blob: 4b2d72e4cd4538c348a958db26e672e0c538ac86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
//! Test crate for `ctor_proc_macros`.
//! Because the `ctor` crate is not visible as `::ctor` within
//! itself, we use a separate crate for testing, which can depend on both.
//! And because the proc macros have additional expectations on callers, this is
//! not added to macro_test.
// Callers are expected to enable `negative_impls`.
// more_qualified_paths is used to make project_pin_type!() simpler to use.
#![feature(negative_impls, more_qualified_paths)]
// pathological shadowed names: shadow important modules that the macros use.
mod std {}
mod ctor {}
mod pin_project {}
fn test_derive_default_unit_struct() {
struct Struct;
unsafe impl ::ctor::RecursivelyPinned for Struct {
type CtorInitializedFields = Self;
impl !Unpin for Struct {}
::ctor::emplace! {let _p = <Struct as ::ctor::CtorNew<()>>::ctor_new(()); }
fn test_derive_default_struct() {
struct Struct {
x: i32,
y: f32,
unsafe impl ::ctor::RecursivelyPinned for Struct {
type CtorInitializedFields = Self;
impl !Unpin for Struct {}
::ctor::emplace! {let p = <Struct as ::ctor::CtorNew<()>>::ctor_new(()); }
assert_eq!(p.x, 0);
assert_eq!(p.y, 0.0);
fn test_derive_default_tuple_struct() {
struct Struct(i32, f32);
unsafe impl ::ctor::RecursivelyPinned for Struct {
type CtorInitializedFields = Self;
impl !Unpin for Struct {}
::ctor::emplace! {let p = <Struct as ::ctor::CtorNew<()>>::ctor_new(()); }
assert_eq!(p.0, 0);
assert_eq!(p.1, 0.0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_unit_struct() {
struct S;
let _ = Box::pin(S).as_mut().project_pin();
assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<::ctor::project_pin_type!(S)>(), 0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_fieldless_struct() {
struct S {}
let _ = Box::pin(S {
__must_use_ctor_to_initialize: [], // for tests only!
assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<::ctor::project_pin_type!(S)>(), 0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_fieldless_tuple_struct() {
struct S();
let _ = Box::pin(S()).as_mut().project_pin();
assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<::ctor::project_pin_type!(S)>(), 0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_fieldless_enum() {
enum E {
let <::ctor::project_pin_type!(E)>::A = Box::pin(E::A).as_mut().project_pin();
assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<::ctor::project_pin_type!(E)>(), 0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_in_module() {
mod submodule {
pub struct S;
let _: ::ctor::project_pin_type!(submodule::S) = Box::pin(submodule::S).as_mut().project_pin();
fn test_recursively_pinned_struct() {
struct S {
x: i32,
let _: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut i32> = Box::pin(S {
x: 42,
__must_use_ctor_to_initialize: [], // for tests only!
fn test_recursively_pinned_tuple_struct() {
struct S(i32);
let _: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut i32> = Box::pin(S(42)).as_mut().project_pin().0;
fn test_recursively_pinned_enum_struct() {
enum E {
A { x: i32 },
match Box::pin(E::A { x: 42 }).as_mut().project_pin() {
<::ctor::project_pin_type!(E)>::A { x } => {
let _: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut i32> = x;
fn test_recursively_pinned_enum_tuple() {
enum E {
match Box::pin(E::A(42)).as_mut().project_pin() {
<::ctor::project_pin_type!(E)>::A(x) => {
let _: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut i32> = x;
fn test_recursively_pinned_generic() {
struct S<'proj, 'proj_2: 'proj, 'proj_4, T>
'proj_4: 'proj_2,
x: T,
/// 'proj* are not really used, but exist to try to throw a wrench in
/// the works.
_phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData<&'proj &'proj_2 &'proj_4 T>,
let _: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut i32> = Box::pin(S::<i32> {
x: 42,
_phantom: ::std::marker::PhantomData,
__must_use_ctor_to_initialize: [], // for tests only!
fn test_recursively_pinned_struct_derive_default() {
struct Struct {
x: i32,
y: f32,
::ctor::emplace! {
let p = <Struct as ::ctor::CtorNew<()>>::ctor_new(());
assert_eq!(p.x, 0);
assert_eq!(p.y, 0.0);
/// The same as the previous test, but with the attribute order swapped.
/// This only compiles with macro_attributes_in_derive_output.
fn test_derive_default_recursively_pinned_struct() {
struct Struct {
x: i32,
y: f32,
::ctor::emplace! {let p = <Struct as ::ctor::CtorNew<()>>::ctor_new(()); }
assert_eq!(p.x, 0);
assert_eq!(p.y, 0.0);
fn test_recursively_pinned_actually_pinned() {
struct Struct {
x: i32,
y: f32,
pin: ::std::marker::PhantomPinned,
::ctor::emplace! {
let p = ::ctor::ctor!(Struct {
x: 0,
y: 0.0,
pin: ::ctor::PhantomPinnedCtor,
assert_eq!(p.x, 0);
assert_eq!(p.y, 0.0);
// TODO(jeanpierreda): negative compilation test for e.g. `p.x = 1;`
// TODO(jeanpierreda): negative compilation tests for invalid parameters to
// #[recursively_pinned]:
// * unknown parameter
// * passing the same parameter twice
// * extra parameters after parameter parsing is complete
// TODO(jeanpierreda): negative compilation tests for Drop / PinnedDrop failures:
// * implemented Drop
// * forgot to implement PinnedDrop
// * implemented PinnedDrop, but forgot to pass in PinnedDrop to
// `::ctor::recursively_pinned`.
fn test_pinned_drop() {
use ::std::cell::Cell;
use ::std::rc::Rc;
struct DropStruct(Rc<Cell<bool>>);
impl ::ctor::PinnedDrop for DropStruct {
unsafe fn pinned_drop(self: ::std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>) {
let called_drop = Rc::new(Cell::new(false));
let _ = DropStruct(called_drop.clone());
assert!(called_drop.get(), "PinnedDrop::pinned_drop was not called");