blob: e87d6d2a763a016dca7e346f88ca53776c245ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "nullability/inference/safety_constraint_generator.h"
#include "nullability/pointer_nullability.h"
#include "nullability/pointer_nullability_matchers.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/CFGMatchSwitch.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowEnvironment.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/MatchSwitch.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
namespace clang::tidy::nullability {
namespace {
clang::dataflow::BoolValue *collectFromDereference(
const clang::UnaryOperator *Op,
const clang::ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &,
const clang::dataflow::TransferStateForDiagnostics<
SafetyConstraintGenerator::LatticeType> &State) {
if (clang::dataflow::PointerValue *DereferencedValue =
getPointerValueFromExpr(Op->getSubExpr(), State.Env)) {
auto &NotIsNull =
// If the flow condition at this point in the code implies that the
// dereferenced value is not null, we can avoid collecting complex flow
// condition tokens and recognize that regardless of any annotation we could
// add, the current value is safe to be dereferenced.
if (!State.Env.flowConditionImplies(NotIsNull)) {
// If the flow condition is not enough to imply that the dereferenced
// value is not null, we need to constrain it to be so, and can avoid
// collecting complex flow condition tokens by simply collecting !is_null.
// Intuition suggests the alternative of unconditionally collecting the
// safety condition FlowConditions => !null or the equivalent
// !(FlowConditions && null), but these can potentially be satisfied by
// the not-fully-constrained flow conditions being false and the value
// being null. That expression being satisfiable doesn't mean that it is
// provably true in all cases. We are collecting safety constraints for
// which satisfiability is required and of which collective satisfiability
// is sufficient for null-safety.
return &NotIsNull;
return nullptr;
auto buildConstraintCollector() {
return clang::dataflow::CFGMatchSwitchBuilder<
const clang::dataflow::TransferStateForDiagnostics<
clang::dataflow::BoolValue *>()
} // namespace
: ConstraintCollector(buildConstraintCollector()) {}
void SafetyConstraintGenerator::collectConstraints(
const clang::CFGElement &Element, const LatticeType &Lattice,
const clang::dataflow::Environment &Env, clang::ASTContext &Context) {
if (auto *Constraint =
ConstraintCollector(Element, Context, {Lattice, Env})) {
} // namespace clang::tidy::nullability