blob: 99bc8906cd3f80ffc734f58b06a82e6e72551f93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Tests for propagating pointees through function calls.
// Not every test that contains a function call should go here -- just those
// that test some specific aspect of the logic that propagates pointees through
// function calls.
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "lifetime_analysis/test/lifetime_analysis_test.h"
namespace clang {
namespace tidy {
namespace lifetimes {
namespace {
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleFnIdentity) {
int* f(int* a) {
return a;
int* target(int* a) {
return f(a);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "a -> a"}, {"target", "a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleFnStatic) {
int* f() {
static int i = 42;
return &i;
int* target() {
return f();
LifetimesAre({{"f", "-> static"}, {"target", "-> static"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleFnStaticOutParam) {
void f(int** p) {
static int i = 42;
*p = &i;
int* target() {
int* p;
return p;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b)"}, {"target", "-> static"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleFnIdentityArg1) {
int* f(int* a, int* b) {
return a;
int* target(int* a, int* b) {
return f(b, a);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "a, b -> a"}, {"target", "a, b -> b"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleFnCall) {
int* get_lesser_of(int* a, int* b) {
if (*a < *b) {
return a;
return b;
int* target(int* a, int* b) {
return get_lesser_of(a, b);
LifetimesAre({{"get_lesser_of", "a, a -> a"}, {"target", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, RefFnCall) {
int* get_as_ptr(int& a) {
return &a;
int* target(int& a) {
return get_as_ptr(a);
LifetimesAre({{"get_as_ptr", "a -> a"}, {"target", "a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_NonPointerParameter) {
int id(int i) {
return i;
int target() {
return id(42);
LifetimesAre({{"id", "()"}, {"target", ""}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_DoublePointer) {
int** f(int** pp) {
return pp;
int** target(int** pp) {
return f(pp);
{{"f", "(a, b) -> (a, b)"}, {"target", "(a, b) -> (a, b)"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_DoublePointerDeref) {
int* f(int** pp) {
return *pp;
int* target(int** pp) {
return f(pp);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b) -> a"}, {"target", "(a, b) -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_MultipleDoublePointer) {
int** f(int** pp1, int** pp2) {
return pp1;
int* target(int* p1, int* p2) {
return *f(&p1, &p2);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), (c, d) -> (a, b)"},
{"target", "a, b -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_MultipleDoublePointerWithControlFlow) {
int** f(int** pp1, int** pp2) {
if (**pp1 < **pp2) {
*pp1 = *pp2;
return pp1;
int* target(int* p1, int* p2) {
return *f(&p1, &p2);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), (a, c) -> (a, b)"},
{"target", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_MultipleDoublePointerWithOuterConst) {
void f(int** pp1, int** const pp2) {
*pp1 = *pp2;
int* target1(int* p1, int* p2) {
// Making this call can cause p1 to be overwritten with p2...
f(&p1, &p2);
return p1;
int* target2(int* p1, int* p2) {
// ...and it can also cause p2 to be overwritten with p1.
// The `const` only causes `pp2` itself to be const, but `*pp2` and
// `**pp2` are both non-const. In other words, from the lifetimes of `f()`
// alone, it would be entirely possible for it to do `*pp2 = *pp1`.
f(&p1, &p2);
return p2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), (a, c)"},
{"target1", "a, a -> a"},
{"target2", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_MultipleDoublePointerWithMiddleConst) {
void f(int** pp1, int* const * pp2) {
*pp1 = *pp2;
int* target1(int* p1, int* p2) {
// Making this call can cause p1 to be overwritten with p2...
f(&p1, &p2);
return p1;
int* target2(int* p1, int* p2) {
// ...but it can't cause p2 to be overwritten with p1.
f(&p1, &p2);
return p2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), (a, c)"},
{"target1", "a, a -> a"},
{"target2", "a, b -> b"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_MultipleDoublePointerWithInnerConst) {
void f(const int** pp1, int** pp2) {
*pp1 = *pp2;
const int* target1(const int* p1, int* p2) {
// Making this call can cause p1 to be overwritten with p2.
f(&p1, &p2);
return p1;
const int* target2(const int* p1, int* p2) {
// The analysis concludes that p2 could also be overwritten by p1,
// despite the fact that a const int* cannot be converted to an int*.
// This is because, when determining what objects the callee might copy,
// the analysis looks only at lifetimes in the function signature but not
// at whether the objects that these lifetimes refer to can be converted
// into one another.
// As a result, the lifetimes we infer for target2() are stricter than
// they would need to be.
f(&p1, &p2);
return p2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), (a, c)"},
{"target1", "a, a -> a"},
{"target2", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_TriplePointerWithConst_1) {
void f(int*** ppp1, int** const * ppp2) {
*ppp1 = *ppp2;
int** target(int* p1, int** pp2) {
// - `pp2` cannot be overwritten because of the `const` in the signature
// of `f()`. (Without this, we would infer a local lifetime for the
// return value.)
// - `*pp2` can be overwritten.
int** pp1 = &p1;
f(&pp1, &pp2);
return pp2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b, c), (a, b, d)"},
{"target", "a, (a, b) -> (a, b)"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_TriplePointerWithConst_2) {
void f(int*** ppp1, int* const ** ppp2) {
**ppp1 = **ppp2;
int* const * target(int* p1, int* const * pp2) {
// - `pp2` cannot be overwritten because of the lifetimes in the signature
// of `f()`.
// - `*pp2` cannot be overwritten because of the `const` in the signature
// of `f()`.
int** pp1 = &p1;
f(&pp1, &pp2);
return pp2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b, c), (a, d, e)"},
{"target", "a, (b, c) -> (b, c)"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_TriplePointerWithConst_3) {
void f(int* const ** ppp1, int* const ** ppp2) {
*ppp1 = *ppp2;
int* const * target(int* const p1, int* const * pp2) {
// - `pp2` can be overwritten (hence the return value has local lifetime)
// - `*pp2` can be overwritten (hence both `p1` and `pp2` have lifetime a)
int* const * pp1 = &p1;
f(&pp1, &pp2);
return pp2;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b, c), (a, b, d)"},
"ERROR: function returns reference to a local"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_OutputParam) {
void f(int* in, int** out) {
*out = in;
int* target(int* p) {
int* result;
f(p, &result);
return result;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "a, (a, b)"}, {"target", "a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_Operator) {
struct S {};
bool operator<(const S& s1, const S& s2) {
return false;
bool target(const S& s) {
return s < s;
LifetimesAre({{"operator<", "a, b"}, {"target", "a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, FnCall_PassLambda) {
// This test doesn't do anything interesting from a lifetimes point of view.
// It's just intended to test that we can instantiate a capture-less lambda
// and convert it to a function pointer.
void call_callback(void(*callback)()) {
// TODO(mboehme): Can't actually call the callback yet because we don't
// have support for indirect callees.
// callback();
void target() {
call_callback([] {});
LifetimesContain({{"call_callback", "a"}, {"target", ""}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleIndirectFnCall) {
int* get_lesser_of(int* a, int* b) {
if (*a < *b) {
return a;
return b;
int* target(int* a, int* b) {
auto fp = get_lesser_of;
return fp(a, b);
LifetimesAre({{"get_lesser_of", "a, a -> a"}, {"target", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, SimpleIndirectFnCallFwdDecl) {
// Tests that the analysis correctly identifies dependencies due to non-call
// uses of a function.
int* get_lesser_of(int* a, int* b);
int* target(int* a, int* b) {
auto fp = get_lesser_of;
return fp(a, b);
int* get_lesser_of(int* a, int* b) {
if (*a < *b) {
return a;
return b;
LifetimesAre({{"get_lesser_of", "a, a -> a"}, {"target", "a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, ConditionalIndirectFnCall) {
int* get_first(int* a, int* b) {
return a;
int* get_second(int* a, int* b) {
return b;
int* target(int* a, int* b) {
auto fp = *a < *b ? get_first : get_second;
return fp(a, b);
LifetimesAre({{"get_first", "a, b -> a"},
{"get_second", "a, b -> b"},
{"target", "a, a -> a"}}));
// TODO(mboehme): Add a test where we're calling a function with lifetime
// signature `static -> a`. The analysis should realize that f could return
// its input pointee. Creating such a test is currently difficult because we
// don't have lifetime annotations and the inferred lifetime for the return
// value of f will always be static in this case.
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, ComplexFnCallGraph) {
int* f(int* a, int* b) {
if (*a < *b) {
return a;
return b;
int* g(int* a, int* b) {
return f(a, b);
int* h(int* a, int* b) {
return f(a, b);
int* target(int* a, int* b, int* c, int* d) {
return f(g(a, b), h(c, d));
LifetimesAre({{"f", "a, a -> a"},
{"g", "a, a -> a"},
{"h", "a, a -> a"},
{"target", "a, a, a, a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, ComplexFnCallGraphUnusedArgs) {
int* f(int* a, int* b) {
if (*a < *b) {
return a;
return b;
int* g(int* a, int* b) {
return f(a, b);
int* h(int* a, int* b) {
return f(a, b);
int* target(int* a, int* b, int* c, int* d) {
return f(g(a, b), h(a, b));
LifetimesAre({{"f", "a, a -> a"},
{"g", "a, a -> a"},
{"h", "a, a -> a"},
{"target", "a, a, b, c -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, StructCall) {
// Tests that lifetimes of structs are properly propagated (in both
// directions) through function calls.
struct [[clang::annotate("lifetime_params", "a")]] S {
[[clang::annotate("member_lifetimes", "a")]]
int* a;
void f(S* s, int* a) {
s->a = a;
int* target(S* s, int* a) {
f(s, a);
return s->a;
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), a"}, {"target", "(a, b), a -> a"}}));
TEST_F(LifetimeAnalysisTest, StructDoubleCall) {
struct [[clang::annotate("lifetime_params", "a")]] S {
[[clang::annotate("member_lifetimes", "a")]]
int* a;
void f(S* s, int* a) {
s->a = a;
int* g(S* s) {
return s->a;
int* target(S* s, int* a) {
f(s, a);
return g(s);
LifetimesAre({{"f", "(a, b), a"},
{"g", "(a, b) -> a"},
{"target", "(a, b), a -> a"}}));
} // namespace
} // namespace lifetimes
} // namespace tidy
} // namespace clang