blob: b6992dc15fd08a9d45d72cebe612b036475e927c [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Result;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenTree;
use std::fmt::Write;
fn is_ident_or_literal(tt: &TokenTree) -> bool {
matches!(tt, TokenTree::Ident(_) | TokenTree::Literal(_))
/// Produces C++ source code out of the token stream.
/// Notable features:
/// * quote! cannot produce a single `#` token (that is not immediately followed
/// by `(`, `[`, `{`, or variable interpolation). For cases when we need `#`
/// to be produced in the C++ source code use the placeholder
/// `__HASH_TOKEN__`.
/// * The Rust tokenizer ignores newlines as they are not significant for Rust.
/// For C++ they are (for example there needs to be a newline after `#include
/// "foo/bar.h"`). We are also using explict newlines for making the generated
/// Rust/C++ source code more readable. Use the placeholder `__NEWLINE__` to
/// insert a newline character.
/// * `TokenStream` cannot encode comments, so we use the placeholder
/// `__COMMENT__`, followed by a string literal.
pub fn tokens_to_string(tokens: TokenStream) -> Result<String> {
let mut result = String::new();
let mut it = tokens.into_iter().peekable();
while let Some(tt) = {
match tt {
TokenTree::Ident(ref tt) if tt == "__NEWLINE__" => writeln!(result)?,
TokenTree::Ident(ref tt) if tt == "__HASH_TOKEN__" => write!(result, "#")?,
TokenTree::Ident(ref tt) if tt == "__COMMENT__" => {
if let Some(TokenTree::Literal(lit)) = {
"// {}",
lit.to_string().trim_matches('"').replace("\\n", "\n// ")
} else {
bail!("__COMMENT__ must be followed by a literal")
_ => {
write!(result, "{}", tt)?;
// Insert spaces between tokens only when they are needed to separate
// identifiers or literals from each other.
if is_ident_or_literal(&tt)
&& matches!(it.peek(), Some(tt_next) if is_ident_or_literal(tt_next))
write!(result, " ")?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::Result;
use quote::quote;
fn test_simple_token_stream() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! {
struct Foo {}
impl Bar for Foo {
fn bar(&self) {}
"struct Foo{ }impl Bar for Foo{ fn bar (& self) { } }"
fn test_space_idents_and_literals() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { foo 42 bar 23 };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "foo 42 bar 23");
fn test_dont_space_punctuation() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { foo+42+bar+23 };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "foo+42+bar+23");
fn test_newline_token() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { a __NEWLINE__ b };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "a \nb");
fn test_hash_token() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { a __HASH_TOKEN__ b };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "a #b");
fn test_include_standard_header() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { __HASH_TOKEN__ include <cstddef> };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "#include<cstddef>");
fn test_comments() -> Result<()> {
let token_stream = quote! { __COMMENT__ "line1\nline2" };
assert_eq!(tokens_to_string(token_stream.clone())?, "// line1\n// line2\n");
fn test_invalid_comment() -> Result<()> {
assert!(tokens_to_string(quote! { __COMMENT__ }).is_err());
assert!(tokens_to_string(quote! { __COMMENT__ ident }).is_err());