blob: 36d43a7d26d5f195f4afcd6d144368cfad931965 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma clang lifetime_elision
#include "support/rs_std/rs_char.h"
// Tests for round-tripping between:
// - Rust built-in `char` type
// - C++ `rs_std::rs_char` type (from `crubit/support/rs_std/rs_char.h`)
namespace rs_char_test {
inline rs_std::rs_char NextChar(rs_std::rs_char c) {
return rs_std::rs_char::from_u32(std::uint32_t{c} + 1).value();
struct SomeStruct final {
rs_std::rs_char c;
rs_std::rs_char GetChar() const { return c; }
using CharAlias = rs_std::rs_char;
inline CharAlias NextCharViaTypeAlias(CharAlias c) {
return CharAlias::from_u32(std::uint32_t{c} + 1).value();
namespace using_test {
using rs_std::rs_char;
inline using_test::rs_char NextCharViaImport(using_test::rs_char c) {
return using_test::rs_char::from_u32(std::uint32_t{c} + 1).value();
} // namespace rs_char_test