blob: 9d783890f5bd7d6da28af9ca76df075f57e22161 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copied from
# Parse the bazel version string from `native.bazel_version`.
def _parse_bazel_version(bazel_version):
# Remove commit from version.
version = bazel_version.split(" ", 1)[0]
# Split into (release, date) parts and only return the release
# as a tuple of integers.
parts = version.split('-', 1)
# Turn "release" into a tuple of strings
version_tuple = ()
for number in parts[0].split('.'):
version_tuple += (str(number),)
return version_tuple
# Check that a specific bazel version is being used.
def check_bazel_version(bazel_version):
if "bazel_version" not in dir(native):
fail("\nCurrent Bazel version is lower than 0.2.1, expected at least %s\n" % bazel_version)
elif not native.bazel_version:
print("\nCurrent Bazel is not a release version, cannot check for compatibility.")
print("Make sure that you are running at least Bazel %s.\n" % bazel_version)
current_bazel_version = _parse_bazel_version(native.bazel_version)
minimum_bazel_version = _parse_bazel_version(bazel_version)
if minimum_bazel_version > current_bazel_version:
fail("\nCurrent Bazel version is {}, expected at least {}\n".format(
native.bazel_version, bazel_version))