blob: 588bb113d1803ed2991f0895b3b48000463d9f0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::hash::Hash;
/// The `toposort` function sorts `nodes` in a topological order.
/// The topological constraints are provided by the `deps` parameter. Each
/// `Dependency` provides a requirement that a `predecessor` has to appear
/// before a `successor`.
/// If `deps` form a cycle, then the result is split into:
/// - topologically `ordered` nodes,
/// - `failed` nodes (which either form dependency cycles, or depend on a
/// cycle).
/// If there are multiple possible topological orders, then best effort is made
/// to return the `ordered` notes in the `preferred_order` (this is not always
/// possible given the constraints specified by `deps`). `failed` nodes are
/// returned sorted in the `preferred_order`.
/// The `toposort` function is generic and can theoretically work with an
/// arbitrary type of graph nodes. In practice the node type should be a cheaply
/// `Clone`able `NodeId` (rather than a full node). Decoding `Dependency`
/// information additionally requires that the `NodeId` implements
/// `Eq` and `Hash`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let TopoSortResult { ordered, failed } = toposort(
/// vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204, 901, 902, 903],
/// vec![
/// Dependency { predecessor: 102, successor: 103 },
/// Dependency { predecessor: 203, successor: 202 },
/// Dependency { predecessor: 901, successor: 902 },
/// Dependency { predecessor: 902, successor: 901 },
/// Dependency { predecessor: 901, successor: 903 },
/// ],
/// Ord::cmp,
/// );
/// assert_eq!(ordered, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 203, 202, 204]);
/// assert_eq!(failed, vec![901, 902, 903]);
/// ```
/// In the example above:
/// - Nodes 101-104 are returned in the preferred order, because the 102 -> 103
/// dependency edge is compatible with the preferred order.
/// - Nodes 201-204 have to be reordered slightly because of the 203 -> 202
/// dependency edge.
/// - Nodes 901 and 902 form a cycle. Node 903 depends on the a node from the
/// cycle.
/// # Implementation details
/// The function below implements [the Kahn's
/// algorithm](, but the `S`
/// structure from the algorithm is implemented using [a priority
/// queue]( - this helps remove nodes in the desired
/// order.
/// Rust's standard library conveniently provides a priority queue as
/// `std::collections::BinaryHeap`. The `preferred_order` function is exposed
/// to the `BinaryHeap` via the `Ord` implementation of the private `HeapNode`
/// struct below.
/// # Why not use an existing Cargo crate?
/// There are existing Cargo crate that provide an implementation of the
/// topological sort:
/// -
/// - (`petgraph::algo::toposort`)
/// We aren't using these Cargo crates, because if possible, then Crubit wants
/// to emit the C++ bindings in the same order as the order in which the wrapped
/// Rust APIs are present in the `.rs` sources. Preserving this order is not
/// always possible (because of dependencies between the generated C++
/// bindings), but Crubit wants to make the best effort to preserve this order.
/// In particular, when the preferred order already *is* a topological order,
/// then it should be kept.
/// `petgraph::algo::toposort` doesn't support extra ordering that can be used
/// to decide the order between nodes that don't have a direct or indirect
/// topological dependency.
/// `topological_sort` can return results in chunks, so items in these chunks
/// can potentially be sorted before further processing. Unfortunately this
/// approach isn't sufficient in some scenarios - consider the example below
/// (this scenario is covered by the
/// `test_toposort_deps_compatible_with_preferred_order` unit test):
/// ```
/// use topological_sort::TopologicalSort;
/// let mut sorter = TopologicalSort::new();
/// sorter.insert(1);
/// sorter.insert(2);
/// sorter.insert(3);
/// sorter.insert(4);
/// sorter.add_dependency(2, 3);
/// let mut ordered = vec![];
/// loop {
/// let ordered_chunk = sorter.pop_all();
/// ordered_chunk.sort();
/// ordered.extend(ordered_chunk);
/// if orderer_chunk.is_empty() {
/// break;
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The first call to `pop_all` would append nodes 1,2,4 to `ordered`. The
/// second and last call would append node 3. This would produce
/// 1,2,4,3 order when the preferred order (1,2,3,4) is also a valid
/// topological order.
pub fn toposort<NodeId, CmpFn>(
nodes: impl IntoIterator<Item = NodeId>,
deps: impl IntoIterator<Item = Dependency<NodeId>>,
preferred_order: CmpFn,
) -> TopoSortResult<NodeId>
NodeId: Clone + Eq + Hash,
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering,
// Translating `nodes` and `deps` into a `graph` that maps node ids into 1)
// `count_of_predecessors` and 2) a set of `successor` ids.
let mut graph: HashMap<NodeId, GraphNode<NodeId>> =
nodes.into_iter().map(|id| (id, GraphNode::default())).collect();
for Dependency { predecessor, successor } in deps.into_iter() {
.expect("`Dependency::successor` should refer to a NodeId in the `nodes` parameter")
.count_of_predecessors += 1;
.expect("`Dependency::predecessor` should refer to a NodeId in the `nodes` parameter")
// `ready` contains ids of nodes which have no remaining predecessors (and which
// therefore are ready to be added to the `ordered` result of the
// topological sort). Using a BinaryHeap to store the `ready` nodes helps
// to extract them in the `preferred_order`. (This is the `S` data structure from
let mut ready: BinaryHeap<HeapNode<'_, NodeId, CmpFn>> = graph
.filter(|(_, graph_node)| graph_node.count_of_predecessors == 0)
.map(|(id, _)| HeapNode { id: id.clone(), cmp_fn: &preferred_order })
// `ordered` contains the topologically ordered results. (This is the `L` list
// from
let mut ordered: Vec<NodeId> = Vec::with_capacity(graph.len());
while let Some(HeapNode { id: removed_id, .. }) = ready.pop() {
let removed_graph_node = graph.remove(&removed_id).unwrap();
for succ_id in removed_graph_node.successors.into_iter() {
let succ = graph.get_mut(&succ_id).unwrap();
assert!(succ.count_of_predecessors > 0);
succ.count_of_predecessors -= 1;
if succ.count_of_predecessors == 0 {
ready.push(HeapNode { id: succ_id, cmp_fn: &preferred_order });
// `failed` contains the remaining nodes - ones that either formed a dependency
// cycle or (possibly indirectly) depended on a node participating in a
// cycle.
let mut failed: Vec<NodeId> = graph.into_keys().collect();
TopoSortResult { ordered, failed }
/// Topological ordering dependency between two graph nodes. The `predecessor`
/// has to appear before the `successor` in `TopoSortResult::ordered`. See the
/// `toposort` function for more details.
pub struct Dependency<NodeId> {
pub predecessor: NodeId,
pub successor: NodeId,
/// Result of a topological sort. See the `toposort` function for more details.
pub struct TopoSortResult<NodeId> {
/// Topologically `ordered` graph nodes,
pub ordered: Vec<NodeId>,
/// `failed` graph nodes - ones that either form dependency cycles, or
/// (directly, or transitively) depend on a node that participates in a
/// cycle.
pub failed: Vec<NodeId>,
struct GraphNode<NodeId> {
count_of_predecessors: usize,
successors: Vec<NodeId>,
// TODO( It should be possible to
// `#[derive(Default)]` here, but `derive` insists that `NodeId` has to
// implement `Default` even though the default vector doesn't contain any
// `NodeId`s.
impl<NodeId> Default for GraphNode<NodeId> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { count_of_predecessors: 0, successors: Vec::new() }
struct HeapNode<'a, NodeId, CmpFn>
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering,
id: NodeId,
cmp_fn: &'a CmpFn,
impl<'a, NodeId, CmpFn> Ord for HeapNode<'a, NodeId, CmpFn>
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering,
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// "removes the greatest item from the binary heap" and therefore to pop items
// in the `cmp_fn`-described preferred order we need to call `reverse()`
// below.
(self.cmp_fn)(&, &
impl<'a, NodeId, CmpFn> PartialOrd for HeapNode<'a, NodeId, CmpFn>
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering,
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'a, NodeId, CmpFn> PartialEq for HeapNode<'a, NodeId, CmpFn>
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering,
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal
impl<'a, NodeId, CmpFn> Eq for HeapNode<'a, NodeId, CmpFn> where
CmpFn: Fn(&NodeId, &NodeId) -> Ordering
mod tests {
/// Test helper providing simplified API for `super::toposort`:
/// - `NodeId`s are integers
/// - The `preferred_order` is the natural order of integers
/// - `nodes` and `deps` are slices (rather than `IntoIterator<...>`).
/// - To avoid boilerplate and improve readability of tests `Dependency` and
/// `TopoSortResult` are replaced with tuples:
/// - `Dependency{ predecessor, successor }` => `(predecessor,
/// successor)`
/// - `TopoSortResult{ ordered, failed }` => (ordered, failed)`
fn toposort(nodes: &[i32], deps: &[(i32, i32)]) -> (Vec<i32>, Vec<i32>) {
let nodes = nodes.iter().copied();
let deps = deps
.map(|(predecessor, successor)| super::Dependency { predecessor, successor });
let result = super::toposort(nodes, deps, Ord::cmp);
(result.ordered, result.failed)
fn test_toposort_empty() {
let (ordered, failed) = toposort(&[], &[]);
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![]);
fn test_toposort_no_deps() {
let (ordered, failed) = toposort(&[1, 4, 2, 3], &[]);
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![]);
fn test_toposort_deps_compatible_with_preferred_order() {
let (ordered, failed) = toposort(&[1, 4, 2, 3], &[(2, 3)]);
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![]);
fn test_toposort_deps_incompatible_with_preferred_order() {
let (ordered, failed) = toposort(&[1, 4, 2, 3], &[(3, 2)]);
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![1, 3, 2, 4]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![]);
fn test_toposort_cycle() {
let (ordered, failed) = toposort(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], &[(3, 5), (5, 6), (6, 5), (5, 7)]);
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![5, 6, 7]);
fn test_example() {
// TODO: Remove this test once rustdoc examples of the `toposort` function are
// directly tested (currently Bazel doesn't support running rustdoc
// examples as tests).
use super::{toposort, Dependency, TopoSortResult};
let TopoSortResult { ordered, failed } = toposort(
vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 202, 203, 204, 901, 902, 903],
Dependency { predecessor: 102, successor: 103 },
Dependency { predecessor: 203, successor: 202 },
Dependency { predecessor: 901, successor: 902 },
Dependency { predecessor: 902, successor: 901 },
Dependency { predecessor: 901, successor: 903 },
assert_eq!(ordered, vec![101, 102, 103, 104, 201, 203, 202, 204]);
assert_eq!(failed, vec![901, 902, 903]);