blob: 768127e3cf5c5de17bebdcd24866cdd29eea865f [file] [log] [blame]
import * as path from 'path';
import * as tsickle from 'tsickle';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {PLUGIN as bazelConformancePlugin} from '../tsetse/runner';
import {CachedFileLoader, FileLoader, ProgramAndFileCache, UncachedFileLoader} from './cache';
import {CompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
import * as bazelDiagnostics from './diagnostics';
import * as perfTrace from './perf_trace';
import {PLUGIN as strictDepsPlugin} from './strict_deps';
import {BazelOptions, parseTsconfig, resolveNormalizedPath} from './tsconfig';
import {debug, log, runAsWorker, runWorkerLoop} from './worker';
* Top-level entry point for tsc_wrapped.
export function main(args: string[]) {
if (runAsWorker(args)) {
log('Starting TypeScript compiler persistent worker...');
// Note: intentionally don't process.exit() here, because runWorkerLoop
// is waiting for async callbacks from node.
} else {
debug('Running a single build...');
if (args.length === 0) throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
if (!runOneBuild(args)) {
return 1;
return 0;
/** The one ProgramAndFileCache instance used in this process. */
const cache = new ProgramAndFileCache(debug);
function isCompilationTarget(
bazelOpts: BazelOptions, sf: ts.SourceFile): boolean {
return (bazelOpts.compilationTargetSrc.indexOf(sf.fileName) !== -1);
* Gather diagnostics from TypeScript's type-checker as well as other plugins we
* install such as strict dependency checking.
export function gatherDiagnostics(
options: ts.CompilerOptions, bazelOpts: BazelOptions, program: ts.Program,
disabledTsetseRules: string[]): ts.Diagnostic[] {
// Install extra diagnostic plugins
if (!bazelOpts.disableStrictDeps) {
const ignoredFilesPrefixes: string[] = [];
if (bazelOpts.nodeModulesPrefix) {
// Under Bazel, we exempt external files fetched from npm from strict
// deps. This is because we allow users to implicitly depend on all the
// node_modules.
// TODO(alexeagle): if users opt-in to fine-grained npm dependencies, we
// should be able to enforce strict deps for them.
if (options.rootDir) {
path.resolve(options.rootDir!, 'node_modules'));
program = strictDepsPlugin.wrap(program, {
rootDir: options.rootDir,
if (!bazelOpts.isJsTranspilation) {
let selectedTsetsePlugin = bazelConformancePlugin;
program = selectedTsetsePlugin.wrap(program, disabledTsetseRules);
// TODO(alexeagle): support plugins registered by config
const diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
perfTrace.wrap('type checking', () => {
// These checks mirror ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics, with the important
// exception of avoiding b/30708240, which is that if you call
// program.getDeclarationDiagnostics() it somehow corrupts the emit.
perfTrace.wrap(`global diagnostics`, () => {
let sourceFilesToCheck: ReadonlyArray<ts.SourceFile>;
if (bazelOpts.typeCheckDependencies) {
sourceFilesToCheck = program.getSourceFiles();
} else {
sourceFilesToCheck = program.getSourceFiles().filter(
f => isCompilationTarget(bazelOpts, f));
for (const sf of sourceFilesToCheck) {
perfTrace.wrap(`check ${sf.fileName}`, () => {
return diagnostics;
* Runs a single build, returning false on failure. This is potentially called
* multiple times (once per bazel request) when running as a bazel worker.
* Any encountered errors are written to stderr.
function runOneBuild(
args: string[], inputs?: {[path: string]: string}): boolean {
if (args.length !== 1) {
console.error('Expected one argument: path to tsconfig.json');
return false;
// Strip leading at-signs, used in build_defs.bzl to indicate a params file
const tsconfigFile = args[0].replace(/^@+/, '');
const [parsed, errors, {target}] = parseTsconfig(tsconfigFile);
if (errors) {
console.error(bazelDiagnostics.format(target, errors));
return false;
if (!parsed) {
throw new Error(
'Impossible state: if parseTsconfig returns no errors, then parsed should be non-null');
const {options, bazelOpts, files, disabledTsetseRules} = parsed;
if (bazelOpts.maxCacheSizeMb !== undefined) {
const maxCacheSizeBytes = bazelOpts.maxCacheSizeMb * (1 << 20);
} else {
let fileLoader: FileLoader;
if (inputs) {
fileLoader = new CachedFileLoader(cache);
// Resolve the inputs to absolute paths to match TypeScript internals
const resolvedInputs = new Map<string, string>();
for (const key of Object.keys(inputs)) {
resolvedInputs.set(resolveNormalizedPath(key), inputs[key]);
} else {
fileLoader = new UncachedFileLoader();
const perfTracePath = bazelOpts.perfTracePath;
if (!perfTracePath) {
return runFromOptions(
fileLoader, options, bazelOpts, files, disabledTsetseRules);
log('Writing trace to', perfTracePath);
const success = perfTrace.wrap(
() => runFromOptions(
fileLoader, options, bazelOpts, files, disabledTsetseRules));
if (!success) return false;
// Force a garbage collection pass. This keeps our memory usage
// consistent across multiple compilations, and allows the file
// cache to use the current memory usage as a guideline for expiring
// data. Note: this is intentionally not within runFromOptions(), as
// we want to gc only after all its locals have gone out of scope.
return true;
// We only allow our own code to use the expected_diagnostics attribute
const expectDiagnosticsWhitelist: string[] = [
function runFromOptions(
fileLoader: FileLoader, options: ts.CompilerOptions,
bazelOpts: BazelOptions, files: string[],
disabledTsetseRules: string[]): boolean {
const compilerHostDelegate =
ts.createCompilerHost({target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5});
const compilerHost = new CompilerHost(
files, options, bazelOpts, compilerHostDelegate, fileLoader);
const oldProgram = cache.getProgram(;
const program = perfTrace.wrap(
() => ts.createProgram(
compilerHost.inputFiles, options, compilerHost, oldProgram));
cache.putProgram(, program);
const compilationTargets =
program.getSourceFiles().filter(f => isCompilationTarget(bazelOpts, f));
const emitResults: ts.EmitResult[] = [];
const diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
if (bazelOpts.tsickle) {
// The 'tsickle' import above is only used in type positions, so it won't
// result in a runtime dependency on tsickle.
// If the user requests the tsickle emit, then we dynamically require it
// here for use at runtime.
let optTsickle: typeof tsickle;
try {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-require-imports dependency on tsickle only
// if requested
optTsickle = require('tsickle');
} catch {
throw new Error(
'When setting bazelOpts { tsickle: true }, ' +
'you must also add a devDependency on the tsickle npm package');
for (const sf of compilationTargets) {
program, compilerHost, compilerHost, options, sf));
...optTsickle.mergeEmitResults(emitResults as tsickle.EmitResult[])
} else {
for (const sf of compilationTargets) {
for (const d of emitResults) {
if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
console.error(bazelDiagnostics.format(, diagnostics));
return false;
return true;
if (require.main === module) {
// Do not call process.exit(), as that terminates the binary before
// completing pending operations, such as writing to stdout or emitting the
// v8 performance log. Rather, set the exit code and fall off the main
// thread, which will cause node to terminate cleanly.
process.exitCode = main(process.argv.slice(2));