blob: 41a15f0b4d3952c9560d8d4bdb4c887638dd4ef1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the Crubit project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM
// Exceptions. See /LICENSE for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ast_visitor.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "rs_bindings_from_cc/ir.h"
#include "third_party/absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "third_party/llvm/llvm-project/clang/include/clang/AST/Type.h"
namespace rs_bindings_from_cc {
bool AstVisitor::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl* decl) {
if (seen_decls_.insert(decl->getCanonicalDecl()).second) {
return Base::TraverseDecl(decl);
return false;
bool AstVisitor::TraverseTranslationUnitDecl(
clang::TranslationUnitDecl* translation_unit_decl) {
// TODO(hlopko): Make the generated C++ code include-what-you-use clean.
// Currently we pass public headers of the library to the src_code_gen.
// Through those Clang has access to all declarations needed by the public API
// of the library. However the code violates IWYU - it will not directly
// include all the headers declaring names used in the generated source. This
// could be fixed by passing not only public headers of the library to the
// tool, but also all public headers of the direct dependencies of the
// library. This way if the library was IWYU clean, the generated code will be
// too.
for (const std::string& header : public_headers_) {
return Base::TraverseTranslationUnitDecl(translation_unit_decl);
bool AstVisitor::VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* function_decl) {
// TODO(hlopko): Skip decls from other headers
// TODO(hlopko): Generate thunks + C++ impls for inline functions
// TODO(hlopko): Handle lowercased snakecased conflicts
// TODO(hlopko): Convert primitive types (bool -> bool, int -> i64 (?) and
// so on)
// TODO(hlopko): Import return type properly
// TODO(hlopko): Import parameter types properly
// TODO(hlopko): Import clang doc comment
// TODO(hlopko): Handle member functions
// TODO(hlopko): Handle static member functions
// TODO(hlopko): Handle constructors/operators/special members
// TODO(hlopko): Handle destructors
// TODO(hlopko): Do not import deleted members
// TODO(hlopko): Handle function templates
// TODO(hlopko): Do not import private/protected members
// TODO(hlopko): Handle (?) variadic functions
// TODO(hlopko): Fail when exceptions enabled?
std::vector<FuncParam> params;
for (const clang::ParmVarDecl* param : function_decl->parameters()) {
GetTranslatedName(function_decl), GetMangledName(function_decl),
ConvertType(function_decl->getReturnType()), params);
return true;
Type AstVisitor::ConvertType(clang::QualType qual_type) const {
// TODO(hlopko): Handle all builtin types
// TODO(hlopko): Handle user-defined types
// TODO(hlopko): Handle user-defined types defined elsewhere (with fully
// qualified paths)
if (const clang::BuiltinType* builtin_type =
qual_type->getAs<clang::BuiltinType>()) {
if (builtin_type->isIntegerType()) {
// TODO(hlopko): look at the actual width of the type.
return Type(absl::Cord("i32"));
if (builtin_type->isVoidType()) {
return Type::Void();
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported type " << qual_type.getAsString() << "\n";
absl::Cord AstVisitor::GetMangledName(
const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
std::string name;
llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(name);
mangler_->mangleName(named_decl, stream);
return absl::Cord(std::move(name));
Identifier AstVisitor::GetTranslatedName(
const clang::NamedDecl* named_decl) const {
// TODO(hlopko): handle the case where the name is not a simple identifier.
return Identifier(absl::Cord(named_decl->getName()));
} // namespace rs_bindings_from_cc