blob: 402113b461ed60c09005f184aa35f112ade68275 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package analyze uses bazel query to determine and locate missing imports
// in TypeScript source files.
package analyze
import (
appb ""
arpb ""
var (
commonModuleLocations = []string{
ts_auto_depsManagedRuleClasses = []string{
extensions = []string{
// '.d.ts' must come before '.ts' to completely remove the '.d.ts'
// extension.
// TargetLoader provides methods for loading targets from BUILD files.
type TargetLoader interface {
// LoadLabels loads targets from BUILD files associated with labels.
// It returns a mapping from labels to targets or an error, if any
// occurred.
// A label must be the absolute label associated with a target. For
// example, '//foo/bar:baz' is acceptable whereas 'bar:baz' or '//foo/bar'
// will result in undefined behavior. If no target is found associated
// with a provided label, the label should be excluded from the returned
// mapping but an error should not be returned.
LoadLabels(labels []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error)
// LoadImportPaths loads targets from BUILD files associated with import
// paths relative to a root directory. It returns a mapping from import
// paths to targets or an error, if any occurred.
// An import path is the path present in a TypeScript import statement
// resolved relative to the workspace root. For example, an import
// statement 'import baz from "../baz.ts"' declared in the TypeScript
// source file '//foo/bar.ts' would have the import path of 'baz.ts'. If
// no target is found associated with a provided import path, the import
// path should be excluded from the returned mapping but an error should
// not be returned.
LoadImportPaths(root string, paths []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error)
// Analyzer uses a BuildLoader to generate dependency reports.
type Analyzer struct {
loader TargetLoader
// New returns a new Analyzer which can be used to generate dependency reports.
func New(loader TargetLoader) *Analyzer {
return &Analyzer{loader: loader}
// Analyze generates a dependency report for each target label in labels.
// dir is the directory that ts_auto_deps should execute in. Must be a sub-directory
// of google3.
func (a *Analyzer) Analyze(dir string, labels []string) ([]*arpb.DependencyReport, error) {
root, err := workspace.Root(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targets, err := a.loader.LoadLabels(labels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resolved, err := a.resolveImportsForTargets(root, targets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.generateReports(labels, resolved)
// resolvedTarget represents a Bazel target and all resolved information.
type resolvedTarget struct {
label string
// A map of all existing dependencies on a target at the time of analysis.
// The keys are labels and the values are thes loaded target.
dependencies map[string]*appb.Rule
// A map of source file paths to their imports.
imports map[string][]*ts_auto_depsImport
// rule is the original rule the target was constructed from.
rule *appb.Rule
// missingSources are source files which could not be opened on disk.
// These are added to the dependency reports and MissingSources.
missingSources []string
func (t *resolvedTarget) srcs() ([]string, error) {
srcs, err := sources(t.rule)
if err != nil {
// Targets without sources are considered errors.
return nil, err
return srcs, nil
func (t *resolvedTarget) deps() []string {
return listAttribute(t.rule, "deps")
// provides returns whether the resolved target can provide the path provided.
func (t *resolvedTarget) provides(path string) bool {
srcs, err := t.srcs()
if err != nil {
return false
for _, src := range srcs {
if src == path {
return true
return false
// newTarget constructs a new target instance from a loaded rule.
func newResolvedTarget(r *appb.Rule) *resolvedTarget {
return &resolvedTarget{
label: r.GetName(),
dependencies: make(map[string]*appb.Rule),
imports: make(map[string][]*ts_auto_depsImport),
rule: r,
// resolveImportsForTargets attempts to resolve the imports in the sources of
// each target in targets.
func (a *Analyzer) resolveImportsForTargets(root string, allTargets map[string]*appb.Rule) (map[string]*resolvedTarget, error) {
targets := make(map[string]*resolvedTarget)
var allDeps, allSrcs []string
for _, t := range allTargets {
target := newResolvedTarget(t)
targets[target.label] = target
srcs, err := target.srcs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allDeps = append(allDeps, target.deps()...)
allSrcs = append(allSrcs, srcs...)
deps, err := a.loader.LoadLabels(allDeps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Associate the loaded existing deps with the target or targets which
// contained them.
for _, t := range targets {
for _, dep := range t.deps() {
t.dependencies[dep] = deps[dep]
imports, errs := extractAllImports(root, allSrcs)
for _, err := range errs {
// NotExist errors are caught and added to the generated dependency
// reports as missing source files. Only errors which are not NotExist
// errors should be reported.
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, err
for _, t := range targets {
srcs, err := t.srcs()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, src := range srcs {
v, ok := imports[src]
if ok {
t.imports[src] = v
} else {
// The source was not found on disk during import extraction.
t.missingSources = append(t.missingSources, relativePathLabel(t.label, src))
if err := a.resolveImports(root, targets); err != nil {
return nil, err
return targets, nil
// resolveImports finds targets which provide the imported file or library
// for imports without known targets.
func (a *Analyzer) resolveImports(root string, targets map[string]*resolvedTarget) error {
var paths []string
needingResolution := make(map[string][]*ts_auto_depsImport)
for _, target := range targets {
for _, imports := range target.imports {
for _, imp := range imports {
resolvedPath := imp.resolvedPath()
for _, path := range pathWithExtensions(resolvedPath) {
if target.provides(path) {
imp.knownTarget = target.label
continue handlingImports
d, err := a.findRuleProvidingImport(target.dependencies, imp)
if err != nil {
return err
if d == "" {
// A target providing the import was not found on the
// existing dependencies or in a comment. Use other
// heuristics.
paths = append(paths, resolvedPath)
needingResolution[resolvedPath] = append(needingResolution[resolvedPath], imp)
imp.knownTarget = d
if len(needingResolution) == 0 {
return nil
res, err := a.loader.LoadImportPaths(root, paths)
if err != nil {
return err
for path, imports := range needingResolution {
if target, ok := res[path]; ok {
for _, imp := range imports {
imp.knownTarget = redirectedLabel(target)
return nil
func pathWithExtensions(basename string) []string {
var paths []string
for _, ext := range extensions {
paths = append(paths, basename+ext)
return paths
// findRuleProvidingImport looks through a map of loaded rules for a rule
// which can provide the passed import.
// If the import already has a knownTarget, findRuleProvidingImport will
// return the knownTarget.
func (a *Analyzer) findRuleProvidingImport(rules map[string]*appb.Rule, i *ts_auto_depsImport) (string, error) {
if i.knownTarget != "" {
return i.knownTarget, nil
for _, r := range rules {
moduleName := stringAttribute(r, "module_name")
if moduleName == "" {
srcs := listAttribute(r, "srcs")
for _, src := range srcs {
_, _, file := edit.ParseLabel(src)
moduleImportPath := moduleName + "/" + stripTSExtension(file)
if i.importPath == moduleImportPath || i.importPath == strings.TrimSuffix(moduleImportPath, "/index") {
return r.GetName(), nil
return "", nil
// stripTSExtension removes TypeScript extensions from a file path. If no
// TypeScript extensions are present, the filepath is returned unaltered.
func stripTSExtension(path string) string {
for _, ext := range extensions {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ext) {
return strings.TrimSuffix(path, ext)
return path
// redirectedLabel looks in the target's tags for a tag starting with
// 'alt_dep=' followed by a label. If such a tag is found, the label is
// returned. Otherwise, the target's own label is shortened and returned.
func redirectedLabel(target *appb.Rule) string {
for _, tag := range listAttribute(target, "tags") {
if trimmedTag := strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "alt_dep="); trimmedTag != tag {
return trimmedTag
// No 'alt_dep=' tag was present on the target so no redirects need to occur.
return edit.ShortenLabel(target.GetName(), "")
// sources creates an array of all sources listed in the 'srcs' attribute
// on each target in targets.
func sources(target *appb.Rule) ([]string, error) {
srcs := listAttribute(target, "srcs")
if srcs == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("target %q missing \"srcs\" attribute", target.GetName())
for i, src := range srcs {
_, pkg, file := edit.ParseLabel(src)
// TODO(jdhamlik): Handle generated files.
srcs[i] = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(pkg, file))
return srcs, nil
// generateReports generates reports for each label in labels.
func (a *Analyzer) generateReports(labels []string, targets map[string]*resolvedTarget) ([]*arpb.DependencyReport, error) {
var reports []*arpb.DependencyReport
for _, label := range labels {
target, ok := targets[label]
if !ok {
// This case should never happen.
platform.Fatalf("target %s no longer loaded", label)
report, err := a.generateReport(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reports = append(reports, report)
return reports, nil
// generateReport generates a dependency report for a target.
// It adds imports for which no target could be found to unresolved imports.
// Imports which had locatable targets are added to the necessary dependency
// or missing dependency properties if the import was already present on target
// or the import was not already present respectively.
// Missing source files detected during import resolution are added to the
// reports. Dependencies which were present on the initial target but are not
// required are added to the unnecessary dependency array.
func (a *Analyzer) generateReport(target *resolvedTarget) (*arpb.DependencyReport, error) {
usedDeps := make(map[string]bool)
report := &arpb.DependencyReport{
Rule: proto.String(target.label),
for _, imports := range target.imports {
for _, i := range imports {
if i.knownTarget == "" {
// The import could not be resolved into a target. A ts_auto_deps
// comment needs to be added to the source by the user.
if strings.HasPrefix(i.importPath, "goog:") {
// This feedback needs to be phrased this way since the
// updater.go relies on parsing the feedback strings to
// determine which 'goog:' imports to add.
report.Feedback = append(report.Feedback,
"ERROR: %s:%d:%d: missing comment for 'goog:' import, "+
"please add a trailing comment to the import. E.g.\n "+
"import Bar from '%s'; // from //foo:bar",
i.location.sourcePath, i.location.line, i.location.offset, i.importPath))
report.UnresolvedImport = append(report.UnresolvedImport, i.resolvedPath())
} else if i.knownTarget == target.label {
// The knownTarget for an import is the target it is a member of.
continue addingImports
} else {
for _, dep := range target.deps() {
if dep == i.knownTarget {
usedDeps[dep] = true
report.NecessaryDependency = append(report.NecessaryDependency, i.knownTarget)
continue addingImports
report.MissingDependencyGroup = append(report.MissingDependencyGroup, &arpb.DependencyGroup{
Dependency: []string{i.knownTarget},
ImportPath: []string{i.resolvedPath()},
report.MissingSourceFile = target.missingSources
var unusedDeps []string
for _, dep := range target.deps() {
if _, ok := usedDeps[dep]; !ok {
unusedDeps = append(unusedDeps, dep)
// Check if the unused deps are TypeScript rules. Only report non-
// TypeScript rules as unnecessary deps.
res, err := a.loader.LoadLabels(unusedDeps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, dep := range unusedDeps {
target := res[dep]
if c := target.GetRuleClass(); isTazeManagedRuleClass(c) {
report.UnnecessaryDependency = append(report.UnnecessaryDependency, dep)
return report, nil
// relativePathLabel converts src to a label for a path relative to the
// provided target. For example, a target '//foo/bar' and a src 'foo/bar/baz.ts'
// would result in a relative path label of '//foo/bar:baz.ts'.
func relativePathLabel(label, src string) string {
_, pkg, _ := edit.ParseLabel(label)
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", pkg, strings.TrimPrefix(src, pkg+"/"))
// listAttribute retrieves the attribute from target with name.
func listAttribute(target *appb.Rule, name string) []string {
if a := attribute(target, name); a != nil {
return a.GetStringListValue()
return nil
func stringAttribute(target *appb.Rule, name string) string {
if a := attribute(target, name); a != nil {
return a.GetStringValue()
return ""
func attribute(target *appb.Rule, name string) *appb.Attribute {
for _, a := range target.GetAttribute() {
if a.GetName() == name {
return a
return nil
// QueryBasedTargetLoader uses Bazel query to load targets from BUILD files.
type QueryBasedTargetLoader struct {
workdir string
bazelBinary string
// NewQueryBasedTargetLoader constructs a new QueryBasedTargetLoader rooted
// in workdir.
func NewQueryBasedTargetLoader(workdir, bazelBinary string) *QueryBasedTargetLoader {
return &QueryBasedTargetLoader{
workdir: workdir,
bazelBinary: bazelBinary,
// LoadLabels uses Bazel query to load targets associated with labels from BUILD
// files.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) LoadLabels(labels []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
// Ensure the labels are unique to minimize the total number of targets that
// need to be loaded.
r, err := q.batchQuery(dedupeLabels(labels))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targets := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
t, o, err := q.resultObject(target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if desired := appb.Target_RULE; t != desired {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("label %q included object of type %q instead of %q", o.GetName(), t, desired)
targets[o.GetName()] = o.(*appb.Rule)
return targets, nil
// dedupeLabels returns a new set of labels with no duplicates.
func dedupeLabels(labels []string) []string {
m := make(map[string]bool)
var u []string
for _, label := range labels {
if _, ok := m[label]; !ok {
m[label] = true
u = append(u, label)
return u
// target is the object of an appb.Target instance. This can be any of:
// source file, generated file, environment group, rule, or package group.
// Methods which are shared between all of the possible objects are added
// here.
type target interface {
GetName() string
// resultObject retrieves the object included in target. Uses the discriminator
// present on the target to determine which object to return.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) resultObject(target *appb.Target) (appb.Target_Discriminator, target, error) {
switch t := target.GetType(); t {
case appb.Target_ENVIRONMENT_GROUP:
return t, target.GetEnvironmentGroup(), nil
case appb.Target_GENERATED_FILE:
return t, target.GetGeneratedFile(), nil
case appb.Target_PACKAGE_GROUP:
return t, target.GetPackageGroup(), nil
case appb.Target_RULE:
return t, target.GetRule(), nil
case appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE:
return t, target.GetSourceFile(), nil
// Unfortunately we cannot get the label of the target which caused
// the issue.
return t, nil, fmt.Errorf("target has object of unknown type %q", t)
// LoadImportPaths uses Bazel Query to load targets associated with import
// paths from BUILD files.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) LoadImportPaths(root string, paths []string) (map[string]*appb.Rule, error) {
var remainingImportPaths []string
results := make(map[string]*appb.Rule)
for _, path := range paths {
if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(path, workspace.Name()+"/"); trim != path {
// TODO(jdhamlik): Optimize by grouping the queries into one larger query.
// TODO(jdhamlik): Handle .d.ts and .tsx files.
r, err := q.query(trim + ".ts")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
targets := r.GetTarget()
// Expecting to get one, and only one, target per query.
n := len(targets)
if n < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolved a target for file %q", trim+".ts")
if n > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("got %d targets when only one was expected", n)
t, err := q.loadRuleIncludingFile(targets[0].GetSourceFile().GetName())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results[path] = t
} else if trim := strings.TrimPrefix(path, "goog:"); trim != path {
// There are no current heuristics in this implementation for
// 'goog:' imports. That is handled by the ts_auto_deps binary proper.
results[path] = nil
} else {
// The import is not explicitly under google3 or a closure-style
// import.
remainingImportPaths = append(remainingImportPaths, path)
var potentialCommonImports []string
// Attempt to locate the file rooted in the workspace even though it isn't
// prefixed by 'google3/'.
for _, imp := range remainingImportPaths {
// If the path has a suffix of ".ngfactory" or ".ngsummary", it might
// be an Angular AOT generated file. We can infer the target as we
// infer its corresponding ngmodule target by simply stripping the
// ".ngfactory" / ".ngsummary" suffix
path := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSuffix(imp, ".ngsummary"), ".ngfactory")
res, err := q.batchQuery(pathWithExtensions(path))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(res.GetTarget()) > 0 {
t, obj, err := q.resultObject(res.GetTarget()[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if desired := appb.Target_SOURCE_FILE; t != desired {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("label %q included object of type %q instead of %q", obj.GetName(), t, desired)
target, err := q.loadRuleIncludingFile(obj.GetName())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
results[imp] = target
potentialCommonImports = append(potentialCommonImports, imp)
if err := q.resolveImportsInCommonLocations(results, potentialCommonImports); err != nil {
return nil, err
return results, nil
// loadRuleIncludingFile loads the target associated with a file label.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) loadRuleIncludingFile(fileLabel string) (*appb.Rule, error) {
_, pkg, file := edit.ParseLabel(fileLabel)
// Filter the targets in the file label's package to only targets which
// include the file in their 'srcs' attribute.
r, err := q.query(fmt.Sprintf("attr('srcs', %s, //%s:*)", file, pkg))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
rule := target.GetRule()
for _, src := range listAttribute(rule, "srcs") {
_, _, path := edit.ParseLabel(src)
// Return the first rule which has a source file exactly matching
// the requested file path.
if path == file {
return rule, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolved a target for file label %q", fileLabel)
// searchCommonLocations searches through common locations like third_party to
// find a target providing imports which cannot be resolved using other
// techniques.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) resolveImportsInCommonLocations(results map[string]*appb.Rule, paths []string) error {
var queries []string
labelToPath := make(map[string]string)
// TODO(jdhamlik): Determine how to resolve this target. Whether alias
// support should be dropped entirely, this "platform_browser_safe" import
// should be special cased, or alias resolution should be implemented.
for _, path := range paths {
// third_party uses '_' instead of '-' since the latter is not allowed
// in target labels
underscored := strings.Replace(path, "-", "_", -1)
file := underscored
module := underscored
if i := strings.Index(underscored, "/"); i >= 0 {
// Use the slash in the import path as a separator between the
// module name and the path under the module.
file = underscored[i+1:]
module = commonModuleName(underscored[:i])
for _, l := range commonModuleLocations {
// Construct the potential target label in the common location.
target := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", fmt.Sprintf(l, module), file)
queries = append(queries, target)
labelToPath[target] = path
r, err := q.batchQuery(queries)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, target := range r.GetTarget() {
r := target.GetRule()
// TODO(jdhamlik): Determine if it's required that the alias resolves to
// an allowedRuleClass.
// Allow alias rules to provide imports. Alias rules should only appear
// in this context if they are special-cased above.
if c := r.GetRuleClass(); isTazeManagedRuleClass(c) || c == "alias" {
results[labelToPath[r.GetName()]] = r
return nil
// commonModuleName maps module names to their common names. If no common name
// is set for a module, it returns the module's name as is.
func commonModuleName(path string) string {
return path
// isTazeManagedRuleClass checks if a class is a ts_auto_deps-managed rule class.
func isTazeManagedRuleClass(class string) bool {
for _, c := range ts_auto_depsManagedRuleClasses {
if c == class {
return true
return false
// batchQuery runs a set of queries with a single call to Bazel query and the
// '--keep_going' flag.
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) batchQuery(queries []string) (*appb.QueryResult, error) {
// Join all of the queries with a '+' character according to Bazel's
// syntax for running multiple queries.
return q.query("--keep_going", strings.Join(queries, "+"))
func (q *QueryBasedTargetLoader) query(args ...string) (*appb.QueryResult, error) {
n := len(args)
if n < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected at least one argument")
if query := args[n-1]; query == "" {
// An empty query was provided so return an empty result without
// making a call to Bazel.
return &appb.QueryResult{}, nil
args = append([]string{"query", "--output=proto"}, args...)
cmd := exec.Command(q.bazelBinary, args...)
cmd.Dir = q.workdir
stdoutPipe, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stderrPipe, err := cmd.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Collect all of stdout and stderr. Stdout will contain the QueryResult,
// if any, and stderr will contain any potential errors either as a result
// of the '--keep_going' flag or other, more problematic, errors.
stdout, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stdoutPipe)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stderr, err := ioutil.ReadAll(stderrPipe)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
// Exit status 3 is a direct result of one or more queries in a set of
// queries not returning a result while running with the '--keep_going'
// flag. Since one query failing to return a result does not hinder the
// other queries from returning a result, ignore these errors.
if err.Error() != "exit status 3" {
// The error provided as a result is less useful than the contents of
// stderr for debugging.
return nil, fmt.Errorf(string(stderr))
var result appb.QueryResult
if err := proto.Unmarshal(stdout, &result); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &result, nil