blob: 6079415109b689759144a8b6beb5d74893db80ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use anyhow::Result;
use ffi_types::*;
use ir::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
use quote::format_ident;
use quote::quote;
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::process;
use syn::*;
/// FFI equivalent of `Bindings`.
pub struct FfiBindings {
rs_api: FfiU8SliceBox,
rs_api_impl: FfiU8SliceBox,
/// Deserializes IR from `json` and generates bindings source code.
/// This function panics on error.
/// Ownership:
/// * function doesn't take ownership of (in other words it borrows) the param `json`
/// * function passes ownership of the returned value to the caller
/// Safety:
/// * function expects that param `json` is a FfiU8Slice for a valid array of bytes with the
/// given size.
/// * function expects that param `json` doesn't change during the call.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateBindingsImpl(json: FfiU8Slice) -> FfiBindings {
catch_unwind(|| {
// It is ok to abort here.
let Bindings { rs_api, rs_api_impl } = generate_bindings(json.as_slice()).unwrap();
FfiBindings {
rs_api: FfiU8SliceBox::from_boxed_slice(rs_api.into_bytes().into_boxed_slice()),
rs_api_impl: FfiU8SliceBox::from_boxed_slice(
.unwrap_or_else(|_| process::abort())
/// Source code for generated bindings.
struct Bindings {
// Rust source code.
rs_api: String,
// C++ source code.
rs_api_impl: String,
fn generate_bindings(json: &[u8]) -> Result<Bindings> {
let ir = deserialize_ir(json)?;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
let rs_api_impl = generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?;
Ok(Bindings { rs_api, rs_api_impl })
fn generate_rs_api(ir: &IR) -> Result<String> {
let mut thunks = vec![];
let mut api_funcs = vec![];
for func in &ir.functions {
let mangled_name = &func.mangled_name;
let ident = make_ident(&func.identifier.identifier);
let thunk_ident = format_ident!("__rust_thunk__{}", &func.identifier.identifier);
// TODO(hlopko): do not emit `-> ()` when return type is void, it's implicit.
let return_type_name = make_ident(&func.return_type.rs_name);
let param_idents =
func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
let param_types = func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.type_.rs_name)).collect_vec();
api_funcs.push(quote! {
pub fn #ident( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),* ) -> #return_type_name {
unsafe { crate::detail::#thunk_ident( #( #param_idents ),* ) }
thunks.push(quote! {
#[link_name = #mangled_name]
pub(crate) fn #thunk_ident( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),* ) -> #return_type_name ;
let result = quote! {
#( #api_funcs )*
mod detail {
extern "C" {
#( #thunks )*
fn generate_rs_api_impl(_ir: &IR) -> Result<String> {
// TODO(hlopko): Generate C++ code when needed.
Ok("// No bindings implementation code was needed.".to_string())
fn make_ident(ident: &str) -> Ident {
format_ident!("{}", ident)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::Result;
use quote::quote;
fn test_simple_function() -> Result<()> {
let ir = IR {
used_headers: vec![],
functions: vec![Func {
identifier: Identifier { identifier: "add".to_string() },
mangled_name: "_Z3Addii".to_string(),
return_type: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
params: vec![
FuncParam {
identifier: Identifier { identifier: "a".to_string() },
type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
FuncParam {
identifier: Identifier { identifier: "b".to_string() },
type_: IRType { rs_name: "i32".to_string() },
quote! {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk__add(a, b) }
mod detail {
extern "C" {
#[link_name = "_Z3Addii"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk__add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;
} // extern
} // mod detail
assert_eq!(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?, "// No bindings implementation code was needed.");