blob: ebdac54bc143b3cb5c39947a801521f66997aa97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#pragma clang lifetime_elision
struct DifferentScope final {};
namespace test_namespace_bindings {
template <typename T>
class MyTemplate final {
static MyTemplate Create(T value) {
MyTemplate result;
result.value_ = value;
return result;
const T& value() const { return value_; }
T value_;
using MyTypeAlias = MyTemplate<int>;
using OtherTypeAliasInSameTarget = MyTemplate<int>;
struct TemplateParam final {};
using TemplateWithStructTemplateParam = MyTemplate<TemplateParam>;
using ParamFromDifferentScope = MyTemplate<DifferentScope>;
template <typename T1, typename T2>
struct TemplateWithTwoParams final {
T1 value1;
T2 value2;
using AliasToTemplateWithTwoParams = TemplateWithTwoParams<int, float>;
using AliasToTemplateOfATemplate =
TemplateWithTwoParams<TemplateWithTwoParams<int, int>, int>;
template <typename T>
struct MyStruct {
T t;
// Explicit class template specialization with definition should not be imported
// unless also instantiated.
// TODO(b/245680028): `MyStruct<bool>` should not be imported.
template <>
struct MyStruct<bool> {};
// Explicit class template specialization with definition should be imported
// even when not instantiated if there is a type alias for it.
template <>
struct MyStruct<char> {};
using MyCharStruct = MyStruct<char>;
// Forward declared explicit class template specialization should be imported
// so the forward declaration code is generated (`forward_declare!`).
template <>
struct MyStruct<int>;
// Explicit class template instantiation definition is imported similarly to
// how implicit typedeffed instantiations are.
template class MyStruct<float>;
// Explicit class template instantiation declaration is not handled (yet?)
// TODO(b/245467707): Consider handling these as a build speed/ergonomic
// optimization.
extern template class MyStruct<double>;
} // namespace test_namespace_bindings
template <typename T>
struct MyTopLevelTemplate final {
T value;
using TopLevelTemplateWithNonTopLevelParam =
template <>
struct MyTopLevelTemplate<int>;
void processForwardDeclaredSpecialization(MyTopLevelTemplate<int>* i);
namespace template_template_params {
template <typename TPolicyType>
struct Policy {
static constexpr TPolicyType policy = TPolicyType();
template <>
struct Policy<int> {
static constexpr int policy = 42;
template <template <class> class TPolicy>
class MyTemplate {
static int GetPolicy() { return TPolicy<int>::policy; }
using MyTypeAlias = MyTemplate<Policy>;
} // namespace template_template_params
// This namespace is a regression test for b/244227110 that is based on
// `<iosfwd>`:
// - `ForwardDeclaredTemplate` corresponds roughly to the `basic_ios` class
// template.
// - `TypeAliasToForwardDeclaredTemplate` corresponds toughtly to the
// `typedef basic_ios<char> ios` type alias.
namespace forward_declared_template {
template <typename T>
class ForwardDeclaredTemplate;
using TypeAliasToForwardDeclaredTemplate = ForwardDeclaredTemplate<int>;
} // namespace forward_declared_template