blob: 22627303080c8b459252c39695ba7c429f0a61e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_error_codes;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_feature;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate rustc_lint_defs;
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_session;
extern crate rustc_span;
extern crate rustc_target;
// TODO(b/254679226): `bindings` and `cmdline` should be separate crates.
mod bindings;
mod cmdline;
use anyhow::Context;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use std::path::Path;
use bindings::GeneratedBindings;
use cmdline::Cmdline;
use token_stream_printer::{
cc_tokens_to_formatted_string, rs_tokens_to_formatted_string, RustfmtConfig,
/// The `bindings_driver` module mostly wraps and simplifies a subset of APIs
/// from the `rustc_driver` module.
mod bindings_driver {
use anyhow::anyhow;
use either::Either;
use rustc_interface::interface::Compiler;
use rustc_interface::Queries;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use crate::bindings::enter_tcx;
/// Wrapper around `rustc_driver::RunCompiler::run` that exposes a
/// simplified API:
/// - Takes a `callback` that will be invoked from within Rust compiler,
/// after parsing and analysis are done,
/// - Compilation will stop after parsing, analysis, and the `callback` are
/// done,
/// - Returns the combined results from the Rust compiler *and* the
/// `callback`.
pub fn run_after_analysis_and_stop<F, R>(
rustc_args: &[String],
callback: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<R>
F: FnOnce(TyCtxt) -> anyhow::Result<R> + Send,
R: Send,
AfterAnalysisCallback::new(rustc_args, callback).run()
struct AfterAnalysisCallback<'a, F, R>
F: FnOnce(TyCtxt) -> anyhow::Result<R> + Send,
R: Send,
args: &'a [String],
callback_or_result: Either<F, anyhow::Result<R>>,
impl<'a, F, R> AfterAnalysisCallback<'a, F, R>
F: FnOnce(TyCtxt) -> anyhow::Result<R> + Send,
R: Send,
fn new(args: &'a [String], callback: F) -> Self {
Self { args, callback_or_result: Either::Left(callback) }
/// Runs Rust compiler, and then invokes the stored callback (with
/// `TyCtxt` of the parsed+analyzed Rust crate as the callback's
/// argument), and then finally returns the combined results
/// from Rust compiler *and* the callback.
fn run(mut self) -> anyhow::Result<R> {
// Rust compiler unwinds with a special sentinel value to abort compilation on
// fatal errors. We use `catch_fatal_errors` to 1) catch such panics and
// translate them into a Result, and 2) resume and propagate other panics.
use rustc_interface::interface::Result;
let rustc_result: Result<Result<()>> = rustc_driver::catch_fatal_errors(|| {
rustc_driver::RunCompiler::new(self.args, &mut self).run()
// Flatten `Result<Result<T, ...>>` into `Result<T, ...>` (i.e. combine the
// result from `RunCompiler::run` and `catch_fatal_errors`).
// TODO(lukasza): Use `Result::flatten` API when it gets stabilized. See also
let rustc_result: Result<()> = rustc_result.and_then(|result| result);
// Translate `rustc_interface::interface::Result` into `anyhow::Result`. (Can't
// use `?` because the trait `std::error::Error` is not implemented for
// `ErrorGuaranteed` which is required by the impl of
// `From<ErrorGuaranteed>` for `anyhow::Error`.)
let rustc_result: anyhow::Result<()> = rustc_result.map_err(|_err| {
// We can ignore `_err` because it has no payload / because this type has only
// one valid/possible value.
anyhow!("Errors reported by Rust compiler.")
// Return either `rustc_result` or `self.callback_result` or a new error.
rustc_result.and_then(|()| {
self.callback_or_result.right_or_else(|_left| {
// When rustc cmdline arguments (i.e. `self.args`) are empty (or contain
// `--help`) then the `after_analysis` callback won't be invoked. Handle
// this case by emitting an explicit error at the Crubit level.
Err(anyhow!("The Rust compiler had no crate to compile and analyze"))
impl<'a, F, R> rustc_driver::Callbacks for AfterAnalysisCallback<'a, F, R>
F: FnOnce(TyCtxt) -> anyhow::Result<R> + Send,
R: Send,
fn after_analysis<'tcx>(
&mut self,
_compiler: &Compiler,
queries: &'tcx Queries<'tcx>,
) -> rustc_driver::Compilation {
let rustc_result = enter_tcx(queries, |tcx| {
let callback = {
let temporary_placeholder = Either::Right(Err(anyhow::anyhow!("unused")));
std::mem::replace(&mut self.callback_or_result, temporary_placeholder)
.left_or_else(|_| panic!("`after_analysis` should only run once"))
self.callback_or_result = Either::Right(callback(tcx));
// `expect`ing no errors in `rustc_result`, because `after_analysis` is only
// called by `rustc_driver` if earlier compiler analysis was successful
// (which as the *last* compilation phase presumably covers *all*
// errors).
rustc_result.expect("Expecting no compile errors inside `after_analysis` callback.");
fn write_file(path: &Path, content: &str) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
std::fs::write(path, content)
.with_context(|| format!("Error when writing to {}", path.display()))
fn run_with_tcx(cmdline: &Cmdline, tcx: TyCtxt) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let GeneratedBindings { h_body, rs_body } = GeneratedBindings::generate(tcx)?;
let h_body = cc_tokens_to_formatted_string(h_body, &cmdline.clang_format_exe_path)?;
write_file(&cmdline.h_out, &h_body)?;
let rustfmt_config =
RustfmtConfig::new(&cmdline.rustfmt_exe_path, cmdline.rustfmt_config_path.as_deref());
let rs_body = rs_tokens_to_formatted_string(rs_body, &rustfmt_config)?;
write_file(&cmdline.rs_out, &rs_body)?;
/// Main entrypoint that (unlike `main`) doesn't do any intitializations that
/// should only happen once for the binary (e.g. it doesn't call
/// `init_env_logger`) and therefore can be used from the tests module below.
fn run_with_cmdline_args(args: &[String]) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let cmdline = Cmdline::new(args)?;
bindings_driver::run_after_analysis_and_stop(&cmdline.rustc_args, |tcx| {
run_with_tcx(&cmdline, tcx)
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// TODO: Investigate if we should install a signal handler here. See also how
// compiler/rustc_driver/src/ calls `signal_handler::install()`.
// TODO(b/254689400): Provide Crubit-specific panic hook message (we shouldn't use
// `rustc_driver::install_ice_hook` because it's message asks to file bugs at
// `std::env::args()` will panic if any of the cmdline arguments are not valid
// Unicode. This seems okay.
let args = std::env::args().collect_vec();
.map_err(|anyhow_err| match anyhow_err.downcast::<clap::Error>() {
// Explicitly call `clap::Error::exit`, because 1) it results in *colored* output and
// 2) it uses a zero exit code for specific "errors" (e.g. for `--help` output).
Ok(clap_err) => {
let _ : ! = clap_err.exit();
// Return `other_err` from `main`. This will print the error message (no color codes
// though) and terminate the process with a non-zero exit code.
Err(other_err) => other_err,
mod tests {
use super::run_with_cmdline_args;
use crate::bindings::tests::get_sysroot_for_testing;
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::{Regex, RegexBuilder};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir};
/// Test data builder (see also
struct TestArgs {
h_path: Option<String>,
extra_crubit_args: Vec<String>,
/// Arg for the following `rustc` flag: `--codegen=panic=<arg>`.
panic_mechanism: String,
/// Other `rustc` flags.
extra_rustc_args: Vec<String>,
tempdir: TempDir,
/// Result of `TestArgs::run` that helps tests access test outputs (e.g. the
/// internally generated `h_path` and/or `rs_input_path`).
struct TestResult {
h_path: PathBuf,
rs_path: PathBuf,
impl TestArgs {
fn default_args() -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
h_path: None,
extra_crubit_args: vec![],
panic_mechanism: "abort".to_string(),
extra_rustc_args: vec![],
tempdir: tempdir()?,
/// Use the specified `h_path` rather than auto-generating one in
/// `self`-managed temporary directory.
fn with_h_path(mut self, h_path: &str) -> Self {
self.h_path = Some(h_path.to_string());
/// Replaces the default `--codegen=panic=abort` with the specified
/// `panic_mechanism`.
fn with_panic_mechanism(mut self, panic_mechanism: &str) -> Self {
self.panic_mechanism = panic_mechanism.to_string();
/// Appends `extra_rustc_args` at the end of the cmdline (i.e. as
/// additional rustc args, in addition to `--sysroot`,
/// `--crate-type=...`, etc.).
fn with_extra_rustc_args(mut self, extra_rustc_args: &[&str]) -> Self {
self.extra_rustc_args = extra_rustc_args.iter().map(|t| t.to_string()).collect_vec();
/// Appends `extra_crubit_args` before the first `--`.
fn with_extra_crubit_args(mut self, extra_crubit_args: &[&str]) -> Self {
self.extra_crubit_args = extra_crubit_args.iter().map(|t| t.to_string()).collect_vec();
/// Invokes `super::run_with_cmdline_args` with default ``
/// input (and with other default args + args gathered by
/// `self`).
/// Returns the path to the `h_out` file. The file's lifetime is the
/// same as `&self`.
fn run(&self) -> anyhow::Result<TestResult> {
let h_path = match self.h_path.as_ref() {
None => self.tempdir.path().join("test_crate_cc_api.h"),
Some(s) => PathBuf::from(s),
let rs_path = self.tempdir.path().join("");
let rs_input_path = self.tempdir.path().join("");
r#" pub mod public_module {
pub fn public_function() {
fn private_function() {}
let mut args = vec![
format!("--h-out={}", h_path.display()),
format!("--rs-out={}", rs_path.display()),
format!("--codegen=panic={}", &self.panic_mechanism),
format!("--sysroot={}", get_sysroot_for_testing().display()),
Ok(TestResult { h_path, rs_path })
// TODO(b/261074843): Go back to exact string matching (and hardcoding thunk
// names) once we are using stable name mangling (which may be coming in Q1
// 2023). ("Go back" = more or less revert cl/492292910 + manual review and
// tweaks.)
fn assert_body_matches(actual: &str, expected: &str) {
fn build_regex(expected_body: &str) -> Regex {
let patt = regex::escape(expected_body);
let patt = format!("^{patt}"); // Not always matching $ enables prefix checks below.
let patt = patt.replace("ANY_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS", "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*");
let is_whole_h_body_matching = {
match build_regex(expected).shortest_match(&actual) {
None => false,
Some(len) => len == actual.len(),
if !is_whole_h_body_matching {
let longest_matching_expectation_len = (0..=expected.len())
.rev() // Iterating from longest to shortest prefix
.filter(|&len| {
.get(0..len) // Only valid UTF-8 boundaries
.filter(|prefix| build_regex(prefix).is_match(&actual))
.next() // Getting the first regex that matched
.unwrap(); // We must get a match at least for 0-length expected body
let longest_matching_regex =
let len_of_longest_match = longest_matching_regex.shortest_match(&actual).unwrap(); // Again - we must get a match at least for 0-length expected body
let mut marked_body = actual.to_string();
marked_body.insert_str(len_of_longest_match, "!!!>>>");
let mut marked_pattern = expected.to_string();
marked_pattern.insert_str(longest_matching_expectation_len, "!!!>>>");
"Mismatched expectations:\n\
#### Actual body (first mismatch follows the \"!!!>>>\" marker):\n\
#### Mismatched pattern (mismatch follows the \"!!!>>>\" marker):\n\
fn test_happy_path() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let test_args = TestArgs::default_args()?;
let test_result ="Default args should succeed");
let h_body = std::fs::read_to_string(&test_result.h_path)?;
r#"// Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate:
// test_crate
#pragma once
namespace test_crate {
namespace public_module {
namespace __crubit_internal {
extern "C" void
inline void public_function() {
return __crubit_internal::
} // namespace public_module
} // namespace test_crate"#,
let rs_body = std::fs::read_to_string(&test_result.rs_path)?;
r#"// Automatically @generated C++ bindings for the following Rust crate:
// test_crate
extern "C" fn __crubit_thunk__ANY_IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS()
-> () {
/// `test_cmdline_error_propagation` tests that errors from `Cmdline::new` get
/// propagated. More detailed test coverage of various specific error types
/// can be found in tests in ``.
fn test_cmdline_error_propagation() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let err = TestArgs::default_args()?
.expect_err("--unrecognized_crubit_flag should trigger an error");
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
msg.contains("Found argument '--unrecognized-crubit-flag' which wasn't expected"),
"msg = {}",
fn test_rustc_error_propagation() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let err = TestArgs::default_args()?
.expect_err("--unrecognized-rustc-flag should trigger an error");
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
assert_eq!("Errors reported by Rust compiler.", msg);
/// `test_rustc_help` tests that we gracefully handle scenarios where `rustc`
/// doesn't compile anything (e.g. when there are no rustc cmdline
/// arguments, or when `--help` is present).
fn test_rustc_help() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let err = TestArgs::default_args()?
.expect_err("--help passed to rustc should trigger Crubit-level error");
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
assert_eq!("The Rust compiler had no crate to compile and analyze", msg);
/// `test_rustc_unsupported_panic_mechanism` tests that `panic=unwind` results
/// in an error.
fn test_rustc_unsupported_panic_mechanism() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let err = TestArgs::default_args()?
.expect_err("panic=unwind should trigger an error");
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
assert_eq!("No support for panic=unwind strategy (b/254049425)", msg);
/// `test_invalid_h_out_path` tests not only the specific problem of an invalid
/// `--h-out` argument, but also tests that errors from `run_with_tcx` are
/// propagated.
fn test_invalid_h_out_path() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let err = TestArgs::default_args()?
.expect_err("Unwriteable --h-out should trigger an error");
let msg = format!("{err:#}");
assert_eq!("Error when writing to ../..: Is a directory (os error 21)", msg);
/// `test_no_output_file` tests that we stop the compilation midway (i.e. that
/// we return `Stop` from `after_analysis`).
fn test_no_output_file() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let tmpdir = tempdir()?;
let out_path = tmpdir.path().join("unexpected_output.o");
.with_extra_rustc_args(&["-o", &out_path.display().to_string()])
.expect("No rustc or Crubit errors are expected in this test");