blob: e3762cf0d48db728d0cded313569a0e65a63a669 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "nullability/type_nullability.h"
#include <optional>
#include "absl/log/check.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTFwd.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateName.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/AST/TypeVisitor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
namespace clang::tidy::nullability {
std::string nullabilityToString(const TypeNullability &Nullability) {
std::string Result = "[";
[&](const NullabilityKind n) {
Result += getNullabilitySpelling(n).str();
[&] { Result += ", "; });
Result += "]";
return Result;
// Recognize aliases e.g. Nonnull<T> as equivalent to T _Nonnull, etc.
// These aliases should be annotated with [[clang::annotate("Nullable")]] etc.
// TODO: Ideally such aliases could apply the _Nonnull attribute themselves.
// This requires resolving compatibilty issues with clang, such as use with
// user-defined pointer-like types.
std::optional<NullabilityKind> getAliasNullability(const TemplateName &TN) {
if (const auto *TD = TN.getAsTemplateDecl()) {
if (!TD->getTemplatedDecl()) return std::nullopt; // BuiltinTemplateDecl
if (const auto *A = TD->getTemplatedDecl()->getAttr<AnnotateAttr>()) {
if (A->getAnnotation() == "Nullable") return NullabilityKind::Nullable;
if (A->getAnnotation() == "Nonnull") return NullabilityKind::NonNull;
if (A->getAnnotation() == "Nullability_Unspecified")
return NullabilityKind::Unspecified;
return std::nullopt;
namespace {
// Traverses a Type to find the points where it might be nullable.
// This will visit the contained PointerType in the correct order to produce
// the TypeNullability vector.
// Subclasses must provide `void report(const PointerType*, NullabilityKind)`,
// and may override TypeVisitor Visit*Type methods to customize the traversal.
// Canonically-equivalent Types produce equivalent sequences of report() calls:
// - corresponding PointerTypes are canonically-equivalent
// - the NullabilityKind may be different, as it derives from type sugar
template <class Impl>
class NullabilityWalker : public TypeVisitor<Impl> {
using Base = TypeVisitor<Impl>;
Impl &derived() { return *static_cast<Impl *>(this); }
// A nullability attribute we've seen, waiting to attach to a pointer type.
// There may be sugar in between: Attributed -> Typedef -> Typedef -> Pointer.
// All non-sugar types must consume nullability, most will ignore it.
std::optional<NullabilityKind> PendingNullability;
void sawNullability(NullabilityKind NK) {
// If we see nullability applied twice, the outer one wins.
if (!PendingNullability.has_value()) PendingNullability = NK;
void ignoreUnexpectedNullability() {
// TODO: Can we upgrade this to an assert?
// clang is pretty thorough about ensuring we can't put _Nullable on
// non-pointers, even failing template instantiation on this basis.
// While walking types instantiated from templates, e.g.:
// - the underlying type of alias TemplateSpecializationTypes
// - type aliases inside class template instantiations
// we see SubstTemplateTypeParmTypes where type parameters were referenced.
// The directly-available underlying types lack sugar, but we can retrieve the
// sugar from the arguments of the original e.g. TemplateSpecializationType.
// The "template context" associates template params with the
// corresponding args, to allow this retrieval.
// In general, not just the directly enclosing template params but also those
// of outer classes are accessible.
// So conceptually this maps (depth, index, pack_index) => TemplateArgument.
// To avoid copying these maps, inner contexts *extend* from outer ones.
// When we start to walk a TemplateArgument (in place of a SubstTTPType), we
// must do so in the template instantiation context where the argument was
// written. Then when we're done, we must restore the old context.
struct TemplateContext {
// A decl that owns an arg list, per SubstTTPType::getAssociatedDecl.
// For aliases: TypeAliasTemplateDecl.
// For classes: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl.
const Decl *AssociatedDecl = nullptr;
// The sugared template arguments to AssociatedDecl, as written in the code.
// If absent, the arguments could not be reconstructed.
std::optional<ArrayRef<TemplateArgument>> Args;
// In general, multiple template params are in scope (nested templates).
// These are a linked list: *this describes one, *Extends describes the
// next. In practice, this is the enclosing class template.
const TemplateContext *Extends = nullptr;
// The template context in which the args were written.
// The args may reference params visible in this context.
const TemplateContext *ArgContext = nullptr;
// Example showing a TemplateContext graph:
// // (some sugar and nested templates for the example)
// using INT = int; using FLOAT = float;
// template <class T> struct Outer {
// template <class U> struct Inner {
// using Pair = std::pair<T, U>;
// }
// }
// template <class X>
// struct S {
// using Type = typename Outer<INT>::Inner<X>::Pair;
// }
// using Target = S<FLOAT>::Type;
// Per clang's AST, instantiated Type is std::pair<int, float> with only
// SubstTemplateTypeParmTypes for sugar, we're trying to recover INT, FLOAT.
// When walking the ElaboratedType for the S<FLOAT>:: qualifier we set up:
// Current -> {Associated=S<float>, Args=<FLOAT>, Extends=null, ArgCtx=null}
// This means that when resolving ::Type:
// - we can resugar occurrences of X (float -> FLOAT)
// - ArgContext=null: the arg FLOAT may not refer to template params
// (or at least we can't resugar them)
// - Extends=null: there are no other template params we can resugar
// Skipping up to ::Pair inside S<FLOAT>'s instantiation, we have the graph:
// Current -> {Associated=Outer<int>::Inner<float>, Args=<X>}
// | Extends |
// A{Associated=Outer<int>, Args=<INT>, Extends=null} | ArgContext
// | ArgContext |
// B{Associated=S<float>, Args=<FLOAT>, Extends=null, ArgContext=null}
// (Note that B here is the original TemplateContext we set up above).
// This means that when resolving ::Pair:
// - we can resugar instances of U (float -> X)
// - ArgContext=B: when resugaring U, we can resugar X (float -> FLOAT)
// - Extends=A: we can also resugar T (int -> INT)
// - A.ArgContext=B: when resugaring T, we can resugar X.
// (we never do, because INT doesn't mention X)
// - A.Extends=null: there are no other template params te resugar
// - B.ArgContext=null: FLOAT may not refer to any template params
// - B.Extends=null: there are no other template params to resugar
// (e.g. Type's definition cannot refer to T)
// The context that provides sugared args for the template params that are
// accessible to the type we're currently walking.
const TemplateContext *CurrentTemplateContext = nullptr;
// Adjusts args list from those of primary template => template pattern.
// A template arg list corresponds 1:1 to primary template params.
// In partial specializations, the correspondence may differ:
// template <int, class> struct S;
// template <class T> struct S<0, T> {
// using Alias = T; // T refers to param #0
// };
// S<0, int*>::Alias X; // T is bound to arg #1
// or
// template <class> struct S;
// template <class T> struct S<T*> { using Alias = T; }
// S<int*>::Alias X; // arg #0 is int*, param #0 is bound to int
void translateTemplateArgsForSpecialization(TemplateContext &Ctx) {
// Only relevant where partial specialization is used.
// - Full specializations may not refer to template params at all.
// - For primary templates, the input is already correct.
const TemplateArgumentList *PartialArgs = nullptr;
if (const ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *CTSD =
Ctx.AssociatedDecl)) {
if (llvm::isa_and_nonnull<ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(
PartialArgs = &CTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs();
} else if (const VarTemplateSpecializationDecl *VTSD =
Ctx.AssociatedDecl)) {
if (llvm::isa_and_nonnull<VarTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl>(
PartialArgs = &VTSD->getTemplateInstantiationArgs();
if (!PartialArgs) return;
// To get from the template arg list to the partial-specialization arg list
// means running much of the template argument deduction algorithm.
// This is complex in general. [temp.deduct] For now, bail out.
// In future, hopefully we can handle at least simple cases.
void Visit(QualType T) { Base::Visit(T.getTypePtr()); }
void Visit(const TemplateArgument &TA) {
if (TA.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type) Visit(TA.getAsType());
if (TA.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Pack)
for (const auto &PackElt : TA.getPackAsArray()) Visit(PackElt);
void Visit(const DeclContext *DC) {
// For now, only consider enclosing classes.
// TODO: The nullability of template functions can affect local classes too,
// this can be relevant e.g. when instantiating templates with such types.
if (auto *CRD = llvm::dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(DC))
void VisitType(const Type *T) {
// For sugar not explicitly handled below, desugar and continue.
// (We need to walk the full structure of the canonical type.)
if (auto *Desugar =
Desugar != T)
return Base::Visit(Desugar);
// We don't expect to see any nullable non-sugar types except PointerType.
void VisitFunctionProtoType(const FunctionProtoType *FPT) {
for (auto ParamType : FPT->getParamTypes()) Visit(ParamType);
void VisitTemplateSpecializationType(const TemplateSpecializationType *TST) {
if (TST->isTypeAlias()) {
if (auto NK = getAliasNullability(TST->getTemplateName()))
// Aliases are sugar, visit the underlying type.
// Record template args so we can resugar substituted params.
// TODO(b/281474380): `TemplateSpecializationType::template_arguments()`
// doesn't contain defaulted arguments. Can we fetch or compute these in
// sugared form?
const TemplateContext Ctx{
llvm::SaveAndRestore UseAlias(CurrentTemplateContext, &Ctx);
auto *CRD = TST->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
CHECK(CRD) << "Expected an alias or class specialization in concrete code";
for (auto TA : TST->template_arguments()) Visit(TA);
// `TST->template_arguments()` doesn't contain any default arguments.
// Retrieve these (though in unsugared form) from the
// `ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl`.
// TODO(b/281474380): Can we fetch or compute default arguments in sugared
// form?
if (auto *CTSD = dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(CRD)) {
for (unsigned i = TST->template_arguments().size();
i < CTSD->getTemplateArgs().size(); ++i)
void VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(const SubstTemplateTypeParmType *T) {
// The underlying type of T in the AST has no sugar, as the template has
// only one body instantiated per canonical args.
// Instead, try to find the (sugared) template argument that T is bound to.
for (const auto *Ctx = CurrentTemplateContext; Ctx; Ctx = Ctx->Extends) {
if (T->getAssociatedDecl() != Ctx->AssociatedDecl) continue;
// If args are not available, fall back to un-sugared arg.
if (!Ctx->Args.has_value()) break;
unsigned Index = T->getIndex();
// Valid because pack must be the last param in non-function templates.
// TODO: if we support function templates, we need to be smarter here.
if (auto PackIndex = T->getPackIndex())
Index = Ctx->Args->size() - 1 - *PackIndex;
// TODO(b/281474380): `Args` may be too short if `Index` refers to an
// arg that was defaulted. We eventually want to populate
// `CurrentAliasTemplate->Args` with the default arguments in this case,
// but for now, we just walk the underlying type without sugar.
if (Index < Ctx->Args->size()) {
const TemplateArgument &Arg = (*Ctx->Args)[Index];
// When we start to walk a sugared TemplateArgument (in place of T),
// we must do so in the template instantiation context where the
// argument was written.
llvm::SaveAndRestore OriginalContext(
CurrentTemplateContext, CurrentTemplateContext->ArgContext);
return Visit(Arg);
// Our top-level type references an unbound type param.
// Our original input was the underlying type of an instantiation, we
// lack the context needed to resugar it.
// TODO: maybe this could be an assert in some cases (alias params)?
// We would need to trust all callers are obtaining types appropriately,
// and that clang never partially-desugars in a problematic way.
// If we see foo<args>::ty then we may need sugar from args to resugar ty.
void VisitElaboratedType(const ElaboratedType *ET) {
std::vector<TemplateContext> BoundTemplateArgs;
// Iterate over qualifiers right-to-left, looking for template args.
for (auto *NNS = ET->getQualifier(); NNS; NNS = NNS->getPrefix()) {
// TODO: there are other ways a NNS could bind template args:
// template <typename T> foo { struct bar { using baz = T; }; };
// using T = foo<int * _Nullable>::bar;
// using U = T::baz;
// Here T:: is not a TemplateSpecializationType (directly or indirectly).
// Nevertheless it provides sugar that is referenced from baz.
// Probably we need another type visitor to collect bindings in general.
if (const auto *TST = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<TemplateSpecializationType>(
NNS->getAsType())) {
TemplateContext Ctx;
Ctx.Args = TST->template_arguments();
Ctx.ArgContext = CurrentTemplateContext;
// `Extends` is initialized below: we chain BoundTemplateArgs together.
Ctx.AssociatedDecl =
TST->isTypeAlias() ? TST->getTemplateName().getAsTemplateDecl()
: static_cast<Decl *>(TST->getAsCXXRecordDecl());
std::optional<llvm::SaveAndRestore<const TemplateContext *>> Restore;
if (!BoundTemplateArgs.empty()) {
// Wire up the inheritance chain so all the contexts are visible.
BoundTemplateArgs.back().Extends = CurrentTemplateContext;
for (int I = 0; I < BoundTemplateArgs.size() - 1; ++I)
BoundTemplateArgs[I].Extends = &BoundTemplateArgs[I + 1];
Restore.emplace(CurrentTemplateContext, &BoundTemplateArgs.front());
void VisitRecordType(const RecordType *RT) {
if (auto *CTSD = dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(RT->getDecl())) {
// TODO: if this is an instantiation, these args lack sugar.
// We can try to retrieve it from the current template context.
for (auto &TA : CTSD->getTemplateArgs().asArray()) Visit(TA);
void VisitAttributedType(const AttributedType *AT) {
if (auto NK = AT->getImmediateNullability()) sawNullability(*NK);
<< "Should have been consumed by modified type! "
<< AT->getModifiedType().getAsString();
void VisitPointerType(const PointerType *PT) {
void VisitReferenceType(const ReferenceType *RT) {
void VisitArrayType(const ArrayType *AT) {
template <typename T>
unsigned countPointers(const T &Object) {
struct Walker : public NullabilityWalker<Walker> {
unsigned Count = 0;
void report(const PointerType *, NullabilityKind) { ++Count; }
} PointerCountWalker;
return PointerCountWalker.Count;
} // namespace
unsigned countPointersInType(QualType T) { return countPointers(T); }
unsigned countPointersInType(const DeclContext *DC) {
return countPointers(DC);
unsigned countPointersInType(TemplateArgument TA) { return countPointers(TA); }
QualType exprType(const Expr *E) {
if (E->hasPlaceholderType(BuiltinType::BoundMember))
return Expr::findBoundMemberType(E);
return E->getType();
unsigned countPointersInType(const Expr *E) {
return countPointersInType(exprType(E));
TypeNullability getNullabilityAnnotationsFromType(
QualType T,
llvm::function_ref<GetTypeParamNullability> SubstituteTypeParam) {
struct Walker : NullabilityWalker<Walker> {
std::vector<NullabilityKind> Annotations;
llvm::function_ref<GetTypeParamNullability> SubstituteTypeParam;
void report(const PointerType *, NullabilityKind NK) {
void VisitSubstTemplateTypeParmType(const SubstTemplateTypeParmType *ST) {
if (SubstituteTypeParam) {
if (auto Subst = SubstituteTypeParam(ST)) {
<< "Substituted nullability has the wrong structure: "
<< QualType(ST, 0).getAsString();
llvm::append_range(Annotations, *Subst);
} AnnotationVisitor;
AnnotationVisitor.SubstituteTypeParam = SubstituteTypeParam;
return std::move(AnnotationVisitor.Annotations);
TypeNullability unspecifiedNullability(const Expr *E) {
return TypeNullability(countPointersInType(E), NullabilityKind::Unspecified);
namespace {
// Visitor to rebuild a QualType with explicit nullability.
// Extra AttributedType nodes are added wrapping interior PointerTypes, and
// other sugar is added as needed to allow this (e.g. TypeSpecializationType).
// We only have to handle types that have nontrivial nullability vectors, i.e.
// those handled by NullabilityWalker.
// Additionally, we only operate on canonical types (otherwise the sugar we're
// adding could conflict with existing sugar).
// This needs to stay in sync with the other algorithms that manipulate
// nullability data structures for particular types: the non-flow-sensitive
// transfer and NullabilityWalker.
struct Rebuilder : public TypeVisitor<Rebuilder, QualType> {
Rebuilder(const TypeNullability &Nullability, ASTContext &Ctx)
: Nullability(Nullability), Ctx(Ctx) {}
bool done() const { return Nullability.empty(); }
using Base = TypeVisitor<Rebuilder, QualType>;
using Base::Visit;
QualType Visit(QualType T) {
if (T.isNull()) return T;
return Ctx.getQualifiedType(Visit(T.getTypePtr()), T.getLocalQualifiers());
TemplateArgument Visit(TemplateArgument TA) {
if (TA.getKind() == TemplateArgument::Type)
return TemplateArgument(Visit(TA.getAsType()));
return TA;
// Default behavior for unhandled types: do not transform.
QualType VisitType(const Type *T) { return QualType(T, 0); }
QualType VisitPointerType(const PointerType *PT) {
<< "Nullability vector too short at " << QualType(PT, 0).getAsString();
NullabilityKind NK = Nullability.front();
Nullability = Nullability.drop_front();
QualType Rebuilt = Ctx.getPointerType(Visit(PT->getPointeeType()));
if (NK == NullabilityKind::Unspecified) return Rebuilt;
return Ctx.getAttributedType(AttributedType::getNullabilityAttrKind(NK),
Rebuilt, Rebuilt);
QualType VisitRecordType(const RecordType *RT) {
if (const auto *CTSD =
dyn_cast<ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(RT->getDecl())) {
std::vector<TemplateArgument> TransformedArgs;
for (const auto &Arg : CTSD->getTemplateArgs().asArray())
return Ctx.getTemplateSpecializationType(
TemplateName(CTSD->getSpecializedTemplate()), TransformedArgs,
QualType(RT, 0));
return QualType(RT, 0);
QualType VisitFunctionProtoType(const FunctionProtoType *T) {
QualType Ret = Visit(T->getReturnType());
std::vector<QualType> Params;
for (const auto &Param : T->getParamTypes()) Params.push_back(Visit(Param));
return Ctx.getFunctionType(Ret, Params, T->getExtProtoInfo());
QualType VisitLValueReferenceType(const LValueReferenceType *T) {
return Ctx.getLValueReferenceType(Visit(T->getPointeeType()));
QualType VisitRValueReferenceType(const RValueReferenceType *T) {
return Ctx.getRValueReferenceType(Visit(T->getPointeeType()));
QualType VisitConstantArrayType(const ConstantArrayType *AT) {
return Ctx.getConstantArrayType(Visit(AT->getElementType()), AT->getSize(),
AT->getSizeExpr(), AT->getSizeModifier(),
QualType VisitIncompleteArrayType(const IncompleteArrayType *AT) {
return Ctx.getIncompleteArrayType(Visit(AT->getElementType()),
QualType VisitVariableArrayType(const VariableArrayType *AT) {
return Ctx.getVariableArrayType(
Visit(AT->getElementType()), AT->getSizeExpr(), AT->getSizeModifier(),
AT->getIndexTypeCVRQualifiers(), AT->getBracketsRange());
ArrayRef<NullabilityKind> Nullability;
ASTContext &Ctx;
} // namespace
QualType rebuildWithNullability(QualType T, const TypeNullability &Nullability,
ASTContext &Ctx) {
Rebuilder V(Nullability, Ctx);
QualType Result = V.Visit(T.getCanonicalType());
CHECK(V.done()) << "Nullability vector[" << Nullability.size()
<< "] too long for " << T.getAsString();
return Result;
std::string printWithNullability(QualType T, const TypeNullability &Nullability,
ASTContext &Ctx) {
return rebuildWithNullability(T, Nullability, Ctx)
} // namespace clang::tidy::nullability