| # Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| """Bazel java_binary rule""" |
| |
| load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths") |
| load("@rules_cc//cc:find_cc_toolchain.bzl", "use_cc_toolchain") |
| load("//java/common:java_info.bzl", "JavaInfo") |
| load("//java/common:java_semantics.bzl", "semantics") |
| load( |
| "//java/common/rules:android_lint.bzl", |
| "android_lint_subrule", |
| ) |
| load("//java/common/rules:java_binary.bzl", "BASIC_JAVA_BINARY_ATTRIBUTES") |
| load("//java/common/rules:rule_util.bzl", "merge_attrs") |
| load("//java/common/rules/impl:java_binary_deploy_jar.bzl", "create_deploy_archives") |
| load("//java/common/rules/impl:java_binary_impl.bzl", "basic_java_binary") |
| load("//java/common/rules/impl:java_helper.bzl", "helper") |
| |
| def _bazel_java_binary_impl(ctx): |
| return bazel_base_binary_impl(ctx, is_test_rule_class = False) + helper.executable_providers(ctx) |
| |
| def bazel_base_binary_impl(ctx, is_test_rule_class): |
| """Common implementation for binaries and tests |
| |
| Args: |
| ctx: (RuleContext) |
| is_test_rule_class: (bool) |
| |
| Returns: |
| [Provider] |
| """ |
| deps = _collect_all_targets_as_deps(ctx, classpath_type = "compile_only") |
| runtime_deps = _collect_all_targets_as_deps(ctx) |
| |
| main_class = _check_and_get_main_class(ctx) |
| coverage_main_class = main_class |
| coverage_config = helper.get_coverage_config(ctx, _get_coverage_runner(ctx)) |
| if coverage_config: |
| main_class = coverage_config.main_class |
| |
| launcher_info = _get_launcher_info(ctx) |
| |
| executable = _get_executable(ctx) |
| |
| feature_config = helper.get_feature_config(ctx) |
| if feature_config: |
| strip_as_default = helper.should_strip_as_default(ctx, feature_config) |
| else: |
| # No C++ toolchain available. |
| strip_as_default = False |
| |
| providers, default_info, jvm_flags = basic_java_binary( |
| ctx, |
| deps, |
| runtime_deps, |
| ctx.files.resources, |
| main_class, |
| coverage_main_class, |
| coverage_config, |
| launcher_info, |
| executable, |
| strip_as_default, |
| is_test_rule_class = is_test_rule_class, |
| ) |
| |
| if ctx.attr.use_testrunner: |
| if semantics.find_java_runtime_toolchain(ctx).version >= 17: |
| jvm_flags.append("-Djava.security.manager=allow") |
| test_class = ctx.attr.test_class if hasattr(ctx.attr, "test_class") else "" |
| if test_class == "": |
| test_class = helper.primary_class(ctx) |
| if test_class == None: |
| fail("cannot determine test class. You might want to rename the " + |
| " rule or add a 'test_class' attribute.") |
| jvm_flags.extend([ |
| "-ea", |
| "-Dbazel.test_suite=" + helper.shell_escape(test_class), |
| ]) |
| |
| java_attrs = providers["InternalDeployJarInfo"].java_attrs |
| |
| if executable: |
| _create_stub(ctx, java_attrs, launcher_info.launcher, executable, jvm_flags, main_class, coverage_main_class) |
| |
| runfiles = default_info.runfiles |
| |
| if executable: |
| runtime_toolchain = semantics.find_java_runtime_toolchain(ctx) |
| runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = runtime_toolchain.files)) |
| |
| test_support = helper.get_test_support(ctx) |
| if test_support: |
| runfiles = runfiles.merge(test_support[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles) |
| |
| providers["DefaultInfo"] = DefaultInfo( |
| files = default_info.files, |
| runfiles = runfiles, |
| executable = default_info.executable, |
| ) |
| |
| info = providers.pop("InternalDeployJarInfo") |
| create_deploy_archives( |
| ctx, |
| info.java_attrs, |
| launcher_info, |
| main_class, |
| coverage_main_class, |
| info.strip_as_default, |
| add_exports = info.add_exports, |
| add_opens = info.add_opens, |
| ) |
| |
| return providers.values() |
| |
| def _get_coverage_runner(ctx): |
| if ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled and ctx.attr.create_executable: |
| toolchain = semantics.find_java_toolchain(ctx) |
| runner = toolchain.jacocorunner |
| if not runner: |
| fail("jacocorunner not set in java_toolchain: %s" % toolchain.label) |
| runner_jar = runner.executable |
| |
| # wrap the jar in JavaInfo so we can add it to deps for java_common.compile() |
| return JavaInfo(output_jar = runner_jar, compile_jar = runner_jar) |
| |
| return None |
| |
| def _collect_all_targets_as_deps(ctx, classpath_type = "all"): |
| deps = helper.collect_all_targets_as_deps(ctx, classpath_type = classpath_type) |
| |
| if classpath_type == "compile_only" and ctx.fragments.java.enforce_explicit_java_test_deps(): |
| return deps |
| |
| test_support = helper.get_test_support(ctx) |
| if test_support: |
| deps.append(test_support) |
| return deps |
| |
| def _check_and_get_main_class(ctx): |
| create_executable = ctx.attr.create_executable |
| main_class = _get_main_class(ctx) |
| |
| if not create_executable and main_class: |
| fail("main class must not be specified when executable is not created") |
| if create_executable and not main_class: |
| if not ctx.attr.srcs: |
| fail("need at least one of 'main_class' or Java source files") |
| main_class = helper.primary_class(ctx) |
| if main_class == None: |
| fail("main_class was not provided and cannot be inferred: " + |
| "source path doesn't include a known root (java, javatests, src, testsrc)") |
| |
| return _get_main_class(ctx) |
| |
| def _get_main_class(ctx): |
| if not ctx.attr.create_executable: |
| return None |
| |
| main_class = _get_main_class_from_rule(ctx) |
| |
| if main_class == "": |
| main_class = helper.primary_class(ctx) |
| return main_class |
| |
| def _get_main_class_from_rule(ctx): |
| main_class = ctx.attr.main_class |
| if main_class: |
| return main_class |
| if ctx.attr.use_testrunner: |
| return "com.google.testing.junit.runner.BazelTestRunner" |
| return main_class |
| |
| def _get_launcher_info(ctx): |
| launcher = helper.launcher_artifact_for_target(ctx) |
| return struct( |
| launcher = launcher, |
| unstripped_launcher = launcher, |
| runfiles = [], |
| runtime_jars = [], |
| jvm_flags = [], |
| classpath_resources = [], |
| ) |
| |
| def _get_executable(ctx): |
| if not ctx.attr.create_executable: |
| return None |
| executable_name = ctx.label.name |
| if helper.is_target_platform_windows(ctx): |
| executable_name = executable_name + ".exe" |
| |
| return ctx.actions.declare_file(executable_name) |
| |
| def _create_stub(ctx, java_attrs, launcher, executable, jvm_flags, main_class, coverage_main_class): |
| java_runtime_toolchain = semantics.find_java_runtime_toolchain(ctx) |
| java_executable = helper.get_java_executable(ctx, java_runtime_toolchain, launcher) |
| workspace_name = ctx.workspace_name |
| workspace_prefix = workspace_name + ("/" if workspace_name else "") |
| runfiles_enabled = helper.runfiles_enabled(ctx) |
| coverage_enabled = ctx.configuration.coverage_enabled |
| |
| test_support = helper.get_test_support(ctx) |
| test_support_jars = test_support[JavaInfo].transitive_runtime_jars if test_support else depset() |
| classpath = depset( |
| transitive = [ |
| java_attrs.runtime_classpath, |
| test_support_jars if ctx.fragments.java.enforce_explicit_java_test_deps() else depset(), |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| if helper.is_target_platform_windows(ctx): |
| jvm_flags_for_launcher = [] |
| for flag in jvm_flags: |
| jvm_flags_for_launcher.extend(ctx.tokenize(flag)) |
| return _create_windows_exe_launcher(ctx, java_executable, classpath, main_class, jvm_flags_for_launcher, runfiles_enabled, executable) |
| |
| if runfiles_enabled: |
| prefix = "" if helper.is_absolute_target_platform_path(ctx, java_executable) else "${JAVA_RUNFILES}/" |
| java_bin = "JAVABIN=${JAVABIN:-" + prefix + java_executable + "}" |
| else: |
| java_bin = "JAVABIN=${JAVABIN:-$(rlocation " + java_executable + ")}" |
| |
| td = ctx.actions.template_dict() |
| td.add_joined( |
| "%classpath%", |
| classpath, |
| map_each = lambda file: _format_classpath_entry(runfiles_enabled, workspace_prefix, file), |
| join_with = ctx.configuration.host_path_separator, |
| format_joined = "\"%s\"", |
| allow_closure = True, |
| ) |
| |
| ctx.actions.expand_template( |
| template = ctx.file._stub_template, |
| output = executable, |
| substitutions = { |
| "%runfiles_manifest_only%": "" if runfiles_enabled else "1", |
| "%workspace_prefix%": workspace_prefix, |
| "%javabin%": java_bin, |
| "%needs_runfiles%": "0" if helper.is_absolute_target_platform_path(ctx, java_runtime_toolchain.java_executable_exec_path) else "1", |
| "%set_jacoco_metadata%": "", |
| "%set_jacoco_main_class%": "export JACOCO_MAIN_CLASS=" + coverage_main_class if coverage_enabled else "", |
| "%set_jacoco_java_runfiles_root%": "export JACOCO_JAVA_RUNFILES_ROOT=${JAVA_RUNFILES}/" + workspace_prefix if coverage_enabled else "", |
| "%java_start_class%": helper.shell_escape(main_class), |
| "%jvm_flags%": " ".join(jvm_flags), |
| }, |
| computed_substitutions = td, |
| is_executable = True, |
| ) |
| return executable |
| |
| def _format_classpath_entry(runfiles_enabled, workspace_prefix, file): |
| if runfiles_enabled: |
| return "${RUNPATH}" + file.short_path |
| |
| return "$(rlocation " + paths.normalize(workspace_prefix + file.short_path) + ")" |
| |
| def _create_windows_exe_launcher(ctx, java_executable, classpath, main_class, jvm_flags_for_launcher, runfiles_enabled, executable): |
| launch_info = ctx.actions.args().use_param_file("%s", use_always = True).set_param_file_format("multiline") |
| launch_info.add("binary_type=Java") |
| launch_info.add(ctx.workspace_name, format = "workspace_name=%s") |
| launch_info.add("1" if runfiles_enabled else "0", format = "symlink_runfiles_enabled=%s") |
| launch_info.add(java_executable, format = "java_bin_path=%s") |
| launch_info.add(main_class, format = "java_start_class=%s") |
| launch_info.add_joined(classpath, map_each = _short_path, join_with = ";", format_joined = "classpath=%s", omit_if_empty = False) |
| launch_info.add_joined(jvm_flags_for_launcher, join_with = "\t", format_joined = "jvm_flags=%s", omit_if_empty = False) |
| launch_info.add(semantics.find_java_runtime_toolchain(ctx).java_home_runfiles_path, format = "jar_bin_path=%s/bin/jar.exe") |
| |
| # TODO(b/295221112): Change to use the "launcher" attribute (only windows use a fixed _launcher attribute) |
| launcher_artifact = ctx.executable._launcher |
| ctx.actions.run( |
| executable = ctx.executable._windows_launcher_maker, |
| inputs = [launcher_artifact], |
| outputs = [executable], |
| arguments = [launcher_artifact.path, launch_info, executable.path], |
| use_default_shell_env = True, |
| ) |
| return executable |
| |
| def _short_path(file): |
| return file.short_path |
| |
| def _compute_test_support(use_testrunner): |
| return Label(semantics.JAVA_TEST_RUNNER_LABEL) if use_testrunner else None |
| |
| def make_binary_rule(implementation, *, doc, attrs, executable = False, test = False, initializer = None): |
| return rule( |
| implementation = implementation, |
| initializer = initializer, |
| doc = doc, |
| attrs = attrs, |
| executable = executable, |
| test = test, |
| fragments = ["cpp", "java"], |
| provides = [JavaInfo], |
| toolchains = [semantics.JAVA_TOOLCHAIN] + use_cc_toolchain() + ( |
| [semantics.JAVA_RUNTIME_TOOLCHAIN] if executable or test else [] |
| ), |
| # TODO(hvd): replace with filegroups? |
| outputs = { |
| "classjar": "%{name}.jar", |
| "sourcejar": "%{name}-src.jar", |
| "deploysrcjar": "%{name}_deploy-src.jar", |
| "deployjar": "%{name}_deploy.jar", |
| "unstrippeddeployjar": "%{name}_deploy.jar.unstripped", |
| }, |
| exec_groups = { |
| "cpp_link": exec_group(toolchains = use_cc_toolchain()), |
| }, |
| subrules = [android_lint_subrule], |
| ) |
| |
| BASE_BINARY_ATTRS = merge_attrs( |
| { |
| "resource_strip_prefix": attr.string( |
| doc = """ |
| The path prefix to strip from Java resources. |
| <p> |
| If specified, this path prefix is stripped from every file in the <code>resources</code> |
| attribute. It is an error for a resource file not to be under this directory. If not |
| specified (the default), the path of resource file is determined according to the same |
| logic as the Java package of source files. For example, a source file at |
| <code>stuff/java/foo/bar/a.txt</code> will be located at <code>foo/bar/a.txt</code>. |
| </p> |
| """, |
| ), |
| "_test_support": attr.label(default = _compute_test_support), |
| "_launcher": attr.label( |
| cfg = "exec", |
| executable = True, |
| default = "@bazel_tools//tools/launcher:launcher", |
| ), |
| "_windows_launcher_maker": attr.label( |
| default = "@bazel_tools//tools/launcher:launcher_maker", |
| cfg = "exec", |
| executable = True, |
| ), |
| }, |
| ) |
| |
| def make_java_binary(executable): |
| return make_binary_rule( |
| _bazel_java_binary_impl, |
| doc = """ |
| <p> |
| Builds a Java archive ("jar file"), plus a wrapper shell script with the same name as the rule. |
| The wrapper shell script uses a classpath that includes, among other things, a jar file for each |
| library on which the binary depends. When running the wrapper shell script, any nonempty |
| <code>JAVABIN</code> environment variable will take precedence over the version specified via |
| Bazel's <code>--java_runtime_version</code> flag. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The wrapper script accepts several unique flags. Refer to |
| <code>//src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/rules/java/java_stub_template.txt</code> |
| for a list of configurable flags and environment variables accepted by the wrapper. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4 id="java_binary_implicit_outputs">Implicit output targets</h4> |
| <ul> |
| <li><code><var>name</var>.jar</code>: A Java archive, containing the class files and other |
| resources corresponding to the binary's direct dependencies.</li> |
| <li><code><var>name</var>-src.jar</code>: An archive containing the sources ("source |
| jar").</li> |
| <li><code><var>name</var>_deploy.jar</code>: A Java archive suitable for deployment (only |
| built if explicitly requested). |
| <p> |
| Building the <code><<var>name</var>>_deploy.jar</code> target for your rule |
| creates a self-contained jar file with a manifest that allows it to be run with the |
| <code>java -jar</code> command or with the wrapper script's <code>--singlejar</code> |
| option. Using the wrapper script is preferred to <code>java -jar</code> because it |
| also passes the <a href="#java_binary-jvm_flags">JVM flags</a> and the options |
| to load native libraries. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The deploy jar contains all the classes that would be found by a classloader that |
| searched the classpath from the binary's wrapper script from beginning to end. It also |
| contains the native libraries needed for dependencies. These are automatically loaded |
| into the JVM at runtime. |
| </p> |
| <p>If your target specifies a <a href="#java_binary.launcher">launcher</a> |
| attribute, then instead of being a normal JAR file, the _deploy.jar will be a |
| native binary. This will contain the launcher plus any native (C++) dependencies of |
| your rule, all linked into a static binary. The actual jar file's bytes will be |
| appended to that native binary, creating a single binary blob containing both the |
| executable and the Java code. You can execute the resulting jar file directly |
| like you would execute any native binary.</p> |
| </li> |
| <li><code><var>name</var>_deploy-src.jar</code>: An archive containing the sources |
| collected from the transitive closure of the target. These will match the classes in the |
| <code>deploy.jar</code> except where jars have no matching source jar.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| It is good practice to use the name of the source file that is the main entry point of the |
| application (minus the extension). For example, if your entry point is called |
| <code>Main.java</code>, then your name could be <code>Main</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| A <code>deps</code> attribute is not allowed in a <code>java_binary</code> rule without |
| <a href="#java_binary-srcs"><code>srcs</code></a>; such a rule requires a |
| <a href="#java_binary-main_class"><code>main_class</code></a> provided by |
| <a href="#java_binary-runtime_deps"><code>runtime_deps</code></a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>The following code snippet illustrates a common mistake:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="code"> |
| <code class="lang-starlark"> |
| java_binary( |
| name = "DontDoThis", |
| srcs = [ |
| <var>...</var>, |
| <code class="deprecated">"GeneratedJavaFile.java"</code>, # a generated .java file |
| ], |
| deps = [<code class="deprecated">":generating_rule",</code>], # rule that generates that file |
| ) |
| </code> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>Do this instead:</p> |
| |
| <pre class="code"> |
| <code class="lang-starlark"> |
| java_binary( |
| name = "DoThisInstead", |
| srcs = [ |
| <var>...</var>, |
| ":generating_rule", |
| ], |
| ) |
| </code> |
| </pre> |
| """, |
| attrs = merge_attrs( |
| ({} if executable else { |
| "args": attr.string_list(), |
| "output_licenses": attr.string_list(), |
| }), |
| ), |
| executable = executable, |
| ) |
| |
| java_binary = make_java_binary(executable = True) |