blob: 9bad2a9d6aedb6ab5e7181ff9e436e76067fc8a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Tests that analysis converges (but not prematurely).
// Many of these tests involve pointer variables that are mutated in a loop
// because this is a common source of non-convergence.
#include "nullability/test/check_diagnostics.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/third-party/unittest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace clang::tidy::nullability {
namespace {
// The following tests are variations on a theme: We loop over pointers where
// the first and subsequent pointers are returned by different functions with
// potentially different nullability. If either of the functions returns a
// nullable pointer, we should warn about the dereference.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nullable_Nullable) {
Nullable<int*> GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nonnull_Nullable) {
Nonnull<int*> GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nullable_Nonnull) {
Nullable<int*> GetFirst();
Nonnull<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nonnull_Nonnull) {
Nonnull<int*> GetFirst();
Nonnull<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Unknown_Nullable) {
int* GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Unknown_Nonnull) {
int* GetFirst();
Nonnull<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nullable_Unknown) {
Nullable<int*> GetFirst();
int* GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Nonnull_Unknown) {
Nonnull<int*> GetFirst();
int* GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Unknown_Unknown) {
int* GetFirst();
int* GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst();; p = GetNext()) {
// If we check that the pointer is non-null, don't warn.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Checked) {
Nullable<int*> GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst(); p != nullptr; p = GetNext()) {
// If there is a loop condition but it is unrelated to the pointer value, warn.
// Only `GetNext()` returns `_Nullable` to test that the check analyzes more
// than just the first iteration.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_UnrelatedCondition) {
Nonnull<int*> GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
bool cond();
void target() {
for (int* p = GetFirst(); cond(); p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
// Similar to `PointerLoop_UnrelatedCondition`, but we use a counted loop.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, PointerLoop_Counted) {
Nonnull<int*> GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
int* p = GetFirst();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i, p = GetNext()) {
*p; // [[unsafe]]
// Various tests for convergence of range-based for loops.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, RangeFor_Array_ByValue) {
void target() {
int array[10];
for (int i : array)
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, RangeFor_Array_ByReference) {
void target() {
int array[10];
for (const int& i : array)
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, RangeFor_CustomContainer) {
struct Container {
int* begin();
int* end();
void target() {
Container container;
for (const int& i : container)
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, RangeFor_TemplatedContainer) {
template <typename T>
struct Container {
T* begin();
T* end();
void target() {
Container<int> container;
for (const int& i : container)
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, RangeFor_CustomIterator) {
struct Iterator {
bool operator==(const Iterator& I) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator& I) const;
int& operator*() const;
Iterator operator++();
struct Container {
Iterator begin();
Iterator end();
void target() {
Container container;
for (const int& i : container)
// Currently fails (produces a false positive), because of a framework bug. We
// need an extra narrowing step to fix this.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, WhileAssignment) {
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
int* p;
while ((p = GetNext())) {
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, WhileAssignment2) {
int* GetFirst();
Nullable<int*> GetNext();
void target() {
Nullable<int*> p = GetFirst();
while ((p = GetNext()) != nullptr) {
// Repro for a false positive caused by an inconsistent representation of state
// in a loop.
TEST(PointerNullabilityTest, InconsistentLoopStateRepro) {
Nullable<int*> GetNullable();
bool cond();
void target(int* b, int* e) {
// This loop is necessary for the false positive to occur.
for (; b != e; ++b)
int* ptr = GetNullable();
if (ptr != nullptr) {
while (cond()) {
} // namespace
} // namespace clang::tidy::nullability