Provide DeclarationInfo that replaces two fields from "typescript" legacy provider

This is the part of removing the legacy providers, per

Depends on

PiperOrigin-RevId: 265167694
diff --git a/internal/common/compilation.bzl b/internal/common/compilation.bzl
index 70a66d7..3155f0c 100644
--- a/internal/common/compilation.bzl
+++ b/internal/common/compilation.bzl
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 load(":common/json_marshal.bzl", "json_marshal")
 load(":common/module_mappings.bzl", "module_mappings_aspect")
+load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:declaration_provider.bzl", "DeclarationInfo")
 _DEBUG = False
@@ -483,6 +484,11 @@
                 es5_sources = es5_sources,
                 es6_sources = es6_sources,
+            # TODO(martinprobst): Prune transitive deps, see go/dtspruning
+            DeclarationInfo(
+                declarations = depset(transitive = declarations_depsets),
+                transitive_declarations = transitive_decls,
+            ),
         "instrumented_files": {
             "dependency_attributes": ["deps", "runtime_deps"],
@@ -495,13 +501,14 @@
         "module_name": getattr(ctx.attr, "module_name", None),
         # Expose the tags so that a Skylark aspect can access them.
         "tags": ctx.attr.tags if hasattr(ctx.attr, "tags") else ctx.rule.attr.tags,
-        # TODO(martinprobst): Prune transitive deps, only re-export what's needed.
         "typescript": {
+            # TODO(b/139705078): remove when consumers migrated to DeclarationInfo
             "declarations": depset(transitive = declarations_depsets),
             "devmode_manifest": devmode_manifest,
             "es5_sources": es5_sources,
             "es6_sources": es6_sources,
             "replay_params": replay_params,
+            # TODO(b/139705078): remove when consumers migrated to DeclarationInfo
             "transitive_declarations": transitive_decls,
             "transitive_es6_sources": transitive_es6_sources,
             "tsickle_externs": tsickle_externs,
diff --git a/package.bzl b/package.bzl
index 0f4ad48..b751dcb 100644
--- a/package.bzl
+++ b/package.bzl
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
         name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
+        patch_args = ["-p1"],
+        # Patch in this PR to get the DeclarationInfo provider.
+        # Can remove this once it's released
+        patches = ["@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:rules_nodejs_pr1052.patch"],
         sha256 = "6d4edbf28ff6720aedf5f97f9b9a7679401bf7fca9d14a0fff80f644a99992b4",
         urls = [""],
diff --git a/rules_nodejs_pr1052.patch b/rules_nodejs_pr1052.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e50541e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules_nodejs_pr1052.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+diff --git a/declaration_provider.bzl b/declaration_provider.bzl
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..b2f89af
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/declaration_provider.bzl
+@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
++"""This module contains a provider for TypeScript typings files (.d.ts)"""
++def provide_declarations(**kwargs):
++    """Factory function for creating checked declarations with externs.
++    Do not directly construct DeclarationInfo()
++    """
++    # TODO: add some checking actions to ensure the declarations are well-formed
++    return DeclarationInfo(**kwargs)
++DeclarationInfo = provider(
++    doc = """The DeclarationInfo provider allows JS rules to communicate typing information.
++TypeScript's .d.ts files are used as the interop format for describing types.
++Do not create DeclarationInfo instances directly, instead use the provide_declarations factory function.
++TODO(alexeagle): The ts_library#deps attribute should require that this provider is attached.
++Note: historically this was a subset of the string-typed "typescript" provider.
++    # TODO: if we ever enable --declarationMap we will have files too
++    fields = {
++        "declarations": "A depset of .d.ts files produced by this rule",
++        "transitive_declarations": """A depset of .d.ts files produced by this rule and all its transitive dependencies.
++This prevents needing an aspect in rules that consume the typings, which improves performance.""",
++    },