blob: 2dc7b9a1384e76fdb25c51ea87a36ccdd0f7cfbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <string>
#include "lifetime_analysis/object_set.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace lifetimes {
// Maintains the points-to sets needed for the analysis of a function.
// A `PointsToMap` stores points-to sets for
// - Objects of reference-like type
// - Expressions that are prvalues of pointer type or glvalues (glvalues are,
// in spirit, references to the object they refer to.)
// - The function's return value, if it is of reference-like type
// Note that the relationship between an expression's type and the type of the
// objects associated with it depends on whether the expression is a glvalue or
// prvalue:
// - glvalue expressions are associated with the object that is identified by
// the glvalue. This means that the object has the same type as the glvalue
// expression.
// - prvalue expressions of pointer type as are associated with the object that
// the pointer points to. This means that if the prvalue expression has type
// `T *`, the object has type `T`.
// The PointsToMap class does not enforce these type relationships because we
// intend to allow type punning (at least within the implementations of
// functions).
class PointsToMap {
PointsToMap() = default;
PointsToMap(const PointsToMap&) = default;
PointsToMap(PointsToMap&&) = default;
PointsToMap& operator=(const PointsToMap&) = default;
PointsToMap& operator=(PointsToMap&&) = default;
bool operator==(const PointsToMap& other) const;
bool operator!=(const PointsToMap& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
// Returns a human-readable representation of this object.
std::string DebugString() const;
const llvm::DenseMap<const Object*, ObjectSet>& PointerPointsTos() const {
return pointer_points_tos_;
// Returns a `PointsToMap` containing the union of mappings from this map and
// `other`.
// If both this map and `other` associate a points-to set with the same
// entity, the returned map associates that entity with the union of the
// corresponding points-to sets.
PointsToMap Union(const PointsToMap& other) const;
// Returns the points-to set associated with `pointer`, or an empty set if
// `pointer` is not associated with a points-to set.
ObjectSet GetPointerPointsToSet(const Object* pointer) const;
// Associates `pointer` with the given points-to set.
void SetPointerPointsToSet(const Object* pointer, ObjectSet points_to);
// Associates all `pointers` with the given points-to set.
void SetPointerPointsToSet(const ObjectSet& pointers,
const ObjectSet& points_to);
// Extends a single `pointer`'s points-to set with the given points-to set.
void ExtendPointerPointsToSet(const Object* pointer,
const ObjectSet& points_to);
// Returns the union of the points-to sets associated with the given pointers,
// or an empty set if none of the pointers is associated with a points-to set.
ObjectSet GetPointerPointsToSet(const ObjectSet& pointers) const;
// Returns the object set associated with `expr`.
// `expr` must previously have been associated with an object set through
// a call to SetExprObjectSet(), and the function asserts that this is the
// case. We intentionally don't return an empty object set in this case
// because we want to notice if we're not propagating object sets through
// expressions.
ObjectSet GetExprObjectSet(const clang::Expr* expr) const;
// Associates `expr` with the given object set.
void SetExprObjectSet(const clang::Expr* expr, ObjectSet objects);
// Returns all the pointers (not objects) with the given `lifetime`.
std::vector<const Object*> GetAllPointersWithLifetime(
Lifetime lifetime) const;
llvm::DenseMap<const Object*, ObjectSet> pointer_points_tos_;
llvm::DenseMap<const clang::Expr*, ObjectSet> expr_objects_;
} // namespace lifetimes
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang