blob: dfe2d8d65f736b098daf2dccd90c15391de70338 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
* Main utility to call bazel commands, wrapping its input and output to the message console.
public class BazelCommand {
private static Joiner NEW_LINE_JOINER = Joiner.on("\n");
// Returns the path of the resources file from this plugin.
private static File getAspectWorkspace() {
try {
URL url = Platform.getBundle(Activator.PLUGIN_ID).getEntry("resources");
URL resolved = FileLocator.resolve(url);
return new File(resolved.getPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static enum ConsoleType {
private static final File ASPECT_WORKSPACE = getAspectWorkspace();
private static final List<String> BUILD_OPTIONS =
ImmutableList.of("--experimental_interleave_loading_and_analysis", "--strategy=Javac=worker",
private static final List<String> ASPECT_OPTIONS = ImmutableList
"--output_groups=ide-info-text,ide-resolve,-_,-defaults", "--experimental_show_artifacts")
private final Map<File, BazelInstance> instances = new HashMap<>();
private String bazel = Activator.DEFAULT_BAZEL_PATH;
* Set the path to the Bazel binary (/usr/local/bin/bazel by default).
public synchronized void setBazelPath(String bazel) {
this.bazel = bazel;
* Returns a {@link BazelInstance} for the given directory. It looks for the enclosing workspace
* and returns the instance that correspond to it. If not in a workspace, returns null.
public BazelInstance getInstance(File directory) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
File workspaceRoot = getWorkspaceRoot(directory);
if (workspaceRoot == null) {
return null;
if (!instances.containsKey(workspaceRoot)) {
instances.put(workspaceRoot, new BazelInstance(workspaceRoot));
return instances.get(workspaceRoot);
* An instance of the Bazel interface for a specific workspace. Provides means to query Bazel on
* this workspace.
public class BazelInstance {
private final File workspaceRoot;
private final String packagePath;
private final File execRoot;
private final Map<String, ImmutableMap<String, IdeBuildInfo>> buildInfoCache = new HashMap<>();
private BazelInstance(File workspaceRoot) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
this.workspaceRoot = workspaceRoot;
this.packagePath =
String.join("", runBazel("info", "package_path")) + ":" + ASPECT_WORKSPACE.toString();
this.execRoot = new File(String.join("", runBazel("info", "execution_root")));
* Returns the list of targets present in the BUILD files for the given sub-directories.
public synchronized List<String> listTargets(File... directories)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (File f : directories) {
builder.append(f.toURI().relativize(workspaceRoot.toURI()).getPath()).append("/... ");
return runBazel("query", builder.toString());
private synchronized List<String> runBazel(String... args)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return runBazel(ImmutableList.<String>builder().add(args).build());
private synchronized List<String> runBazel(List<String> args)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return BazelCommand.this.runBazelAndGetOuputLines(ConsoleType.WORKSPACE, workspaceRoot, args);
* Returns the IDE build information from running the aspect over the given list of targets. The
* result is a list of of path to the output artifact created by the build.
private synchronized List<String> buildIdeInfo(Collection<String> targets)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return BazelCommand.this.runBazelAndGetErrorLines(ConsoleType.WORKSPACE, workspaceRoot,
ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("build").add("--package_path", packagePath)
// Strip out the artifact list, keeping the e4b-build.json files.
t -> t.startsWith(">>>") ? (t.endsWith(".e4b-build.json") ? t.substring(3) : "") : null);
* Runs the analysis of the given list of targets using the IDE build information aspect and
* returns a map of {@link IdeBuildInfo}-s (key is the label of the target) containing the
* parsed form of the JSON file created by the aspect.
* <p>
* This method cache it results and won't recompute a previously computed version unless
* {@link #markAsDirty()} has been called in between.
public synchronized ImmutableMap<String, IdeBuildInfo> getIdeInfo(Collection<String> targets)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String key = NEW_LINE_JOINER.join(targets);
if (!buildInfoCache.containsKey(key)) {
buildInfoCache.put(key, IdeBuildInfo.getInfo(buildIdeInfo(targets)));
return buildInfoCache.get(key);
* Clear the IDE build information cache. This cache is filled upon request and never emptied
* unless we call that function.
* <p>
* This function totally clear the cache and that might leads to useless rebuilds when several
* eclipse project points to the same workspace but that is a rare case.
public synchronized void markAsDirty() {
* Build a list of targets in the current workspace.
public synchronized int build(List<String> targets, String... extraArgs)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return BazelCommand.this.runBazel(workspaceRoot,
ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("build", "--package_path", packagePath)
* Run test on a list of targets in the current workspace.
public synchronized int tests(List<String> targets, String... extraArgs)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return BazelCommand.this.runBazel(workspaceRoot,
ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("test").add("--package_path", packagePath)
* Returns the workspace root corresponding to this object.
public File getWorkspaceRoot() {
return workspaceRoot;
* Returns the execution root of the current workspace.
public File getExecRoot() {
return execRoot;
* Gives a list of target completions for the given beginning string. The result is the list of
* possible completion for a target pattern starting with string.
public ImmutableList<String> complete(String string) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (string.equals("/") || string.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of("//");
} else if (string.contains(":")) {
// complete targets using `bazel query`
int idx = string.indexOf(':');
final String packageName = string.substring(0, idx);
final String targetPrefix = string.substring(idx + 1);
ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
BazelCommand.this.runBazelAndGetOuputLines(ConsoleType.NO_CONSOLE, workspaceRoot,
ImmutableList.<String>builder().add("query", packageName + ":*").build(), line -> {
int i = line.indexOf(':');
String s = line.substring(i + 1);
return !s.isEmpty() && s.startsWith(targetPrefix)
? (packageName + ":" + s)
: null;
if ("all".startsWith(targetPrefix)) {
builder.add(packageName + ":all");
if ("*".startsWith(targetPrefix)) {
builder.add(packageName + ":*");
} else {
// complete packages
int lastSlash = string.lastIndexOf('/');
final String prefix = lastSlash > 0 ? string.substring(0, lastSlash + 1) : "";
final String suffix = lastSlash > 0 ? string.substring(lastSlash + 1) : string;
final String directory = (prefix.isEmpty() || prefix.equals("//"))
? ""
: prefix.substring(string.startsWith("//") ? 2 : 0, prefix.length() - 1);
File file = directory.isEmpty() ? workspaceRoot : new File(workspaceRoot, directory);
ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
File[] files = file.listFiles((f) -> {
// Only give directories whose name starts with suffix...
return f.getName().startsWith(suffix) && f.isDirectory()
// ...that does not start with '.'...
&& !f.getName().startsWith(".")
// ...and is not a Bazel convenience link
&& (!file.equals(workspaceRoot) || !f.getName().startsWith("bazel-"));
if (files != null) {
for (File d : files) {
builder.add(prefix + d.getName() + "/");
if (new File(d, "BUILD").exists()) {
builder.add(prefix + d.getName() + ":");
if ("...".startsWith(suffix)) {
builder.add(prefix + "...");
private File getWorkspaceRoot(File directory) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
List<String> result = runBazelAndGetOuputLines(ConsoleType.SYSTEM, directory,
ImmutableList.of("info", "workspace"));
if (result.size() > 0) {
return new File(result.get(0));
return null;
private ImmutableList<String> runBazelAndGetOuputLines(ConsoleType type, File directory,
List<String> args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return runBazelAndGetOuputLines(type, directory, args, (t) -> t);
private synchronized ImmutableList<String> runBazelAndGetOuputLines(ConsoleType type,
File directory, List<String> args, Function<String, String> selector)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Command command = Command.builder().setConsoleName(getConsoleName(type, directory))
.setDirectory(directory).addArguments(bazel.toString(), "--watchfs").addArguments(args)
if ( == 0) {
return command.getSelectedOutputLines();
return ImmutableList.of();
private synchronized ImmutableList<String> runBazelAndGetErrorLines(ConsoleType type,
File directory, List<String> args, Function<String, String> selector)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Command command = Command.builder().setConsoleName(getConsoleName(type, directory))
.setDirectory(directory).addArguments(bazel.toString(), "--watchfs").addArguments(args)
if ( == 0) {
return command.getSelectedErrorLines();
return ImmutableList.of();
private synchronized int runBazel(ConsoleType type, File directory, List<String> args,
OutputStream stdout, OutputStream stderr) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return Command.builder().setConsoleName(getConsoleName(type, directory)).setDirectory(directory)
.addArguments(bazel.toString(), "--watchfs").addArguments(args).setStandardOutput(stdout)
private int runBazel(File directory, List<String> args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return runBazel(ConsoleType.WORKSPACE, directory, args, null, null);
private String getConsoleName(ConsoleType type, File directory) {
switch (type) {
case SYSTEM:
return "Bazel [system]";
return "Bazel [" + directory.toString() + "]";
return null;