blob: efebc18c6c7a34eaba42d21673a43a8f283f2176 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package bazel.kotlin;
option java_package = "io.bazel.kotlin.model";
message AnnotationProcessor {
// the annotation processor class
string processor_class = 1;
// bazel `java_plugin` generates_api setting.
bool generates_api = 2;
// the classpath
repeated string classpath = 3;
string label = 4;
message CompilerPlugins {
repeated AnnotationProcessor annotation_processors = 1;
message KotlinToolchainInfo {
message Common {
// mandatory
string language_version = 1;
string api_version = 2;
// oneof "enable", "warn" or "error"
string coroutines = 3;
message Jvm {
// oneof "1.6", or "1.8"
string jvm_target = 4;