Remove the tsconfig override warning feature.

It is mostly unavoidable: users need pathMapping to make their editor happy with multiple named libs in a monorepo, some language features require specifying target, etc.

Also it's reporting to every user on every compile, this is not usually the right time to fix it.

If we want to rollforward a feature, it should be based more precisely on things that confused users, and should also take care to only warn if the users setting conflicts with Bazel's in a breaking way.

Alternative to

PiperOrigin-RevId: 250324968
diff --git a/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsconfig.ts b/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsconfig.ts
index c147d3b..9c2980f 100644
--- a/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsconfig.ts
+++ b/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsconfig.ts
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
    * Suppress warnings about tsconfig.json properties that are overridden.
+   * Currently unused, remains here for backwards compat for users who set it.
   suppressTsconfigOverrideWarnings: boolean;
@@ -208,69 +209,6 @@
- * Prints messages to stderr if the given config object contains certain known
- * properties that Bazel will override in the generated tsconfig.json.
- * Note that this is not an exhaustive list of such properties; just the ones
- * thought to commonly cause problems.
- * Note that we can't error out, because users might have a legitimate reason:
- * - during a transition to Bazel they can use the same tsconfig with other
- *   tools
- * - if they have multiple packages in their repo, they might need to use path
- *   mapping so the editor knows where to resolve some absolute imports
- *
- * @param userConfig the parsed json for the full tsconfig.json file
- */
-function warnOnOverriddenOptions(userConfig: any) {
-  const overrideWarnings: string[] = [];
-  if (userConfig.files) {
-    overrideWarnings.push(
-        'files is ignored because it is controlled by the srcs[] attribute');
-  }
-  const options: ts.CompilerOptions = userConfig.compilerOptions;
-  if (options) {
-    if ( || options.module) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          ' and compilerOptions.module are controlled by downstream dependencies, such as ts_devserver');
-    }
-    if (options.declaration) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          `compilerOptions.declaration is always true, as it's needed for dependent libraries to type-check`);
-    }
-    if (options.paths) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.paths is determined by the module_name attribute in transitive deps[]');
-    }
-    if (options.typeRoots) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.typeRoots is always set to the @types subdirectory of the node_modules attribute');
-    }
-    if (options.traceResolution || (options as any).diagnostics) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.traceResolution and compilerOptions.diagnostics are set by the DEBUG flag in tsconfig.bzl under rules_typescript');
-    }
-    if (options.rootDir || options.baseUrl) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.rootDir and compilerOptions.baseUrl are always the workspace root directory');
-    }
-    if (options.preserveConstEnums) {
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.preserveConstEnums is always false under Bazel');
-    }
-    if (options.noEmitOnError) {
-      // TODO(alexeagle): why??
-      overrideWarnings.push(
-          'compilerOptions.noEmitOnError is always false under Bazel');
-    }
-  }
-  if (overrideWarnings.length) {
-    console.error(
-        '\nWARNING: your tsconfig.json file specifies options which are overridden by Bazel:');
-    for (const w of overrideWarnings) console.error(` - ${w}`);
-    console.error('\n');
-  }
  * The same as Node's path.resolve, however it returns a path with forward
  * slashes rather than joining the resolved path with the platform's path
  * separator.
@@ -339,10 +277,6 @@
             ? newBazelBazelOpts.devmodeTargetOverride
             : existingBazelOpts.devmodeTargetOverride,
-        if (!mergedConfig.bazelOptions.suppressTsconfigOverrideWarnings) {
-          warnOnOverriddenOptions(config);
-        }
       if (config.extends) {