blob: 11966e8f203e7b02a82cfbfa06027fdce0abf4b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use googletest::prelude::*;
use has_bindings::crubit::has_bindings;
use static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any;
fn test_void_function_non_extern_c() {
fn test_void_function() {
fn test_non_inline_function() {
fn test_extern_c_directly_function() {
fn test_void_ptr_function() {
let value = 1;
let ptr = &value as *const _ as *const std::ffi::c_void;
// Safety: the pointer is valid in both C++ and Rust, and is not dereferenced.
let result_ptr = unsafe { has_bindings::crubit_void_ptr_identity(ptr) };
assert_eq!(ptr, result_ptr);
fn test_nullability_annotated_function() {
let value = 1;
let ptr = &value as *const _ as *const std::ffi::c_void;
// Regression test: Check that we produce bindings for a function that has
// nullability annotations.
unsafe { has_bindings::crubit_nullability_annotated_function(ptr) };
fn test_user_struct() {
let mut i: core::ffi::c_int = 123;
let s = has_bindings::Struct { x: &mut i, y: 123, z: 0 as *mut _ };
let s2 = unsafe { has_bindings::crubit_anystruct(s, &s) };
assert_eq!(s2.x, &mut i as *mut core::ffi::c_int);
use std::any::Any;
assert_eq!(s.x.type_id(), std::any::TypeId::of::<*mut core::ffi::c_int>());
assert_eq!(s.y.type_id(), std::any::TypeId::of::<core::ffi::c_char>());
assert_eq!(s.z.type_id(), std::any::TypeId::of::<*mut has_bindings::Struct>());
fn test_nontrivial_struct() {
let mut i = 0;
let s = has_bindings::NontrivialStruct { x: &mut i };
let _s2 = s; // can still treat it like a normal Rust value!
// and the destructor gets invoked!
assert_eq!(i, 42);
fn test_user_enum() {
let _: has_bindings::Enum = has_bindings::Enum::kEnumerator;
// Can't really assert this due to how value_exists works, sadly.
// assert!(!item_exists::value_exists!
// (has_bindings::Enum::kUnkownAttrEnumerator));
fn test_user_union() {
// as close as one gets to verifying that it's a union. It is indeed a union!
let _: has_bindings::Union = has_bindings::Union { x: 1 };
let _: has_bindings::Union = has_bindings::Union { y: 3 };
fn test_alias() {
fn test_crubit_add() {
assert_eq!(has_bindings::crubit_add(1, 2), 3);
fn test_crubit_enum_function() {
fn test_crubit_union_function() {
let u = has_bindings::crubit_union_function(has_bindings::Union { x: 42 });
// SAFETY: x is initialized, because crubit_union_function is the identity function.
unsafe { u.x },
fn test_function_pointer() {
extern "C" fn my_callback(a: *mut std::ffi::c_int) {
// SAFETY: we're going to pass it a valid pointer to an integer, it's OK!
unsafe {
*a = 42;
let f: has_bindings::Callback = my_callback;
let mut state = 0;
// SAFETY: this is the other half of the promise above. `state` is valid, and so
// this is safe.
unsafe {
has_bindings::crubit_invoke_callback(f, &mut state);
assert_eq!(state, 42);
fn test_nullable_function_pointer() {
extern "C" fn my_callback(a: *mut std::ffi::c_int) {
// SAFETY: we're going to pass it a valid pointer to an integer, it's OK!
unsafe {
*a = 42;
let f: has_bindings::NullableCallback = Some(my_callback);
let mut state = 0;
// SAFETY: this is the other half of the promise above. `state` is valid, and so
// this is safe.
unsafe {
has_bindings::crubit_invoke_nullable_callback(f, &mut state);
assert_eq!(state, 42);
/// You can use a class that uses inheritance, but to Rust, it looks like
/// private inheritance: the struct is only available as an opaque thunk within
/// the derived class.
fn test_oop() {
assert_not_impl_any!(has_bindings::MyDerivedStruct : oops::Inherits<has_bindings::Struct>);