Handle simple inline functions

This Cl adds support for generating bindings for simple C++ functions. Inline functions may not codegenned in the C++ library, and Clang doesn't know if Rust will need the function or not. Therefore in order to make inline functions callable from Rust we need to generate a C++ file that defines a C++ thunk that delegates to the inline function. Clang will emit code for this thunk and Rust code can call this thunk when needed.

This is not great runtime performance wise in regular builds (inline function will not be inlined, there will always be a function call), but it is correct. ThinLTO builds will be able to see through the thunk and inline code across the language boundary. For non-ThinLTO builds we plan to implement[]

This CL also adds `includes` field to the IR. In order to generate C++ thunk in all the cases clang needs to be able to access declarations from public headers of the C++ library.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 392730011
diff --git a/rs_bindings_from_cc/src_code_gen.rs b/rs_bindings_from_cc/src_code_gen.rs
index 6079415..04e8fbf 100644
--- a/rs_bindings_from_cc/src_code_gen.rs
+++ b/rs_bindings_from_cc/src_code_gen.rs
@@ -63,6 +63,23 @@
     Ok(Bindings { rs_api, rs_api_impl })
+/// If we know the original C++ function is codegenned and already compatible with `extern "C"`
+/// calling convention we skip creating/calling the C++ thunk since we can call the original C++
+/// directly.
+fn can_skip_cc_thunk(func: &Func) -> bool {
+    // Inline functions may not be codegenned in the C++ library since Clang doesn't know if Rust
+    // calls the function or not. Therefore in order to make inline functions callable from Rust we
+    // need to generate a C++ file that defines a thunk that delegates to the original inline
+    // function. When compiled, Clang will emit code for this thunk and Rust code will call the
+    // thunk when the user wants to call the original inline function.
+    //
+    // This is not great runtime-performance-wise in regular builds (inline function will not be
+    // inlined, there will always be a function call), but it is correct. ThinLTO builds will be
+    // able to see through the thunk and inline code across the language boundary. For non-ThinLTO
+    // builds we plan to implement <internal link> which removes the runtime performance overhead.
+    !func.is_inline
 fn generate_rs_api(ir: &IR) -> Result<String> {
     let mut thunks = vec![];
     let mut api_funcs = vec![];
@@ -85,8 +102,14 @@
+        let thunk_attr = if can_skip_cc_thunk(&func) {
+            quote! {#[link_name = #mangled_name]}
+        } else {
+            quote! {}
+        };
         thunks.push(quote! {
-            #[link_name = #mangled_name]
+            #thunk_attr
             pub(crate) fn #thunk_ident( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),* ) -> #return_type_name ;
@@ -104,21 +127,59 @@
-fn generate_rs_api_impl(_ir: &IR) -> Result<String> {
-    // TODO(hlopko): Generate C++ code when needed.
-    Ok("// No bindings implementation code was needed.".to_string())
 fn make_ident(ident: &str) -> Ident {
     format_ident!("{}", ident)
+fn generate_rs_api_impl(ir: &IR) -> Result<String> {
+    // This function uses quote! to generate C++ source code out of convenience. This is a bold idea
+    // so we have to continously evaluate if it still makes sense or the cost of working around
+    // differences in Rust and C++ tokens is greather than the value added.
+    //
+    // See rs_bindings_from_cc/token_stream_printer.rs for a list
+    // of supported placeholders.
+    let mut thunks = vec![];
+    for func in &ir.functions {
+        if can_skip_cc_thunk(&func) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        let thunk_ident = format_ident!("__rust_thunk__{}", &func.identifier.identifier);
+        let ident = make_ident(&func.identifier.identifier);
+        let return_type_name = make_ident(&func.return_type.cc_name);
+        let param_idents =
+            func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
+        let param_types = func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.type_.cc_name)).collect_vec();
+        thunks.push(quote! {
+            extern "C" #return_type_name #thunk_ident( #( #param_types #param_idents ),* ) {
+                return #ident( #( #param_idents ),* );
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    // In order to generate C++ thunk in all the cases Clang needs to be able to access declarations
+    // from public headers of the C++ library.
+    let includes = ir.used_headers.iter().map(|i| &i.name);
+    let result = quote! {
+        #( __HASH_TOKEN__ include #includes __NEWLINE__)*
+        #( #thunks )*
+    };
+    token_stream_printer::cc_tokens_to_string(result)
 mod tests {
     use super::*;
     use super::Result;
     use quote::quote;
+    use token_stream_printer::cc_tokens_to_string;
     fn test_simple_function() -> Result<()> {
@@ -127,17 +188,18 @@
             functions: vec![Func {
                 identifier: Identifier { identifier: "add".to_string() },
                 mangled_name: "_Z3Addii".to_string(),
-                return_type: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
+                return_type: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
                 params: vec![
                     FuncParam {
                         identifier: Identifier { identifier: "a".to_string() },
-                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
+                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
                     FuncParam {
                         identifier: Identifier { identifier: "b".to_string() },
-                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
+                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
+                is_inline: false,
@@ -157,7 +219,62 @@
-        assert_eq!(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?, "// No bindings implementation code was needed.");
+        assert_eq!(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?, "");
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_inline_function() -> Result<()> {
+        let ir = IR {
+            used_headers: vec![
+                HeaderName { name: "foo/bar.h".to_string() },
+                HeaderName { name: "foo/baz.h".to_string() },
+            ],
+            functions: vec![Func {
+                identifier: Identifier { identifier: "add".to_string() },
+                mangled_name: "_Z3Addii".to_string(),
+                return_type: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
+                params: vec![
+                    FuncParam {
+                        identifier: Identifier { identifier: "a".to_string() },
+                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
+                    },
+                    FuncParam {
+                        identifier: Identifier { identifier: "b".to_string() },
+                        type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string(), cc_name: "int".to_string() },
+                    },
+                ],
+                is_inline: true,
+            }],
+        };
+        assert_eq!(
+            generate_rs_api(&ir)?,
+            quote! {#[inline(always)]
+                pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
+                    unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk__add(a, b) }
+                }
+                mod detail {
+                    extern "C" {
+                        pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk__add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;
+                    } // extern
+                } // mod detail
+            }
+            .to_string()
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?,
+            cc_tokens_to_string(quote! {
+                __HASH_TOKEN__ include "foo/bar.h" __NEWLINE__
+                __HASH_TOKEN__ include "foo/baz.h" __NEWLINE__
+                extern "C" int __rust_thunk__add(int a, int b) {
+                    return add(a, b);
+                }
+            })?
+        );