blob: 4bcf7f726237c642da45d3db683644176d550836 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines an intermediate representation (IR) used between Clang AST
// and code generators that generate Rust bindings and C++ bindings
// implementation.
// All types in this file own their data. This IR is expected to outlive the
// Clang's AST context, therefore it cannot reference data owned by it.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "base/integral_types.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/bazel_types.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/json/src/json.hpp"
#include "util/intops/strong_int.h"
namespace rs_bindings_from_cc {
namespace internal {
inline constexpr absl::string_view kRustPtrMut = "*mut";
inline constexpr absl::string_view kRustPtrConst = "*const";
inline constexpr absl::string_view kCcPtr = "*";
inline constexpr absl::string_view kCcLValueRef = "&";
inline constexpr int kJsonIndent = 2;
} // namespace internal
// A name of a public header of the C++ library.
class HeaderName {
explicit HeaderName(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
absl::string_view IncludePath() const { return name_; }
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
template <typename H>
friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const HeaderName& header_name) {
return H::combine(std::move(h), header_name.name_);
// Header pathname in the format suitable for a google3-relative quote
// include.
std::string name_;
inline bool operator==(const HeaderName& lhs, const HeaderName& rhs) {
return lhs.IncludePath() == rhs.IncludePath();
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const HeaderName& h) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << h.ToJson();
// An int uniquely representing a Decl. Since our IR goes through the JSON
// serialization/deserialization at the moment, we need a way to restore graph
// edges that don't follow the JSON tree structure (for example between types
// and records). We use DeclIds for this.
DEFINE_STRONG_INT_TYPE(DeclId, uintptr_t);
// A C++ type involved in the bindings. It has the knowledge of how the type
// is spelled in C++.
struct CcType {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
// The name of the type. For example, int or void.
std::string name;
// Id of a decl that this type corresponds to. `nullopt` for primitive types.
std::optional<DeclId> decl_id = std::nullopt;
// The C++ const-qualification for the type.
// Note: there are two types for which cv-qualification does not do anything:
// references and functions. if `T` is either a function type like `void()`,
// or a reference type like `int&`, then `T`, `const T`, and `volatile T` are
// all the same type in C++.
bool is_const = false;
// Type arguments for a generic type. Examples:
// int has no type arguments.
// int* has a single type argument, int.
// tuple<int, float> has two type arguments, int and float.
std::vector<CcType> type_args = {};
// A Rust type involved in the bindings. It has the knowledge of how the type
// is spelled in Rust.
struct RsType {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
// The name of the type. For example, i32 or ().
std::string name;
// Id of a decl that this type corresponds to. `nullopt` for primitive types.
std::optional<DeclId> decl_id = std::nullopt;
// Type arguments for a generic type. Examples:
// i32 has no type arguments.
// *mut i32 has a single type argument, i32.
// (i32, f32) has two type arguments, i32 and f32.
std::vector<RsType> type_args = {};
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const RsType& type) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << type.ToJson();
// A type involved in the bindings. The rs_type and cc_type will be treated
// as interchangeable during bindings, and so should share the same layout.
// For example: a C++ pointer may be a usize in Rust, rather than a pointer, but
// should almost certainly not be a u8, because u8 and pointers are sized and
// aligned differently.
struct MappedType {
static MappedType Void() { return Simple("()", "void"); }
/// Returns the MappedType for a non-templated/generic, non-cv-qualified type.
/// For example, Void() is Simple("()", "void").
static MappedType Simple(std::string rs_name, std::string cc_name) {
return MappedType{RsType{rs_name}, CcType{cc_name}};
static MappedType WithDeclIds(std::string rs_name, DeclId rs_decl_id,
std::string cc_name, DeclId cc_decl_id) {
return MappedType{RsType{std::move(rs_name), rs_decl_id},
CcType{std::move(cc_name), cc_decl_id}};
static MappedType PointerTo(MappedType pointee_type) {
absl::string_view rs_name = pointee_type.cc_type.is_const
? internal::kRustPtrConst
: internal::kRustPtrMut;
auto pointer_type =
Simple(std::string(rs_name), std::string(internal::kCcPtr));
return pointer_type;
static MappedType LValueReferenceTo(MappedType pointee_type) {
absl::string_view rs_name = pointee_type.cc_type.is_const
? internal::kRustPtrConst
: internal::kRustPtrMut;
auto pointer_type =
Simple(std::string(rs_name), std::string(internal::kCcLValueRef));
return pointer_type;
bool IsVoid() const { return == "()"; }
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
RsType rs_type;
CcType cc_type;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const MappedType& type) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << type.ToJson();
// An identifier involved in bindings.
// Examples:
// Identifier of C++'s `int32_t Add(int32_t a, int32_t b)` will be
// `Identifier("add")`.
// Invariants:
// `identifier` cannot be empty.
class Identifier {
explicit Identifier(std::string identifier)
: identifier_(std::move(identifier)) {
CHECK(!identifier_.empty()) << "Identifier name cannot be empty.";
absl::string_view Ident() const { return identifier_; }
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
std::string identifier_;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Identifier& id) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << id.Ident();
// A function parameter.
// Examples:
// FuncParam of a C++ function `void Foo(int32_t a);` will be
// `FuncParam{.type=Type{"i32", "int32_t"}, .identifier=Identifier("foo"))`.
struct FuncParam {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
MappedType type;
Identifier identifier;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const FuncParam& param) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << param.ToJson();
enum SpecialName {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const SpecialName& special_name);
// A generalized notion of identifier, or an "Unqualified Identifier" in C++
// jargon:
// Note that constructors are given a separate variant, so that we can treat
// them differently. After all, they are not invoked or defined like normal
// functions.
using UnqualifiedIdentifier = std::variant<Identifier, SpecialName>;
struct MemberFuncMetadata {
enum ReferenceQualification : char {
kLValue, // void Foo() &;
kRValue, // void Foo() &&;
kUnqualified, // void Foo();
struct InstanceMethodMetadata {
ReferenceQualification reference = kUnqualified;
bool is_const = false;
bool is_virtual = false;
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
// The type that this is a member function for.
Identifier for_type;
// Qualifiers for the instance method.
// If null, this is a static method.
std::optional<InstanceMethodMetadata> instance_method_metadata;
// A function involved in the bindings.
struct Func {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
UnqualifiedIdentifier name;
// `DeclId` of the Record this function (method) belongs to, nullopt for
// free-standing functions.
std::optional<DeclId> record_decl_id = std::nullopt;
Label owning_target;
std::optional<std::string> doc_comment;
std::string mangled_name;
MappedType return_type;
std::vector<FuncParam> params;
bool is_inline;
// If null, this is not a member function.
std::optional<MemberFuncMetadata> member_func_metadata;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Func& f) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << f.ToJson();
// Access specifier for a member or base class.
enum AccessSpecifier {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const AccessSpecifier& access);
// A field (non-static member variable) of a record.
struct Field {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
Identifier identifier;
std::optional<std::string> doc_comment;
MappedType type;
AccessSpecifier access;
// Field offset in bits.
uint64_t offset;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Field& f) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << f.ToJson();
// Information about special member functions.
// Nontrivial definitions are divided into two: there are nontrivial definitions
// which are nontrivial only due to a member variable which defines the special
// member function, and those which are nontrivial because the operation was
// user defined for the object itself, or for any base class.
// This allows us to sidestep calling C++ implementations of special member
// functions in narrow cases: even for a nontrivial special member function, if
// it is kNontrivialMembers, we can directly implement it in Rust in terms of
// the member variables.
struct SpecialMemberFunc {
enum class Definition : char {
// Nontrivial, but only because of a member variable with a nontrivial
// special member function.
// Nontrivial because of a user-defined special member function in this or a
// base class. (May *also* be nontrivial due to member variables.)
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
Definition definition = Definition::kTrivial;
AccessSpecifier access = AccessSpecifier::kPublic;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,
const SpecialMemberFunc::Definition& definition);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const SpecialMemberFunc& f) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << f.ToJson();
// A record (struct, class, union).
struct Record {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
Identifier identifier;
DeclId id;
Label owning_target;
std::optional<std::string> doc_comment;
std::vector<Field> fields;
// Size and alignment in bytes.
int64_t size;
int64_t alignment;
// Special member functions.
SpecialMemberFunc copy_constructor = {};
SpecialMemberFunc move_constructor = {};
SpecialMemberFunc destructor = {};
// Whether this type is passed by value as if it were a trivial type (the same
// as it would be if it were a struct in C).
// This can be either due to language rules (it *is* a trivial type), or due
// to the usage of a Clang attribute that forces trivial for calls:
// *
// *
bool is_trivial_abi = false;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Record& r) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << r.ToJson();
// Source code location
struct SourceLoc {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
std::string filename;
uint64 line;
uint64 column;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const SourceLoc& r) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << r.ToJson();
// A placeholder for an item that we can't generate bindings for (yet)
struct UnsupportedItem {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
// TODO(forster): We could show the original declaration in the generated
// message (potentially also for successfully imported items).
// Qualified name of the item for which we couldn't generate bindings
std::string name;
// Explanation of why we couldn't generate bindings
// TODO(forster): We should support multiple reasons per unsupported item.
std::string message;
SourceLoc source_loc;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const UnsupportedItem& r) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << r.ToJson();
struct Comment {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
std::string text;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Comment& r) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << r.ToJson();
// A complete intermediate representation of bindings for publicly accessible
// declarations of a single C++ library.
struct IR {
nlohmann::json ToJson() const;
template <typename T>
std::vector<const T*> get_items_if() const {
std::vector<const T*> filtered_items;
for (const auto& item : items) {
if (auto* filtered_item = std::get_if<T>(&item)) {
return filtered_items;
// Collection of public headers that were used to construct the AST this `IR`
// is generated from.
std::vector<HeaderName> used_headers;
Label current_target;
std::vector<std::variant<Func, Record, UnsupportedItem, Comment>> items;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const IR& ir) {
return o << std::setw(internal::kJsonIndent) << ir.ToJson();
} // namespace rs_bindings_from_cc