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// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#![feature(negative_impls, vec_into_raw_parts, extern_types)]
//! This crate provides facilities for safely casting across multiple Rust types
//! that represent the same C++ type. This is needed because:
//! - In C++ one can interchangably use references to a forward-declared
//! `struct` and references to the complete definition of the `struct`, but
//! Rust bindings represent them using separate types (see `Incomplete<Name,
//! Declarer>`).
//! - In C++ one can interchangably use multiple independent C++ class template
//! instantiations, but Rust bindings may represent them using separate types.
//! This happens when the same class template is instantiated with the same
//! template arguments in 2 different Crubit-generated crates with C++
//! bindings.
//! ## Forward declarations
//! Given this C++:
//! ```c++
//! namespace foo {
//! class Foo;
//! } // namespace foo
//! void MyFunction(foo::Foo& foo) {
//! // can pass Foo around, but cannot access members, copy it, delete it, etc.
//! some_other_library::OtherFunction(foo);
//! }
//! ```
//! We can translate it to this equivalent Rust:
//! ```
//! use forward_declare::{forward_declare, CcCast};
//! forward_declare!(pub Foo = symbol!("foo::Foo"));
//! fn MyFunction(foo: &mut Foo) {
//! some_other_library::OtherFunction(foo.cc_cast());
//! }
//! ```
//! On the reverse end, to **define** a type which may be forward-declared in
//! other crates, use the `unsafe_define!` macro:
//! ```
//! pub struct Foo { ... }
//! unsafe_define!(symbol!("foo::Foo"), Foo);
//! ```
//! The C++ forward declaration of a type `class Foo;` declares the name `Foo`
//! to be a type, but does not provide details such size and contents; such type
//! declaration is said to be incomplete. This is used in C++ to speed up build
//! performance (by omitting the real definition from the dependencies) and to
//! break up dependency cycles (by having one or both sides of the cycle
//! forward-declare pieces from the other side).
//! In the general case, forward declarations in existing C++ code cannot be
//! removed without substantial changes. For example, a library can
//! forward-declare a class that is only defined in the binary. So a forward
//! declaration might not even have a single defining type, but one for
//! every binary that uses the library!
//! Rust has close-enough equivalents to forward-declaration for constants and
//! functions, but not for types. This crate can be used wherever forward
//! declarations are used in C++, for those cases where forward declarations
//! cannot be avoided.
//! ## Forward Declaring
//! To forward declare a type which supports forward declarations, use the
//! `forward_declare` macro.
//! ```
//! forward_declare!(pub YourType = symbol!("foo::YourType"));
//! ```
//! This creates a public alias `pub YourType =
//! Incomplete<symbol!("foo::YourType"), ???>;`, where `???` is some type unique
//! to this scope. In particular, this means that different calls
//! to `forward_declare` produce different (but otherwise interchangeable)
//! types.
//! Most user code won't need to directly use the `forward_declare!` macro and
//! can instead rely on forward declarations provided in the `..._rs_api` crates
//! generated by `rs_bindings_from_cc`.
//! ## Providing a full definition
//! For each type you wish to allow to be forward declared by others, give it a
//! globally unique name such as `"foo::YourType"`, and call
//! `unsafe_define!(symbol!("foo::YourType"), YourType)`.
//! Most user code won't need to directly use the `unsafe_define!` macro and can
//! instead rely on definitions provided in the `..._rs_api` crates generated by
//! `rs_bindings_from_cc`.
//! ## Supported casts
//! Casting is supported between
//! * Two forward-declarations of the same C++ type,
//! * A forward-declaration and a complete definition of the same C++ type,
//! * Two complete definitions of the same C++ type (e.g. two identical class
//! template instantiations).
//! ### Pointers and references
//! Casting is also supported for all of the following common pointer types
//! (e.g. a references to a forward-declared type can be cast to a reference to
//! a fully-defined type):
//! * `& _`
//! * `&mut _`
//! * `Pin<& _>`
//! * `Pin<&mut _>`
//! * `* const _`
//! * `* mut _`
//! `Box`, `Rc`, and `Arc` are excluded, because they require knowledge of the
//! `Drop` impl, and incomplete (e.g. forward-declared) types do not know how to
//! drop.
//! Additionally, references can be cast to/from a corresponding `Pin`:
//! * `& T` <-> `Pin<&T>`
//! * `&mut T` <-> `Pin<&mut T>` (only if `T: Unpin`).
//! ### Containers
//! If container's element type supports casting, then casting is also supported
//! for the following container types (e.g. a slice of references to a
//! forward-declared type can be cast to a slice of references to a
//! fully-defined type):
//! * Slices - `&[T]`
//! * Arrays - `[T; N]`
//! * `Vec<T>`
//! * TODO: Add support for more containers as needed (HashSet? bindings for
//! std::vector?)
//! ## Passing around values
//! Compound data types implement the `CcCast` trait, which allows for
//! converting between complete and incomplete types. To convert from complete
//! to incomplete, incomplete to complete, or incomplete to incomplete when
//! crossing crate boundaries, use `.cc_cast()` to perform the conversion.
//! ```
//! forward_declare!(pub Foo = symbol!("foo::Foo"));
//! fn takes_incomplete(foo: &mut Foo) {
//! some_other_library::other_function(foo.cc_cast());
//! }
//! fn takes_complete(foo: &mut RealFoo) {
//! takes_incomplete(foo.cc_cast());
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Crossing Crate Boundaries
//! **Warning:** Users of incomplete types from other crates should not assume
//! that currently-incomplete types stay incomplete forever; code owners should
//! feel free to replace an incomplete type with a complete type.
//! In Rust, unlike C++, the incomplete type and incomplete type are different
//! types. It is in theory a backwards-incompatible change to change from
//! incomplete to complete. Callers must try as much as possible to ease that
//! transition, since forward declarations are expected to be removed over time.
//! This is partially enforced by the type system: every forward declaration of
//! a type is unique, and every crate should have its own forward declaration,
//! not reusing the forward declaration of another crate. As a result, you must
//! call `cc_cast()` when crossing crate boundaries, and failure to do
//! so is an error:
//! ```compile_fail
//! # mod other_crate {
//! # forward_declare!(pub ForwardDeclared = symbol!("foo::Type"));
//! # pub fn function(x: &ForwardDeclared) {panic!()}
//! # }
//! forward_declare!(pub ForwardDeclared = symbol!("foo::Type"));
//! let x: &ForwardDeclared = unimplemented!();
//! other_crate::function(x); // ERROR
//! ```
//! If that example were valid, then removing a forward declaration and
//! replacing it with the real type would break the caller, requiring a change
//! to call `cc_cast()`. But since we always require the caller to call`
//! cc_cast()` *anyway*, even if it already has an incomplete
//! type, `other_crate::function` is free to remove the forward declaration
//! without breaking this caller.
//! ```no_run
//! # mod other_crate {
//! # forward_declare!(pub ForwardDeclared = symbol!("foo::Type"));
//! # pub fn function(x: &ForwardDeclared) {panic!()}
//! # }
//! #
//! # forward_declare!(pub ForwardDeclared = symbol!("foo::Type"));
//! # let x: &ForwardDeclared = unimplemented!();
//! other_crate::function(x.cc_cast()); // Works whether `function` takes incomplete or complete type.
//! ```
pub use forward_declare_proc_macros::*;
/// `Symbol` type, equivalent to const &'static str values, but usable in
/// generics in stable Rust.
/// Every symbol is a tuple of `C`: for example, `symbol!("xy")` is
/// `Symbol((C<'x'>, C<'y'>))`
pub struct Symbol<T>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
/// A character in a symbol string.
pub struct C<const CHAR: char>;
extern "C" {
/// Adding an `Unsized` field to your type makes it completely unsized (not
/// just dynamically-sized).
type Unsized;
/// A struct representing an "Incomplete Type" for `Name`
/// For any given name, there may be multiple "incomplete types" for that name
/// -- for example, `Incomplete<symbol!("T"), crate_1::T1>` is a different type
/// from `Incomplete<symbol!("T"), T2>`. This is intentional: in public
/// interfaces, an incomplete type is allowed to be changed to the complete type
/// without breaking callers.
/// TODO(jeanpierreda): make rust think this is ffi-safe. (PhantomData...)
pub struct Incomplete<Name, Declarer>(std::marker::PhantomData<(Name, Declarer)>, Unsized);
// Ensure this is not `Unpin`, `Send`, or `Sync`. This is discussed somewhat in:
/// Incomplete types can't be copied by value, because we don't know their true
/// size.
impl<Name, Declarer> !Unpin for Incomplete<Name, Declarer> {}
/// Similarly, we don't know if they are Send or Sync.
impl<Name, Declarer> !Send for Incomplete<Name, Declarer> {}
impl<Name, Declarer> !Sync for Incomplete<Name, Declarer> {}
/// Marker trait for complete types.
/// This is automatically implemented for anything `!Unpin`, but all other types
/// need to implement it by hand. Sorry, Rust just doesn't allow the kind of
/// negative reasoning we'd need to make this better.
/// In particular, this is *not* implemented for `Incomplete<...>`.
pub trait Complete {}
/// We know this to be true because `Incomplete<...>` is `!Unpin`.
/// Ideally we'd get a better blanket impl, but this very nearly covers
/// everything. Most `Unpin` types are going to be wrappers around C++ types,
/// which can auto-generate a `Complete` impl, and the rest are unlikely to
/// matter.
impl<T: Unpin> Complete for T {}
/// Types that implement the `CcType` trait with the same `Name` can be safely
/// transmuted between each other, because they either provide bindings for the
/// same C++ type, or point/refer to the same C++ type, or contain the same C++
/// type.
/// Even though this trait is public, implementations of this trait should only
/// be provided by Crubit itself:
/// - Via `forward_declare!` and `unsafe_define!` macros
/// - Via blanket `impl`s provided for references, pointers (e.g. see `mod
/// ref_transmutability` below).
pub unsafe trait CcType {
/// `Name` helps Rust type system to identify the given trasmutability
/// equivalence class.
/// `forward_declare!` and `unsafe_define!` macros form the `Name` using the
/// `symbol!` macro, based on the fully-qualified name of the imported C++
/// type.
/// In other scenarios, the `Name` is formed using an arbitrary convention
/// that is sufficient to guarantee non-overlapping names (e.g. see the
/// private `ref_transmutability::RefName` type alias below).
type Name;
/// All forward declarations represented by `Incomplete<Name, ...>` form a
/// transmutability equivalence class (together with the complete definition(s)
/// - see the `unsafe_define!` macro below).
/// # Safety notes
/// We alias references to arbitrary `T` using references to `Incomplete`. This
/// is OK, because of the design of `Incomplete`:
/// - layout: `Incomplete` has no fields of size > 0, so it does not alias `T`
/// incompatibly.
/// - provenance: while in general it is not valid to access memory
/// **neighboring** that of a type (e.g. one can't use &vec[0] to access
/// vec[1]), in this case, we are using `feature(extern_types)`, which is a
/// DST which must grant access to the following memory or else it would be
/// useless. (This type of access is the reason the feature exists).
unsafe impl<Name, Declarer> CcType for Incomplete<Name, Declarer> {
type Name = Name;
/// `unsafe_define!(symbol!("..."), T)` claims that `T` is the unique definition
/// of the type identified by that symbol, and implements the conversions for
/// pointers to and from the corresponding `Incomplete` pointers.
/// Safety: if more than one type claim to be the definition, then they may be
/// transmuted into each other in safe code. The safety requirements for
/// `std::mem::transmute` apply.
// Each `rustfmt` invocation would indent the `type Name...` line further and further to the right.
macro_rules! unsafe_define {
// TODO(jeanpierreda): support generic complete type (e.g. `symbol!("xyz") <-> Foo<T> where T : Bar`)
($Name:ty, $Complete:ty) => {
unsafe impl $crate::CcType for $Complete {
type Name = $Name;
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute between
/// `*const T`, and `* const U`. (This are always "thin" pointers - with the
/// same size as `usize`.)
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> CcType for *const T
T: CcType,
type Name = (*const (), T::Name);
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute between `*mut
/// T`, and `* mut U`. (This are always "thin" pointers - with the same size as
/// `usize`.)
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> CcType for *mut T
T: CcType,
type Name = (*mut (), T::Name);
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute between
/// arrays `[T; N]` and `[U; N]`.
/// # Safety notes
/// If `T` and `U` are transmutable then they should have the same alignment,
/// size, and stride. Based on "Unsafe Code Guidelines Reference" [1], this
/// means that the arrays `[T; N]` and `[U, N]` have the same memory layout.
/// Note that `T` below has an implicit `T: Sized` constraint. This means that
/// it is *not* possible to transmute into or out-of an array of
/// forward-declared types. OTOH, it *is* possible to transmute between arrays
/// of transmutable, completely-defined/sized types (e.g. between arrays of
/// template instantiations).
/// [1]
unsafe impl<T, const N: usize> CcType for [T; N]
T: CcType,
type Name = ([(); N], T::Name);
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute between
/// slices `[T]` and `[U]`.
/// # Safety notes
/// ## Slices
/// "Unsafe Code Guidelines Reference" [1] points out that "the layout of a
/// slice [T] of length N is the same as that of a [T; N] array". Therefore the
/// safety of slice tranmutability can just depend on the safety of array
/// transmutability and we can just refer to the safety notes for the
/// `impl ... for [T; N]`.
/// [1]
/// ## References to slices
/// The `impl` below only covers slices `[T]`, but it seems useful to talk here
/// about the safety of transmuting *references* to slices: `&[T]` (covered by
/// the `impl`s in the `ref_transmutability` module below). Transmuting of such
/// "fat" pointers is safe based on "Unsafe Code Guidelines Reference" [2]
/// pointing out that the layout of `&[T]` is independent of T - it is expected
/// to have the same layout as:
/// ```rs
/// #[repr(C)]
/// struct Slice<T> {
/// ptr: *const T,
/// len: usize,
/// }
/// ```
/// [2]
unsafe impl<T> CcType for [T]
T: CcType,
// Using somewhat icky `usize::MAX` to work around the fact that [()] is
// unsized.
type Name = ([(); usize::MAX], T::Name);
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute between `&'a
/// T`, `&'a U`, `Pin<&'a T>`, and `Pin<&'a U>`. The corresponding CcType uses
/// `RefName` as the `Name` of the transmutability equivalence class.
/// # Safety
/// 1. `&T` => `&U`: Pointers to transmutable things are themselves
/// transmutable. This is safe for "thin" pointers (e.g. `&i32`) as well as
/// for "fat" pointers (e.g. `&[i32]` also stores the size of the slice).
/// 2. `&T` => `Pin<&T>`: `Pin` is `repr(transparent)` and `Pin::new` is
/// safe.
/// 3. `Pin<&T>` => `&T`: `Pin` is `repr(transparent)` and `Pin::get_ref` is
/// safe.
/// 4. `Pin<&T>` => `Pin<&U>`: This combines transmutes 3, 1, and 2.
/// 5. `&T` => `Pin<&U>`: This combines transmutes 1 and 2.
/// 6. `Pin<&T>` => `&U`: This combines transmutes 4 and 3.
/// # Transmuting to the unpinned variant
/// We allow transmuting to the unpinned variant, when known to be safe.
/// ## Motivation
/// Consider what happens if a forward declaration in C++ is removed in favor of
/// the complete type, where the library containing that declaration was wrapped
/// in Rust. If the type is trivially relocatable, and we automatically generate
/// C++ bindings which do not use `Pin` except for non-trivially-relocatable
/// types, this would be a backwards incompatible change. So, we should
/// also support unpinning during the cast.
/// ## Limited scope of impls
/// Note: ideally we'd blanket impl the conversion to allow unpinning any smart
/// pointer type, and not only mut references, but this causes coherence issues,
/// because `Pin` itself is a smart pointer. I could not think of a workaround
/// that did not require specialization, other than to hardcode the set of
/// pointer types supported.
/// Since we're hardcoding a set of pointer types above *anyway*, we just need
/// to keep the list of unpinnable types in sync with the list of "pointers to
/// transmutable things" above.
mod ref_transmutability {
use super::CcType;
use std::pin::Pin;
type RefName<'a, Name> = (&'a (), Name);
/// Safety: See the doc comment for the `ref_transmutability` module.
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> CcType for &'a T
T: CcType,
type Name = RefName<'a, T::Name>;
/// Safety: See the doc comment for the `ref_transmutability` module.
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> CcType for Pin<&'a T>
T: CcType,
type Name = RefName<'a, T::Name>;
/// If `T` can be transmuted into `U`, then one can also transmute
/// 1) between `&'a mut T` and `&'a mut U`
/// 2) between `Pin<&'a mut T>` and `Pin<&'a mut U>`
/// 3) from `&'a mut T` into `Pin<&'a mut T>` or into `Pin<&'a mut U>`
/// Additionally, if `T` and `U` are `Unpin`, then one can also transmute
/// 4) from `Pin<&'a mut T>` into `&'a mut T` or into `&'a mut U`
/// The corresponding CcType uses `MutRefName` as the `Name` of the
/// transmutability equivalence class.
/// # Safety
/// The list below is very similar to the safety notes for `RefName`, except
/// that the 3rd item below also needs to talk about the `T: Unpin` constraint.
/// 1. `&mut T` => `&mut U`: Pointers to transmutable things are themselves
/// transmutable. This is safe for "thin" pointers (e.g. `&i32`) as well as
/// for "fat" pointers (e.g. `&[i32]` also stores the size of the slice).
/// 2. `&mut T` => `Pin<&mut T>`: `Pin` is `repr(transparent)` and `Pin::new`
/// is safe.
/// 3. `Pin<&mut T>` => `&mut T`: `Pin` is `repr(transparent)` and
/// `Pin::into_inner` is safe and allowed for `T: Unpin`.
/// 4. `Pin<&mut T>` => `Pin<&mut U>`: This combines transmutes 3, 1, and 2.
/// 5. `&mut T` => `Pin<&mut U>`: This combines transmutes 1 and 2.
/// 6. `Pin<&mut T>` => `&mut U`: This combines transmutes 4 and 3.
/// # Transmuting to the unpinned variant
/// Transmuting to the unpinned variant is described in more details in the doc
/// comment of `RefName`.
mod mut_ref_transmutability {
use super::CcType;
use std::pin::Pin;
type MutRefName<'a, Name> = (&'a mut (), Name);
/// Safety: See the doc comment for the `mut_ref_transmutability` module.
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> CcType for &'a mut T
T: CcType,
T: Unpin, // See safety notes for MutRefName, item 3
type Name = MutRefName<'a, T::Name>;
/// Safety: See the doc comment for the `mut_ref_transmutability` module.
unsafe impl<'a, T: ?Sized> CcType for Pin<&'a mut T>
T: CcType,
type Name = MutRefName<'a, T::Name>;
/// Like `Into<T>`, but for completeness conversions.
pub trait CcCast<T> {
fn cc_cast(self) -> T;
impl<T, U> CcCast<U> for T
T: CcType,
U: CcType<Name = T::Name>,
fn cc_cast(self) -> U {
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<T>(), std::mem::size_of::<U>());
let x = std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self);
unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy(&*x) }
impl<'a, T: ?Sized, U: ?Sized> CcCast<Vec<&'a U>> for Vec<&'a T>
T: CcType,
U: CcType<Name = T::Name>,
fn cc_cast(self) -> Vec<&'a U> {
let (p, len, capacity) = self.into_raw_parts();
unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(p as *mut &'a U, len, capacity) }