blob: 3b62299697b41e5c2a1f1bf5333255e9f18719e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Automatically @generated Rust bindings for the following C++ target:
// //rs_bindings_from_cc/test/golden:lifetimes_cc
// Features: experimental, supported
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
pub fn AddHook(__param_0: Option<extern "C" fn()>) {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z7AddHookPFvvE(__param_0) }
pub type FunctionPointer = Option<extern "C" fn()>;
pub fn AddHookWithTypedef(hook: Option<extern "C" fn()>) {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z18AddHookWithTypedefPFvvE(hook) }
pub fn AddAnotherHook(__param_0: extern "C" fn()) {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z14AddAnotherHookRFvvE(__param_0) }
pub type FunctionReference = extern "C" fn();
pub fn AddAnotherHookWithTypedef(hook: extern "C" fn()) {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z25AddAnotherHookWithTypedefRFvvE(hook) }
pub unsafe fn ConsumeArray(pair: *mut ::core::ffi::c_int) {
// Error while generating bindings for item 'Arr':
// Unsupported type 'int[2]': Unsupported clang::Type class 'ConstantArray'
pub unsafe fn ConsumeArrayWithTypedef(__param_0: *mut ::core::ffi::c_int) {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
#[link_name = "_Z7AddHookPFvvE"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z7AddHookPFvvE(__param_0: Option<extern "C" fn()>);
#[link_name = "_Z18AddHookWithTypedefPFvvE"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z18AddHookWithTypedefPFvvE(hook: Option<extern "C" fn()>);
#[link_name = "_Z14AddAnotherHookRFvvE"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z14AddAnotherHookRFvvE(__param_0: extern "C" fn());
#[link_name = "_Z25AddAnotherHookWithTypedefRFvvE"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z25AddAnotherHookWithTypedefRFvvE(hook: extern "C" fn());
#[link_name = "_Z12ConsumeArrayPi"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z12ConsumeArrayPi(pair: *mut ::core::ffi::c_int);
#[link_name = "_Z23ConsumeArrayWithTypedefPi"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z23ConsumeArrayWithTypedefPi(
__param_0: *mut ::core::ffi::c_int,
const _: () = assert!(::core::mem::size_of::<Option<&i32>>() == ::core::mem::size_of::<&i32>());