blob: af60b4718f47e21d6ec3921bb39b85b47bd87128 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use ffi_types::*;
use ir::*;
use itertools::Itertools;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, TokenStream};
use quote::format_ident;
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap};
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::process;
use token_stream_printer::{rs_tokens_to_formatted_string, tokens_to_string};
/// FFI equivalent of `Bindings`.
pub struct FfiBindings {
rs_api: FfiU8SliceBox,
rs_api_impl: FfiU8SliceBox,
/// Deserializes IR from `json` and generates bindings source code.
/// This function panics on error.
/// Ownership:
/// * function doesn't take ownership of (in other words it borrows) the
/// param `json`
/// * function passes ownership of the returned value to the caller
/// Safety:
/// * function expects that param `json` is a FfiU8Slice for a valid array of
/// bytes with the given size.
/// * function expects that param `json` doesn't change during the call.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn GenerateBindingsImpl(json: FfiU8Slice) -> FfiBindings {
catch_unwind(|| {
// It is ok to abort here.
let Bindings { rs_api, rs_api_impl } = generate_bindings(json.as_slice()).unwrap();
FfiBindings {
rs_api: FfiU8SliceBox::from_boxed_slice(rs_api.into_bytes().into_boxed_slice()),
rs_api_impl: FfiU8SliceBox::from_boxed_slice(
.unwrap_or_else(|_| process::abort())
/// Source code for generated bindings.
struct Bindings {
// Rust source code.
rs_api: String,
// C++ source code.
rs_api_impl: String,
fn generate_bindings(json: &[u8]) -> Result<Bindings> {
let ir = deserialize_ir(json)?;
// The code is formatted with a non-default rustfmt configuration. Prevent
// downstream workflows from reformatting with a different configuration.
let rs_api =
format!("#![rustfmt::skip]\n{}", rs_tokens_to_formatted_string(generate_rs_api(&ir)?)?);
let rs_api_impl = tokens_to_string(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?)?;
Ok(Bindings { rs_api, rs_api_impl })
/// Rust source code with attached information about how to modify the parent
/// crate.
/// For example, the snippet `vec![].into_raw_parts()` is not valid unless the
/// `vec_into_raw_parts` feature is enabled. So such a snippet should be
/// represented as:
/// ```
/// RsSnippet {
/// features: btree_set![make_ident("vec_into_raw_parts")],
/// tokens: quote!{vec![].into_raw_parts()},
/// }
/// ```
struct RsSnippet {
/// Rust feature flags used by this snippet.
features: BTreeSet<Ident>,
/// The snippet itself, as a token stream.
tokens: TokenStream,
impl From<TokenStream> for RsSnippet {
fn from(tokens: TokenStream) -> Self {
RsSnippet { features: BTreeSet::new(), tokens }
/// If we know the original C++ function is codegenned and already compatible
/// with `extern "C"` calling convention we skip creating/calling the C++ thunk
/// since we can call the original C++ directly.
fn can_skip_cc_thunk(func: &Func) -> bool {
// ## Inline functions
// Inline functions may not be codegenned in the C++ library since Clang doesn't
// know if Rust calls the function or not. Therefore in order to make inline
// functions callable from Rust we need to generate a C++ file that defines
// a thunk that delegates to the original inline function. When compiled,
// Clang will emit code for this thunk and Rust code will call the
// thunk when the user wants to call the original inline function.
// This is not great runtime-performance-wise in regular builds (inline function
// will not be inlined, there will always be a function call), but it is
// correct. ThinLTO builds will be able to see through the thunk and inline
// code across the language boundary. For non-ThinLTO builds we plan to
// implement <internal link> which removes the runtime performance overhead.
if func.is_inline {
return false;
// ## Virtual functions
// When calling virtual `A::Method()`, it's not necessarily the case that we'll
// specifically call the concrete `A::Method` impl. For example, if this is
// called on something whose dynamic type is some subclass `B` with an
// overridden `B::Method`, then we'll call that.
// We must reuse the C++ dynamic dispatching system. In this case, the easiest
// way to do it is by resorting to a C++ thunk, whose implementation will do
// the lookup.
// In terms of runtime performance, since this only occurs for virtual function
// calls, which are already slow, it may not be such a big deal. We can
// benchmark it later. :)
if let Some(meta) = &func.member_func_metadata {
if let Some(inst_meta) = &meta.instance_method_metadata {
if inst_meta.is_virtual {
return false;
/// Generates Rust source code for a given `Func`.
/// Returns the generated function or trait impl, and the thunk, as a tuple.
fn generate_func(func: &Func, ir: &IR) -> Result<(RsSnippet, RsSnippet)> {
let empty_result = Ok((quote! {}.into(), quote! {}.into()));
let mangled_name = &func.mangled_name;
let thunk_ident = thunk_ident(func);
let doc_comment = generate_doc_comment(&func.doc_comment);
let lifetime_to_name = HashMap::<LifetimeId, String>::from_iter(
func.lifetime_params.iter().map(|l| (,,
let return_type_fragment = if func.return_type.rs_type.is_unit_type() {
quote! {}
} else {
let return_type_name = format_rs_type(&func.return_type.rs_type, ir, &lifetime_to_name)
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to format return type for {:?}", func))?;
quote! { -> #return_type_name }
let param_idents =
func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
let param_types = func
.map(|p| {
format_rs_type(&p.type_.rs_type, ir, &lifetime_to_name).with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format type for parameter {:?} on {:?}", p, func)
let lifetimes = func
.map(|l| syn::Lifetime::new(&format!("'{}",, proc_macro2::Span::call_site()));
let generic_params = format_generic_params(lifetimes);
let record: Option<&Record> =
func.member_func_metadata.as_ref().map(|meta| meta.find_record(ir)).transpose()?;
let mut calls_thunk = true;
let api_func = match & {
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(id) => {
let ident = make_ident(&id.identifier);
let fn_def = quote! {
pub fn #ident #generic_params( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),*
) #return_type_fragment {
unsafe { crate::detail::#thunk_ident( #( #param_idents ),* ) }
match &func.member_func_metadata {
None => fn_def,
Some(meta) => {
let type_name = make_ident(&meta.find_record(ir)?.identifier.identifier);
quote! { impl #type_name { #fn_def } }
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Destructor => {
let record = record.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Destructors must be member functions."))?;
let type_name = make_ident(&record.identifier.identifier);
match record.destructor.definition {
// TODO(b/202258760): Only omit destructor if `Copy` is specified.
SpecialMemberDefinition::Trivial => {
return empty_result;
SpecialMemberDefinition::NontrivialMembers => {
calls_thunk = false;
quote! {
impl Drop for #type_name {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/* the destructors of the members can be invoked instead */
SpecialMemberDefinition::NontrivialUserDefined => {
// Note: to avoid double-destruction of the fields, they are all wrapped in
// ManuallyDrop in this case. See `generate_record`.
quote! {
impl Drop for #type_name {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { crate::detail::#thunk_ident(self) }
SpecialMemberDefinition::Deleted => {
bail!("Deleted destructors can't be called") // TODO(b/200066399): handle this?
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Constructor => {
// TODO(lukasza): Also allow mapping constructors to inherent static methods
// (e.g. if named via a bindings-generator-recognized C++
// attribute).
let record = record.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Constructors must be member functions."))?;
if !record.is_trivial_abi {
return empty_result;
let (trait_name, method_name) = match func.params.len() {
0 => bail!("Constructor should have at least 1 parameter (__this)"),
1 => (quote! { Default }, quote! { default }),
2 => {
let param_type = &func.params[1].type_;
if param_type.cc_type.is_const_ref_to(record) {
// TODO(b/200066396): Map copy constructor to `impl Clone`.
// TODO(lukasza): Do something smart with move constructor.
return empty_result;
} else {
let quoted_param_type = &param_types[1];
(quote! { From< #quoted_param_type > }, quote! { from })
_ => {
// TODO(b/200066396): Map other constructors to something.
return empty_result;
// Skip the first parameter in the public function definition. C++ constructors
// (and the thunk) take `__this` as the first parameter, but Rust
// translation returns a `Self` instead (in Clone, Default, and From
// traits, as well as in static methods).
let (param_idents, param_types) = (
// TODO(lukasza): We should also trim `generic_params` so that
// 1) the generated Rust code is easier to read and 2) to avoid
// running into unused lifetime parameters warning (see also
// SAFETY: A user-defined constructor is not guaranteed to
// initialize all the fields. To make the `assume_init()` call
// below safe, the memory is zero-initialized first. This is safer,
// because zero-initialized memory represents a valid value for the
// currently supported field types (this may change once the
// bindings generator starts supporting reference fields).
// TODO(b/213243309): Double-check if zero-initialization is
// desirable here.
let struct_name = make_ident(&record.identifier.identifier);
quote! {
impl #trait_name for #struct_name {
fn #method_name #generic_params( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),* ) -> Self {
let mut tmp = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed();
unsafe {
crate::detail::#thunk_ident(tmp.as_mut_ptr() #( , #param_idents )* );
let thunk = if calls_thunk {
let thunk_attr = if can_skip_cc_thunk(func) {
quote! {#[link_name = #mangled_name]}
} else {
quote! {}
quote! {
pub(crate) fn #thunk_ident #generic_params( #( #param_idents: #param_types ),*
) #return_type_fragment ;
} else {
quote! {}
Ok((api_func.into(), thunk.into()))
fn generate_doc_comment(comment: &Option<String>) -> TokenStream {
match comment {
Some(text) => {
// token_stream_printer (and rustfmt) don't put a space between /// and the doc
// comment, let's add it here so our comments are pretty.
let doc = format!(" {}", text.replace("\n", "\n "));
quote! {#[doc=#doc]}
None => quote! {},
fn format_generic_params<T: quote::ToTokens>(params: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>) -> TokenStream {
let mut params = params.into_iter().peekable();
if params.peek().is_none() {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! { < #( #params ),* > }
/// Generates Rust source code for a given `Record` and associated assertions as
/// a tuple.
fn generate_record(record: &Record, ir: &IR) -> Result<(RsSnippet, RsSnippet)> {
let ident = make_ident(&record.identifier.identifier);
let doc_comment = generate_doc_comment(&record.doc_comment);
let field_idents =
record.fields.iter().map(|f| make_ident(&f.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
let field_doc_coments =
record.fields.iter().map(|f| generate_doc_comment(&f.doc_comment)).collect_vec();
let field_types = record
.map(|f| {
let mut formatted = format_rs_type(&f.type_.rs_type, ir, &HashMap::new())
.with_context(|| {
format!("Failed to format type for field {:?} on record {:?}", f, record)
if record.destructor.definition == SpecialMemberDefinition::NontrivialUserDefined {
formatted = quote! {
let field_accesses = record
.map(|f| {
if f.access == AccessSpecifier::Public {
quote! { pub }
} else {
quote! {}
let size = record.size;
let alignment = record.alignment;
let field_assertions =
record.fields.iter().zip(field_idents.iter()).map(|(field, field_ident)| {
let offset = field.offset;
quote! {
// The IR contains the offset in bits, while offset_of!()
// returns the offset in bytes, so we need to convert.
const _: () = assert!(offset_of!(#ident, #field_ident) * 8 == #offset);
let mut record_features = BTreeSet::new();
let mut assertion_features = BTreeSet::new();
// TODO(mboehme): For the time being, we're using unstable features to
// be able to use offset_of!() in static assertions. This is fine for a
// prototype, but longer-term we want to either get those features
// stabilized or find an alternative. For more details, see
// b/200120034#comment15
let derives = generate_copy_derives(record);
let derives = if derives.is_empty() {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! {#[derive( #(#derives),* )]}
let unpin_impl;
if record.is_unpin() {
unpin_impl = quote! {};
} else {
// negative_impls are necessary for universal initialization due to Rust's
// coherence rules: PhantomPinned isn't enough to prove to Rust that a
// blanket impl that requires Unpin doesn't apply. See http://<internal link>=h.f6jp8ifzgt3n
unpin_impl = quote! {
impl !Unpin for #ident {}
let empty_struct_placeholder_field = if record.fields.is_empty() {
quote! {
/// Prevent empty C++ struct being zero-size in Rust.
placeholder: std::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>,
} else {
quote! {}
let record_tokens = quote! {
pub struct #ident {
#( #field_doc_coments #field_accesses #field_idents: #field_types, )*
let assertion_tokens = quote! {
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<#ident>() == #size);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<#ident>() == #alignment);
#( #field_assertions )*
RsSnippet { features: record_features, tokens: record_tokens },
RsSnippet { features: assertion_features, tokens: assertion_tokens },
fn generate_copy_derives(record: &Record) -> Vec<Ident> {
if record.is_trivial_abi
&& record.copy_constructor.access == ir::AccessSpecifier::Public
&& record.copy_constructor.definition == SpecialMemberDefinition::Trivial
// TODO(b/202258760): Make `Copy` inclusion configurable.
vec![make_ident("Clone"), make_ident("Copy")]
} else {
/// Generates Rust source code for a given `UnsupportedItem`.
fn generate_unsupported(item: &UnsupportedItem) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let location = if item.source_loc.filename.is_empty() {
"<unknown location>".to_string()
} else {
// TODO(forster): The "google3" prefix should probably come from a command line
// argument.
// TODO(forster): Consider linking to the symbol instead of to the line number
// to avoid wrong links while generated files have not caught up.
format!("google3/{};l={}", &item.source_loc.filename, &item.source_loc.line)
let message = format!(
"{}\nError while generating bindings for item '{}':\n{}",
&location, &, &item.message
Ok(quote! { __COMMENT__ #message })
/// Generates Rust source code for a given `Comment`.
fn generate_comment(comment: &Comment) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let text = &comment.text;
Ok(quote! { __COMMENT__ #text })
fn generate_rs_api(ir: &IR) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let mut items = vec![];
let mut thunks = vec![];
let mut assertions = vec![];
// We import nullable pointers as an Option<&T> and assume that at the ABI
// level, None is represented as a zero pointer value whereas Some is
// represented as as non-zero pointer value. This seems like a pretty safe
// assumption to make, but to provide some safeguard, assert that
// `Option<&i32>` and `&i32` have the same size.
assertions.push(quote! {
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Option<&i32>>() == std::mem::size_of::<&i32>());
// TODO(jeanpierreda): Delete has_record, either in favor of using RsSnippet, or not
// having uses. See
let mut has_record = false;
let mut features = BTreeSet::new();
// For #![rustfmt::skip].
for item in ir.items() {
match item {
Item::Func(func) => {
let (snippet, thunk) = generate_func(func, ir)?;
Item::Record(record) => {
if !ir.is_in_current_target(record) {
let (snippet, assertions_snippet) = generate_record(record, ir)?;
has_record = true;
Item::UnsupportedItem(unsupported) => items.push(generate_unsupported(unsupported)?),
Item::Comment(comment) => items.push(generate_comment(comment)?),
let mod_detail = if thunks.is_empty() {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
#( #thunks )*
let imports = if has_record {
quote! {
use memoffset_unstable_const::offset_of;
} else {
quote! {}
let features = if features.is_empty() {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! {
#![feature( #(#features),* )]
Ok(quote! {
#features __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
#imports __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
#( #items __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__ )*
#mod_detail __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
#( #assertions __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__ )*
fn make_ident(ident: &str) -> Ident {
format_ident!("{}", ident)
fn format_rs_type(
ty: &ir::RsType,
ir: &IR,
lifetime_to_name: &HashMap<LifetimeId, String>,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
enum TypeKind<'a> {
Other(&'a str),
let kind = if let Some(ref name) = {
match name.as_str() {
"*mut" => TypeKind::Pointer(quote! {mut}),
"*const" => TypeKind::Pointer(quote! {const}),
"&mut" => TypeKind::Reference(quote! {mut}),
"&" => TypeKind::Reference(quote! {}),
"()" => TypeKind::Unit,
_ => TypeKind::Other(name),
} else {
let record = ir
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to format Rust type {:?}", ty))?;
let ident = make_ident(record.identifier.identifier.as_str());
let path: TokenStream = if ir.is_in_current_target(record) {
quote! {#ident}
} else {
let owning_crate = make_ident(record.owning_crate_name()?);
quote! {#owning_crate::#ident}
match kind {
TypeKind::Pointer(mutability) => {
if ty.type_args.len() != 1 {
bail!("Invalid pointer type (need exactly 1 type argument): {:?}", ty);
let nested_type = format_rs_type(&ty.type_args[0], ir, lifetime_to_name)?;
Ok(quote! {* #mutability #nested_type})
TypeKind::Reference(mutability) => {
if ty.lifetime_args.len() != 1 || ty.type_args.len() != 1 {
"Invalid reference type (need exactly 1 lifetime argument and 1 type argument): {:?}",
let nested_type = format_rs_type(&ty.type_args[0], ir, lifetime_to_name)?;
let lifetime_id = &ty.lifetime_args[0];
let lifetime = syn::Lifetime::new(
&format!("'{}", lifetime_to_name.get(lifetime_id).unwrap()),
Ok(quote! {& #lifetime #mutability #nested_type})
TypeKind::Record(path) => {
if !ty.type_args.is_empty() {
bail!("Type arguments on records are not yet supported: {:?}", ty);
TypeKind::Unit => {
if !ty.type_args.is_empty() {
bail!("Unit type must not have type arguments: {:?}", ty);
Ok(quote! {()})
TypeKind::Other(name) => {
let ident = make_ident(name);
let type_args = format_generic_params(
.map(|type_arg| format_rs_type(type_arg, ir, lifetime_to_name))
Ok(quote! {#ident #type_args})
fn format_cc_type(ty: &ir::CcType, ir: &IR) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let const_fragment = if ty.is_const {
quote! {const}
} else {
quote! {}
if let Some(ref name) = {
match name.as_str() {
"*" => {
if ty.type_args.len() != 1 {
bail!("Invalid pointer type (need exactly 1 type argument): {:?}", ty);
assert_eq!(ty.type_args.len(), 1);
let nested_type = format_cc_type(&ty.type_args[0], ir)?;
Ok(quote! {#nested_type * #const_fragment})
ident => {
if !ty.type_args.is_empty() {
bail!("Type not yet supported: {:?}", ty);
let ident = make_ident(ident);
Ok(quote! {#ident #const_fragment})
} else {
let ident = make_ident(
.with_context(|| format!("Failed to format C++ type {:?}", ty))?
Ok(quote! {#ident})
fn cc_struct_layout_assertion(record: &Record, ir: &IR) -> TokenStream {
if !ir.is_in_current_target(record) {
return quote! {};
let record_ident = make_ident(&record.identifier.identifier);
let size = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(record.size);
let alignment = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(record.alignment);
let field_assertions =
record.fields.iter().filter(|f| f.access == AccessSpecifier::Public).map(|field| {
let field_ident = make_ident(&field.identifier.identifier);
let offset = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(field.offset);
// The IR contains the offset in bits, while C++'s offsetof()
// returns the offset in bytes, so we need to convert.
quote! {
static_assert(offsetof(#record_ident, #field_ident) * 8 == #offset);
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(#record_ident) == #size);
static_assert(alignof(#record_ident) == #alignment);
#( #field_assertions )*
fn thunk_ident(func: &Func) -> Ident {
format_ident!("__rust_thunk__{}", func.mangled_name)
fn generate_rs_api_impl(ir: &IR) -> Result<TokenStream> {
// This function uses quote! to generate C++ source code out of convenience.
// This is a bold idea so we have to continously evaluate if it still makes
// sense or the cost of working around differences in Rust and C++ tokens is
// greather than the value added.
// See rs_bindings_from_cc/
// for a list of supported placeholders.
let mut thunks = vec![];
for func in ir.functions() {
if can_skip_cc_thunk(&func) {
let thunk_ident = thunk_ident(func);
let implementation_function = match & {
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Identifier(id) => {
let fn_ident = make_ident(&id.identifier);
let static_method_metadata = func
.filter(|meta| meta.instance_method_metadata.is_none());
match static_method_metadata {
None => quote! {#fn_ident},
Some(meta) => {
let record_ident = make_ident(&meta.find_record(ir)?.identifier.identifier);
quote! { #record_ident :: #fn_ident }
// Use destroy_at to avoid needing to spell out the class name. Destructor identiifers
// use the name of the type itself, without namespace qualification, template
// parameters, or aliases. We do not need to use that naming scheme anywhere else in
// the bindings, and it can be difficult (impossible?) to spell in the general case. By
// using destroy_at, we avoid needing to determine or remember what the correct spelling
// is.
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Constructor => {
if func.params.len() == 1 {
quote! { rs_api_impl_support::construct_at }
} else {
// TODO(b/208946210): Map some of these constructors to the From trait.
// TODO(b/200066396): Map other constructors (to the Clone trait?).
UnqualifiedIdentifier::Destructor => quote! {std::destroy_at},
let return_type_name = format_cc_type(&func.return_type.cc_type, ir)?;
let return_stmt = if func.return_type.cc_type.is_void() {
quote! {}
} else {
quote! { return }
let param_idents =
func.params.iter().map(|p| make_ident(&p.identifier.identifier)).collect_vec();
let param_types = func
.map(|p| format_cc_type(&p.type_.cc_type, ir))
thunks.push(quote! {
extern "C" #return_type_name #thunk_ident( #( #param_types #param_idents ),* ) {
#return_stmt #implementation_function( #( #param_idents ),* );
let layout_assertions = ir.records().map(|record| cc_struct_layout_assertion(record, ir));
let mut standard_headers = <BTreeSet<Ident>>::new();
standard_headers.insert(make_ident("memory")); // ubiquitous.
if ir.records().next().is_some() {
let mut includes =
// In order to generate C++ thunk in all the cases Clang needs to be able to
// access declarations from public headers of the C++ library.
includes.extend(ir.used_headers().map(|i| & as &str));
Ok(quote! {
#( __HASH_TOKEN__ include <#standard_headers> __NEWLINE__)*
#( __HASH_TOKEN__ include #includes __NEWLINE__)* __NEWLINE__
#( #thunks )* __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__
#( #layout_assertions __NEWLINE__ __NEWLINE__ )*
// To satisfy http://cs/symbol:devtools.metadata.Presubmit.CheckTerminatingNewline check.
mod tests {
use super::*;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use ir_testing::{ir_from_cc, ir_from_cc_dependency, ir_func, ir_record};
use token_stream_matchers::{
assert_cc_matches, assert_cc_not_matches, assert_rs_matches, assert_rs_not_matches,
use token_stream_printer::tokens_to_string;
// TODO(hlopko): Move this test to a more principled place where it can access
// `ir_testing`.
fn test_duplicate_decl_ids_err() {
let mut r1 = ir_record("R1"); = DeclId(42);
let mut r2 = ir_record("R2"); = DeclId(42);
let result = make_ir_from_items([r1.into(), r2.into()]);
assert!(result.unwrap_err().to_string().contains("Duplicate decl_id found in"));
fn test_simple_function() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("int Add(int a, int b);")?;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
pub fn Add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z3Addii(a, b) }
quote! {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
#[link_name = "_Z3Addii"]
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z3Addii(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;
assert_cc_not_matches!(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?, quote! {__rust_thunk___Z3Addii});
fn test_inline_function() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("inline int Add(int a, int b);")?;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
pub fn Add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z3Addii(a, b) }
quote! {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z3Addii(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32;
quote! {
extern "C" int __rust_thunk___Z3Addii(int a, int b) {
return Add(a, b);
fn test_simple_function_with_types_from_other_target() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc_dependency(
"inline ReturnStruct DoSomething(ParamStruct param);",
"struct ReturnStruct {}; struct ParamStruct {};",
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
pub fn DoSomething(param: dependency::ParamStruct)
-> dependency::ReturnStruct {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z11DoSomething11ParamStruct(param) }
quote! {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z11DoSomething11ParamStruct(param: dependency::ParamStruct)
-> dependency::ReturnStruct;
quote! {
extern "C" ReturnStruct __rust_thunk___Z11DoSomething11ParamStruct(ParamStruct param) {
return DoSomething(param);
fn test_simple_struct() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(&tokens_to_string(quote! {
struct SomeStruct {
int public_int;
int protected_int;
int private_int;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SomeStruct {
pub public_int: i32,
protected_int: i32,
private_int: i32,
quote! {
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<Option<&i32>>() == std::mem::size_of::<&i32>());
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::size_of::<SomeStruct>() == 12usize);
const _: () = assert!(std::mem::align_of::<SomeStruct>() == 4usize);
const _: () = assert!(offset_of!(SomeStruct, public_int) * 8 == 0usize);
const _: () = assert!(offset_of!(SomeStruct, protected_int) * 8 == 32usize);
const _: () = assert!(offset_of!(SomeStruct, private_int) * 8 == 64usize);
let rs_api_impl = generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?;
quote! {
extern "C" void __rust_thunk___ZN10SomeStructD1Ev(SomeStruct * __this) {
std :: destroy_at (__this) ;
quote! {
static_assert(sizeof(SomeStruct) == 12);
static_assert(alignof(SomeStruct) == 4);
static_assert(offsetof(SomeStruct, public_int) * 8 == 0);
fn test_record_static_methods_qualify_call_in_thunk() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(&tokens_to_string(quote! {
struct SomeStruct {
static inline int some_func() { return 42; }
quote! {
extern "C" int __rust_thunk___ZN10SomeStruct9some_funcEv() {
return SomeStruct::some_func();
fn test_struct_from_other_target() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc_dependency("// intentionally empty", "struct SomeStruct {};")?;
assert_rs_not_matches!(generate_rs_api(&ir)?, quote! { SomeStruct });
assert_cc_not_matches!(generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?, quote! { SomeStruct });
fn test_copy_derives() {
let record = ir_record("S");
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &["Clone", "Copy"]);
fn test_copy_derives_not_is_trivial_abi() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
record.is_trivial_abi = false;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &[""; 0]);
/// A type can be unsafe to pass in mut references from C++, but still
/// Clone+Copy when handled by value.
fn test_copy_derives_not_is_mut_reference_safe() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
record.is_final = false;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &["Clone", "Copy"]);
fn test_copy_derives_ctor_nonpublic() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
for access in [ir::AccessSpecifier::Protected, ir::AccessSpecifier::Private] {
record.copy_constructor.access = access;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &[""; 0]);
fn test_copy_derives_ctor_deleted() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
record.copy_constructor.definition = ir::SpecialMemberDefinition::Deleted;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &[""; 0]);
fn test_copy_derives_ctor_nontrivial_members() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
record.copy_constructor.definition = ir::SpecialMemberDefinition::NontrivialMembers;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &[""; 0]);
fn test_copy_derives_ctor_nontrivial_self() {
let mut record = ir_record("S");
record.copy_constructor.definition = ir::SpecialMemberDefinition::NontrivialUserDefined;
assert_eq!(generate_copy_derives(&record), &[""; 0]);
fn test_ptr_func() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(&tokens_to_string(quote! {
inline int* Deref(int*const* p);
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
pub fn Deref(p: *const *mut i32) -> *mut i32 {
unsafe { crate::detail::__rust_thunk___Z5DerefPKPi(p) }
quote! {
mod detail {
use super::*;
extern "C" {
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___Z5DerefPKPi(p: *const *mut i32) -> *mut i32;
quote! {
extern "C" int* __rust_thunk___Z5DerefPKPi(int* const * p) {
return Deref(p);
fn test_item_order() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
"int first_func();
struct FirstStruct {};
int second_func();
struct SecondStruct {};",
let rs_api = rs_tokens_to_formatted_string(generate_rs_api(&ir)?)?;
let idx = |s: &str| rs_api.find(s).ok_or(anyhow!("'{}' missing", s));
println!("{:?}", ir);
let f1 = idx("fn first_func")?;
let f2 = idx("fn second_func")?;
let s1 = idx("struct FirstStruct")?;
let s2 = idx("struct SecondStruct")?;
let t1 = idx("fn __rust_thunk___Z10first_funcv")?;
let t2 = idx("fn __rust_thunk___Z11second_funcv")?;
assert!(f1 < s1);
assert!(s1 < f2);
assert!(f2 < s2);
assert!(s2 < t1);
assert!(t1 < t2);
fn test_doc_comment_func() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
// Doc Comment
// with two lines
int func();",
// leading space is intentional so there is a space between /// and the text of the
// comment
quote! {
#[doc = " Doc Comment\n with two lines"]
pub fn func
fn test_doc_comment_record() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
"// Doc Comment\n\
// * with bullet\n\
struct SomeStruct {\n\
// Field doc\n\
int field;\
quote! {
#[doc = " Doc Comment\n \n * with bullet"]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SomeStruct {
# [doc = " Field doc"]
pub field: i32,
fn test_virtual_thunk() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("struct Polymorphic { virtual void Foo(); };")?;
quote! {
extern "C" void __rust_thunk___ZN11Polymorphic3FooEv(Polymorphic * __this)
/// A trivially relocatable final struct is safe to use in Rust as normal,
/// and is Unpin.
fn test_no_negative_impl_unpin() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("struct Trivial final {};")?;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
assert_rs_not_matches!(rs_api, quote! {impl !Unpin});
/// A non-final struct, even if it's trivial, is not usable by mut
/// reference, and so is !Unpin.
fn test_negative_impl_unpin_nonfinal() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("struct Nonfinal {};")?;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {impl !Unpin for Nonfinal {}});
/// At the least, a trivial type should have no drop impl if or until we add
/// empty drop impls.
fn test_no_impl_drop() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc("struct Trivial {};")?;
let rs_api = rs_tokens_to_formatted_string(generate_rs_api(&ir)?)?;
assert!(!rs_api.contains("impl Drop"));
/// User-defined destructors *must* become Drop impls with ManuallyDrop
/// fields
fn test_impl_drop_user_defined_destructor() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"struct UserDefinedDestructor {
int x;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
println!("{}", rs_api);
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {impl Drop});
assert_rs_not_matches!(rs_api, quote! {fn drop(&mut self) {}});
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {pub x: std::mem::ManuallyDrop<i32>,});
/// nontrivial types without user-defined destructors must have an empty
/// drop definition.
fn test_impl_drop_nontrivial_member_destructor() -> Result<()> {
// TODO(jeanpierreda): This would be cleaner if the UserDefinedDestructor code were
// omitted. For example, we simulate it so that UserDefinedDestructor
// comes from another library.
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"struct UserDefinedDestructor {
struct NontrivialMembers {
UserDefinedDestructor udd;
int x;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {fn drop(&mut self) {}});
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {pub x: i32,});
/// Trivial types (at least those that are mapped to Copy rust types) do not
/// get a Drop impl.
fn test_impl_drop_trivial() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"struct Trivial {
~Trivial() = default;
int x;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
assert_rs_not_matches!(rs_api, quote! {impl Drop});
assert_rs_matches!(rs_api, quote! {pub x: i32});
fn test_impl_default_explicitly_defaulted_constructor() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"struct DefaultedConstructor {
DefaultedConstructor() = default;
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
impl Default for DefaultedConstructor {
fn default() -> Self {
let mut tmp = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<Self>::zeroed();
unsafe {
let rs_api_impl = generate_rs_api_impl(&ir)?;
quote! {
extern "C" void __rust_thunk___ZN20DefaultedConstructorC1Ev(
DefaultedConstructor* __this) {
rs_api_impl_support::construct_at (__this) ;
fn test_impl_default_non_trivial_struct() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"struct NonTrivialStructWithConstructors {
~NonTrivialStructWithConstructors(); // Non-trivial
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
assert_rs_not_matches!(rs_api, quote! {impl Default});
fn test_thunk_ident_function() {
let func = ir_func("foo");
assert_eq!(thunk_ident(&func), make_ident("__rust_thunk___Z3foov"));
fn test_thunk_ident_special_names() {
let ir = ir_from_cc("struct Class {};").unwrap();
let destructor =
ir.functions().find(|f| == UnqualifiedIdentifier::Destructor).unwrap();
assert_eq!(thunk_ident(&destructor), make_ident("__rust_thunk___ZN5ClassD1Ev"));
let constructor =
ir.functions().find(|f| == UnqualifiedIdentifier::Constructor).unwrap();
assert_eq!(thunk_ident(&constructor), make_ident("__rust_thunk___ZN5ClassC1Ev"));
fn test_elided_lifetimes() -> Result<()> {
let ir = ir_from_cc(
r#"#pragma clang lifetime_elision
struct S {
int& f(int& i);
let rs_api = generate_rs_api(&ir)?;
quote! {
pub fn f<'a, 'b>(__this: &'b mut S, i: &'a mut i32) -> &'b mut i32 { ... }
quote! {
pub(crate) fn __rust_thunk___ZN1S1fERi<'a, 'b>(__this: &'b mut S, i: &'a mut i32)
-> &'b mut i32;
fn test_format_generic_params() -> Result<()> {
assert_rs_matches!(format_generic_params(std::iter::empty::<syn::Ident>()), quote! {});
let idents = ["T1", "T2"].iter().map(|s| make_ident(s));
assert_rs_matches!(format_generic_params(idents), quote! { < T1, T2 > });
let lifetimes = ["a", "b"]
.map(|s| syn::Lifetime::new(&format!("'{}", s), proc_macro2::Span::call_site()));
assert_rs_matches!(format_generic_params(lifetimes), quote! { < 'a, 'b > });