utils::{
escape_non_identifier_chars, format_cc_ident, format_cc_includes,
format_namespace_bound_cc_tokens, make_rs_ident, CcInclude, NamespaceQualifier,
use itertools::Itertools;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens};
use rustc_hir::{AssocItemKind, Item, ItemKind, Node, Unsafety};
use rustc_infer::infer::TyCtxtInferExt;
use rustc_middle::dep_graph::DepContext;
use rustc_middle::mir::Mutability;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt}; // See <internal link>/ty.html#import-conventions
use rustc_span::def_id::{DefId, LocalDefId, LOCAL_CRATE};
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Symbol};
use rustc_target::abi::{Abi, FieldsShape, Integer, Layout, Primitive, Scalar};
use rustc_target::spec::PanicStrategy;
use rustc_trait_selection::infer::InferCtxtExt;
use rustc_type_ir::RegionKind;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::iter::once;
use std::ops::AddAssign;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub struct Input<'tcx> {
/// Compilation context for the crate that the bindings should be generated
/// for.
pub tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
/// Format specifier for `#include` Crubit C++ support library headers,
/// using `{header}` as the place holder. Example:
/// `<crubit/support/{header}>` results in `#include
/// <crubit/support/hdr.h>`.
pub crubit_support_path_format: Rc<str>,
/// A map from a crate name to the include paths of the corresponding C++
/// headers This is used when formatting a type exported from another
/// crate.
// TODO(b/271857814): A crate name might not be globally unique - the key needs to also cover
// a "hash" of the crate version and compilation flags.
pub crate_name_to_include_paths: HashMap<Rc<str>, Vec<CcInclude>>,
// TODO(b/262878759): Provide a set of enabled/disabled Crubit features.
pub _features: (),
impl<'tcx> Input<'tcx> {
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized. It may be
// easier if separate functions are provided for each support header - e.g.
// `rs_char()`, `return_value_slot()`, etc.
fn support_header(&self, suffix: &str) -> CcInclude {
CcInclude::support_lib_header(self.crubit_support_path_format.clone(), suffix.into())
pub struct Output {
pub h_body: TokenStream,
pub rs_body: TokenStream,
pub fn generate_bindings(input: &Input) -> Result<Output> {
match input.tcx.sess().panic_strategy() {
PanicStrategy::Unwind => bail!("No support for panic=unwind strategy (b/254049425)"),
PanicStrategy::Abort => (),
let top_comment = {
let crate_name = input.tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE);
let txt = format!(
"Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate:\n\
quote! { __COMMENT__ #txt __NEWLINE__ }
let Output { h_body, rs_body } = format_crate(input).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
let txt = format!("Failed to generate bindings for the crate: {err}");
let src = quote! { __COMMENT__ #txt };
Output { h_body: src.clone(), rs_body: src }
let h_body = quote! {
// TODO(b/251445877): Replace `#pragma once` with include guards.
__HASH_TOKEN__ pragma once __NEWLINE__
let rs_body = quote! {
// `` documents why the generated
// bindings need to relax the `improper_ctypes_definitions` warning
// for `char` (and possibly for other built-in types in the future).
#![allow(improper_ctypes_definitions)] __NEWLINE__
// Workaround for b/290271595
// TODO( Remove once the feature is
// stabilized.
#![feature(const_refs_to_cell)] __NEWLINE__
Ok(Output { h_body, rs_body })
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct CcPrerequisites {
/// Set of `#include`s that a `CcSnippet` depends on. For example if
/// `CcSnippet::tokens` expands to `std::int32_t`, then `includes`
/// need to cover the `#include <cstdint>`.
includes: BTreeSet<CcInclude>,
/// Set of local definitions that a `CcSnippet` depends on. For example if
/// `CcSnippet::tokens` expands to `void foo(S s) { ... }` then the
/// definition of `S` should have appeared earlier - in this case `defs`
/// will include the `LocalDefId` corresponding to `S`. Note that the
/// definition of `S` is covered by `ApiSnippets::main_api` (i.e. the
/// predecessor of a toposort edge is `ApiSnippets::main_api` - it is not
/// possible to depend on `ApiSnippets::cc_details`).
defs: HashSet<LocalDefId>,
/// Set of forward declarations that a `CcSnippet` depends on. For example
/// if `CcSnippet::tokens` expands to `void foo(S* s)` then a forward
/// declaration of `S` should have appeared earlier - in this case
/// `fwd_decls` will include the `LocalDefId` corresponding to `S`.
/// Note that in this particular example the *definition* of `S` does
/// *not* need to appear earlier (and therefore `defs` will *not*
/// contain `LocalDefId` corresponding to `S`).
fwd_decls: HashSet<LocalDefId>,
impl CcPrerequisites {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
let &Self { ref includes, ref defs, ref fwd_decls } = self;
includes.is_empty() && defs.is_empty() && fwd_decls.is_empty()
/// Weakens all dependencies to only require a forward declaration. Example
/// usage scenarios:
/// - Computing prerequisites of pointer types (the pointee type can just be
/// forward-declared),
/// - Computing prerequisites of function declarations (parameter types and
/// return type can just be forward-declared).
fn move_defs_to_fwd_decls(&mut self) {
self.fwd_decls.extend(std::mem::take(&mut self.defs))
impl AddAssign for CcPrerequisites {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
let Self { mut includes, defs, fwd_decls } = rhs;
// `BTreeSet::append` is used because it _seems_ to be more efficient than
// calling `extend`. This is because `extend` takes an iterator
// (processing each `rhs` include one-at-a-time) while `append` steals
// the whole backing data store from `rhs.includes`. OTOH, this is a bit
// speculative, since the (expected / guessed) performance difference is
// not documented at
self.includes.append(&mut includes);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct CcSnippet {
tokens: TokenStream,
prereqs: CcPrerequisites,
impl CcSnippet {
/// Consumes `self` and returns its `tokens`, while preserving
/// its `prereqs` into `prereqs_accumulator`.
fn into_tokens(self, prereqs_accumulator: &mut CcPrerequisites) -> TokenStream {
let Self { tokens, prereqs } = self;
*prereqs_accumulator += prereqs;
/// Creates a new CcSnippet (with no `CcPrerequisites`).
fn new(tokens: TokenStream) -> Self {
Self { tokens, ..Default::default() }
/// Creates a CcSnippet that depends on a single `CcInclude`.
fn with_include(tokens: TokenStream, include: CcInclude) -> Self {
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
Self { tokens, prereqs }
impl AddAssign for CcSnippet {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
self.tokens.extend(rhs.into_tokens(&mut self.prereqs));
/// Represents the fully qualified name of a Rust item (e.g. of a `struct` or a
/// function).
struct FullyQualifiedName {
/// Name of the crate that defines the item.
/// For example, this would be `std` for `std::cmp::Ordering`.
krate: Symbol,
/// Path to the module where the item is located.
/// For example, this would be `cmp` for `std::cmp::Ordering`.
/// The path may contain multiple modules - e.g. `foo::bar::baz`.
mod_path: NamespaceQualifier,
/// Name of the item.
/// For example, this would be:
/// * `Some("Ordering")` for `std::cmp::Ordering`.
/// * `None` for `ItemKind::Use` - e.g.: `use submodule::*`
name: Option<Symbol>,
impl FullyQualifiedName {
/// Computes a `FullyQualifiedName` for `def_id`.
/// May panic if `def_id` is an invalid id.
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn new(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> Self {
let krate = tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate);
let mut full_path = tcx.def_path(def_id).data; // mod_path + name
let name = full_path.pop().expect("At least the item's name should be present");
let name =;
let mod_path = NamespaceQualifier::new(
.map(|s| Rc::<str>::from(s.as_str())),
Self { krate, mod_path, name }
fn format_for_cc(&self) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let name ="`format_for_cc` can't be called on name-less item kinds");
let top_level_ns = format_cc_ident(self.krate.as_str())?;
let ns_path = self.mod_path.format_for_cc()?;
let name = format_cc_ident(name.as_str())?;
Ok(quote! { :: #top_level_ns :: #ns_path #name })
fn format_for_rs(&self) -> TokenStream {
let name ="`format_for_cc` can't be called on name-less item kinds");
let krate = make_rs_ident(self.krate.as_str());
let mod_path = self.mod_path.format_for_rs();
let name = make_rs_ident(name.as_str());
quote! { :: #krate :: #mod_path #name }
/// Whether functions using `extern "C"` ABI can safely handle values of type
/// `ty` (e.g. when passing by value arguments or return values of such type).
fn is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(ty: Ty) -> bool {
match ty.kind() {
// `improper_ctypes_definitions` warning doesn't complain about the following types:
ty::TyKind::Bool |
ty::TyKind::Float{..} |
ty::TyKind::Int{..} |
ty::TyKind::Uint{..} |
ty::TyKind::Never |
ty::TyKind::RawPtr{..} |
ty::TyKind::Ref{..} |
ty::TyKind::FnPtr{..} => true,
ty::TyKind::Tuple(types) if types.len() == 0 => true,
// Crubit assumes that `char` is compatible with a certain `extern "C"` ABI.
// See `` for more details.
ty::TyKind::Char => true,
// Crubit's C++ bindings for tuples, structs, and other ADTs may not preserve
// their ABI (even if they *do* preserve their memory layout). For example:
// - In System V ABI replacing a field with a fixed-length array of bytes may affect
// whether the whole struct is classified as an integer and passed in general purpose
// registers VS classified as SSE2 and passed in floating-point registers like xmm0).
// See also b/270454629.
// - To replicate field offsets, Crubit may insert explicit padding fields. These
// extra fields may also impact the ABI of the generated bindings.
// TODO(lukasza): In the future, some additional performance gains may be realized by
// returning `true` in a few limited cases (this may require additional complexity to
// ensure that `format_adt` never injects explicit padding into such structs):
// - `#[repr(C)]` structs and unions,
// - `#[repr(transparent)]` struct that wraps an ABI-safe type,
// - Discriminant-only enums (b/259984090).
ty::TyKind::Tuple{..} | // An empty tuple (`()` - the unit type) is handled above.
ty::TyKind::Adt{..} => false,
// These kinds of reference-related types are not implemented yet - `is_c_abi_compatible_by_value`
// should never need to handle them, because `format_ty_for_cc` fails for such types.
// TODO(b/258235219): When implementing support for references we should
// consider returning `true` for `TyKind::Ref` and document the rationale
// for such decision - maybe something like this will be sufficient:
// - In general `TyKind::Ref` should have the same ABI as `TyKind::RawPtr`
// - References to slices (`&[T]`) or strings (`&str`) rely on assumptions
// spelled out in ``..
ty::TyKind::Str |
ty::TyKind::Array{..} |
ty::TyKind::Slice{..} =>
// `format_ty_for_cc` is expected to fail for other kinds of types
// and therefore `is_c_abi_compatible_by_value` should never be called for
// these other types
_ => unimplemented!(),
/// Location where a type is used.
enum TypeLocation {
/// The top-level return type.
/// The "top-level" part can be explained by looking at an example of `fn
/// foo() -> *const T`:
/// - The top-level return type `*const T` is in the `FnReturn` location
/// - The nested pointee type `T` is in the `Other` location
/// The top-level parameter type.
/// The "top-level" part can be explained by looking at an example of:
/// `fn foo(param: *const T)`:
/// - The top-level parameter type `*const T` is in the `FnParam` location
/// - The nested pointee type `T` is in the `Other` location
// TODO(b/278141494, b/278141418): Once `const` and `static` items are supported,
// we may want to apply parameter-like formatting to their types (e.g. have
// `format_ty_for_cc` emit `T&` rather than `T*`).
/// Other location (e.g. pointee type, field type, etc.).
fn format_pointer_or_reference_ty_for_cc<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
pointee: Ty<'tcx>,
mutability: rustc_middle::mir::Mutability,
pointer_sigil: TokenStream,
) -> Result<CcSnippet> {
let const_qualifier = match mutability {
Mutability::Mut => quote! {},
Mutability::Not => quote! { const },
let CcSnippet { tokens, mut prereqs } = format_ty_for_cc(input, pointee, TypeLocation::Other)?;
Ok(CcSnippet { prereqs, tokens: quote! { #tokens #const_qualifier #pointer_sigil } })
/// Formats `ty` into a `CcSnippet` that represents how the type should be
/// spelled in a C++ declaration of a function parameter or field.
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_ty_for_cc<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
location: TypeLocation,
) -> Result<CcSnippet> {
fn cstdint(tokens: TokenStream) -> CcSnippet {
CcSnippet::with_include(tokens, CcInclude::cstdint())
fn keyword(tokens: TokenStream) -> CcSnippet {
Ok(match ty.kind() {
ty::TyKind::Never => match location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn => keyword(quote! { void }),
_ => {
// TODO(b/254507801): Maybe translate into `crubit::Never`?
bail!("The never type `!` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)");
ty::TyKind::Tuple(types) => {
if types.len() == 0 {
match location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn => keyword(quote! { void }),
_ => {
// TODO(b/254507801): Maybe translate into `crubit::Unit`?
bail!("`()` / `void` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)");
} else {
// TODO(b/254099023): Add support for tuples.
bail!("Tuples are not supported yet: {} (b/254099023)", ty);
// documents
// that "Rust's bool has the same layout as C17's _Bool". The details (e.g. size, valid
// bit patterns) are implementation-defined, but this is okay, because `bool` in the
// `extern "C"` functions in the generated `..._cc_api.h` will also be the C17's _Bool.
ty::TyKind::Bool => keyword(quote! { bool }),
// documents that "When the platforms' "math.h" header defines the __STDC_IEC_559__ macro,
// Rust's floating-point types are safe to use directly in C FFI where the appropriate C
// types are expected (f32 for float, f64 for double)."
// TODO(b/255768062): Generated bindings should explicitly check `__STDC_IEC_559__`
ty::TyKind::Float(ty::FloatTy::F32) => keyword(quote! { float }),
ty::TyKind::Float(ty::FloatTy::F64) => keyword(quote! { double }),
// ABI compatibility and other details are described in the doc comments in
// `crubit/support/rs_std/rs_char.h` and `crubit/support/rs_std/` (search for
// "Layout tests").
ty::TyKind::Char => {
// Asserting that the target architecture meets the assumption from Crubit's
// `` - we assume that Rust's `char` has the
// same ABI as `u32`.
let layout = input
.expect("`layout_of` is expected to succeed for the builtin `char` type")
assert_eq!(4, layout.align().abi.bytes());
assert_eq!(4, layout.size().bytes());
Abi::Scalar(Scalar::Initialized {
value: Primitive::Int(Integer::I32, /* signedness = */ false),
quote! { rs_std::rs_char },
// documents that "Rust's signed and unsigned fixed-width integer types {i,u}{8,16,32,64}
// have the same layout the C fixed-width integer types from the <stdint.h> header
// {u,}int{8,16,32,64}_t. These fixed-width integer types are therefore safe to use
// directly in C FFI where the corresponding C fixed-width integer types are expected.
// documents that "Rust does not support C platforms on which the C native integer type are
// not compatible with any of Rust's fixed-width integer type (e.g. because of
// padding-bits, lack of 2's complement, etc.)."
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::I8) => cstdint(quote! { std::int8_t }),
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::I16) => cstdint(quote! { std::int16_t }),
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::I32) => cstdint(quote! { std::int32_t }),
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::I64) => cstdint(quote! { std::int64_t }),
ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::U8) => cstdint(quote! { std::uint8_t }),
ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::U16) => cstdint(quote! { std::uint16_t }),
ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::U32) => cstdint(quote! { std::uint32_t }),
ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::U64) => cstdint(quote! { std::uint64_t }),
// documents that "The isize and usize types are [...] layout compatible with C's uintptr_t
// and intptr_t types.".
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::Isize) => cstdint(quote! { std::intptr_t }),
ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::Usize) => cstdint(quote! { std::uintptr_t }),
ty::TyKind::Int(ty::IntTy::I128) | ty::TyKind::Uint(ty::UintTy::U128) => {
// Note that "the alignment of Rust's {i,u}128 is unspecified and allowed to
// change" according to
// TODO(b/254094650): Consider mapping this to Clang's (and GCC's) `__int128`
// or to `absl::in128`.
bail!("C++ doesn't have a standard equivalent of `{ty}` (b/254094650)");
ty::TyKind::Adt(adt, substs) => {
ensure!(substs.len() == 0, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
is_directly_public(input.tcx, adt.did()),
"Not directly public type (re-exports are not supported yet - b/262052635)"
let def_id = adt.did();
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
if def_id.krate == LOCAL_CRATE {
} else {
let other_crate_name = input.tcx.crate_name(def_id.krate);
let includes = input
.ok_or_else(|| {
"Type `{ty}` comes from the `{other_crate_name}` crate, \
but no `--bindings-from-dependency` was specified for this crate"
// Verify if definition of `ty` can be succesfully imported and bail otherwise.
format_adt_core(input.tcx, def_id).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to generate bindings for the definition of `{ty}`")
CcSnippet {
tokens: FullyQualifiedName::new(input.tcx, def_id).format_for_cc()?,
ty::TyKind::RawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee_ty, mutbl }) => {
format_pointer_or_reference_ty_for_cc(input, *pointee_ty, *mutbl, quote! { * })
.with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format the pointee of the pointer type `{ty}`")
ty::TyKind::Ref(region, referent_ty, mutability) => {
match location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn | TypeLocation::FnParam => (),
TypeLocation::Other => bail!(
"Can't format `{ty}`, because references are only supported in \
function parameter types and return types (b/286256327)",
let lifetime = format_region_as_cc_lifetime(region);
quote! { & #lifetime },
.with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format the referent of the reference type `{ty}`")
ty::TyKind::FnPtr(sig) => {
let sig = match sig.no_bound_vars() {
None => bail!("Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)"),
Some(sig) => sig,
is_thunk_required(&sig).context("Function pointers can't have a thunk")?;
// `is_thunk_required` check above implies `extern "C"` (or `"C-unwind"`).
// This assertion reinforces that the generated C++ code doesn't need
// to use calling convention attributes like `_stdcall`, etc.
assert!(matches!(sig.abi, rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi::C { .. }));
// C++ references are not rebindable and therefore can't be used to replicate
// semantics of Rust field types (or, say, element types of Rust
// arrays). Because of this, C++ references are only used for
// top-level return types and parameter types (and pointers are used
// in other locations).
let ptr_or_ref_sigil = match location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn | TypeLocation::FnParam => quote! { & },
TypeLocation::Other => quote! { * },
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let ret_type = format_ret_ty_for_cc(input, &sig)?.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let param_types = format_param_types_for_cc(input, &sig)?
.map(|snippet| snippet.into_tokens(&mut prereqs));
let tokens = quote! {
#ret_type( #( #param_types ),* )
> #ptr_or_ref_sigil
CcSnippet { tokens, prereqs }
// TODO(b/260268230, b/260729464): When recursively processing nested types (e.g. an
// element type of an Array, a referent of a Ref, a parameter type of an FnPtr, etc), one
// should also 1) propagate `CcPrerequisites::defs`, 2) cover `CcPrerequisites::defs` in
// `test_format_ty_for_cc...`. For ptr/ref it might be possible to use
// `CcPrerequisites::move_defs_to_fwd_decls`.
_ => bail!("The following Rust type is not supported yet: {ty}"),
fn format_ret_ty_for_cc<'tcx>(input: &Input<'tcx>, sig: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>) -> Result<CcSnippet> {
format_ty_for_cc(input, sig.output(), TypeLocation::FnReturn)
.context("Error formatting function return type")
fn format_param_types_for_cc<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
sig: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
) -> Result<Vec<CcSnippet>> {
.map(|(i, &ty)| {
format_ty_for_cc(input, ty, TypeLocation::FnParam)
.with_context(|| format!("Error handling parameter #{i}"))
/// Formats `ty` for Rust - to be used in `` (e.g. as a type
/// of a parameter in a Rust thunk). Because `` is a
/// distinct, separate crate, the returned `TokenStream` uses crate-qualified
/// names whenever necessary - for example: `target_crate::SomeStruct` rather
/// than just `SomeStruct`.
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_ty_for_rs(tcx: TyCtxt, ty: Ty) -> Result<TokenStream> {
Ok(match ty.kind() {
| ty::TyKind::Float(_)
| ty::TyKind::Char
| ty::TyKind::Int(_)
| ty::TyKind::Uint(_)
| ty::TyKind::FnPtr(_)
| ty::TyKind::Never => ty
.expect("rustc_middle::ty::Ty::to_string() should produce no parsing errors"),
ty::TyKind::Tuple(types) => {
if types.len() == 0 {
quote! { () }
} else {
// TODO(b/254099023): Add support for tuples.
bail!("Tuples are not supported yet: {} (b/254099023)", ty);
ty::TyKind::Adt(adt, substs) => {
ensure!(substs.len() == 0, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, adt.did()).format_for_rs()
ty::TyKind::RawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee_ty, mutbl }) => {
let qualifier = match mutbl {
Mutability::Mut => quote! { mut },
Mutability::Not => quote! { const },
let ty = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, *pointee_ty).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format the pointee of the pointer type `{ty}`")
quote! { * #qualifier #ty }
ty::TyKind::Ref(region, referent_ty, mutability) => {
let mutability = match mutability {
Mutability::Mut => quote! { mut },
Mutability::Not => quote! {},
let ty = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, *referent_ty).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format the referent of the reference type `{ty}`")
let lifetime = format_region_as_rs_lifetime(region);
quote! { & #lifetime #mutability #ty }
_ => bail!("The following Rust type is not supported yet: {ty}"),
fn format_region_as_cc_lifetime(region: &ty::Region) -> TokenStream {
let name =
region.get_name().expect("Caller should use `liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions`");
let name = name
.expect("All Rust lifetimes are expected to begin with the \"'\" character");
// TODO(b/286299326): Use `$a` or `$(foo)` or `$static` syntax below.
quote! { [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", #name)]] }
fn format_region_as_rs_lifetime(region: &ty::Region) -> TokenStream {
let name =
region.get_name().expect("Caller should use `liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions`");
let lifetime = syn::Lifetime::new(name.as_str(), proc_macro2::Span::call_site());
quote! { #lifetime }
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct ApiSnippets {
/// Main API - for example:
/// - A C++ declaration of a function (with a doc comment),
/// - A C++ definition of a struct (with a doc comment).
main_api: CcSnippet,
/// C++ implementation details - for example:
/// - A C++ declaration of an `extern "C"` thunk,
/// - C++ `static_assert`s about struct size, aligment, and field offsets.
cc_details: CcSnippet,
/// Rust implementation details - for exmaple:
/// - A Rust implementation of an `extern "C"` thunk,
/// - Rust `assert!`s about struct size, aligment, and field offsets.
rs_details: TokenStream,
impl FromIterator<ApiSnippets> for ApiSnippets {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = ApiSnippets>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let mut result = ApiSnippets::default();
for ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details } in iter.into_iter() {
result.main_api += main_api;
result.cc_details += cc_details;
/// Similar to `TyCtxt::liberate_and_name_late_bound_regions` but also replaces
/// anonymous regions with new names.
fn liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
sig: ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>,
fn_def_id: DefId,
) -> ty::FnSig<'tcx> {
let mut anon_count: u32 = 0;
let mut translated_kinds: HashMap<ty::BoundVar, ty::BoundRegionKind> = HashMap::new();
tcx.replace_late_bound_regions_uncached(sig, |br: ty::BoundRegion| {
let new_kind: &ty::BoundRegionKind = translated_kinds.entry(br.var).or_insert_with(|| {
let name = br.kind.get_name().unwrap_or_else(|| {
anon_count += 1;
let id = br.kind.get_id().unwrap_or(fn_def_id);
ty::BoundRegionKind::BrNamed(id, name)
ty::Region::new_free(tcx, fn_def_id, *new_kind)
fn get_fn_sig(tcx: TyCtxt, fn_def_id: LocalDefId) -> ty::FnSig {
let fn_def_id = fn_def_id.to_def_id(); // LocalDefId => DefId
let sig = tcx.fn_sig(fn_def_id).instantiate_identity();
liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions(tcx, sig, fn_def_id)
/// Formats a C++ function declaration of a thunk that wraps a Rust function
/// identified by `fn_def_id`. `format_thunk_impl` may panic if `fn_def_id`
/// doesn't identify a function.
fn format_thunk_decl<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
fn_def_id: DefId,
sig: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
thunk_name: &TokenStream,
) -> Result<CcSnippet> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let main_api_ret_type = format_ret_ty_for_cc(input, sig)?.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let mut thunk_params = {
let cc_types = format_param_types_for_cc(input, sig)?;
.map(|(&ty, cc_type)| -> Result<TokenStream> {
let cc_type = cc_type.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(ty) {
Ok(quote! { #cc_type })
} else {
// Rust thunk will move a value via memcpy - we need to `ensure` that
// invoking the C++ destructor (on the moved-away value) is safe.
!ty.needs_drop(tcx, tcx.param_env(fn_def_id)),
"Only trivially-movable and trivially-destructible types \
may be passed by value over the FFI boundary"
Ok(quote! { #cc_type* })
let thunk_ret_type: TokenStream;
if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(sig.output()) {
thunk_ret_type = main_api_ret_type;
} else {
thunk_ret_type = quote! { void };
thunk_params.push(quote! { #main_api_ret_type* __ret_ptr });
Ok(CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" #thunk_ret_type #thunk_name ( #( #thunk_params ),* );
/// Formats a thunk implementation in Rust that provides an `extern "C"` ABI for
/// calling a Rust function identified by `fn_def_id`. `format_thunk_impl` may
/// panic if `fn_def_id` doesn't identify a function.
/// `fully_qualified_fn_name` specifies how the thunk can identify the function
/// to call. Examples of valid arguments:
/// - `::crate_name::some_module::free_function`
/// - `::crate_name::some_module::SomeStruct::method`
/// - `<::create_name::some_module::SomeStruct as
/// ::core::default::Default>::default`
fn format_thunk_impl<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
fn_def_id: DefId,
sig: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
thunk_name: &str,
fully_qualified_fn_name: TokenStream,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let param_names_and_types: Vec<(Ident, Ty)> = {
let param_names = tcx.fn_arg_names(fn_def_id).iter().enumerate().map(|(i, ident)| {
if ident.as_str().is_empty() {
} else if == kw::SelfLower {
} else {
let param_types = sig.inputs().iter().copied();
let mut thunk_params = param_names_and_types
.map(|(param_name, ty)| {
let rs_type = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, *ty)
.with_context(|| format!("Error handling parameter `{param_name}`"))?;
Ok(if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(*ty) {
quote! { #param_name: #rs_type }
} else {
quote! { #param_name: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<#rs_type> }
let mut thunk_ret_type = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, sig.output())?;
let mut thunk_body = {
let fn_args = param_names_and_types.iter().map(|(rs_name, ty)| {
if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(*ty) {
quote! { #rs_name }
} else {
quote! { unsafe { #rs_name.assume_init_read() } }
quote! {
#fully_qualified_fn_name( #( #fn_args ),* )
if !is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(sig.output()) {
thunk_params.push(quote! {
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<#thunk_ret_type>
thunk_ret_type = quote! { () };
thunk_body = quote! { __ret_slot.write(#thunk_body); };
let generic_params = {
let regions = sig
.flat_map(|ty| {
ty.walk().filter_map(|generic_arg| match generic_arg.unpack() {
ty::GenericArgKind::Const(_) | ty::GenericArgKind::Type(_) => None,
ty::GenericArgKind::Lifetime(region) => Some(region),
.filter(|region| match region.kind() {
RegionKind::ReStatic => false,
RegionKind::ReFree(_) => true,
_ => panic!("Unexpected region kind: {region}"),
.sorted_by_key(|region| {
.expect("Caller should use `liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions`")
if regions.is_empty() {
quote! {}
} else {
let lifetimes = regions.into_iter().map(|region| format_region_as_rs_lifetime(&region));
quote! { < #( #lifetimes ),* > }
let thunk_name = make_rs_ident(thunk_name);
Ok(quote! {
extern "C" fn #thunk_name #generic_params ( #( #thunk_params ),* ) -> #thunk_ret_type {
fn check_fn_sig(sig: &ty::FnSig) -> Result<()> {
if sig.c_variadic {
// TODO(b/254097223): Add support for variadic functions.
bail!("C variadic functions are not supported (b/254097223)");
match sig.unsafety {
Unsafety::Normal => (),
Unsafety::Unsafe => {
// TODO(b/254095482): Figure out how to handle `unsafe` functions.
bail!("Bindings for `unsafe` functions are not fully designed yet (b/254095482)");
/// Returns `Ok(())` if no thunk is required.
/// Otherwise returns an error the describes why the thunk is needed.
fn is_thunk_required(sig: &ty::FnSig) -> Result<()> {
match sig.abi {
// "C" ABI is okay: Before a
// Rust panic that "escapes" a "C" ABI function leads to Undefined Behavior. This is
// unfortunate, but Crubit's `` documents that `-Cpanic=abort`
// is the only supported configuration.
// After a Rust panic that
// tries to "escape" a "C" ABI function will terminate the program. This is okay.
rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi::C { unwind: false } => (),
// "C-unwind" ABI is okay: After
// a new "C-unwind" ABI may be
// used by Rust functions that want to safely propagate Rust panics through frames that
// may belong to another language.
rustc_target::spec::abi::Abi::C { unwind: true } => (),
// All other ABIs trigger thunk generation. This covers Rust ABI functions, but also
// ABIs that theoretically are understood both by C++ and Rust (e.g. see
// `format_cc_call_conv_as_clang_attribute` in `rs_bindings_from_cc/`).
_ => bail!("Calling convention other than `extern \"C\"` requires a thunk"),
ensure!(is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(sig.output()), "Return type requires a thunk");
for (i, param_ty) in sig.inputs().iter().enumerate() {
ensure!(is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(*param_ty), "Type of parameter #{i} requires a thunk");
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum FunctionKind {
/// Free function (i.e. not a method).
/// Static method (i.e. the first parameter is not named `self`).
/// Instance method taking `self` by value (i.e. `self: Self`).
/// Instance method taking `self` by reference (i.e. `&self` or `&mut
/// self`).
impl FunctionKind {
fn has_self_param(&self) -> bool {
match self {
FunctionKind::MethodTakingSelfByValue | FunctionKind::MethodTakingSelfByRef => true,
FunctionKind::Free | FunctionKind::StaticMethod => false,
/// Formats a function with the given `local_def_id`.
/// Will panic if `local_def_id`
/// - is invalid
/// - doesn't identify a function,
fn format_fn(input: &Input, local_def_id: LocalDefId) -> Result<ApiSnippets> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let def_id: DefId = local_def_id.to_def_id(); // Convert LocalDefId to DefId.
tcx.generics_of(def_id).count() == 0,
"Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)"
let sig = get_fn_sig(tcx, local_def_id);
let needs_thunk = is_thunk_required(&sig).is_err();
let thunk_name = {
let symbol_name = {
// Call to `mono` is ok - `generics_of` have been checked above.
let instance = ty::Instance::mono(tcx, def_id);
if needs_thunk {
format!("__crubit_thunk_{}", &escape_non_identifier_chars(symbol_name))
} else {
let fully_qualified_fn_name = FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, def_id);
let short_fn_name ="Functions are assumed to always have a name");
let main_api_fn_name =
format_cc_ident(short_fn_name.as_str()).context("Error formatting function name")?;
let mut main_api_prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let main_api_ret_type = format_ret_ty_for_cc(input, &sig)?.into_tokens(&mut main_api_prereqs);
struct Param<'tcx> {
cc_name: TokenStream,
cc_type: TokenStream,
ty: Ty<'tcx>,
let params = {
let names = tcx.fn_arg_names(def_id).iter();
let cc_types = format_param_types_for_cc(input, &sig)?;
.map(|(((i, name), &ty), cc_type)| {
let cc_name = format_cc_ident(name.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|_err| format_cc_ident(&format!("__param_{i}")).unwrap());
let cc_type = cc_type.into_tokens(&mut main_api_prereqs);
Param { cc_name, cc_type, ty }
let self_ty: Option<Ty> = match tcx.impl_of_method(def_id) {
Some(impl_id) => match tcx.impl_subject(impl_id).instantiate_identity() {
ty::ImplSubject::Inherent(ty) => Some(ty),
ty::ImplSubject::Trait(_) => panic!("Trait methods should be filtered by caller"),
None => None,
let method_kind = match tcx.hir().get_by_def_id(local_def_id) {
Node::Item(_) => FunctionKind::Free,
Node::ImplItem(_) => match tcx.fn_arg_names(def_id).get(0) {
Some(arg_name) if == kw::SelfLower => {
let self_ty = self_ty.expect("ImplItem => non-None `self_ty`");
if params[0].ty == self_ty {
} else {
match params[0].ty.kind() {
ty::TyKind::Ref(_, referent_ty, _) if *referent_ty == self_ty => {
_ => bail!("Unsupported `self` type"),
_ => FunctionKind::StaticMethod,
other => panic!("Unexpected HIR node kind: {other:?}"),
let method_qualifiers = match method_kind {
FunctionKind::Free | FunctionKind::StaticMethod => quote! {},
FunctionKind::MethodTakingSelfByValue => quote! { && },
FunctionKind::MethodTakingSelfByRef => match params[0].ty.kind() {
ty::TyKind::Ref(region, _, mutability) => {
let lifetime_annotation = format_region_as_cc_lifetime(region);
let mutability = match mutability {
Mutability::Mut => quote! {},
Mutability::Not => quote! { const },
quote! { #mutability #lifetime_annotation }
_ => panic!("Expecting TyKind::Ref for MethodKind...Self...Ref"),
let struct_name = match self_ty {
Some(ty) => match ty.kind() {
ty::TyKind::Adt(adt, substs) => {
assert_eq!(0, substs.len(), "Callers should filter out generics");
Some(FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, adt.did()))
_ => panic!("Non-ADT `impl`s should be filtered by caller"),
None => None,
let needs_definition = short_fn_name.as_str() != thunk_name;
let main_api_params = params
.skip(if method_kind.has_self_param() { 1 } else { 0 })
.map(|Param { cc_name, cc_type, .. }| quote! { #cc_type #cc_name })
let main_api = {
let doc_comment = {
let doc_comment = format_doc_comment(tcx, local_def_id);
quote! { __NEWLINE__ #doc_comment }
let mut prereqs = main_api_prereqs.clone();
let static_ = if method_kind == FunctionKind::StaticMethod {
quote! { static }
} else {
quote! {}
let extern_c = if !needs_definition {
quote! { extern "C" }
} else {
quote! {}
CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
#static_ #extern_c
#main_api_ret_type #main_api_fn_name (
#( #main_api_params ),*
) #method_qualifiers;
let cc_details = if !needs_definition {
} else {
let thunk_name = format_cc_ident(&thunk_name).context("Error formatting thunk name")?;
let struct_name = match struct_name.as_ref() {
None => quote! {},
Some(fully_qualified_name) => {
let name ="Structs always have a name");
let name = format_cc_ident(name.as_str())
.expect("Caller of format_fn should verify struct via format_adt_core");
quote! { #name :: }
let mut prereqs = main_api_prereqs;
let thunk_decl =
format_thunk_decl(input, def_id, &sig, &thunk_name)?.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let mut thunk_args = params
.map(|(i, Param { cc_name, ty, .. })| {
if i == 0 && method_kind.has_self_param() {
if method_kind == FunctionKind::MethodTakingSelfByValue {
quote! { this }
} else {
quote! { *this }
} else if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(*ty) {
quote! { #cc_name }
} else {
quote! { & #cc_name }
let impl_body: TokenStream;
if is_c_abi_compatible_by_value(sig.output()) {
impl_body = quote! {
return __crubit_internal :: #thunk_name( #( #thunk_args ),* );
} else {
if let Some(adt_def) = sig.output().ty_adt_def() {
let core = format_adt_core(tcx, adt_def.did())?;
format_move_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, &core).map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("Can't pass the return type by value without a move constructor")
thunk_args.push(quote! { __ret_slot.Get() });
impl_body = quote! {
crubit::ReturnValueSlot<#main_api_ret_type> __ret_slot;
__crubit_internal :: #thunk_name( #( #thunk_args ),* );
return std::move(__ret_slot).AssumeInitAndTakeValue();
prereqs.includes.insert(CcInclude::utility()); // for `std::move`
CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
inline #main_api_ret_type #struct_name #main_api_fn_name (
#( #main_api_params ),* ) #method_qualifiers {
let rs_details = if !needs_thunk {
quote! {}
} else {
let fully_qualified_fn_name = match struct_name.as_ref() {
None => fully_qualified_fn_name.format_for_rs(),
Some(struct_name) => {
let fn_name = make_rs_ident(short_fn_name.as_str());
let struct_name = struct_name.format_for_rs();
quote! { #struct_name :: #fn_name }
format_thunk_impl(tcx, def_id, &sig, &thunk_name, fully_qualified_fn_name)?
Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details })
/// Represents bindings for the "core" part of an algebraic data type (an ADT -
/// a struct, an enum, or a union) in a way that supports later injecting the
/// other parts like so:
/// ```
/// quote! {
/// #keyword #alignment #name final {
/// #core
/// #decls_of_other_parts // (e.g. struct fields, methods, etc.)
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// `keyword`, `name` are stored separately, to support formatting them as a
/// forward declaration - e.g. `struct SomeStruct`.
struct AdtCoreBindings<'tcx> {
/// DefId of the ADT.
def_id: DefId,
/// C++ tag - e.g. `struct`, `class`, `enum`, or `union`. This isn't always
/// a direct mapping from Rust (e.g. a Rust `enum` might end up being
/// represented as an opaque C++ `struct`).
keyword: TokenStream,
/// C++ translation of the ADT identifier - e.g. `SomeStruct`.
/// A _short_ name is sufficient (i.e. there is no need to use a
/// namespace-qualified name), for `CcSnippet`s that are emitted into
/// the same namespace as the ADT. (This seems to be all the snippets
/// today.)
cc_short_name: TokenStream,
/// Rust spelling of the ADT type - e.g.
/// `::some_crate::some_module::SomeStruct`.
rs_fully_qualified_name: TokenStream,
self_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
alignment_in_bytes: u64,
size_in_bytes: u64,
impl<'tcx> AdtCoreBindings<'tcx> {
fn needs_drop(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> bool {
self.self_ty.needs_drop(tcx, tcx.param_env(self.def_id))
/// Like `TyCtxt::is_directly_public`, but works not only with `LocalDefId`, but
/// also with `DefId`.
fn is_directly_public(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: DefId) -> bool {
match def_id.as_local() {
None => {
// This mimics the checks in `try_print_visible_def_path_recur` in
// `compiler/rustc_middle/src/ty/print/`.
let actual_parent = tcx.opt_parent(def_id);
let visible_parent = tcx.visible_parent_map(()).get(&def_id).copied();
actual_parent == visible_parent
Some(local_def_id) => tcx.effective_visibilities(()).is_directly_public(local_def_id),
fn get_layout<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Result<Layout<'tcx>> {
let param_env = match ty.ty_adt_def() {
None => ty::ParamEnv::empty(),
Some(adt_def) => tcx.param_env(adt_def.did()),
tcx.layout_of(param_env.and(ty)).map(|ty_and_layout| ty_and_layout.layout).map_err(
|layout_err| {
// Have to use `.map_err`, because `LayoutError` doesn't satisfy the
// `anyhow::context::ext::StdError` trait bound.
anyhow!("Error computing the layout: {layout_err}")
/// Formats the core of an algebraic data type (an ADT - a struct, an enum, or a
/// union) represented by `def_id`.
/// The "core" means things that are necessary for a succesful binding (e.g.
/// inability to generate a correct C++ destructor means that the ADT cannot
/// have any bindings). "core" excludes things that are A) infallible (e.g.
/// struct or union fields which can always be translated into private, opaque
/// blobs of bytes) or B) optional (e.g. a problematic instance method
/// can just be ignored, unlike a problematic destructor). The split between
/// fallible "core" and non-fallible "rest" is motivated by the need to avoid
/// cycles / infinite recursion (e.g. when processing fields that refer back to
/// the struct type, possible with an indirection of a pointer).
/// `format_adt_core` is used both to 1) format bindings for the core of an ADT,
/// and 2) check if formatting would have succeeded (e.g. when called from
/// `format_ty`). The 2nd case is needed for ADTs defined in any crate - this
/// is why the `def_id` parameter is a DefId rather than LocalDefId.
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_adt_core(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def_id: DefId) -> Result<AdtCoreBindings<'_>> {
let self_ty = tcx.type_of(def_id).instantiate_identity();
assert!(is_directly_public(tcx, def_id), "Caller should verify");
let item_name = tcx.item_name(def_id);
let rs_fully_qualified_name = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, self_ty)?;
let cc_short_name =
format_cc_ident(item_name.as_str()).context("Error formatting item name")?;
// The check below ensures that `format_trait_thunks` will succeed for the
// `Drop`, `Default`, and/or `Clone` trait. Ideally we would directly check
// if `format_trait_thunks` or `format_ty_for_cc(..., self_ty, ...)`
// succeeds, but this would lead to infinite recursion, so we only replicate
// `format_ty_for_cc` / `TyKind::Adt` checks that are outside of
// `format_adt_core`.
FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, def_id).format_for_cc().with_context(|| {
format!("Error formatting the fully-qualified C++ name of `{item_name}")
let adt_def = self_ty.ty_adt_def().expect("`def_id` needs to identify an ADT");
let keyword = match adt_def.adt_kind() {
ty::AdtKind::Struct | ty::AdtKind::Enum => quote! { struct },
ty::AdtKind::Union => quote! { union },
let layout = get_layout(tcx, self_ty)
.with_context(|| format!("Error computing the layout of #{item_name}"))?;
ensure!(layout.abi().is_sized(), "Bindings for dynamically sized types are not supported.");
let alignment_in_bytes = {
// Only the ABI-mandated alignment is considered (i.e. `AbiAndPrefAlign::pref`
// is ignored), because 1) Rust's `std::mem::align_of` returns the
// ABI-mandated alignment and 2) the generated C++'s `alignas(...)`
// should specify the minimal/mandatory alignment.
let size_in_bytes = layout.size().bytes();
ensure!(size_in_bytes != 0, "Zero-sized types (ZSTs) are not supported (b/258259459)");
Ok(AdtCoreBindings {
fn format_fields<'tcx>(input: &Input<'tcx>, core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>) -> ApiSnippets {
let tcx = input.tcx;
// TODO(b/259749095): Support non-empty set of generic parameters.
let substs_ref = ty::List::empty();
struct FieldTypeInfo {
size: u64,
cc_type: CcSnippet,
struct Field {
type_info: Result<FieldTypeInfo>,
cc_name: TokenStream,
rs_name: TokenStream,
is_public: bool,
index: usize,
offset: u64,
offset_of_next_field: u64,
doc_comment: TokenStream,
impl Field {
fn size(&self) -> u64 {
match self.type_info {
Err(_) => self.offset_of_next_field - self.offset,
Ok(FieldTypeInfo { size, .. }) => size,
let layout = get_layout(tcx, core.self_ty)
.expect("Layout should be already verified by `format_adt_core`");
let fields: Vec<Field> = if core.self_ty.is_enum() || core.self_ty.is_union() {
// Note that `#[repr(Rust)]` unions don't guarantee that all their fields
// have offset 0.
vec![Field {
type_info: Err(anyhow!(
"No support for bindings of individual fields of \
`union` (b/272801632) or `enum`"
cc_name: quote! { __opaque_blob_of_bytes },
rs_name: quote! { __opaque_blob_of_bytes },
is_public: false,
index: 0,
offset: 0,
offset_of_next_field: core.size_in_bytes,
doc_comment: quote! {},
} else {
let mut fields = core
.expect("`core.def_id` needs to identify an ADT")
.sorted_by_key(|f| tcx.def_span(f.did))
.map(|(index, field_def)| {
let field_ty = field_def.ty(tcx, substs_ref);
let size = get_layout(tcx, field_ty).map(|layout| layout.size().bytes());
let type_info = size.and_then(|size| {
Ok(FieldTypeInfo {
cc_type: format_ty_for_cc(input, field_ty, TypeLocation::Other)?,
let name = field_def.ident(tcx);
let cc_name = format_cc_ident(name.as_str())
.unwrap_or_else(|_err| format_ident!("__field{index}").into_token_stream());
let rs_name = {
let name_starts_with_digit = name
.expect("Empty names are unexpected (here and in general)")
if name_starts_with_digit {
let index = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(index);
quote! { #index }
} else {
let name = make_rs_ident(name.as_str());
quote! { #name }
// `offset` and `offset_of_next_field` will be fixed by FieldsShape::Arbitrary
// branch below.
let offset = 0;
let offset_of_next_field = 0;
Field {
is_public: field_def.vis == ty::Visibility::Public,
doc_comment: format_doc_comment(tcx, field_def.did.expect_local()),
match layout.fields() {
FieldsShape::Arbitrary { offsets, .. } => {
for (index, offset) in offsets.iter().enumerate() {
// Documentation of `FieldsShape::Arbitrary says that the offsets are "ordered
// to match the source definition order". We can coorelate them with elements
// of the `fields` vector because we've explicitly `sorted_by_key` using
// `def_span`.
fields[index].offset = offset.bytes();
// Sort by offset first; ZSTs in the same offset are sorted by source order.
// Use `field_size` to ensure ZSTs at the same offset as
// non-ZSTs sort first to avoid weird offset issues later on.
fields.sort_by_key(|field| {
let field_size = field.type_info.as_ref().map(|info| info.size).unwrap_or(0);
(field.offset, field_size, field.index)
let next_offsets = fields
.map(|Field { offset, .. }| *offset)
for (field, next_offset) in fields.iter_mut().zip(next_offsets) {
field.offset_of_next_field = next_offset;
unexpected => panic!("Unexpected FieldsShape: {unexpected:?}"),
let cc_details = if fields.is_empty() {
} else {
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
let cc_assertions: TokenStream = fields
// TODO(b/298660437): Add support for ZST fields.
.filter(|field| field.size() != 0)
.map(|Field { cc_name, offset, .. }| {
let offset = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(*offset);
quote! { static_assert(#offset == offsetof(#adt_cc_name, #cc_name)); }
quote! {
inline void #adt_cc_name::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
let rs_details: TokenStream = {
let adt_rs_name = &core.rs_fully_qualified_name;
// TODO(b/298660437): Even though we don't generate bindings for ZST fields, we'd still
// like to make sure we computed the offset of ZST fields correctly on the Rust side,
// so we still emit offset assertions for ZST fields here.
// TODO(b/298660437): Remove the comment above when ZST fields are supported.
.filter(|field| field.is_public)
.map(|Field { rs_name, offset, .. }| {
let expected_offset = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(*offset);
let actual_offset = quote! { memoffset::offset_of!(#adt_rs_name, #rs_name) };
quote! { const _: () = assert!(#actual_offset == #expected_offset); }
let main_api = {
let assertions_method_decl = if fields.is_empty() {
quote! {}
} else {
// We put the assertions in a method so that they can read private member
// variables.
quote! { private: static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions(); }
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let fields: TokenStream = fields
.map(|field| {
let cc_name = &field.cc_name;
match field.type_info {
Err(ref err) => {
let size = field.size();
let msg =
format!("Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: {err:#}");
// Empty arrays are ill-formed, but also unnecessary for padding.
if size > 0 {
let size = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(size);
quote! {
private: __NEWLINE__
__COMMENT__ #msg
unsigned char #cc_name[#size];
} else {
// TODO(b/258259459): Generate bindings for ZST fields.
let msg = format!(
"Skipped bindings for field `{cc_name}`: \
ZST fields are not supported (b/258259459)"
quote! {__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg}
Ok(FieldTypeInfo { cc_type, size }) => {
assert!((field.offset + size) <= field.offset_of_next_field);
let padding = field.offset_of_next_field - field.offset - size;
let padding = if padding == 0 {
quote! {}
} else {
let padding = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(padding);
let ident = format_ident!("__padding{}", field.index);
quote! { private: unsigned char #ident[#padding]; }
let visibility = if field.is_public {
quote! { public: }
} else {
quote! { private: }
let cc_type = cc_type.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let doc_comment = field.doc_comment;
quote! {
#visibility __NEWLINE__
// The anonymous union gives more control over when exactly
// the field constructors and destructors run. See also
// b/288138612.
union { __NEWLINE__
#cc_type #cc_name;
CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details }
fn does_type_implement_trait<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, self_ty: Ty<'tcx>, trait_id: DefId) -> bool {
let generics = tcx.generics_of(trait_id);
1, // Only `Self`
"Generic traits are not supported yet (b/286941486)",
let substs = [self_ty];
.type_implements_trait(trait_id, substs, tcx.param_env(trait_id))
struct TraitThunks {
method_name_to_cc_thunk_name: HashMap<Symbol, TokenStream>,
cc_thunk_decls: CcSnippet,
rs_thunk_impls: TokenStream,
fn format_trait_thunks<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
trait_id: DefId,
adt: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<TraitThunks> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let self_ty = adt.self_ty;
let is_drop_trait = Some(trait_id) == tcx.lang_items().drop_trait();
if is_drop_trait {
// To support "drop glue" we don't require that `self_ty` directly implements
// the `Drop` trait. Instead we require the caller to check
// `needs_drop`.
assert!(self_ty.needs_drop(tcx, tcx.param_env(adt.def_id)));
} else if !does_type_implement_trait(tcx, self_ty, trait_id) {
let trait_name = tcx.item_name(trait_id);
bail!("`{self_ty}` doesn't implement the `{trait_name}` trait");
let mut method_name_to_cc_thunk_name = HashMap::new();
let mut cc_thunk_decls = CcSnippet::default();
let mut rs_thunk_impls = quote! {};
let methods = tcx
.filter(|item| item.kind == ty::AssocKind::Fn);
for method in methods {
let substs = {
let generics = tcx.generics_of(method.def_id);
if generics.params.iter().any(|p| p.kind.is_ty_or_const()) {
// Note that lifetime-generic methods are ok:
// * they are handled by `format_thunk_decl` and `format_thunk_impl`
// * the lifetimes are erased by `ty::Instance::mono` and *seem* to be erased by
// `ty::Instance::new`
"So far callers of `format_trait_thunks` didn't need traits with \
methods that are type-generic or const-generic"
tcx.mk_args_trait(self_ty, std::iter::empty())
let thunk_name = {
let instance = ty::Instance::new(method.def_id, substs);
let symbol = tcx.symbol_name(instance);
format!("__crubit_thunk_{}", &escape_non_identifier_chars(
method_name_to_cc_thunk_name.insert(, format_cc_ident(&thunk_name)?);
let sig = tcx.fn_sig(method.def_id).instantiate(tcx, substs);
let sig = liberate_and_deanonymize_late_bound_regions(tcx, sig, method.def_id);
let thunk_name = format_cc_ident(&thunk_name)?;
format_thunk_decl(input, method.def_id, &sig, &thunk_name)?
let struct_name = &adt.rs_fully_qualified_name;
if is_drop_trait {
// Manually formatting (instead of depending on `format_thunk_impl`)
// to avoid
let thunk_name = make_rs_ident(&thunk_name);
quote! {
extern "C" fn #thunk_name(
__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<#struct_name>
) {
unsafe { __self.assume_init_drop() };
} else {
let fully_qualified_fn_name = {
let fully_qualified_trait_name =
FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, trait_id).format_for_rs();
let method_name = make_rs_ident(;
quote! { <#struct_name as #fully_qualified_trait_name>::#method_name }
format_thunk_impl(tcx, method.def_id, &sig, &thunk_name, fully_qualified_fn_name)?
Ok(TraitThunks { method_name_to_cc_thunk_name, cc_thunk_decls, rs_thunk_impls })
/// Formats a default constructor for an ADT if possible (i.e. if the `Default`
/// trait is implemented for the ADT). Returns an error otherwise (e.g. if
/// there is no `Default` impl, then the default constructor will be
/// `=delete`d in the returned snippet).
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_default_ctor<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets, ApiSnippets> {
fn fallible_format_default_ctor<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let trait_id = tcx
.ok_or(anyhow!("Couldn't find `core::default::Default`"))?;
let TraitThunks {
rs_thunk_impls: rs_details,
} = format_trait_thunks(input, trait_id, core)?;
let cc_struct_name = &core.cc_short_name;
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ "Default::default"
#cc_struct_name(); __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = {
let thunk_name = method_name_to_cc_thunk_name
.expect("Expecting a single `default` method");
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let cc_thunk_decls = cc_thunk_decls.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let tokens = quote! {
inline #cc_struct_name::#cc_struct_name() {
CcSnippet { tokens, prereqs }
Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details })
fallible_format_default_ctor(input, core).map_err(|err| {
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
ApiSnippets {
main_api: CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg
#adt_cc_name() = delete; __NEWLINE__
/// Formats the copy constructor and the copy-assignment operator for an ADT if
/// possible (i.e. if the `Clone` trait is implemented for the ADT). Returns an
/// error otherwise (e.g. if there is no `Clone` impl, then the copy constructor
/// and assignment operator will be `=delete`d in the returned snippet).
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets, ApiSnippets> {
fn fallible_format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let cc_struct_name = &core.cc_short_name;
let is_copy = {
// TODO(b/259749095): Once generic ADTs are supported, `is_copy_modulo_regions`
// might need to be replaced with a more thorough check - see
// b/258249993#comment4.
core.self_ty.is_copy_modulo_regions(tcx, tcx.param_env(core.def_id))
if is_copy {
let msg = "Rust types that are `Copy` get trivial, `default` C++ copy constructor \
and assignment operator.";
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg
#cc_struct_name(const #cc_struct_name&) = default; __NEWLINE__
#cc_struct_name& operator=(const #cc_struct_name&) = default;
let cc_details = CcSnippet::with_include(
quote! {
return Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details: quote! {} });
let trait_id = tcx
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Can't find the `Clone` trait"))?;
let TraitThunks {
rs_thunk_impls: rs_details,
} = format_trait_thunks(input, trait_id, core)?;
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ "Clone::clone"
#cc_struct_name(const #cc_struct_name&); __NEWLINE__
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ "Clone::clone_from"
#cc_struct_name& operator=(const #cc_struct_name&); __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = {
// `unwrap` calls are okay because `Clone` trait always has these methods.
let clone_thunk_name = method_name_to_cc_thunk_name.get(&sym::clone).unwrap();
let clone_from_thunk_name = method_name_to_cc_thunk_name.get(&sym::clone_from).unwrap();
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let cc_thunk_decls = cc_thunk_decls.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let tokens = quote! {
inline #cc_struct_name::#cc_struct_name(const #cc_struct_name& other) {
__crubit_internal::#clone_thunk_name(other, this);
inline #cc_struct_name& #cc_struct_name::operator=(const #cc_struct_name& other) {
if (this != &other) {
__crubit_internal::#clone_from_thunk_name(*this, other);
return *this;
CcSnippet { tokens, prereqs }
Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details })
fallible_format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, core).map_err(|err| {
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
ApiSnippets {
main_api: CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg
#adt_cc_name(const #adt_cc_name&) = delete; __NEWLINE__
#adt_cc_name& operator=(const #adt_cc_name&) = delete;
/// Formats the move constructor and the move-assignment operator for an ADT if
/// possible (it depends on various factors like `needs_drop`, `is_unpin` and
/// implementations of `Default` and/or `Clone` traits). Returns an error
/// otherwise (the error's `ApiSnippets` contain a `=delete`d declaration).
// TODO(b/259724276): This function's results should be memoized.
fn format_move_ctor_and_assignment_operator<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets, ApiSnippets> {
fn fallible_format_move_ctor_and_assignment_operator<'tcx>(
input: &Input<'tcx>,
core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>,
) -> Result<ApiSnippets> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
if core.needs_drop(tcx) {
let has_default_ctor = format_default_ctor(input, core).is_ok();
let is_unpin = core.self_ty.is_unpin(tcx, tcx.param_env(core.def_id));
if has_default_ctor && is_unpin {
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
#adt_cc_name(#adt_cc_name&&); __NEWLINE__
#adt_cc_name& operator=(#adt_cc_name&&); __NEWLINE__
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
prereqs.includes.insert(CcInclude::utility()); // for `std::move`
let tokens = quote! {
inline #adt_cc_name::#adt_cc_name(#adt_cc_name&& other)
: #adt_cc_name() {
*this = std::move(other);
inline #adt_cc_name& #adt_cc_name::operator=(#adt_cc_name&& other) {
crubit::MemSwap(*this, other);
return *this;
let cc_details = CcSnippet { tokens, prereqs };
Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, ..Default::default() })
} else if format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, core).is_ok() {
// The class will have a custom copy constructor and copy assignment operator
// and *no* move constructor nor move assignment operator. This
// way, when a move is requested, a copy is performed instead
// (this is okay, this is what happens if a copyable pre-C++11
// class is compiled in C++11 mode and moved).
// We can't use the `=default` move constructor, because it is elementwise and
// semantically incorrect.  We can't `=delete` the move constructor because it
// would make `SomeStruct(MakeSomeStruct())` select the deleted move constructor
// and fail to compile.
} else {
"C++ moves are deleted \
because there's no non-destructive implementation available."
} else {
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
// The generated bindings have to follow Rust move semantics:
// * All Rust types are memcpy-movable (e.g. <internal link>/constructors.html says
// that "Every type must be ready for it to be blindly memcopied to somewhere
// else in memory")
// * The only valid operation on a moved-from non-`Copy` Rust struct is to assign to
// it.
// The generated C++ bindings below match the required semantics because they:
// * Generate trivial` C++ move constructor and move assignment operator. Per
// <internal link>/cpp/language/move_constructor#Trivial_move_constructor: "A trivial
// move constructor is a constructor that performs the same action as the trivial
// copy constructor, that is, makes a copy of the object representation as if by
// std::memmove."
// * Generate trivial C++ destructor.
// In particular, note that the following C++ code and Rust code are exactly
// equivalent (except that in Rust, reuse of `y` is forbidden at compile time,
// whereas in C++, it's only prohibited by convention):
// * C++, assumming trivial move constructor and trivial destructor:
// `auto x = std::move(y);`
// * Rust, assumming non-`Copy`, no custom `Drop` or drop glue:
// `let x = y;`
// TODO(b/258251148): If the ADT provides a custom `Drop` impls or requires drop
// glue, then extra care should be taken to ensure the C++ destructor can handle
// the moved-from object in a way that meets Rust move semantics. For example, the
// generated C++ move constructor might need to assign `Default::default()` to the
// moved-from object.
#adt_cc_name(#adt_cc_name&&) = default; __NEWLINE__
#adt_cc_name& operator=(#adt_cc_name&&) = default; __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = CcSnippet::with_include(
quote! {
Ok(ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, ..Default::default() })
fallible_format_move_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, core).map_err(|err| {
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
ApiSnippets {
main_api: CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg
#adt_cc_name(#adt_cc_name&&) = delete; __NEWLINE__
#adt_cc_name& operator=(#adt_cc_name&&) = delete;
/// Formats an algebraic data type (an ADT - a struct, an enum, or a union)
/// represented by `core`. This function is infallible - after
/// `format_adt_core` returns success we have committed to emitting C++ bindings
/// for the ADT.
fn format_adt<'tcx>(input: &Input<'tcx>, core: &AdtCoreBindings<'tcx>) -> ApiSnippets {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let adt_cc_name = &core.cc_short_name;
// `format_adt` should only be called for local ADTs.
let local_def_id = core.def_id.expect_local();
let default_ctor_snippets = format_default_ctor(input, core).unwrap_or_else(|err| err);
let destructor_snippets = if core.needs_drop(tcx) {
let drop_trait_id =
tcx.lang_items().drop_trait().expect("`Drop` trait should be present if `needs_drop");
let TraitThunks {
rs_thunk_impls: rs_details,
} = format_trait_thunks(input, drop_trait_id, core)
.expect("`format_adt_core` should have already validated `Drop` support");
let drop_thunk_name = method_name_to_cc_thunk_name
.expect("Expecting a single `drop` method");
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ "Drop::drop"
~#adt_cc_name(); __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = {
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let cc_thunk_decls = cc_thunk_decls.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let tokens = quote! {
inline #adt_cc_name::~#adt_cc_name() {
CcSnippet { tokens, prereqs }
ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details }
} else {
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! {
__NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~#adt_cc_name() = default; __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = CcSnippet::with_include(
quote! { static_assert(std::is_trivially_destructible_v<#adt_cc_name>); },
ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, ..Default::default() }
let copy_ctor_and_assignment_snippets =
format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, core).unwrap_or_else(|err| err);
let move_ctor_and_assignment_snippets =
format_move_ctor_and_assignment_operator(input, core).unwrap_or_else(|err| err);
let impl_items_snippets = tcx
.map(|impl_id| tcx.hir().expect_item(impl_id.expect_local()))
.flat_map(|item| match &item.kind {
ItemKind::Impl(impl_) => impl_.items,
other => panic!("Unexpected `ItemKind` from `inherent_impls`: {other:?}"),
.sorted_by_key(|impl_item_ref| {
let def_id =;
.filter_map(|impl_item_ref| {
let def_id =;
if !tcx.effective_visibilities(()).is_directly_public(def_id) {
return None;
let result = match impl_item_ref.kind {
AssocItemKind::Fn { .. } => format_fn(input, def_id).map(Some),
other => Err(anyhow!("Unsupported `impl` item kind: {other:?}")),
result.unwrap_or_else(|err| Some(format_unsupported_def(tcx, def_id, err)))
let ApiSnippets {
main_api: public_functions_main_api,
cc_details: public_functions_cc_details,
rs_details: public_functions_rs_details,
} = [
let ApiSnippets {
main_api: fields_main_api,
cc_details: fields_cc_details,
rs_details: fields_rs_details,
} = format_fields(input, core);
let alignment = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(core.alignment_in_bytes);
let size = Literal::u64_unsuffixed(core.size_in_bytes);
let main_api = {
let rs_type = core.rs_fully_qualified_name.to_string();
let mut attributes =
vec![quote! {CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(#rs_type)}, quote! {alignas(#alignment)}];
if tcx
.get_attrs(core.def_id, rustc_span::symbol::sym::repr)
.flat_map(|attr| rustc_attr::parse_repr_attr(tcx.sess(), attr))
.any(|repr| matches!(repr, rustc_attr::ReprPacked { .. }))
attributes.push(quote! { __attribute__((packed)) })
let doc_comment = format_doc_comment(tcx, core.def_id.expect_local());
let keyword = &core.keyword;
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let public_functions_main_api = public_functions_main_api.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let fields_main_api = fields_main_api.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
__NEWLINE__ #doc_comment
#keyword #(#attributes)* #adt_cc_name final {
public: __NEWLINE__
let cc_details = {
let mut prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let public_functions_cc_details = public_functions_cc_details.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
let fields_cc_details = fields_cc_details.into_tokens(&mut prereqs);
CcSnippet {
tokens: quote! {
sizeof(#adt_cc_name) == #size,
"Verify that struct layout didn't change since this header got generated");
alignof(#adt_cc_name) == #alignment,
"Verify that struct layout didn't change since this header got generated");
let rs_details = {
let adt_rs_name = &core.rs_fully_qualified_name;
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<#adt_rs_name>() == #size);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<#adt_rs_name>() == #alignment);
ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details, rs_details }
/// Formats the forward declaration of an algebraic data type (an ADT - a
/// struct, an enum, or a union), returning something like
/// `quote!{ struct SomeStruct; }`.
/// Will panic if `def_id` doesn't identify an ADT that can be successfully
/// handled by `format_adt_core`.
fn format_fwd_decl(tcx: TyCtxt, def_id: LocalDefId) -> TokenStream {
let def_id = def_id.to_def_id(); // LocalDefId -> DefId conversion.
// `format_fwd_decl` should only be called for items from
// `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls` and `fwd_decls` should only contain ADTs
// that `format_adt_core` succeeds for.
let AdtCoreBindings { keyword, cc_short_name, .. } = format_adt_core(tcx, def_id)
.expect("`format_fwd_decl` should only be called if `format_adt_core` succeeded");
quote! { #keyword #cc_short_name; }
fn format_source_location(tcx: TyCtxt, local_def_id: LocalDefId) -> String {
let def_span = tcx.def_span(local_def_id);
let rustc_span::FileLines { file, lines } =
match tcx.sess().source_map().span_to_lines(def_span) {
Ok(filelines) => filelines,
Err(_) => return "unknown location".to_string(),
let file_name =;
// Note: line_index starts at 0, while CodeSearch starts indexing at 1.
let line_number = lines[0].line_index + 1;
let google3_prefix = {
// If rustc_span::FileName isn't a 'real' file, then it's surrounded by by angle
// brackets, thus don't prepend "google3/" prefix.
if { "google3/" } else { "" }
/// Formats the doc comment (if any) associated with the item identified by
/// `local_def_id`, and appends the source location at which the item is
/// defined.
fn format_doc_comment(tcx: TyCtxt, local_def_id: LocalDefId) -> TokenStream {
let hir_id = tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(local_def_id);
let doc_comment = tcx
.filter_map(|attr| attr.doc_str())
.map(|symbol| symbol.to_string())
.chain(once(format!("Generated from: {}", format_source_location(tcx, local_def_id))))
quote! { __COMMENT__ #doc_comment}
/// Formats a HIR item idenfied by `def_id`. Returns `None` if the item
/// can be ignored. Returns an `Err` if the definition couldn't be formatted.
/// Will panic if `def_id` is invalid (i.e. doesn't identify a HIR item).
fn format_item(input: &Input, def_id: LocalDefId) -> Result<Option<ApiSnippets>> {
// TODO(b/262052635): When adding support for re-exports we may need to change
// `is_directly_public` below into `is_exported`. (OTOH such change *alone* is
// undesirable, because it would mean exposing items from a private module.
// Exposing a private module is undesirable, because it would mean that
// changes of private implementation details of the crate could become
// breaking changes for users of the generated C++ bindings.)
if !input.tcx.effective_visibilities(()).is_directly_public(def_id) {
return Ok(None);
match input.tcx.hir().expect_item(def_id) {
Item { kind: ItemKind::Struct(_, generics) |
ItemKind::Enum(_, generics) |
ItemKind::Union(_, generics),
.. } if !generics.params.is_empty() => {
bail!("Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
Item { kind: ItemKind::Fn(..), .. } => format_fn(input, def_id).map(Some),
Item { kind: ItemKind::Struct(..) | ItemKind::Enum(..) | ItemKind::Union(..), .. } =>
format_adt_core(input.tcx, def_id.to_def_id())
.map(|core| Some(format_adt(input, &core))),
Item { kind: ItemKind::Impl(_), .. } | // Handled by `format_adt`
Item { kind: ItemKind::Mod(_), .. } => // Handled by `format_crate`
Item { kind, .. } => bail!("Unsupported rustc_hir::hir::ItemKind: {}", kind.descr()),
/// Formats a C++ comment explaining why no bindings have been generated for
/// `local_def_id`.
fn format_unsupported_def(
tcx: TyCtxt,
local_def_id: LocalDefId,
err: anyhow::Error,
) -> ApiSnippets {
let source_loc = format_source_location(tcx, local_def_id);
let name = tcx.def_path_str(local_def_id.to_def_id());
// says: To print causes as well [...], use the alternate selector “{:#}”.
let msg = format!("Error generating bindings for `{name}` defined at {source_loc}: {err:#}");
let main_api = CcSnippet::new(quote! { __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__ __COMMENT__ #msg __NEWLINE__ });
ApiSnippets { main_api, cc_details: CcSnippet::default(), rs_details: quote! {} }
/// Formats all public items from the Rust crate being compiled.
fn format_crate(input: &Input) -> Result<Output> {
let tcx = input.tcx;
let mut cc_details_prereqs = CcPrerequisites::default();
let mut cc_details: Vec<(LocalDefId, TokenStream)> = vec![];
let mut rs_body = TokenStream::default();
let mut main_apis = HashMap::<LocalDefId, CcSnippet>::new();
let formatted_items = tcx
.filter_map(|item_id| {
let def_id: LocalDefId = item_id.owner_id.def_id;
format_item(input, def_id)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| Some(format_unsupported_def(tcx, def_id, err)))
.map(|api_snippets| (def_id, api_snippets))
.sorted_by_key(|(def_id, _)| tcx.def_span(*def_id));
for (def_id, api_snippets) in formatted_items {
let old_item = main_apis.insert(def_id, api_snippets.main_api);
assert!(old_item.is_none(), "Duplicated key: {def_id:?}");
// `cc_details` don't participate in the toposort, because
// `CcPrerequisites::defs` always use `main_api` as the predecessor
// - `chain`ing `cc_details` after `ordered_main_apis` trivially
// meets the prerequisites.
cc_details.push((def_id, api_snippets.cc_details.into_tokens(&mut cc_details_prereqs)));
// Find the order of `main_apis` that 1) meets the requirements of
// `CcPrerequisites::defs` and 2) makes a best effort attempt to keep the
// `main_apis` in the same order as the source order of the Rust APIs.
let ordered_ids = {
let toposort::TopoSortResult { ordered: ordered_ids, failed: failed_ids } = {
let nodes = main_apis.keys().copied();
let deps = main_apis.iter().flat_map(|(&successor, main_api)| {
let predecessors = main_api.prereqs.defs.iter().copied(); |predecessor| toposort::Dependency { predecessor, successor })
toposort::toposort(nodes, deps, move |lhs_id, rhs_id| {
"There are no known scenarios where CcPrerequisites::defs can form \
a dependency cycle. These `LocalDefId`s form an unexpected cycle: {}",
failed_ids.into_iter().map(|id| format!("{:?}", id)).join(",")
// Destructure/rebuild `main_apis` (in the same order as `ordered_ids`) into
// `includes`, and `ordered_cc` (mixing in `fwd_decls` and `cc_details`).
let (includes, ordered_cc) = {
let mut already_declared = HashSet::new();
let mut fwd_decls = HashSet::new();
let mut includes = cc_details_prereqs.includes;
let mut ordered_main_apis: Vec<(LocalDefId, TokenStream)> = Vec::new();
for def_id in ordered_ids.into_iter() {
let CcSnippet {
tokens: cc_tokens,
prereqs: CcPrerequisites {
includes: mut inner_includes,
fwd_decls: inner_fwd_decls,
.. // `defs` have already been utilized by `toposort` above
} = main_apis.remove(&def_id).unwrap();
includes.append(&mut inner_includes);
ordered_main_apis.push((def_id, cc_tokens));
let fwd_decls = fwd_decls
.sorted_by_key(|def_id| tcx.def_span(*def_id))
.map(|local_def_id| (local_def_id, format_fwd_decl(tcx, local_def_id)));
let ordered_cc: Vec<(NamespaceQualifier, TokenStream)> = fwd_decls
.map(|(local_def_id, tokens)| {
let mod_path = FullyQualifiedName::new(tcx, local_def_id.to_def_id()).mod_path;
(mod_path, tokens)
(includes, ordered_cc)
// Generate top-level elements of the C++ header file.
let h_body = {
// TODO(b/254690602): Decide whether using `#crate_name` as the name of the
// top-level namespace is okay (e.g. investigate if this name is globally
// unique + ergonomic).
let crate_name = format_cc_ident(tcx.crate_name(LOCAL_CRATE).as_str())?;
let includes = format_cc_includes(&includes);
let ordered_cc = format_namespace_bound_cc_tokens(ordered_cc);
quote! {
namespace #crate_name {
Ok(Output { h_body, rs_body })
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use anyhow::Result;
use itertools::Itertools;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_span::def_id::LocalDefId;
use code_gen_utils::format_cc_includes;
use run_compiler_test_support::run_compiler_for_testing;
use token_stream_matchers::{
assert_cc_matches, assert_cc_not_matches, assert_rs_matches, assert_rs_not_matches,
#[should_panic(expected = "No items named `missing_name`.\n\
Instead found:\n`bar`,\n`foo`,\n`m1`,\n`m2`,\n`std`")]
fn test_find_def_id_by_name_panic_when_no_item_with_matching_name() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn foo() {}
pub mod m1 {
pub fn bar() {}
pub mod m2 {
pub fn bar() {}
run_compiler_for_testing(test_src, |tcx| find_def_id_by_name(tcx, "missing_name"));
#[should_panic(expected = "More than one item named `some_name`")]
fn test_find_def_id_by_name_panic_when_multiple_items_with_matching_name() {
let test_src = r#"
pub mod m1 {
pub fn some_name() {}
pub mod m2 {
pub fn some_name() {}
run_compiler_for_testing(test_src, |tcx| find_def_id_by_name(tcx, "some_name"));
/// This test covers only a single example of a function that should get a
/// C++ binding. The test focuses on verification that the output from
/// `format_fn` gets propagated all the way to `GenerateBindings::new`.
/// Additional coverage of how functions are formatted is provided
/// by `test_format_item_..._fn_...` tests (which work at the `format_fn`
/// level).
fn test_generated_bindings_fn_no_mangle_extern_c() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn public_function() {
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
extern "C" void public_function();
// No Rust thunks should be generated in this test scenario.
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { public_function });
/// `test_generated_bindings_fn_export_name` covers a scenario where
/// `MixedSnippet::cc` is present but `MixedSnippet::rs` is empty
/// (because no Rust thunks are needed).
fn test_generated_bindings_fn_export_name() {
let test_src = r#"
#[export_name = "export_name"]
pub extern "C" fn public_function(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x + y }
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
double public_function(double x, double y);
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" double export_name(double, double);
inline double public_function(double x, double y) {
return __crubit_internal::export_name(x, y);
/// The `test_generated_bindings_struct` test covers only a single example
/// of an ADT (struct/enum/union) that should get a C++ binding.
/// Additional coverage of how items are formatted is provided by
/// `test_format_item_..._struct_...`, `test_format_item_..._enum_...`,
/// and `test_format_item_..._union_...` tests.
/// We don't want to duplicate coverage already provided by
/// `test_format_item_struct_with_fields`, but we do want to verify that
/// * `format_crate` will actually find and process the struct
/// (`test_format_item_...` doesn't cover this aspect - it uses a
/// test-only `find_def_id_by_name` instead)
/// * The actual shape of the bindings still looks okay at this level.
fn test_generated_bindings_struct() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct Point {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(":: rust_out :: Point") alignas(4) Point final {
// No point replicating test coverage of
// `test_format_item_struct_with_fields`.
static_assert(sizeof(Point) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(Point) == 4, ...);
... // Other static_asserts are covered by
// `test_format_item_struct_with_fields`
} // namespace rust_out
quote! {
// No point replicating test coverage of
// `test_format_item_struct_with_fields`.
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::Point>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::Point>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::Point, x) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::Point, y) == 4);
/// The `test_generated_bindings_impl` test covers only a single example of
/// a non-trait `impl`. Additional coverage of how items are formatted
/// should be provided in the future by `test_format_item_...` tests.
/// We don't want to duplicate coverage already provided by
/// `test_format_item_static_method`, but we do want to verify that
/// * `format_crate` won't process the `impl` as a standalone HIR item
/// * The actual shape of the bindings still looks okay at this level.
fn test_generated_bindings_impl() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(i32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn public_static_method() -> i32 { 123 }
fn private_static_method() -> i32 { 123 }
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
struct ... SomeStruct ... {
// No point replicating test coverage of
// `test_format_item_static_method`.
std::int32_t public_static_method();
std::int32_t SomeStruct::public_static_method() {
} // namespace rust_out
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...() -> i32 {
fn test_generated_bindings_includes() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn public_function(i: i32, d: isize, u: u64) {
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
__HASH_TOKEN__ include <cstdint> ...
namespace ... {
extern "C" void public_function(
std::int32_t i,
std::intptr_t d,
std::uint64_t u);
/// Tests that `toposort` is used to reorder item bindings.
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_defs_field_deps_require_reordering() {
let test_src = r#"
// In the generated bindings `Outer` needs to come *after* `Inner`.
pub struct Outer(Inner);
pub struct Inner(bool);
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(1) Inner final {
... union { ... bool __field0; }; ...
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(1) Outer final {
... union { ... ::rust_out::Inner __field0; }; ...
} // namespace rust_out
/// Tests that a forward declaration is present when it is required to
/// preserve the original source order. In this test the
/// `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls` dependency comes from a pointer parameter.
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_for_ptr_param() {
let test_src = r#"
// To preserve original API order we need to forward declare S.
pub fn f(_: *const S) {}
pub struct S(bool);
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
// Verifing the presence of this forward declaration
// it the essence of this test. The order of the items
// below also matters.
struct S;
void f(::rust_out::S const* __param_0);
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(...) S final { ... }
inline void f(::rust_out::S const* __param_0) { ... }
} // namespace rust_out
/// Tests that a forward declaration is present when it is required to
/// preserve the original source order. In this test the
/// `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls` dependency comes from a
/// function declaration that has a parameter that takes a struct by value.
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_for_cpp_fn_decl() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn f(s: S) -> bool { s.0 }
pub struct S(bool);
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
// Verifing the presence of this forward declaration
// is the essence of this test. The order also matters:
// 1. The fwd decl of `S` should come first,
// 2. Declaration of `f` and definition of `S` should come next
// (in their original order - `f` first and then `S`).
struct S;
// `CcPrerequisites` of `f` declaration below (the main api of `f`) should
// include `S` as a `fwd_decls` edge, rather than as a `defs` edge.
bool f(::rust_out::S s);
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(...) S final { ... }
} // namespace rust_out
/// This test verifies that a forward declaration for a given ADT is only
/// emitted once (and not once for every API item that requires the
/// forward declaration as a prerequisite).
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_no_duplication() {
let test_src = r#"
// All three functions below require a forward declaration of S.
pub fn f1(_: *const S) {}
pub fn f2(_: *const S) {}
pub fn f3(_: *const S) {}
pub struct S(bool);
// This function also includes S in its CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls
// (although here it is not required, because the definition of S
// is already available above).
pub fn f4(_: *const S) {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap().h_body.to_string();
// Only a single forward declaration is expected.
assert_eq!(1, bindings.matches("struct S ;").count(), "bindings = {bindings}");
/// This test verifies that forward declarations are emitted in a
/// deterministic order. The particular order doesn't matter _that_
/// much, but it definitely shouldn't change every time
/// `cc_bindings_from_rs` is invoked again. The current order preserves
/// the original source order of the Rust API items.
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_deterministic_order() {
let test_src = r#"
// To try to mix things up, the bindings for the functions below
// will *ask* for forward declarations in a different order:
// * Different from the order in which the forward declarations
// are expected to be *emitted* (the original source order).
// * Different from alphabetical order.
pub fn f1(_: *const b::S3) {}
pub fn f2(_: *const a::S2) {}
pub fn f3(_: *const a::S1) {}
pub mod a {
pub struct S1(bool);
pub struct S2(bool);
pub mod b {
pub struct S3(bool);
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
// Verifying that we get the same order in each test
// run is the essence of this test.
namespace a {
struct S1;
struct S2;
namespace b {
struct S3;
void f1 ...
void f2 ...
void f3 ...
namespace a { ...
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(...) S1 final { ... } ...
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(...) S2 final { ... } ...
} ...
namespace b { ...
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(...) S3 final { ... } ...
} ...
} // namespace rust_out
/// This test verifies that forward declarations are not emitted if they are
/// not needed (e.g. if bindings the given `struct` or other ADT have
/// already been defined earlier). In particular, we don't want to emit
/// forward declarations for *all* `structs` (regardless if they are
/// needed or not).
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_not_needed_because_of_initial_order() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct S(bool);
// S is already defined above - no need for forward declaration in C++.
pub fn f(_s: *const S) {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { struct S; });
assert_cc_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { void f(::rust_out::S const* _s); });
/// This test verifies that a method declaration doesn't ask for a forward
/// declaration to the struct.
fn test_generated_bindings_prereq_fwd_decls_not_needed_inside_struct_definition() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct S {
// This shouldn't require a fwd decl of S.
field: *const S,
impl S {
// This shouldn't require a fwd decl of S.
pub fn create() -> S { Self{ field: std::ptr::null() } }
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { struct S; });
quote! {
static ::rust_out::S create(); ...
union { ... ::rust_out::S const* field; }; ...
fn test_generated_bindings_module_basics() {
let test_src = r#"
pub mod some_module {
pub fn some_func() {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
namespace some_module {
inline void some_func() { ... }
} // namespace some_module
} // namespace rust_out
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...() -> () {
fn test_generated_bindings_module_name_is_cpp_reserved_keyword() {
let test_src = r#"
pub mod working_module {
pub fn working_module_f1() {}
pub fn working_module_f2() {}
pub mod reinterpret_cast {
pub fn broken_module_f1() {}
pub fn broken_module_f2() {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
// Items in the broken module should be replaced with a comment explaining the
// problem.
let broken_module_msg = "Failed to format namespace name `reinterpret_cast`: \
`reinterpret_cast` is a C++ reserved keyword \
and can't be used as a C++ identifier";
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { namespace reinterpret_cast });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { broken_module_f1 });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { broken_module_f2 });
// Items in the other module should still go through.
quote! {
namespace rust_out {
namespace working_module {
void working_module_f1();
void working_module_f2();
} // namespace some_module
__COMMENT__ #broken_module_msg
} // namespace rust_out
/// `test_generated_bindings_non_pub_items` verifies that non-public items
/// are not present/propagated into the generated bindings.
fn test_generated_bindings_non_pub_items() {
let test_src = r#"
extern "C" fn private_function() {
struct PrivateStruct {
x: i32,
y: i32,
pub struct PublicStruct(i32);
impl PublicStruct {
fn private_method() {}
pub mod public_module {
fn priv_func_in_pub_module() {}
mod private_module {
pub fn pub_func_in_priv_module() { priv_func_in_priv_module() }
fn priv_func_in_priv_module() {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { private_function });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { private_function });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { PrivateStruct });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { PrivateStruct });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { private_method });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { private_method });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { priv_func_in_priv_module });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { priv_func_in_priv_module });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { priv_func_in_pub_module });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { priv_func_in_pub_module });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { private_module });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { private_module });
assert_cc_not_matches!(bindings.h_body, quote! { pub_func_in_priv_module });
assert_rs_not_matches!(bindings.rs_body, quote! { pub_func_in_priv_module });
fn test_generated_bindings_top_level_items() {
let test_src = "pub fn public_function() {}";
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
let expected_comment_txt = "Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate:\n\
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #expected_comment_txt
__HASH_TOKEN__ pragma once
namespace rust_out {
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #expected_comment_txt
/// The `test_generated_bindings_unsupported_item` test verifies how `Err`
/// from `format_item` is formatted as a C++ comment (in `format_crate`
/// and `format_unsupported_def`):
/// - This test covers only a single example of an unsupported item.
/// Additional coverage is provided by `test_format_item_unsupported_...`
/// tests.
/// - This test somewhat arbitrarily chooses an example of an unsupported
/// item, trying to pick one that 1) will never be supported (b/254104998
/// has some extra notes about APIs named after reserved C++ keywords) and
/// 2) tests that the full error chain is included in the message.
fn test_generated_bindings_unsupported_item() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn reinterpret_cast() {}
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
let expected_comment_txt = "Error generating bindings for `reinterpret_cast` \
defined at <>;l=3: \
Error formatting function name: \
`reinterpret_cast` is a C++ reserved keyword \
and can't be used as a C++ identifier";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #expected_comment_txt
fn test_generated_bindings_reimports() {
let test_src = r#"
mod private_submodule1 {
pub fn subfunction1() {}
pub fn subfunction2() {}
pub fn subfunction3() {}
mod private_submodule2 {
pub fn subfunction8() {}
pub fn subfunction9() {}
// Public re-import.
pub use private_submodule1::subfunction1;
// Private re-import.
use private_submodule1::subfunction2;
// Re-import that renames.
pub use private_submodule1::subfunction3 as public_function3;
// Re-import of multiple items via glob.
pub use private_submodule2::*;
test_generated_bindings(test_src, |bindings| {
let bindings = bindings.unwrap();
let failures = vec![(1, 15), (3, 21), (4, 24)];
for (use_number, line_number) in failures.into_iter() {
let expected_comment_txt = format!(
"Error generating bindings for `{{use#{use_number}}}` defined at \
<>;l={line_number}: \
Unsupported rustc_hir::hir::ItemKind: `use` import"
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #expected_comment_txt
fn test_format_item_fn_extern_c_no_mangle_no_params_no_return_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn public_function() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "public_function", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void public_function();
// Sufficient to just re-declare the Rust API in C++.
// (i.e. there is no need to have a C++-side definition of `public_function`).
// There is no need to have a separate thunk for an `extern "C"` function.
/// The `test_format_item_fn_explicit_unit_return_type` test below is very
/// similar to the
/// `test_format_item_fn_extern_c_no_mangle_no_params_no_return_type` above,
/// except that the return type is explicitly spelled out. There is no
/// difference in `ty::FnSig` so our code behaves exactly the same, but the
/// test has been planned based on earlier, hir-focused approach and having
/// this extra test coverage shouldn't hurt. (`hir::FnSig`
/// and `hir::FnRetTy` _would_ see a difference between the two tests, even
/// though there is no different in the current `` code).
fn test_format_item_fn_explicit_unit_return_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn explicit_unit_return_type() -> () {}
test_format_item(test_src, "explicit_unit_return_type", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void explicit_unit_return_type();
fn test_format_item_fn_never_return_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn never_returning_function() -> ! {
panic!("This function panics and therefore never returns");
test_format_item(test_src, "never_returning_function", |result| {
// TODO(b/254507801): The function should be annotated with the `[[noreturn]]`
// attribute.
// TODO(b/254507801): Expect `crubit::Never` instead (see the bug for more
// details).
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void never_returning_function();
/// `test_format_item_fn_mangling` checks that bindings can be generated for
/// `extern "C"` functions that do *not* have `#[no_mangle]` attribute. The
/// test elides away the mangled name in the `assert_cc_matches` checks
/// below, but end-to-end test coverage should eventually be provided by
/// `test/functions` (see b/262904507).
fn test_format_item_fn_mangling() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn public_function(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x + y }
test_format_item(test_src, "public_function", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
double public_function(double x, double y);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" double ...(double, double);
inline double public_function(double x, double y) {
return __crubit_internal::...(x, y);
fn test_format_item_fn_export_name() {
let test_src = r#"
#[export_name = "export_name"]
pub extern "C" fn public_function(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x + y }
test_format_item(test_src, "public_function", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
double public_function(double x, double y);
// There is no need to have a separate thunk for an `extern "C"` function.
// We generate a C++-side definition of `public_function` so that we
// can call a differently-named (but same-signature) `export_name` function.
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" double export_name(double, double);
inline double public_function(double x, double y) {
return __crubit_internal::export_name(x, y);
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_unsafe() {
let test_src = r#"
pub unsafe extern "C" fn foo() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Bindings for `unsafe` functions \
are not fully designed yet (b/254095482)"
/// `test_format_item_fn_const` tests how bindings for an `const fn` are
/// generated.
/// Right now the `const` qualifier is ignored, but one can imagine that in
/// the (very) long-term future such functions (including their bodies)
/// could be translated into C++ `consteval` functions.
fn test_format_item_fn_const() {
let test_src = r#"
pub const fn foo(i: i32) -> i32 { i * 42 }
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
// TODO(b/254095787): Update test expectations below once `const fn` from Rust
// is translated into a `consteval` C++ function.
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
std::int32_t foo(std::int32_t i);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" std::int32_t ...( std::int32_t);
inline std::int32_t foo(std::int32_t i) {
return __crubit_internal::...(i);
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...(i: i32) -> i32 {
fn test_format_item_fn_with_c_unwind_abi() {
// See also
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C-unwind" fn may_throw() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "may_throw", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void may_throw();
/// This test mainly verifies that `format_item` correctly propagates
/// `CcPrerequisites` of parameter types and return type.
fn test_format_item_fn_cc_prerequisites_if_cpp_definition_needed() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo(_i: i32) -> S { panic!("foo") }
pub struct S(i32);
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
// Minimal coverage, just to double-check that the test setup works.
// Note that this is a definition, and therefore `S` should be defined
// earlier (not just forward declared).
assert_cc_matches!(main_api.tokens, quote! { S foo(std::int32_t _i);});
assert_cc_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { S foo(std::int32_t _i) { ... }});
// Main checks: `CcPrerequisites::includes`.
quote! { include <cstdint> }
quote! { include <cstdint> }
// Main checks: `CcPrerequisites::defs` and `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls`.
// Verifying the actual def_id is tricky, because `test_format_item` doesn't
// expose `tcx` to the verification function (and therefore calling
// `find_def_id_by_name` is not easily possible).
// Note that `main_api` and `impl_details` have different expectations.
assert_eq!(0, main_api.prereqs.defs.len());
assert_eq!(1, main_api.prereqs.fwd_decls.len());
assert_eq!(1, result.cc_details.prereqs.defs.len());
assert_eq!(0, result.cc_details.prereqs.fwd_decls.len());
/// This test verifies that `format_item` uses `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls`
/// rather than `CcPrerequisites::defs` for function declarations in the
/// `main_api`.
fn test_format_item_fn_cc_prerequisites_if_only_cpp_declaration_needed() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn foo(s: S) -> bool { s.0 }
pub struct S(bool);
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
// Minimal coverage, just to double-check that the test setup works.
// Note that this is only a function *declaration* (not a function definition -
// there is no function body), and therefore `S` just needs to be
// forward-declared earlier.
assert_cc_matches!(main_api.tokens, quote! { bool foo(::rust_out::S s); });
// Main checks: `CcPrerequisites::defs` and `CcPrerequisites::fwd_decls`.
// Verifying the actual def_id is tricky, because `test_format_item` doesn't
// expose `tcx` to the verification function (and therefore calling
// `find_def_id_by_name` is not easily possible).
assert_eq!(0, main_api.prereqs.defs.len());
assert_eq!(1, main_api.prereqs.fwd_decls.len());
fn test_format_item_fn_with_type_aliased_return_type() {
// Type aliases disappear at the `rustc_middle::ty::Ty` level and therefore in
// the short-term the generated bindings also ignore type aliases.
// TODO(b/254096006): Consider preserving `type` aliases when generating
// bindings.
let test_src = r#"
type MyTypeAlias = f64;
pub extern "C" fn type_aliased_return() -> MyTypeAlias { 42.0 }
test_format_item(test_src, "type_aliased_return", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" double type_aliased_return();
fn test_format_item_fn_with_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name() {
let test_src = r#"
/// Outer line doc.
/** Outer block doc that spans lines.
#[doc = "Doc comment via doc attribute."]
pub extern "C" fn fn_with_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "fn_with_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let doc_comments = [
" Outer line doc.",
" Outer block doc that spans lines.",
" ",
"Doc comment via doc attribute.",
"Generated from: <>;l=7",
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #doc_comments
extern "C" void fn_with_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name();
fn test_format_item_fn_with_inner_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name() {
let test_src = r#"
/// Outer doc comment.
pub extern "C" fn fn_with_inner_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name() {
//! Inner doc comment.
test_format_item(test_src, "fn_with_inner_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let doc_comments = [
" Outer doc comment.",
" Inner doc comment.",
"Generated from: <>;l=4",
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #doc_comments
extern "C" void fn_with_inner_doc_comment_with_unmangled_name();
fn test_format_item_fn_with_doc_comment_with_mangled_name() {
let test_src = r#"
/// Doc comment of a function with mangled name.
pub extern "C" fn fn_with_doc_comment_with_mangled_name() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "fn_with_doc_comment_with_mangled_name", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = " Doc comment of a function with mangled name.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=3";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
void fn_with_doc_comment_with_mangled_name();
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_name_is_reserved_cpp_keyword() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn reinterpret_cast() -> () {}
test_format_item(test_src, "reinterpret_cast", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error formatting function name: \
`reinterpret_cast` is a C++ reserved keyword \
and can't be used as a C++ identifier"
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_ret_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo() -> (i32, i32) { (123, 456) }
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error formatting function return type: \
Tuples are not supported yet: (i32, i32) (b/254099023)"
/// This test verifies handling of inferred, anonymous lifetimes.
/// Note that `Region::get_name_or_anon()` may return the same name (e.g.
/// `"anon"` for both lifetimes, but bindings should use 2 distinct
/// lifetime names in the generated bindings and in the thunk impl.
fn test_format_item_lifetime_generic_fn_with_inferred_lifetimes() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo(arg: &i32) -> &i32 {
unimplemented!("arg = {arg}")
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]]
foo(std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] arg);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C"
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] ...(
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]]);
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]]
foo(std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] arg) {
return __crubit_internal::...(arg);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'__anon1>(arg: &'__anon1 i32) -> &'__anon1 i32 {
/// This test verifies handling of various explicit (i.e. non-inferred)
/// lifetimes.
/// * Note that the two `'_` specify two distinct lifetimes (i.e. two
/// distinct names need to be used in the generated bindings and thunk
/// impl).
/// * Note that `'static` doesn't need to be listed in the generic
/// parameters of the thunk impl
/// * Note that even though `'foo` is used in 2 parameter types, it should
/// only appear once in the list of generic parameters of the thunk impl
/// * Note that in the future the following translation may be preferable:
/// * `'a` => `$a` (no parens)
/// * `'foo` => `$(foo)` (note the extra parens)
fn test_format_item_lifetime_generic_fn_with_various_lifetimes() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo<'a, 'foo>(
arg1: &'a i32, // Single letter lifetime = `$a` is possible
arg2: &'foo i32, // Multi-character lifetime
arg3: &'foo i32, // Same lifetime used for 2 places
arg4: &'static i32,
arg5: &'_ i32,
arg6: &'_ i32,
) -> &'foo i32 {
unimplemented!("args: {arg1}, {arg2}, {arg3}, {arg4}, {arg5}, {arg6}")
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]]
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]] arg1,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]] arg2,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]] arg3,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "static")]] arg4,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] arg5,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon2")]] arg6);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C"
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]]
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]],
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]],
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]],
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "static")]],
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]],
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon2")]]);
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]]
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]] arg1,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]] arg2,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "foo")]] arg3,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "static")]] arg4,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] arg5,
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon2")]] arg6) {
return __crubit_internal::...(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'a, 'foo, '__anon1, '__anon2>(
arg1: &'a i32,
arg2: &'foo i32,
arg3: &'foo i32,
arg4: &'static i32,
arg5: &'__anon1 i32,
arg6: &'__anon2 i32
) -> &'foo i32 {
::rust_out::foo(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
/// Test of lifetime-generic function with a `where` clause.
/// The `where` constraint below is a bit silly (why not just use `'static`
/// directly), but it seems prudent to test and confirm that we disable
/// generation of bindings for generic functions with `where` clauses
/// (because it is unclear if such constraints can be replicated
/// in C++).
fn test_format_item_lifetime_generic_fn_with_where_clause() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo<'a>(arg: &'a i32) where 'a : 'static {
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_type_generic_fn() {
let test_src = r#"
use std::default::Default;
use std::fmt::Display;
pub fn generic_function<T: Default + Display>() {
println!("{}", T::default());
test_format_item(test_src, "generic_function", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_type_generic_struct() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct Point<T> {
pub x: T,
pub y: T,
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_lifetime_generic_struct() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct Point<'a> {
pub x: &'a i32,
pub y: &'a i32,
impl<'a> Point<'a> {
// Some lifetimes are bound at the `impl` / `struct` level (the lifetime is
// hidden underneath the `Self` type), and some at the `fn` level.
pub fn new<'b, 'c>(_x: &'b i32, _y: &'c i32) -> Self { unimplemented!() }
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_generic_enum() {
let test_src = r#"
pub enum Point<T> {
Cartesian{x: T, y: T},
Polar{angle: T, dist: T},
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_generic_union() {
let test_src = r#"
pub union SomeUnion<T> {
pub x: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<T>,
pub y: i32,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeUnion", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_async() {
let test_src = r#"
pub async fn async_function() {}
test_format_item(test_src, "async_function", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error formatting function return type: \
The following Rust type is not supported yet: \
impl std::future::Future<Output = ()>"
fn test_format_item_fn_rust_abi() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn add(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x * y }
test_format_item(test_src, "add", |result| {
// TODO(b/261074843): Re-add thunk name verification once we are using stable
// name mangling (which may be coming in Q1 2023). (This might mean
// reverting cl/492333432 + manual review and tweaks.)
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
double add(double x, double y);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" double ...(double, double);
inline double add(double x, double y) {
return __crubit_internal::...(x, y);
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
::rust_out::add(x, y)
fn test_format_item_fn_rust_abi_with_param_taking_struct_by_value() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct S(i32);
pub fn into_i32(s: S) -> i32 { s.0 }
test_format_item(test_src, "into_i32", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
std::int32_t into_i32(::rust_out::S s);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" std::int32_t ...(::rust_out::S*);
inline std::int32_t into_i32(::rust_out::S s) {
return __crubit_internal::...(&s);
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...(s: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::S>) -> i32 {
::rust_out::into_i32(unsafe { s.assume_init_read() })
fn test_format_item_fn_rust_abi_returning_struct_by_value() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct S(i32);
pub fn create(i: i32) -> S { S(i) }
test_format_item(test_src, "create", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
::rust_out::S create(std::int32_t i);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(std::int32_t, ::rust_out::S* __ret_ptr);
inline ::rust_out::S create(std::int32_t i) {
crubit::ReturnValueSlot<::rust_out::S> __ret_slot;
__crubit_internal::...(i, __ret_slot.Get());
return std::move(__ret_slot).AssumeInitAndTakeValue();
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...(
i: i32,
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::S>
) -> () {
/// `test_format_item_fn_rust_abi` tests a function call that is not a
/// C-ABI, and is not the default Rust ABI. It can't use `"stdcall"`,
/// because it is not supported on the targets where Crubit's tests run.
/// So, it ended up using `"vectorcall"`.
/// This test almost entirely replicates `test_format_item_fn_rust_abi`,
/// except for the `extern "vectorcall"` part in the `test_src` test
/// input.
/// This test verifies the current behavior that gives reasonable and
/// functional FFI bindings. OTOH, in the future we may decide to avoid
/// having the extra thunk for cases where the given non-C-ABI function
/// call convention is supported by both C++ and Rust
/// (see also `format_cc_call_conv_as_clang_attribute` in
/// `rs_bindings_from_cc/`)
fn test_format_item_fn_vectorcall_abi() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "vectorcall" fn add(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 { x * y }
test_format_item(test_src, "add", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
double add(double x, double y);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" double ...(double, double);
inline double add(double x, double y) {
return __crubit_internal::...(x, y);
quote! {
extern "C"
fn ...(x: f64, y: f64) -> f64 {
::rust_out::add(x, y)
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_variadic() {
let test_src = r#"
pub unsafe extern "C" fn variadic_function(_fmt: *const u8, ...) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "variadic_function", |result| {
// TODO(b/254097223): Add support for variadic functions.
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "C variadic functions are not supported (b/254097223)");
fn test_format_item_fn_params() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn foo(b: bool, f: f64) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void foo(bool b, double f);
fn test_format_item_fn_param_name_reserved_keyword() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn some_function(reinterpret_cast: f64) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "some_function", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
extern "C" void some_function(double __param_0);
fn test_format_item_fn_with_multiple_anonymous_parameter_names() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo(_: f64, _: f64) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
void foo(double __param_0, double __param_1);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(double, double);
inline void foo(double __param_0, double __param_1) {
return __crubit_internal::...(__param_0, __param_1);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(__param_0: f64, __param_1: f64) -> () {
::rust_out::foo(__param_0, __param_1)
fn test_format_item_fn_with_destructuring_parameter_name() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct S {
pub f1: i32,
pub f2: i32,
// This test mostly focuses on the weird parameter "name" below.
// See also
// which points out that function parameters are just irrefutable patterns.
pub fn func(S{f1, f2}: S) -> i32 { f1 + f2 }
test_format_item(test_src, "func", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
std::int32_t func(::rust_out::S __param_0);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" std::int32_t ...(::rust_out::S*);
inline std::int32_t func(::rust_out::S __param_0) {
return __crubit_internal::...(&__param_0);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__param_0: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::S>
) -> i32 {
::rust_out::func(unsafe {__param_0.assume_init_read() })
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_param_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn foo(_param: (i32, i32)) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "foo", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error handling parameter #0: \
Tuples are not supported yet: (i32, i32) (b/254099023)"
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_param_type_unit() {
let test_src = r#"
pub fn fn_with_params(_param: ()) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "fn_with_params", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error handling parameter #0: \
`()` / `void` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)"
fn test_format_item_unsupported_fn_param_type_never() {
let test_src = r#"
pub extern "C" fn fn_with_params(_param: !) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "fn_with_params", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error handling parameter #0: \
The never type `!` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)"
/// This is a test for a regular struct - a struct with named fields.
/// refers to this kind of struct as
/// `StructStruct` or "nominal struct type".
fn test_format_item_struct_with_fields() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<SomeStruct>() == 4);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ "`SomeStruct` doesn't implement the `Default` trait"
SomeStruct() = delete;
__COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~SomeStruct() = default;
SomeStruct(SomeStruct&&) = default;
SomeStruct& operator=(SomeStruct&&) = default;
__COMMENT__ "`SomeStruct` doesn't implement the `Clone` trait"
SomeStruct(const SomeStruct&) = delete;
SomeStruct& operator=(const SomeStruct&) = delete;
public: union { ... std::int32_t x; };
public: union { ... std::int32_t y; };
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, x));
static_assert(4 == offsetof(SomeStruct, y));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, x) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, y) == 4);
/// This is a test for `TupleStruct` or "tuple struct" - for more details
/// please refer to
fn test_format_item_struct_with_tuple() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct TupleStruct(pub i32, pub i32);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<TupleStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<TupleStruct>() == 4);
test_format_item(test_src, "TupleStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) TupleStruct final {
__COMMENT__ "`TupleStruct` doesn't implement the `Default` trait"
TupleStruct() = delete;
__COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~TupleStruct() = default;
TupleStruct(TupleStruct&&) = default;
TupleStruct& operator=(TupleStruct&&) = default;
__COMMENT__ "`TupleStruct` doesn't implement the `Clone` trait"
TupleStruct(const TupleStruct&) = delete;
TupleStruct& operator=(const TupleStruct&) = delete;
public: union { ... std::int32_t __field0; };
public: union { ... std::int32_t __field1; };
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(TupleStruct) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(TupleStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void TupleStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(TupleStruct, __field0));
static_assert(4 == offsetof(TupleStruct, __field1));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::TupleStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::TupleStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::TupleStruct, 0) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::TupleStruct, 1) == 4);
/// This test the scenario where Rust lays out field in a different order
/// than the source order.
fn test_format_item_struct_with_reordered_field_offsets() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub field1: i16,
pub field2: i32,
pub field3: i16,
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<SomeStruct>() == 4);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) SomeStruct final {
// The particular order below is not guaranteed,
// so we may need to adjust this test assertion
// (if Rust changes how it lays out the fields).
public: union { ... std::int32_t field2; };
public: union { ... std::int16_t field1; };
public: union { ... std::int16_t field3; };
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, field2));
static_assert(4 == offsetof(SomeStruct, field1));
static_assert(6 == offsetof(SomeStruct, field3));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, field2)
== 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, field1)
== 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, field3)
== 6);
fn test_format_item_struct_with_packed_layout() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub field1: u16,
pub field2: u32,
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<SomeStruct>() == 6);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<SomeStruct>() == 1);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(1) __attribute__((packed)) SomeStruct final {
public: union { ... std::uint16_t field1; };
public: union { ... std::uint32_t field2; };
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 6, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 1, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, field1));
static_assert(2 == offsetof(SomeStruct, field2));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 6);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 1);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, field1)
== 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, field2)
== 2);
fn test_format_item_struct_with_explicit_padding_in_generated_code() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub f1: u8,
pub f2: u32,
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<SomeStruct>() == 4);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) SomeStruct final {
public: union { ... std::uint32_t f2; };
public: union { ... std::uint8_t f1; };
private: unsigned char __padding0[3];
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, f2));
static_assert(4 == offsetof(SomeStruct, f1));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, f2) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, f1) == 4);
fn test_format_item_static_method() {
let test_src = r#"
/// No-op `f32` placeholder is used, because ZSTs are not supported
/// (b/258259459).
pub struct Math(f32);
impl Math {
pub fn add_i32(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 {
x + y
test_format_item(test_src, "Math", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... Math final {
static float add_i32(float x, float y);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" float ... (float, float);
inline float Math::add_i32(float x, float y) {
return __crubit_internal::...(x, y);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 {
::rust_out::Math::add_i32(x, y)
fn test_format_item_static_method_with_generic_type_parameters() {
let test_src = r#"
/// No-op `f32` placeholder is used, because ZSTs are not supported
/// (b/258259459).
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
// To make this testcase distinct / non-overlapping wrt
// test_format_item_static_method_with_generic_lifetime_parameters
// `t` is taken by value below.
pub fn generic_method<T: Clone>(t: T) -> T {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let unsupported_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::generic_method` \
defined at <>;l=10: \
Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #unsupported_msg
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { SomeStruct::generic_method },);
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { generic_method },);
fn test_format_item_static_method_with_generic_lifetime_parameters_at_fn_level() {
let test_src = r#"
/// No-op `f32` placeholder is used, because ZSTs are not supported
/// (b/258259459).
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn fn_taking_reference<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> i32 { *x }
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
static std::int32_t fn_taking_reference(
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]] x);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" std::int32_t ...(
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]]);
inline std::int32_t SomeStruct::fn_taking_reference(
std::int32_t const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "a")]] x) {
return __crubit_internal::...(x);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> i32 {
fn test_format_item_static_method_with_generic_lifetime_parameters_at_impl_level() {
let test_src = r#"
/// No-op `f32` placeholder is used, because ZSTs are not supported
/// (b/258259459).
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl<'a> SomeStruct {
pub fn fn_taking_reference(x: &'a i32) -> i32 { *x }
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let unsupported_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::fn_taking_reference` \
defined at <>;l=7: \
Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #unsupported_msg
quote! { SomeStruct::fn_taking_reference },
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { fn_taking_reference },);
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_value(test_src: &str) {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
float into_f32() &&;
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" float ...(::rust_out::SomeStruct*);
inline float SomeStruct::into_f32() && {
return __crubit_internal::...(this);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::SomeStruct>) -> f32 {
::rust_out::SomeStruct::into_f32(unsafe { __self.assume_init_read() })
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_value_implicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn into_f32(self) -> f32 {
/// One difference from
/// `test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_value_implicit_type` is that
/// `fn_sig.decl.implicit_self` is `ImplicitSelfKind::None` here (vs
/// `ImplicitSelfKind::Imm` in the other test).
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_value_explicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn into_f32(self: SomeStruct) -> f32 {
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_const_ref(test_src: &str) {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
float get_f32() const [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]];
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" float ...(
::rust_out::SomeStruct const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime",
inline float SomeStruct::get_f32()
const [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] {
return __crubit_internal::...(*this);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'__anon1>(__self: &'__anon1 ::rust_out::SomeStruct) -> f32 {
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_const_ref_implicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn get_f32(&self) -> f32 {
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_const_ref_explicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn get_f32(self: &SomeStruct) -> f32 {
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_mutable_ref(test_src: &str) {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
void set_f32(float new_value)
[[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]];
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(
::rust_out::SomeStruct& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]],
inline void SomeStruct::set_f32(float new_value)
[[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]] {
return __crubit_internal::...(*this, new_value);
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'__anon1>(
__self: &'__anon1 mut ::rust_out::SomeStruct,
new_value: f32
) -> () {
::rust_out::SomeStruct::set_f32(__self, new_value)
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_mutable_ref_implicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn set_f32(&mut self, new_value: f32) {
self.0 = new_value;
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_mutable_ref_explicit_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn set_f32(self: &mut SomeStruct, new_value: f32) {
self.0 = new_value;
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_arc() {
let test_src = r#"
use std::sync::Arc;
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn get_f32(self: Arc<Self>) -> f32 {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let unsupported_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::get_f32` \
defined at <>;l=7: \
Error handling parameter #0: \
Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #unsupported_msg
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { SomeStruct::get_f32 },);
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { get_f32 },);
fn test_format_item_method_taking_self_by_pinned_mut_ref() {
let test_src = r#"
use core::pin::Pin;
pub struct SomeStruct(f32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn set_f32(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, f: f32) {
self.0 = f;
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let unsupported_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::set_f32` \
defined at <>;l=7: \
Error handling parameter #0: \
Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #unsupported_msg
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { SomeStruct::set_f32 },);
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { set_f32 },);
fn test_format_item_struct_with_default_constructor() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct Point(i32, i32);
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... Point final {
__COMMENT__ "Default::default"
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(::rust_out::Point* __ret_ptr);
inline Point::Point() {
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::Point>
) -> () {
__ret_slot.write(<::rust_out::Point as ::core::default::Default>::default());
fn test_format_item_struct_with_copy_trait() {
let test_src = r#"
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Point(i32, i32);
let msg = "Rust types that are `Copy` get trivial, `default` C++ copy constructor \
and assignment operator.";
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... Point final {
__COMMENT__ #msg
Point(const Point&) = default;
Point& operator=(const Point&) = default;
// Trivial copy doesn't require any C++ details except `static_assert`s.
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { Point::Point(const Point&) },);
quote! { Point::operator=(const Point&) },
quote! {
// Trivial copy doesn't require any Rust details.
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { Copy });
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { copy });
/// Test of `format_copy_ctor_and_assignment_operator` when the ADT
/// implements a `Clone` trait.
/// Notes:
/// * `Copy` trait is covered in `test_format_item_struct_with_copy_trait`.
/// * The test below implements `clone` and uses the default `clone_from`.
fn test_format_item_struct_with_clone_trait() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct Point(i32, i32);
impl Clone for Point {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... Point final {
__COMMENT__ "Clone::clone"
Point(const Point&);
__COMMENT__ "Clone::clone_from"
Point& operator=(const Point&);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(
::rust_out::Point const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime",
::rust_out::Point* __ret_ptr);
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...(
::rust_out::Point& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]],
::rust_out::Point const& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime",
inline Point::Point(const Point& other) {
__crubit_internal::...(other, this);
inline Point& Point::operator=(const Point& other) {
if (this != &other) {
__crubit_internal::...(*this, other);
return *this;
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...<'__anon1>(
__self: &'__anon1 ::rust_out::Point,
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::Point>
) -> () {
<::rust_out::Point as ::core::clone::Clone>::clone(__self)
extern "C" fn ...<'__anon1, '__anon2>(
__self: &'__anon1 mut ::rust_out::Point,
source: &'__anon2 ::rust_out::Point
) -> () {
<::rust_out::Point as ::core::clone::Clone>::clone_from(__self, source)
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_with_name_that_is_reserved_keyword() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct reinterpret_cast {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
test_format_item(test_src, "reinterpret_cast", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error formatting item name: \
`reinterpret_cast` is a C++ reserved keyword \
and can't be used as a C++ identifier"
fn test_format_item_struct_with_unsupported_field_type() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub successful_field: i32,
pub unsupported_field: Option<[i32; 3]>,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let broken_field_msg = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #broken_field_msg
unsigned char unsupported_field[16];
union { ... std::int32_t successful_field; };
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 20, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, unsupported_field));
static_assert(16 == offsetof(SomeStruct, successful_field));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 20);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct,
unsupported_field) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct,
successful_field) == 16);
/// This test verifies how reference type fields are represented in the
/// generated bindings. See b/286256327.
/// In some of the past discussions we tentatively decided that the
/// generated bindings shouldn't use C++ references in fields - instead
/// a C++ pointer should be used. One reason is that C++ references
/// cannot be assigned to (i.e. rebound), and therefore C++ pointers
/// more accurately represent the semantics of Rust fields. The pointer
/// type should probably use some form of C++ annotations to mark it as
/// non-nullable.
fn test_format_item_struct_with_unsupported_field_of_reference_type() {
let test_src = r#"
// `'static` lifetime can be used in a non-generic struct - this let's us
// test reference fieles without requiring support for generic structs.
pub struct NonGenericSomeStruct {
pub reference_field: &'static i32,
test_format_item(test_src, "NonGenericSomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let broken_field_msg = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
Can't format `&'static i32`, because references \
are only supported in function parameter types and \
return types (b/286256327)";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #broken_field_msg
unsigned char reference_field[8];
/// This test verifies that `format_trait_thunks(..., drop_trait_id,
/// ...).expect(...)` won't panic - the `format_adt_core` needs to
/// verify that formatting of the fully qualified C++ name of the struct
/// works fine.
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_with_custom_drop_impl_in_reserved_name_module() {
let test_src = r#"
// This mimics the name of a public module used by
// `icu_locid` in `extensions/`.
pub mod private {
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
impl Drop for SomeStruct {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
"Error formatting the fully-qualified C++ name of `SomeStruct: \
`private` is a C++ reserved keyword and can't be used as a C++ identifier",
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_and_no_default_nor_clone_impl(
test_src: &str,
pass_by_value_line_number: i32,
) {
test_format_item(test_src, "TypeUnderTest", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let move_deleted_msg = "C++ moves are deleted \
because there's no non-destructive implementation available.";
let pass_by_value_msg = format!(
"Error generating bindings for `TypeUnderTest::pass_by_value` \
defined at <>;l={pass_by_value_line_number}: \
Can't pass the return type by value without a move constructor"
quote! {
struct ... TypeUnderTest final {
__COMMENT__ "Drop::drop"
__COMMENT__ #move_deleted_msg
TypeUnderTest(TypeUnderTest&&) = delete;
TypeUnderTest& operator=(TypeUnderTest&&) = delete;
__COMMENT__ #pass_by_value_msg
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...( // `drop` thunk decl
::rust_out::TypeUnderTest& [[clang::annotate_type(
"lifetime", "__anon1")]]);
inline TypeUnderTest::~TypeUnderTest() {
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { pass_by_value });
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest>
) {
unsafe { __self.assume_init_drop() };
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { pass_by_value });
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_impl_and_no_default_nor_clone_impl() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
impl Drop for TypeUnderTest {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
let pass_by_value_line_number = 12;
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_glue_and_no_default_nor_clone_impl() {
let test_src = r#"
// `i32` is present to avoid hitting the ZST checks related to (b/258259459)
struct StructWithCustomDropImpl(i32);
impl Drop for StructWithCustomDropImpl {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
field: StructWithCustomDropImpl,
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
let pass_by_value_line_number = 18;
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_and_with_default_impl(test_src: &str) {
test_format_item(test_src, "TypeUnderTest", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... TypeUnderTest final {
__COMMENT__ "Drop::drop"
TypeUnderTest& operator=(
static ::rust_out::TypeUnderTest pass_by_value();
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...( // `drop` thunk decl
::rust_out::TypeUnderTest& [[clang::annotate_type(
"lifetime", "__anon1")]]);
inline TypeUnderTest::~TypeUnderTest() {
inline TypeUnderTest::TypeUnderTest(
TypeUnderTest&& other)
: TypeUnderTest() {
*this = std::move(other);
inline TypeUnderTest& TypeUnderTest::operator=(
TypeUnderTest&& other) {
crubit::MemSwap(*this, other);
return *this;
namespace __crubit_internal { // `pass_by_value` thunk decl
extern "C" void ...(::rust_out::TypeUnderTest* __ret_ptr);
inline ::rust_out::TypeUnderTest TypeUnderTest::pass_by_value() {
crubit::ReturnValueSlot<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest> __ret_slot;
return std::move(__ret_slot).AssumeInitAndTakeValue();
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest>
) {
unsafe { __self.assume_init_drop() };
extern "C" fn ...(
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest>
) -> () {
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_impl_and_with_default_impl() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
impl Drop for TypeUnderTest {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_glue_and_with_default_impl() {
let test_src = r#"
// `i32` is present to avoid hitting the ZST checks related to (b/258259459)
struct StructWithCustomDropImpl(i32);
impl Drop for StructWithCustomDropImpl {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
field: StructWithCustomDropImpl,
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_and_no_default_and_clone(test_src: &str) {
test_format_item(test_src, "TypeUnderTest", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
quote! {
struct ... TypeUnderTest final {
__COMMENT__ "Drop::drop"
static ::rust_out::TypeUnderTest pass_by_value();
// Implicit, but not `=default`-ed move constructor and move assignment
// operator.
assert_cc_not_matches!(main_api.tokens, quote! { TypeUnderTest(TypeUnderTest&&) });
assert_cc_not_matches!(main_api.tokens, quote! { operator=(TypeUnderTest&&) });
// No definition of a custom move constructor nor move assignment operator.
quote! { TypeUnderTest(TypeUnderTest&&) },
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { operator=(TypeUnderTest&&) },);
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...( // `drop` thunk decl
::rust_out::TypeUnderTest& [[clang::annotate_type(
"lifetime", "__anon1")]]);
namespace __crubit_internal { // `pass_by_value` thunk decl
extern "C" void ...(::rust_out::TypeUnderTest* __ret_ptr);
inline ::rust_out::TypeUnderTest TypeUnderTest::pass_by_value() {
crubit::ReturnValueSlot<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest> __ret_slot;
return std::move(__ret_slot).AssumeInitAndTakeValue();
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest>
) {
unsafe { __self.assume_init_drop() };
extern "C" fn ...(
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::TypeUnderTest>
) -> () {
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_impl_and_no_default_and_clone() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
impl Drop for TypeUnderTest {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
fn test_format_item_struct_with_custom_drop_glue_and_no_default_and_clone() {
let test_src = r#"
// `i32` is present to avoid hitting the ZST checks related to (b/258259459)
struct StructWithCustomDropImpl(i32);
impl Drop for StructWithCustomDropImpl {
fn drop(&mut self) {
pub struct TypeUnderTest {
field: StructWithCustomDropImpl,
impl TypeUnderTest {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_with_custom_drop_and_default_and_nonunpin() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
impl !Unpin for SomeStruct {}
impl Drop for SomeStruct {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
impl SomeStruct {
pub fn pass_by_value() -> Self { unimplemented!() }
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let move_deleted_msg = "C++ moves are deleted \
because there's no non-destructive implementation available.";
let pass_by_value_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::pass_by_value` \
defined at <>;l=17: \
Can't pass the return type by value without a move constructor";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ "Default::default"
__COMMENT__ "Drop::drop"
__COMMENT__ #move_deleted_msg
SomeStruct(SomeStruct&&) = delete;
SomeStruct& operator=(SomeStruct&&) = delete;
__COMMENT__ #pass_by_value_msg
quote! {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...( // `default` thunk decl
::rust_out::SomeStruct* __ret_ptr);
inline SomeStruct::SomeStruct() {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void ...( // `drop` thunk decl
::rust_out::SomeStruct& [[clang::annotate_type("lifetime", "__anon1")]]);
inline SomeStruct::~SomeStruct() {
assert_cc_not_matches!(result.cc_details.tokens, quote! { pass_by_value });
quote! {
extern "C" fn ...(
__ret_slot: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::SomeStruct>
) -> () {
<::rust_out::SomeStruct as ::core::default::Default>::default());
extern "C" fn ...(
__self: &mut ::core::mem::MaybeUninit<::rust_out::SomeStruct>
) {
unsafe { __self.assume_init_drop() };
assert_rs_not_matches!(result.rs_details, quote! { pass_by_value });
/// This test covers how ZSTs (zero-sized-types) are handled.
/// refers to this kind of struct as a
/// "unit-like struct".
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_zero_sized_type_with_no_fields() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct ZeroSizedType1;
pub struct ZeroSizedType2();
pub struct ZeroSizedType3{}
for name in ["ZeroSizedType1", "ZeroSizedType2", "ZeroSizedType3"] {
test_format_item(test_src, name, |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Zero-sized types (ZSTs) are not supported (b/258259459)");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_with_only_zero_sized_type_fields() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct ZeroSizedType;
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub zst1: ZeroSizedType,
pub zst2: ZeroSizedType,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Zero-sized types (ZSTs) are not supported (b/258259459)",);
fn test_format_item_unsupported_struct_with_some_zero_sized_type_fields() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct ZeroSizedType;
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub zst1: ZeroSizedType,
pub successful_field: i32,
pub zst2: ZeroSizedType,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let broken_field_msg_zst1 =
"Skipped bindings for field `zst1`: ZST fields are not supported (b/258259459)";
let broken_field_msg_zst2 =
"Skipped bindings for field `zst2`: ZST fields are not supported (b/258259459)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
union { ... std::int32_t successful_field; };
__COMMENT__ #broken_field_msg_zst1
__COMMENT__ #broken_field_msg_zst2
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4, ...);
inline void SomeStruct::__crubit_field_offset_assertions() {
static_assert(0 == offsetof(SomeStruct, successful_field));
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeStruct>() == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, successful_field) == 0);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, zst1) == 4);
const _: () = assert!( memoffset::offset_of!(::rust_out::SomeStruct, zst2) == 4);
fn test_format_item_struct_with_dynamically_sized_field() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct DynamicallySizedStruct {
/// Having a non-ZST field avoids hitting the following error:
/// "Zero-sized types (ZSTs) are not supported (b/258259459)"
_non_zst_field: f32,
_dynamically_sized_field: [i32],
test_format_item(test_src, "DynamicallySizedStruct", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Bindings for dynamically sized types are not supported.");
fn test_format_item_struct_fields_with_doc_comments() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct {
/// Documentation of `successful_field`.
pub successful_field: i32,
/// Documentation of `unsupported_field`.
pub unsupported_field: Option<[i32; 3]>,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment_for_successful_field = " Documentation of `successful_field`.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=4";
let comment_for_unsupported_field = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)";
quote! {
struct ... SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #comment_for_unsupported_field
unsigned char unsupported_field[16];
union {
__COMMENT__ #comment_for_successful_field
std::int32_t successful_field;
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
/// This is a test for an enum that only has `EnumItemDiscriminant` items
/// (and doesn't have `EnumItemTuple` or `EnumItemStruct` items). See
/// also
fn test_format_item_enum_with_only_discriminant_items() {
let test_src = r#"
pub enum SomeEnum {
Green = 123,
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SomeEnum>() == 1);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<SomeEnum>() == 1);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeEnum", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let no_fields_msg = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
No support for bindings of individual fields of \
`union` (b/272801632) or `enum`";
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(1) SomeEnum final {
__COMMENT__ "`SomeEnum` doesn't implement the `Default` trait"
SomeEnum() = delete;
__COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~SomeEnum() = default;
SomeEnum(SomeEnum&&) = default;
SomeEnum& operator=(SomeEnum&&) = default;
__COMMENT__ "`SomeEnum` doesn't implement the `Clone` trait"
SomeEnum(const SomeEnum&) = delete;
SomeEnum& operator=(const SomeEnum&) = delete;
__COMMENT__ #no_fields_msg
unsigned char __opaque_blob_of_bytes[1];
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeEnum) == 1, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeEnum) == 1, ...);
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeEnum>() == 1);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeEnum>() == 1);
/// This is a test for an enum that has `EnumItemTuple` and `EnumItemStruct`
/// items. See also
fn test_format_item_enum_with_tuple_and_struct_items() {
let test_src = r#"
pub enum Point {
Cartesian(f32, f32),
Polar{ dist: f32, angle: f32 },
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Point>() == 12);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<Point>() == 4);
test_format_item(test_src, "Point", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let no_fields_msg = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
No support for bindings of individual fields of \
`union` (b/272801632) or `enum`";
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) Point final {
__COMMENT__ "`Point` doesn't implement the `Default` trait"
Point() = delete;
__COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~Point() = default;
Point(Point&&) = default;
Point& operator=(Point&&) = default;
__COMMENT__ "`Point` doesn't implement the `Clone` trait"
Point(const Point&) = delete;
Point& operator=(const Point&) = delete;
__COMMENT__ #no_fields_msg
unsigned char __opaque_blob_of_bytes[12];
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(Point) == 12, ...);
static_assert(alignof(Point) == 4, ...);
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::Point>() == 12);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::Point>() == 4);
/// This test covers how zero-variant enums are handled. See also
fn test_format_item_unsupported_enum_zero_variants() {
let test_src = r#"
pub enum ZeroVariantEnum {}
test_format_item(test_src, "ZeroVariantEnum", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Zero-sized types (ZSTs) are not supported (b/258259459)");
/// This is a test for a `union`. See also
fn test_format_item_union() {
let test_src = r#"
pub union SomeUnion {
pub i: i32,
pub f: f64,
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SomeUnion>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<SomeUnion>() == 8);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeUnion", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let no_fields_msg = "Field type has been replaced with a blob of bytes: \
No support for bindings of individual fields of \
`union` (b/272801632) or `enum`";
quote! {
union CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(8) SomeUnion final {
__COMMENT__ "`SomeUnion` doesn't implement the `Default` trait"
SomeUnion() = delete;
__COMMENT__ "No custom `Drop` impl and no custom \"drop glue\" required"
~SomeUnion() = default;
SomeUnion(SomeUnion&&) = default;
SomeUnion& operator=(SomeUnion&&) = default;
__COMMENT__ "`SomeUnion` doesn't implement the `Clone` trait"
SomeUnion(const SomeUnion&) = delete;
SomeUnion& operator=(const SomeUnion&) = delete;
__COMMENT__ #no_fields_msg
unsigned char __opaque_blob_of_bytes[8];
static void __crubit_field_offset_assertions();
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeUnion) == 8, ...);
static_assert(alignof(SomeUnion) == 8, ...);
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::size_of::<::rust_out::SomeUnion>() == 8);
const _: () = assert!(::std::mem::align_of::<::rust_out::SomeUnion>() == 8);
fn test_format_item_doc_comments_union() {
let test_src = r#"
/// Doc for some union.
pub union SomeUnionWithDocs {
/// Doc for a field in a union.
pub i: i32,
pub f: f64
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeUnionWithDocs", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = " Doc for some union.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=3";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
union ... SomeUnionWithDocs final {
fn test_format_item_doc_comments_enum() {
let test_src = r#"
/** Doc for some enum. */
pub enum SomeEnumWithDocs {
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeEnumWithDocs", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = " Doc for some enum. \n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=3";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
struct ... SomeEnumWithDocs final {
fn test_format_item_doc_comments_struct() {
let test_src = r#"
#[doc = "Doc for some struct."]
pub struct SomeStructWithDocs {
#[doc = "Doc for first field."]
some_field : i32,
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStructWithDocs", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = "Doc for some struct.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=4";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
struct ... SomeStructWithDocs final {
fn test_format_item_doc_comments_tuple_struct() {
let test_src = r#"
/// Doc for some tuple struct.
pub struct SomeTupleStructWithDocs(i32);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeTupleStructWithDocs", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = " Doc for some tuple struct.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=3";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
struct ... SomeTupleStructWithDocs final {
fn test_format_item_source_loc_macro_rules() {
let test_src = r#"
macro_rules! some_tuple_struct_macro_for_testing_source_loc {
() => {
/// Some doc on SomeTupleStructMacroForTesingSourceLoc.
pub struct SomeTupleStructMacroForTesingSourceLoc(i32);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeTupleStructMacroForTesingSourceLoc", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let source_loc_comment = " Some doc on SomeTupleStructMacroForTesingSourceLoc.\n\n\
Generated from: <>;l=5";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #source_loc_comment
struct ... SomeTupleStructMacroForTesingSourceLoc final {
fn test_format_item_source_loc_with_no_doc_comment() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeTupleStructWithNoDocComment(i32);
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeTupleStructWithNoDocComment", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let comment = "Generated from: <>;l=2";
quote! {
__COMMENT__ #comment
struct ... SomeTupleStructWithNoDocComment final {
fn test_format_item_unsupported_static_value() {
let test_src = r#"
pub static STATIC_VALUE: i32 = 42;
test_format_item(test_src, "STATIC_VALUE", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Unsupported rustc_hir::hir::ItemKind: static item");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_const_value() {
let test_src = r#"
pub const CONST_VALUE: i32 = 42;
test_format_item(test_src, "CONST_VALUE", |result| {
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Unsupported rustc_hir::hir::ItemKind: constant item");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_type_alias() {
let test_src = r#"
pub type TypeAlias = i32;
test_format_item(test_src, "TypeAlias", |result| {
// TODO(b/254096006): Add support for type alias definitions.
let err = result.unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, "Unsupported rustc_hir::hir::ItemKind: type alias");
fn test_format_item_unsupported_impl_item_const_value() {
let test_src = r#"
pub struct SomeStruct(i32);
impl SomeStruct {
pub const CONST_VALUE: i32 = 42;
test_format_item(test_src, "SomeStruct", |result| {
let result = result.unwrap().unwrap();
let main_api = &result.main_api;
let unsupported_msg = "Error generating bindings for `SomeStruct::CONST_VALUE` \
defined at <>;l=5: \
Unsupported `impl` item kind: Const";
quote! {
struct CRUBIT_INTERNAL_RUST_TYPE(...) alignas(4) SomeStruct final {
__COMMENT__ #unsupported_msg
/// `test_format_ret_ty_for_cc_successes` provides test coverage for cases
/// where `format_ty_for_cc` takes `TypeLocation::FnReturn` and returns
/// an `Ok(...)`. Additional testcases are covered by
/// `test_format_ty_for_cc_successes`.
fn test_format_ret_ty_for_cc_successes() {
let testcases = [
// ( <Rust type>, <expected C++ type> )
("bool", "bool"), // TyKind::Bool
("()", "void"),
// TODO(b/254507801): Expect `crubit::Never` instead (see the bug for more
// details).
("!", "void"),
"extern \"C\" fn (f32, f32) -> f32",
"crubit :: type_identity_t < float (float , float) > &",
test_ty(TypeLocation::FnReturn, &testcases, quote! {}, |desc, tcx, ty, expected| {
let actual = {
let input = bindings_input_for_tests(tcx);
let cc_snippet = format_ty_for_cc(&input, ty, TypeLocation::FnReturn).unwrap();
let expected = expected.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().to_string();
assert_eq!(actual, expected, "{desc}");
/// `test_format_ty_for_cc_successes` provides test coverage for cases where
/// `format_ty_for_cc` returns an `Ok(...)`.
/// Note that using `std::int8_t` (instead of `::std::int8_t`) has been an
/// explicit decision. The "Google C++ Style Guide" suggests to "avoid
/// nested namespaces that match well-known top-level namespaces" and "in
/// particular, [...] not create any nested std namespaces.". It
/// seems desirable if the generated bindings conform to this aspect of the
/// style guide, because it makes things easier for *users* of these
/// bindings.
fn test_format_ty_for_cc_successes() {
let testcases = [
// ( <Rust type>, (<expected C++ type>,
// <expected #include>,
// <expected prereq def>,
// <expected prereq fwd decl>) )
("bool", ("bool", "", "", "")),
("f32", ("float", "", "", "")),
("f64", ("double", "", "", "")),
("i8", ("std::int8_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("i16", ("std::int16_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("i32", ("std::int32_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("i64", ("std::int64_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("isize", ("std::intptr_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("u8", ("std::uint8_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("u16", ("std::uint16_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("u32", ("std::uint32_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("u64", ("std::uint64_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("usize", ("std::uintptr_t", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("char", ("rs_std::rs_char", "<crubit/support/for/tests/rs_std/rs_char.h>", "", "")),
("SomeStruct", ("::rust_out::SomeStruct", "", "SomeStruct", "")),
("SomeEnum", ("::rust_out::SomeEnum", "", "SomeEnum", "")),
("SomeUnion", ("::rust_out::SomeUnion", "", "SomeUnion", "")),
("*const i32", ("std :: int32_t const *", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
("*mut i32", ("std::int32_t*", "<cstdint>", "", "")),
"&'static i32",
"std :: int32_t const & [[clang :: annotate_type (\"lifetime\" , \"static\")]]",
"&'static mut i32",
"std :: int32_t & [[clang :: annotate_type (\"lifetime\" , \"static\")]]",
// `SomeStruct` is a `fwd_decls` prerequisite (not `defs` prerequisite):
("*mut SomeStruct", ("::rust_out::SomeStruct*", "", "", "SomeStruct")),
// Testing propagation of deeper/nested `fwd_decls`:
("*mut *mut SomeStruct", (":: rust_out :: SomeStruct * *", "", "", "SomeStruct")),
// Testing propagation of `const` / `mut` qualifiers:
("*mut *const f32", ("float const * *", "", "", "")),
("*const *mut f32", ("float * const *", "", "", "")),
// Rust function pointers are non-nullable, so when function pointers are used as a
// parameter type (i.e. in `TypeLocation::FnParam`) then we can translate to
// generate a C++ function *reference*, rather than a C++ function *pointer*.
"extern \"C\" fn (f32, f32) -> f32",
"crubit :: type_identity_t < float (float , float) > &",
// Nested function pointer (i.e. `TypeLocation::Other`) means that
// we need to generate a C++ function *pointer*, rather than a C++
// function *reference*.
"*const extern \"C\" fn (f32, f32) -> f32",
"crubit :: type_identity_t < float (float , float) > * const *",
// Extra parens/sugar are expected to be ignored:
("(bool)", ("bool", "", "", "")),
let preamble = quote! {
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
pub enum SomeEnum {
Cartesian{x: f64, y: f64},
Polar{angle: f64, dist: f64},
pub union SomeUnion {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
|desc, tcx, ty,
(expected_tokens, expected_include, expected_prereq_def, expected_prereq_fwd_decl)| {
let (actual_tokens, actual_prereqs) = {
let input = bindings_input_for_tests(tcx);
let s = format_ty_for_cc(&input, ty, TypeLocation::FnParam).unwrap();
(s.tokens.to_string(), s.prereqs)
let (actual_includes, actual_prereq_defs, actual_prereq_fwd_decls) =
(actual_prereqs.includes, actual_prereqs.defs, actual_prereqs.fwd_decls);
let expected_tokens = expected_tokens.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().to_string();
assert_eq!(actual_tokens, expected_tokens, "{desc}");
if expected_include.is_empty() {
"{desc}: `actual_includes` is unexpectedly non-empty: {actual_includes:?}",
} else {
let expected_include: TokenStream = expected_include.parse().unwrap();
quote! { __HASH_TOKEN__ include #expected_include }
if expected_prereq_def.is_empty() {
"{desc}: `actual_prereq_defs` is unexpectedly non-empty",
} else {
let expected_def_id = find_def_id_by_name(tcx, expected_prereq_def);
assert_eq!(1, actual_prereq_defs.len());
assert_eq!(expected_def_id, actual_prereq_defs.into_iter().next().unwrap());
if expected_prereq_fwd_decl.is_empty() {
"{desc}: `actual_prereq_fwd_decls` is unexpectedly non-empty",
} else {
let expected_def_id = find_def_id_by_name(tcx, expected_prereq_fwd_decl);
assert_eq!(1, actual_prereq_fwd_decls.len());
/// `test_format_ty_for_cc_failures` provides test coverage for cases where
/// `format_ty_for_cc` returns an `Err(...)`.
/// It seems okay to have no test coverage for now for the following types
/// (which should never be encountered when generating bindings and where
/// `format_ty_for_cc` should panic):
/// - TyKind::Closure
/// - TyKind::Error
/// - TyKind::FnDef
/// - TyKind::Infer
/// TODO(lukasza): Add test coverage (here and in the "for_rs" flavours)
/// for:
/// - TyKind::Bound
/// - TyKind::Dynamic (`dyn Eq`)
/// - TyKind::Foreign (`extern type T`)
/// -
/// TyKind::Generator, TyKind::GeneratorWitness
/// - TyKind::Param
/// - TyKind::Placeholder
fn test_format_ty_for_cc_failures() {
let testcases = [
// ( <Rust type>, <expected error message> )
"()", // Empty TyKind::Tuple
"`()` / `void` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)",
// TODO(b/254507801): Expect `crubit::Never` instead (see the bug for more
// details).
"!", // TyKind::Never
"The never type `!` is only supported as a return type (b/254507801)",
"(i32, i32)", // Non-empty TyKind::Tuple
"Tuples are not supported yet: (i32, i32) (b/254099023)",
"&'static &'static i32", // TyKind::Ref (nested reference - referent of reference)
"Failed to format the referent of the reference type `&'static &'static i32`: \
Can't format `&'static i32`, because references are only supported \
in function parameter types and return types (b/286256327)",
"extern \"C\" fn (&i32)", // TyKind::Ref (nested reference - underneath fn ptr)
"Generic functions are not supported yet (b/259749023)",
"[i32; 42]", // TyKind::Array
"The following Rust type is not supported yet: [i32; 42]",
"&'static [i32]", // TyKind::Slice (nested underneath TyKind::Ref)
"Failed to format the referent of the reference type `&'static [i32]`: \
The following Rust type is not supported yet: [i32]",
"&'static str", // TyKind::Str (nested underneath TyKind::Ref)
"Failed to format the referent of the reference type `&'static str`: \
The following Rust type is not supported yet: str",
"impl Eq", // TyKind::Alias
"The following Rust type is not supported yet: impl Eq",
"fn(i32) -> i32", // TyKind::FnPtr (default ABI = "Rust")
"Function pointers can't have a thunk: \
Calling convention other than `extern \"C\"` requires a thunk",
"extern \"C\" fn (SomeStruct, f32) -> f32",
"Function pointers can't have a thunk: Type of parameter #0 requires a thunk",
"extern \"C\" fn (f32, f32) -> SomeStruct",
"Function pointers can't have a thunk: Return type requires a thunk",
"unsafe fn(i32) -> i32",
"Bindings for `unsafe` functions are not fully designed yet (b/254095482)",
// TODO(b/254094650): Consider mapping this to Clang's (and GCC's) `__int128`
// or to `absl::in128`.
("i128", "C++ doesn't have a standard equivalent of `i128` (b/254094650)"),
("u128", "C++ doesn't have a standard equivalent of `u128` (b/254094650)"),
("ConstGenericStruct<42>", "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)"),
("TypeGenericStruct<u8>", "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)"),
// This double-checks that TyKind::Adt(..., substs) are present
// even if the type parameter argument is not explicitly specified
// (here it comes from the default: `...Struct<T = u8>`).
"Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)",
("LifetimeGenericStruct<'static>", "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)"),
"Type `std::cmp::Ordering` comes from the `core` crate, \
but no `--bindings-from-dependency` was specified for this crate",
("Option<i8>", "Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)"),
"Not directly public type (re-exports are not supported yet - b/262052635)",
// This testcase is like `PublicReexportOfStruct`, but the private type and the
// re-export are in another crate. When authoring this test
// `core::alloc::LayoutError` was a public re-export of
// `core::alloc::layout::LayoutError`:
// ``
// TODO(b/258261328): Once cross-crate bindings are supported we should try
// to test them via a test crate that we control (rather than testing via
// implementation details of the std crate).
"Not directly public type (re-exports are not supported yet - b/262052635)",
"*const Option<i8>",
"Failed to format the pointee \
of the pointer type `*const std::option::Option<i8>`: \
Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)",
let preamble = quote! {
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
pub struct ConstGenericStruct<const N: usize> {
pub arr: [u8; N],
pub struct TypeGenericStruct<T = u8> {
pub t: T,
pub struct LifetimeGenericStruct<'a> {
pub reference: &'a u8,
mod private_submodule {
pub struct PublicStructInPrivateModule;
pub use private_submodule::PublicStructInPrivateModule
as PublicReexportOfStruct;
test_ty(TypeLocation::FnParam, &testcases, preamble, |desc, tcx, ty, expected_msg| {
let input = bindings_input_for_tests(tcx);
let anyhow_err = format_ty_for_cc(&input, ty, TypeLocation::FnParam)
.expect_err(&format!("Expecting error for: {desc}"));
let actual_msg = format!("{anyhow_err:#}");
assert_eq!(&actual_msg, *expected_msg, "{desc}");
fn test_format_ty_for_rs_successes() {
// Test coverage for cases where `format_ty_for_rs` returns an `Ok(...)`.
let testcases = [
// ( <Rust type>, <expected Rust spelling for> )
("bool", "bool"),
("f32", "f32"),
("f64", "f64"),
("i8", "i8"),
("i16", "i16"),
("i32", "i32"),
("i64", "i64"),
("i128", "i128"),
("isize", "isize"),
("u8", "u8"),
("u16", "u16"),
("u32", "u32"),
("u64", "u64"),
("u128", "u128"),
("usize", "usize"),
("char", "char"),
("!", "!"),
("()", "()"),
// ADTs:
("SomeStruct", "::rust_out::SomeStruct"),
("SomeEnum", "::rust_out::SomeEnum"),
("SomeUnion", "::rust_out::SomeUnion"),
// Type from another crate:
("std::cmp::Ordering", "::core::cmp::Ordering"),
// `const` and `mut` pointers:
("*const i32", "*const i32"),
("*mut i32", "*mut i32"),
// References:
("&i32", "& '__anon1 i32"),
("&mut i32", "& '__anon1 mut i32"),
("&'_ i32", "& '__anon1 i32"),
("&'static i32", "& 'static i32"),
// Pointer to an ADT:
("*mut SomeStruct", "* mut :: rust_out :: SomeStruct"),
("extern \"C\" fn(i32) -> i32", "extern \"C\" fn(i32) -> i32"),
let preamble = quote! {
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
pub enum SomeEnum {
Cartesian{x: f64, y: f64},
Polar{angle: f64, dist: f64},
pub union SomeUnion {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
test_ty(TypeLocation::FnParam, &testcases, preamble, |desc, tcx, ty, expected_tokens| {
let actual_tokens = format_ty_for_rs(tcx, ty).unwrap().to_string();
let expected_tokens = expected_tokens.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap().to_string();
assert_eq!(actual_tokens, expected_tokens, "{desc}");
fn test_format_ty_for_rs_failures() {
// This test provides coverage for cases where `format_ty_for_rs` returns an
// `Err(...)`.
let testcases = [
// ( <Rust type>, <expected error message> )
"(i32, i32)", // Non-empty TyKind::Tuple
"Tuples are not supported yet: (i32, i32) (b/254099023)",
"[i32; 42]", // TyKind::Array
"The following Rust type is not supported yet: [i32; 42]",
"&'static [i32]", // TyKind::Slice (nested underneath TyKind::Ref)
"Failed to format the referent of the reference type `&'static [i32]`: \
The following Rust type is not supported yet: [i32]",
"&'static str", // TyKind::Str (nested underneath TyKind::Ref)
"Failed to format the referent of the reference type `&'static str`: \
The following Rust type is not supported yet: str",
"impl Eq", // TyKind::Alias
"The following Rust type is not supported yet: impl Eq",
"Option<i8>", // TyKind::Adt - generic + different crate
"Generic types are not supported yet (b/259749095)",
let preamble = quote! {};
test_ty(TypeLocation::FnParam, &testcases, preamble, |desc, tcx, ty, expected_err| {
let anyhow_err =
format_ty_for_rs(tcx, ty).expect_err(&format!("Expecting error for: {desc}"));
let actual_err = format!("{anyhow_err:#}");
assert_eq!(&actual_err, *expected_err, "{desc}");
fn test_ty<TestFn, Expectation>(
type_location: TypeLocation,
testcases: &[(&str, Expectation)],
preamble: TokenStream,
test_fn: TestFn,
) where
TestFn: for<'tcx> Fn(
/* testcase_description: */ &str,
) + Sync,
Expectation: Sync,
for (index, (input, expected)) in testcases.iter().enumerate() {
let desc = format!("test #{index}: test input: `{input}`");
let input = {
let ty_tokens: TokenStream = input.parse().unwrap();
let input = match type_location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn => quote! {
pub fn test_function() -> #ty_tokens { unimplemented!() }
TypeLocation::FnParam => quote! {
pub fn test_function(_arg: #ty_tokens) { unimplemented!() }
TypeLocation::Other => unimplemented!(),
run_compiler_for_testing(input, |tcx| {
let def_id = find_def_id_by_name(tcx, "test_function");
let sig = get_fn_sig(tcx, def_id);
let ty = match type_location {
TypeLocation::FnReturn => sig.output(),
TypeLocation::FnParam => sig.inputs()[0],
TypeLocation::Other => unimplemented!(),
test_fn(&desc, tcx, ty, expected);
/// Tests invoking `format_item` on the item with the specified `name` from
/// the given Rust `source`. Returns the result of calling
/// `test_function` with `format_item`'s result as an argument.
/// (`test_function` should typically `assert!` that it got the expected
/// result from `format_item`.)
fn test_format_item<F, T>(source: &str, name: &str, test_function: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(Result<Option<ApiSnippets>, String>) -> T + Send,
T: Send,
run_compiler_for_testing(source, |tcx| {
let def_id = find_def_id_by_name(tcx, name);
let result = format_item(&bindings_input_for_tests(tcx), def_id);
// says:
// To print causes as well [...], use the alternate selector “{:#}”.
let result = result.map_err(|anyhow_err| format!("{anyhow_err:#}"));
/// Finds the definition id of a Rust item with the specified `name`.
/// Panics if no such item is found, or if there is more than one match.
fn find_def_id_by_name(tcx: TyCtxt, name: &str) -> LocalDefId {
let hir_items = || tcx.hir().items().map(|item_id| tcx.hir().item(item_id));
let items_with_matching_name =
hir_items().filter(|item| == name).collect_vec();
match *items_with_matching_name.as_slice() {
[] => {
let found_names = hir_items()
.filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
.map(|name| format!("`{name}`"))
panic!("No items named `{name}`.\nInstead found:\n{found_names}");
[item] => item.owner_id.def_id,
_ => panic!("More than one item named `{name}`"),
fn bindings_input_for_tests(tcx: TyCtxt) -> Input {
Input {
crubit_support_path_format: "<crubit/support/for/tests/{header}>".into(),
crate_name_to_include_paths: Default::default(),
_features: (),
/// Tests invoking `generate_bindings` on the given Rust `source`.
/// Returns the result of calling `test_function` with the generated
/// bindings as an argument. (`test_function` should typically `assert!`
/// that it got the expected `GeneratedBindings`.)
fn test_generated_bindings<F, T>(source: &str, test_function: F) -> T
F: FnOnce(Result<Output>) -> T + Send,
T: Send,
run_compiler_for_testing(source, |tcx| {