blob: 5cb8498b74ec123c01f9320749b0e26fffa36432 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
//TODO(rosica): We need namespaces in order to be able to test more here.
mod tests {
use cc_std::*;
fn test_ctime() {
// Tests of items from the `<ctime>` header.
let _t = tm {
tm_gmtoff: 0,
tm_hour: 1,
tm_isdst: 2,
tm_mday: 3,
tm_min: 4,
tm_mon: 5,
tm_sec: 6,
tm_wday: 7,
tm_yday: 8,
tm_year: 9,
tm_zone: "zone".as_ptr() as *const core::ffi::c_char,
fn test_limits_inline() {
// Tests of items from the `<limits>` header.
assert_eq!(0, std::float_round_style::round_toward_zero.into());
assert_eq!(1, std::float_round_style::round_to_nearest.into());
assert_eq!(2, std::float_round_style::round_toward_infinity.into());
assert_eq!(3, std::float_round_style::round_toward_neg_infinity.into());
assert_eq!(-1, std::float_round_style::round_indeterminate.into());