| # proto-file: devtools/blueprint/blueprint_file.proto |
| # proto-message: BlueprintFile |
| # DO NOT EDIT! Regenerate the contents by running <internal link> after changing any BUILD file or the Blueprint. |
| # Override the default values in crubit.nullability.blueprint instead. |
| |
| buildable_unit: { |
| name: "crubit.nullability" |
| build_pattern: "//nullability/..." |
| test_pattern: "//nullability/..." |
| test_tag_filter: "-nofastbuild" |
| build_tag_filter: "-nofastbuild" |
| enable_coverage: true |
| enable_presubmit: true |
| enable_continuous_build: true |
| continuous_build_email: { |
| build_cop_email_id: "c-nullability-team+buildgardener@google.com" |
| } |
| enable_release: false |
| } |
| buildable_unit: { |
| name: "crubit.nullability.opt" |
| test_pattern: "//nullability/..." |
| test_tag_filter: "-noopt" |
| build_flag: "--compilation_mode=opt" |
| enable_coverage: false |
| enable_presubmit: false |
| enable_continuous_build: false |
| continuous_build_email: { |
| build_cop_email_id: "c-nullability-team+buildgardener@google.com" |
| } |
| enable_release: false |
| [tap.tap_settings]: { |
| on_demand: true |
| on_demand_frequency: EVERY_4_HOURS |
| } |
| } |
| continuous_tests: { |
| name: "crubit.nullability" |
| buildable_unit_name: "crubit.nullability" |
| } |
| continuous_tests: { |
| name: "crubit.nullability.opt" |
| buildable_unit_name: "crubit.nullability.opt" |
| } |