blob: 504e78f13d140ffbd1c0aff05bcd839c004fccf6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ast_visitor.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ir.h"
#include "third_party/absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/substitute.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/RawCommentList.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Casting.h"
namespace rs_bindings_from_cc {
constexpr std::string_view kTypeStatusPayloadUrl =
bool AstVisitor::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl* decl) {
if (seen_decls_.insert(decl->getCanonicalDecl()).second) {
// Emit all comments in the current file before the decl
return Base::TraverseDecl(decl);
return true;
bool AstVisitor::TraverseTranslationUnitDecl(
clang::TranslationUnitDecl* translation_unit_decl) {
ctx_ = &translation_unit_decl->getASTContext();
for (const absl::string_view header_name : public_header_names_) {
bool result = Base::TraverseTranslationUnitDecl(translation_unit_decl);
// Emit comments after the last decl
return result;
bool AstVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* function_decl) {
std::vector<FuncParam> params;
bool success = true;
for (const clang::ParmVarDecl* param : function_decl->parameters()) {
auto param_type = ConvertType(param->getType());
if (!param_type.ok()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message = absl::Substitute("Parameter type '$0' is not supported",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(param->getBeginLoc())});
success = false;
if (const clang::RecordType* record_type =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::RecordType>(param->getType())) {
if (clang::RecordDecl* record_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(record_type->getDecl())) {
// TODO(b/200067242): non-trivial_abi structs, when passed by value,
// have a different representation which needs special support. We
// currently do not support it.
if (!record_decl->canPassInRegisters()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message = absl::Substitute("Non-trivial_abi type '$0' is not "
"supported by value as a parameter",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(param->getBeginLoc())});
success = false;
std::optional<Identifier> param_name = GetTranslatedIdentifier(param);
if (!param_name.has_value()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message = "Empty parameter names are not supported",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(param->getBeginLoc())});
success = false;
params.push_back({*param_type, *std::move(param_name)});
if (const clang::RecordType* record_return_type =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::RecordType>(function_decl->getReturnType())) {
if (clang::RecordDecl* record_decl =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(record_return_type->getDecl())) {
// TODO(b/200067242): non-trivial_abi structs, when passed by value,
// have a different representation which needs special support. We
// currently do not support it.
if (!record_decl->canPassInRegisters()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message =
absl::Substitute("Non-trivial_abi type '$0' is not supported "
"by value as a return type",
.source_loc =
success = false;
auto return_type = ConvertType(function_decl->getReturnType());
if (!return_type.ok()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message =
absl::Substitute("Return type '$0' is not supported",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(
success = false;
std::optional<MemberFuncMetadata> member_func_metadata;
if (auto* method_decl = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(function_decl)) {
if (method_decl->isVirtual()) {
// TODO(b/202853028): implement virtual functions.
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message = "Virtual functions are not supported",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(
success = false;
} else {
if (method_decl->isInstance()) {
MemberFuncMetadata::ReferenceQualification reference;
switch (method_decl->getRefQualifier()) {
case clang::RQ_LValue:
reference = MemberFuncMetadata::kLValue;
case clang::RQ_RValue:
reference = MemberFuncMetadata::kRValue;
case clang::RQ_None:
reference = MemberFuncMetadata::kUnqualified;
instance_metadata = MemberFuncMetadata::InstanceMethodMetadata{
.reference = reference,
.is_const = method_decl->isConst(),
.is_virtual =
false, // TODO(b/202853028): implement virtual functions.
std::optional<Identifier> record_identifier =
if (!record_identifier.has_value()) {
.name = function_decl->getQualifiedNameAsString(),
.message = absl::Substitute(
"The Record for method '$0' could not be found",
.source_loc = ConvertSourceLoc(function_decl->getSourceRange())});
success = false;
} else {
member_func_metadata =
MemberFuncMetadata{.for_type = *record_identifier,
.instance_method_metadata = instance_metadata};
std::optional<UnqualifiedIdentifier> translated_name =
if (success && translated_name.has_value()) {
.name = *translated_name,
.doc_comment = GetComment(function_decl),
.mangled_name = GetMangledName(function_decl),
.return_type = *return_type,
.params = std::move(params),
.is_inline = function_decl->isInlined(),
.member_func_metadata = std::move(member_func_metadata),
return true;
static AccessSpecifier TranslateAccessSpecifier(clang::AccessSpecifier access) {
switch (access) {
case clang::AS_public:
return kPublic;
case clang::AS_protected:
return kProtected;
case clang::AS_private:
return kPrivate;
case clang::AS_none:
// We should never be encoding a "none" access specifier in IR.
// We have to return something. Conservatively return private so we don't
// inadvertently make a private member variable accessible in Rust.
return kPrivate;
bool AstVisitor::VisitRecordDecl(clang::RecordDecl* record_decl) {
std::vector<Field> fields;
clang::AccessSpecifier default_access = clang::AS_public;
// The definition is always rewritten, but default access to `kPublic` in case
// it is implicitly defined.
SpecialMemberFunc copy_ctor = {
.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial,
.access = kPublic,
SpecialMemberFunc move_ctor = {
.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial,
.access = kPublic,
SpecialMemberFunc dtor = {
.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial,
.access = kPublic,
if (const auto* cxx_record_decl =
clang::dyn_cast<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(record_decl)) {
if (cxx_record_decl->isClass()) {
default_access = clang::AS_private;
if (cxx_record_decl->hasTrivialCopyConstructor()) {
copy_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial;
} else if (cxx_record_decl->hasNonTrivialCopyConstructor()) {
copy_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kNontrivial;
} else {
// I don't think the copy ctor can be implicitly deleted, but just in
// case...
copy_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kDeleted;
if (cxx_record_decl->hasTrivialMoveConstructor()) {
move_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial;
} else if (cxx_record_decl->hasNonTrivialMoveConstructor()) {
move_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kNontrivial;
} else {
// The move constructor can be **implicitly deleted** (and so not subject
// to the below loop over ctors), e.g. by the presence by a copy ctor.
move_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kDeleted;
if (cxx_record_decl->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
dtor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kTrivial;
} else {
dtor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kNontrivial;
for (clang::CXXConstructorDecl* ctor_decl : cxx_record_decl->ctors()) {
if (ctor_decl->isCopyConstructor()) {
copy_ctor.access = TranslateAccessSpecifier(ctor_decl->getAccess());
if (ctor_decl->isDeleted()) {
copy_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kDeleted;
} else if (ctor_decl->isMoveConstructor()) {
move_ctor.access = TranslateAccessSpecifier(ctor_decl->getAccess());
if (ctor_decl->isDeleted()) {
move_ctor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kDeleted;
clang::CXXDestructorDecl* dtor_decl = cxx_record_decl->getDestructor();
if (dtor_decl != nullptr) {
dtor.access = TranslateAccessSpecifier(dtor_decl->getAccess());
if (dtor_decl->isDeleted()) {
dtor.definition = SpecialMemberFunc::Definition::kDeleted;
const clang::ASTRecordLayout& layout = ctx_->getASTRecordLayout(record_decl);
for (const clang::FieldDecl* field_decl : record_decl->fields()) {
auto type = ConvertType(field_decl->getType());
if (!type.ok()) {
// TODO(b/200239975): Add diagnostics for declarations we can't import
return true;
clang::AccessSpecifier access = field_decl->getAccess();
if (access == clang::AS_none) {
access = default_access;
std::optional<Identifier> field_name = GetTranslatedIdentifier(field_decl);
if (!field_name.has_value()) {
return true;
{.identifier = *std::move(field_name),
.doc_comment = GetComment(field_decl),
.type = *type,
.access = TranslateAccessSpecifier(access),
.offset = layout.getFieldOffset(field_decl->getFieldIndex())});
std::optional<Identifier> record_name = GetTranslatedIdentifier(record_decl);
if (!record_name.has_value()) {
return true;
Record{.identifier = *record_name,
.doc_comment = GetComment(record_decl),
.fields = std::move(fields),
.size = layout.getSize().getQuantity(),
.alignment = layout.getAlignment().getQuantity(),
.copy_constructor = copy_ctor,
.move_constructor = move_ctor,
.destructor = dtor,
.is_trivial_abi = record_decl->canPassInRegisters()});
return true;
std::optional<std::string> AstVisitor::GetComment(
const clang::Decl* decl) const {
// This does currently not distinguish between different types of comments.
// In general it is not possible in C++ to reliably only extract doc comments.
// This is going to be a heuristic that needs to be tuned over time.
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_->getSourceManager();
clang::RawComment* raw_comment = ctx_->getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(decl);
if (raw_comment == nullptr) {
return {};
} else {
return raw_comment->getFormattedText(sm, sm.getDiagnostics());
SourceLoc AstVisitor::ConvertSourceLoc(clang::SourceLocation loc) const {
auto& sm = ctx_->getSourceManager();
auto filename = sm.getFileEntryForID(sm.getFileID(loc))->getName();
if (filename.startswith("./")) {
filename = filename.substr(2);
return SourceLoc{.filename = filename.str(),
.line = sm.getSpellingLineNumber(loc),
.column = sm.getSpellingColumnNumber(loc)};
SourceLoc AstVisitor::ConvertSourceLoc(clang::SourceRange range) const {
return ConvertSourceLoc(range.getBegin());
absl::StatusOr<MappedType> AstVisitor::ConvertType(
clang::QualType qual_type) const {
std::optional<MappedType> type = std::nullopt;
std::string type_string = qual_type.getAsString();
if (const clang::PointerType* pointer_type =
qual_type->getAs<clang::PointerType>()) {
auto pointee_type = ConvertType(pointer_type->getPointeeType());
if (pointee_type.ok()) {
type = MappedType::PointerTo(*pointee_type);
} else if (const clang::BuiltinType* builtin_type =
qual_type->getAs<clang::BuiltinType>()) {
switch (builtin_type->getKind()) {
case clang::BuiltinType::Bool:
type = MappedType::Simple("bool", "bool");
case clang::BuiltinType::Float:
type = MappedType::Simple("f32", "float");
case clang::BuiltinType::Double:
type = MappedType::Simple("f64", "double");
case clang::BuiltinType::Void:
type = MappedType::Void();
if (builtin_type->isIntegerType()) {
auto size = ctx_->getTypeSize(builtin_type);
if (size == 64 &&
(type_string == "ptrdiff_t" || type_string == "intptr_t")) {
type = MappedType::Simple("isize", type_string);
} else if (size == 64 &&
(type_string == "size_t" || type_string == "uintptr_t")) {
type = MappedType::Simple("usize", type_string);
} else if (size == 8 || size == 16 || size == 32 || size == 64) {
type = MappedType::Simple(
"$0$1", builtin_type->isSignedInteger() ? 'i' : 'u', size),
} else if (const clang::TagType* tag_type =
qual_type->getAs<clang::TagType>()) {
// TODO(b/202692734): If tag_type is un-importable, fail here.
clang::TagDecl* tag_decl = tag_type->getDecl();
if (std::optional<Identifier> id = GetTranslatedIdentifier(tag_decl)) {
std::string ident(id->Ident());
return MappedType::Simple(ident, ident);
if (!type.has_value()) {
absl::Status error = absl::UnimplementedError(
absl::Substitute("Unsupported type '$0'", type_string));
error.SetPayload(kTypeStatusPayloadUrl, absl::Cord(type_string));
return error;
// Add cv-qualification.
type->cc_type.is_const = qual_type.isConstQualified();
// Not doing volatile for now -- note that volatile pointers do not exist in
// Rust, though volatile reads/writes still do.
return *std::move(type);
std::string AstVisitor::GetMangledName(
const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
clang::GlobalDecl decl;
// There are only three named decl types that don't work with the GlobalDecl
// unary constructor: GPU kernels (which do not exist in standard C++, so we
// ignore), constructors, and destructors. GlobalDecl does not support
// constructors and destructors from the unary constructor because there is
// more than one global declaration for a given constructor or destructor!
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Complete is a function which constructs / destroys the
// entire object. This is what we want. :)
// * Dtor_Deleting is a function which additionally calls operator delete.
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Base is a function which constructs/destroys the object but
// NOT including virtual base class subobjects.
// * (Ctor|Dtor)_Comdat: I *believe* this is the identifier used to
// deduplicate inline functions, and is not callable.
// * Dtor_(Copying|Default)Closure: These only exist in the MSVC++ ABI,
// which we don't support for now. I don't know when they are used.
// It was hard to piece this together, so writing it down here to explain why
// we magically picked the *_Complete variants.
if (auto dtor = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(named_decl)) {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(dtor, clang::CXXDtorType::Dtor_Complete);
} else if (auto ctor =
llvm::dyn_cast<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(named_decl)) {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(ctor, clang::CXXCtorType::Ctor_Complete);
} else {
decl = clang::GlobalDecl(named_decl);
std::string name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(name);
mangler_->mangleName(decl, stream);
return name;
std::optional<UnqualifiedIdentifier> AstVisitor::GetTranslatedName(
const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
switch (named_decl->getDeclName().getNameKind()) {
case clang::DeclarationName::Identifier: {
auto name = std::string(named_decl->getName());
if (name.empty()) {
// for example, a parameter with no name.
return std::nullopt;
return {Identifier(std::move(name))};
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName:
return {SpecialName::kConstructor};
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName:
return {SpecialName::kDestructor};
// To be implemented later: operators, conversion functions.
// There are also e.g. literal operators, deduction guides, etc., but
// we might not need to implement them at all. Full list at:
return std::nullopt;
void AstVisitor::CommentManager::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl* decl) {
ctx_ = &decl->getASTContext();
// When we go to a new file we flush the comments from the previous file,
// because source locations won't be comparable by '<' any more.
clang::FileID file = ctx_->getSourceManager().getFileID(decl->getBeginLoc());
if (file != current_file_) {
current_file_ = file;
// Visit all comments from the current file up to the current decl.
clang::RawComment* decl_comment = ctx_->getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(decl);
while (next_comment_ != file_comments_.end() &&
(*next_comment_)->getBeginLoc() < decl->getBeginLoc()) {
// Skip the decl's doc comment, which will be emitted as part of the decl.
if (*next_comment_ != decl_comment) {
// Skip comments that are within the decl, e.g., comments in the body of an
// inline function
// TODO(forster): We should retain floating comments within `Record`s
if (!clang::isa<clang::NamespaceDecl>(decl)) {
while (next_comment_ != file_comments_.end() &&
(*next_comment_)->getBeginLoc() < decl->getEndLoc()) {
void AstVisitor::CommentManager::LoadComments() {
auto comments = ctx_->Comments.getCommentsInFile(current_file_);
if (comments) {
for (auto [_, comment] : *comments) {
next_comment_ = file_comments_.begin();
void AstVisitor::CommentManager::FlushComments() {
while (next_comment_ != file_comments_.end()) {
void AstVisitor::CommentManager::VisitTopLevelComment(
clang::RawComment* comment) {
clang::SourceManager& sm = ctx_->getSourceManager();
Comment{.text = comment->getFormattedText(sm, sm.getDiagnostics())});
} // namespace rs_bindings_from_cc