blob: ff8a721727b6f8d5dd7b6495df4fe5a7e377435b [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use arc_anyhow::{Context, Result};
use ffi_types::FfiU8Slice;
use ffi_types::FfiU8SliceBox;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenTree;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fs;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process;
/// Parses given files and returns a Json list with all C++ class
/// template instantiations requested by calls to the `cc_template!` macro.
/// This function panics on error.
/// # Safety
/// Expectations:
/// * function expects that param `json` is a FfiU8Slice for a valid array of
/// bytes with the given size.
/// * function expects that param `json` doesn't change during the call.
/// Ownership:
/// * function doesn't take ownership of (in other words it borrows) the
/// param `json`
/// * function passes ownership of the returned value to the caller
pub unsafe extern "C" fn CollectInstantiationsImpl(json: FfiU8Slice) -> FfiU8SliceBox {
catch_unwind(|| {
let filenames: Vec<PathBuf> = serde_json::from_reader(json.as_slice())
.with_context(|| {
let json_str = std::str::from_utf8(json.as_slice()).unwrap();
format!("Couldn't deserialize json '{}'", json_str)
let instantiations = collect_instantiations_impl(filenames).unwrap();
let result_json = serde_json::to_string(&instantiations).unwrap();
.unwrap_or_else(|_| process::abort())
fn collect_instantiations_impl(filenames: Vec<PathBuf>) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let mut result = HashSet::<String>::new();
for filename in filenames {
let content = fs::read_to_string(&filename)
.with_context(|| format!("Couldn't read '{}'", filename.display()))?;
let token_stream = syn::parse_str(&content)
.with_context(|| format!("Couldn't parse the file '{}'", filename.display()))?;
find_cc_template_calls(token_stream, &mut result);
let mut result_vec = result.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
fn find_cc_template_calls(input: TokenStream, results: &mut HashSet<String>) {
let mut iter = input.into_iter();
while let Some(next) = {
// 3 token trees starting at the current 'next' ('cc_template', '!', 'group with
// the macro body').
let macro_tokens = std::iter::once(next.clone()).chain(iter.clone().take(2)).collect();
if let Ok(m) = syn::parse2::<syn::Macro>(macro_tokens) {
if m.path.is_ident("cc_template") {
// In theory `TokenStream` -> `instantiation_name` translation could go through
// `token_stream_printer::tokens_to_string`. This route is not used because:
// - The dependencies it would bring would run into b/216638047
// - Extra functionality from that route is not needed (e.g. no need for
// `__COMMENT__`-aware or `__SPACE__`-aware processing, nor for special
// handling of `TokenTree::Group`).
// TODO(lukasza, hlopko): In the future, extra canonicalization might be
// considered, so that `std::vector<int>`, and `std::vector<(int)>`, and
// `std::vector<int32_t>` are treated as equivalent.
// TODO(lukasza, hlopko): More explicitly ensure that the same canonicalization
// (e.g. TokenStream->String transformation) is used here and in
// `cc_template/`.
let instantiation_name = m.tokens.to_string();
if let TokenTree::Group(group) = next {
find_cc_template_calls(, results);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use quote::quote;
fn test_noop() {
fn test_file_does_not_exist() {
let err = collect_instantiations_impl(vec!["does/not/exist".into()]).unwrap_err();
format!("{:#}", err),
"Couldn't read 'does/not/exist': No such file or directory (os error 2)"
fn make_tmp_input_file(basename: &str, input: &str) -> PathBuf {
let tmp: PathBuf = std::env::var("TEST_TMPDIR").unwrap().into();
let result_file = tmp.join(basename);
fs::write(&result_file, input).unwrap();
fn write_file_and_collect_instantiations(input: TokenStream) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let file = make_tmp_input_file("file", &input.to_string());
fn test_file_doesnt_parse() {
let input = make_tmp_input_file("does_not_parse", "This is not (Rust>!");
let err = collect_instantiations_impl(vec![input.clone()]).unwrap_err();
format!("{:#}", err),
format!("Couldn't parse the file '{}': lex error", input.display())
fn test_single_template_parens() {
let result =
write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! { cc_template!(MyTemplate<int>) })
assert_eq!(result, vec!["MyTemplate < int >".to_string()]);
fn test_single_template_brackets() {
let result =
write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! { cc_template![MyTemplate<int>] })
assert_eq!(result, vec!["MyTemplate < int >".to_string()]);
fn test_single_template_curlies() {
let result =
write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! { cc_template!{MyTemplate<int>} })
assert_eq!(result, vec!["MyTemplate < int >".to_string()]);
fn test_multiple_instantiations() {
let result = write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! {
"MyTemplate < int >".to_string(),
"MyTemplate < long >".to_string(),
"MyTemplate < short >".to_string(),
fn test_instantiations_in_subgroups() {
let result = write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! {
fn my_rust_func(input: cc_template!(std::vector<Foo>)) ->
cc_template!{std::unique_ptr<absl::Time>} {
"MyTemplate < 42 >".to_string(),
"std :: unique_ptr < absl :: Time >".to_string(),
"std :: vector < Foo >".to_string(),
fn test_identical_instantiations() {
let result = write_file_and_collect_instantiations(quote! {
fn my_rust_func(input: cc_template!(std::vector<Foo>)) ->
cc_template!(std::vector<Foo>) {
assert_eq!(result, vec!["std :: vector < Foo >".to_string(),]);
fn collect_instantiations_from_json(json: &str) -> String {
let u8_slice = unsafe {
fn test_collect_instantiations_json() {
let filename = make_tmp_input_file(
"cc_template!(std::vector<int>); cc_template!(std::vector<bool>);",
collect_instantiations_from_json(&format!("[\"{}\"]", filename.display())),
"[\"std :: vector < bool >\",\"std :: vector < int >\"]"