| # |
| # Description: Builds ASwB for blaze and bazel |
| # |
| |
| licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 |
| |
| load( |
| "//build_defs:build_defs.bzl", |
| "intellij_plugin", |
| "merged_plugin_xml", |
| "stamped_plugin_xml", |
| ) |
| load("//:version.bzl", "VERSION") |
| load("//intellij_platform_sdk:build_defs.bzl", "select_for_plugin_api") |
| |
| merged_plugin_xml( |
| name = "merged_plugin_xml_common", |
| srcs = [ |
| "src/META-INF/aswb.xml", |
| "//base:plugin_xml", |
| "//cpp:plugin_xml", |
| "//java:plugin_xml", |
| ] + select_for_plugin_api({ |
| # TODO(chaorenl): remove when 2.2 is obsolete |
| "android-studio-145.1617.8": [], |
| "android-studio-": ["2.3/src/META-INF/aswb_beta.xml"], |
| "android-studio-": ["2.3/src/META-INF/aswb_beta.xml"], |
| }), |
| visibility = [ |
| "//visibility:public", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| merged_plugin_xml( |
| name = "merged_plugin_xml", |
| srcs = [ |
| "src/META-INF/aswb_bazel.xml", |
| ":merged_plugin_xml_common", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| stamped_plugin_xml( |
| name = "stamped_plugin_xml", |
| include_product_code_in_stamp = True, |
| plugin_id = "com.google.idea.bazel.aswb", |
| plugin_name = "Android Studio with Bazel", |
| plugin_xml = ":merged_plugin_xml", |
| stamp_since_build = True, |
| version = VERSION, |
| ) |
| |
| java_library( |
| name = "aswb_lib", |
| srcs = glob(["src/**/*.java"]) + select_for_plugin_api({ |
| # TODO(chaorenl): remove when 2.2 is obsolete |
| "android-studio-145.1617.8": glob(["2.2/src/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/src/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/src/**/*.java"]), |
| }), |
| resources = glob(["resources/**/*"]), |
| visibility = [ |
| "//visibility:public", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| "//base", |
| "//common/experiments", |
| "//cpp", |
| "//intellij_platform_sdk:plugin_api", |
| "//java", |
| "//proto_deps", |
| "@jsr305_annotations//jar", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| # TODO(chaorenl): remove when 2.2 is obsolete |
| java_library( |
| name = "integration_test_utils", |
| testonly = 1, |
| srcs = select_for_plugin_api({ |
| "android-studio-145.1617.8": glob(["2.2/tests/utils/integration/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/utils/integration/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/utils/integration/**/*.java"]), |
| }), |
| deps = [ |
| "//base", |
| "//base:integration_test_utils", |
| "//base:unit_test_utils", |
| "//intellij_platform_sdk:plugin_api_for_tests", |
| "@jsr305_annotations//jar", |
| "@junit//jar", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| load( |
| "//testing:test_defs.bzl", |
| "intellij_integration_test_suite", |
| "intellij_unit_test_suite", |
| ) |
| |
| intellij_unit_test_suite( |
| name = "unit_tests", |
| srcs = glob(["tests/unittests/**/*.java"]) + select_for_plugin_api({ |
| # TODO(chaorenl): remove when 2.2 is obsolete |
| "android-studio-145.1617.8": [], |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/unittests/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/unittests/**/*.java"]), |
| }), |
| test_package_root = "com.google.idea.blaze.android", |
| deps = [ |
| ":aswb_lib", |
| "//base", |
| "//base:unit_test_utils", |
| "//common/experiments", |
| "//common/experiments:unit_test_utils", |
| "//intellij_platform_sdk:plugin_api_for_tests", |
| "//java", |
| "//proto_deps", |
| "@jsr305_annotations//jar", |
| "@junit//jar", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| intellij_integration_test_suite( |
| name = "integration_tests", |
| srcs = glob(["tests/integrationtests/**/*.java"]) + select_for_plugin_api({ |
| # TODO(chaorenl): remove when 2.2 is obsolete |
| "android-studio-145.1617.8": [], |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/integrationtests/**/*.java"]), |
| "android-studio-": glob(["2.3/tests/integrationtests/**/*.java"]), |
| }), |
| platform_prefix = "AndroidStudio", |
| required_plugins = "com.google.idea.bazel.aswb", |
| test_package_root = "com.google.idea.blaze.android", |
| runtime_deps = [ |
| ":aswb_bazel", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":aswb_lib", |
| ":integration_test_utils", |
| "//base", |
| "//base:integration_test_utils", |
| "//base:unit_test_utils", |
| "//common/experiments", |
| "//common/experiments:unit_test_utils", |
| "//intellij_platform_sdk:plugin_api_for_tests", |
| "//java", |
| "//proto_deps", |
| "@jsr305_annotations//jar", |
| "@junit//jar", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| intellij_plugin( |
| name = "aswb_bazel", |
| plugin_xml = ":stamped_plugin_xml", |
| deps = [ |
| ":aswb_lib", |
| ], |
| ) |