use ctx.actions.args
diff --git a/kotlin/builder/src/io/bazel/kotlin/builder/tasks/KotlinBuilder.kt b/kotlin/builder/src/io/bazel/kotlin/builder/tasks/KotlinBuilder.kt
index 74a6153..26985c8 100644
--- a/kotlin/builder/src/io/bazel/kotlin/builder/tasks/KotlinBuilder.kt
+++ b/kotlin/builder/src/io/bazel/kotlin/builder/tasks/KotlinBuilder.kt
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
 import io.bazel.kotlin.builder.tasks.jvm.KotlinJvmTaskExecutor
 import io.bazel.kotlin.builder.toolchain.CompilationStatusException
 import io.bazel.kotlin.builder.utils.*
-import io.bazel.kotlin.model.KotlinModel
 import io.bazel.kotlin.builder.utils.jars.SourceJarExtractor
+import io.bazel.kotlin.model.KotlinModel
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
+import java.nio.file.Files
 import java.nio.file.Paths
 import javax.inject.Inject
 import javax.inject.Singleton
@@ -30,11 +32,23 @@
     private val taskBuilder: TaskBuilder,
     private val jvmTaskExecutor: KotlinJvmTaskExecutor
 ) : CommandLineProgram {
-    fun execute(args: List<String>): Int =
-        ArgMaps.from(args).let { execute(it) }
-    fun execute(args: ArgMap): Int =
-        taskBuilder.fromInput(args).let { execute(it) }
+    fun execute(args: List<String>): Int {
+        check(args.isNotEmpty() && args[0].startsWith("--flagfile=")) { "no flag file supplied" }
+        val flagFile = args[0].replace("--flagfile=", "")
+        val flagFilePath = Paths.get(flagFile)
+        check(flagFilePath.toFile().exists()) { "flagfile $flagFile does not exist" }
+        val task = when {
+            flagFile.endsWith(".jar-2.params") -> {
+                Files.readAllLines(flagFilePath, UTF_8).let { loadedFlags ->
+                    ArgMaps.from(loadedFlags).let {
+                        taskBuilder.fromInput(it)
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else -> throw IllegalStateException("unknown flag file format for $flagFile")
+        }
+        return execute(task)
+    }
     fun execute(command: KotlinModel.CompilationTask): Int {
diff --git a/kotlin/internal/compile.bzl b/kotlin/internal/compile.bzl
index 55ba157..71f1d48 100644
--- a/kotlin/internal/compile.bzl
+++ b/kotlin/internal/compile.bzl
@@ -18,6 +18,24 @@
 def _declare_output_directory(ctx, aspect, dir_name):
     return ctx.actions.declare_directory("_kotlinc/%s_%s/%s_%s" % (, aspect,, dir_name))
+def _common_init_args(ctx, rule_kind, module_name):
+    toolchain=ctx.toolchains[kt.defs.TOOLCHAIN_TYPE]
+    args = ctx.actions.args()
+    args.set_param_file_format("multiline")
+    args.use_param_file("--flagfile=%s", use_always=True)
+    args.add("--target_label", ctx.label)
+    args.add("--rule_kind", rule_kind)
+    args.add("--kotlin_module_name", module_name)
+    args.add("--kotlin_jvm_target", toolchain.jvm_target)
+    args.add("--kotlin_api_version", toolchain.api_version)
+    args.add("--kotlin_language_version", toolchain.language_version)
+    args.add("--kotlin_passthrough_flags", "-Xcoroutines=%s" % toolchain.coroutines)
+    return args
 def _kotlin_do_compile_action(ctx, rule_kind, output_jar, compile_jars, module_name, friend_paths, srcs):
     """Internal macro that sets up a Kotlin compile action.
@@ -36,42 +54,27 @@
     temp_directory=_declare_output_directory(ctx, "jvm", "temp")
+    args = _common_init_args(ctx, rule_kind, module_name)
-    args = [
-        "--target_label", ctx.label,
-        "--rule_kind", rule_kind,
+    args.add("--classdir", classes_directory)
+    args.add("--sourcegendir", sourcegen_directory)
+    args.add("--tempdir", temp_directory)
+    args.add("--kotlin_generated_classdir", generated_classes_directory)
-        "--classdir", classes_directory.path,
-        "--sourcegendir", sourcegen_directory.path,
-        "--tempdir", temp_directory.path,
-        "--kotlin_generated_classdir", generated_classes_directory.path,
+    args.add("--output", output_jar)
+    args.add("--output_jdeps", ctx.outputs.jdeps)
+    args.add("--kotlin_output_srcjar", ctx.outputs.srcjar)
-        "--output", output_jar.path,
-        "--output_jdeps", ctx.outputs.jdeps.path,
-        "--classpath", "\n".join([f.path for f in compile_jars.to_list()]),
-        "--kotlin_friend_paths", "\n".join(friend_paths.to_list()),
-        "--kotlin_jvm_target", toolchain.jvm_target,
-        "--kotlin_api_version", toolchain.api_version,
-        "--kotlin_language_version", toolchain.language_version,
-        "--kotlin_module_name", module_name,
-        "--kotlin_passthrough_flags", "-Xcoroutines=%s" % toolchain.coroutines,
-        "--kotlin_output_srcjar", ctx.outputs.srcjar.path,
-    ]
+    args.add("--kotlin_friend_paths", "\n".join(friend_paths.to_list()))
-    if (len(srcs.kt) + len( > 0:
-        args += ["--sources", "\n".join([s.path for s in (srcs.kt +])]
-    if len(srcs.src_jars) > 0:
-        args += ["--source_jars", "\n".join([sj.path for sj in srcs.src_jars])]
+    args.add("--classpath", compile_jars)
+    args.add_all("--sources", srcs.all_srcs, omit_if_empty=True)
+    args.add_all("--source_jars", srcs.src_jars, omit_if_empty=True)
     # Collect and prepare plugin descriptor for the worker.
     plugin_info=plugins.merge_plugin_infos(ctx.attr.plugins + ctx.attr.deps)
     if len(plugin_info.annotation_processors) > 0:
-        args += [ "--kt-plugins", plugin_info.to_json() ]
-    # Declare and write out argument file.
-    args_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".jar-2.params")
-    ctx.actions.write(args_file, "\n".join(args))
+        args.add("--kt-plugins", plugin_info.to_json())
     progress_message = "Compiling Kotlin %s { kt: %d, java: %d, srcjars: %d }" % (
@@ -81,10 +84,9 @@
     inputs, _, input_manifests = ctx.resolve_command(tools = [toolchain.kotlinbuilder])
         mnemonic = "KotlinCompile",
-        inputs = depset([args_file]) + inputs + ctx.files.srcs + compile_jars,
+        inputs = depset(inputs) + ctx.files.srcs + compile_jars,
         outputs = [
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@
         executable = toolchain.kotlinbuilder.files_to_run.executable,
         execution_requirements = {"supports-workers": "1"},
-        arguments = ["@" + args_file.path],
+        arguments = [args],
         progress_message = progress_message,
         input_manifests = input_manifests
diff --git a/kotlin/internal/utils.bzl b/kotlin/internal/utils.bzl
index b8c0305..eaab3db 100644
--- a/kotlin/internal/utils.bzl
+++ b/kotlin/internal/utils.bzl
@@ -43,10 +43,14 @@
         elif f.path.endswith(".srcjar"):
+    kt = depset(kt_srcs)
+    java = depset(java_srcs)
     return struct (
-        kt = kt_srcs,
-        java = java_srcs,
-        src_jars = src_jars
+        kt = kt,
+        java = java,
+        all_srcs = kt + java,
+        src_jars = depset(src_jars)
 # DEPSET UTILS #################################################################################################################################################
diff --git a/kotlin/kotlin.bzl b/kotlin/kotlin.bzl
index 73a0ea7..acd1b1f 100644
--- a/kotlin/kotlin.bzl
+++ b/kotlin/kotlin.bzl
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
     jar = "%{name}.jar",
     jdeps = "%{name}.jdeps",
     # The params file, declared here so that validate it can be validated for testing.
-    jar_2_params = "%{name}.jar-2.params",
+#    jar_2_params = "%{name}.jar-2.params",
     srcjar = "%{name}-sources.jar",