blob: 0170f14d730a247b17d9bcb48149662ebb63ac65 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# TODO(dmarting): mirror those jars.
# TODO(dmarting): Provide checksums for those files.
_DOWNLOAD_URL = _EQUINOX_MIRROR_URL + "/" + _ECLIPSE_VERSION + "/plugins/%s_%s.jar"
# TODO(dmarting): make this configurable?
# Declared deps.
"org.eclipse.ui.console": "3.6.100.v20150822-1912",
"javax.inject": "1.0.0.v20091030",
"org.eclipse.core.runtime": "3.11.1.v20150903-1804",
"org.eclipse.ui": "3.107.0.v20150507-1945",
"org.eclipse.jdt.core": "3.11.2.v20160128-0629",
"org.eclipse.core.resources": "3.10.1.v20150725-1910",
"org.eclipse.ui.ide": "3.11.0.v20150825-2158",
# implicit deps
"org.eclipse.swt": "3.104.2.v20160212-1350",
# TODO(dmarting): make it works cross platform. This is not a problem while
# we are using the dependency to compile but this might become an issue if
# we need to run the plugin (e.g. to test it).
# Available platforms: cocoa.macosx.x86_64 gtk.aix.ppc gtk.aix.ppc64
# gtk.hpux.ia64 gtk.linux.ppc gtk.linux.ppc64 gtk.linux.ppc64le gtk.linux.s390
# gtk.linux.s390x gtk.linux.x86 gtk.linux.x86_64 gtk.solaris.sparc
# gtk.solaris.x86 win32.win32.x86 win32.win32.x86_64
"org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc": "3.104.2.v20160212-1350",
"org.eclipse.jface": "3.11.1.v20160128-1644",
"org.eclipse.core.commands": "3.7.0.v20150422-0725",
"org.eclipse.ui.workbench": "3.107.1.v20160120-2131",
"org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench3": "0.13.0.v20150422-0725",
"org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.apt": "1.2.0.v20150514-0146",
"org.eclipse.jdt.compiler.tool": "1.1.0.v20150513-2007",
"javax.annotation": "1.2.0.v201401042248",
"org.eclipse.osgi": "3.10.102.v20160118-1700",
"org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state": "1.0.100.v20150402-1551",
"org.eclipse.equinox.common": "3.7.0.v20150402-1709",
"": "3.7.0.v20150330-2103",
"org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.registry": "3.6.0.v20150318-1505",
"org.eclipse.equinox.registry": "3.6.0.v20150318-1503",
"org.eclipse.equinox.preferences": "3.5.300.v20150408-1437",
"org.eclipse.core.contenttype": "3.5.0.v20150421-2214",
"": "1.3.300.v20150423-1356",
"org.eclipse.ui.views": "3.8.0.v20150422-0725",
def load_eclipse_deps():
"""Load dependencies of the Eclipse plugin."""
for plugin in _ECLIPSE_PLUGIN_DEPS:
name = plugin.replace(".", "_"),
url = _DOWNLOAD_URL % (plugin, _ECLIPSE_PLUGIN_DEPS[plugin]),
def eclipse_plugin(name, version, bundle_name, activator=None,
vendor=None, **kwargs):
"""A macro to generate an eclipse plugin (see java_binary)."""
jars = ["@%s//file" % plugin.replace(".", "_")
for plugin in _ECLIPSE_PLUGIN_DEPS]
name = name + "-deps",
neverlink = 1,
jars = jars,
deps = [name + "-deps"]
if "deps" in kwargs:
deps = deps + kwargs["deps"]
args = {k: kwargs[k]
for k in kwargs
if k not in [
# Generate the .api_description to put in the final jar
name = name + ".api_description",
srcs = [],
outs = [name + "/.api_description"],
cmd = """
cat <<EOF >$@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<component name="%s_%s" version="1.2">
<plugin id="%s_%s"/>
""" % (name, version, name, version))
# Generate the final jar (a deploy jar)
name = name + "-bin",
main_class = "does.not.exist",
classpath_resources = [
":%s/.api_description" % name,
# TODO(dmarting): this add the plugin.xml dependency here, maybe we
# should move that to the BUILD file to avoid surprise?
] + (kwargs["classpath_resources"]
if "classpath_resources" in kwargs else []),
deploy_manifest_lines = [
"Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2",
"Bundle-Name: " + bundle_name,
# TODO(dmarting): We mark always as singleton, make it configurable?
"Bundle-SymbolicName: %s;singleton:=true" % name,
"Bundle-Version: " + version,
"Require-Bundle: " + ", ".join(_DECLARED_DEPS),
# TODO(dmarting): Take the java version from java_toolchain.
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8",
"Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy",
"Bundle-ClassPath: .",
] + (
["Bundle-Activator: " + activator] if activator else []
) + (
["Bundle-Vendor: " + vendor] if vendor else []
) + (kwargs["deploy_manifest_lines"]
if "deploy_manifest_lines" in kwargs else []),
deps = deps,
# Rename the output to the correct name
name = name,
srcs = [":%s-bin_deploy.jar" % name],
outs = ["%s_%s.jar" % (name, version)],
cmd = "cp $< $@",
output_to_bindir = 1,
# TODO(dmarting): implement eclipse_feature.
# An eclipse feature is jar with only the feature.xml file in it.
# TODO(dmarting): implement eclipse_p2updatesite.
# An p2 site is a site which has the following layout:
# /site.xml (see p2updatesite/site.xml)
# /artifacts.jar
# jar that contains only one XML file called artifacts.xml.
# This file contains the list of artifacts available on that
# update site, and the mapping between the name of the artifact,
# and the file position.
# /content.jar
# jar that contains only one XML file called content.xml.
# This XML file describe which feature are available in that
# update site and their description (so a client may read only
# that file to list the content of the repository to the user).
# /plugins
# plugin1_v1.jar -> OSGi Bundle for eclipse
# /features
# feature1_v1.jar -> feature jar