blob: 93e17bd9bf1a165c912d504de0ca5afcd435c3bc [file] [log] [blame]
import 'jasmine';
import {ConformancePatternRule, PatternKind} from '../../rules/conformance_pattern_rule';
import {WhitelistReason} from '../../util/pattern_config';
import {compileAndCheck, customMatchers, getTempDirForWhitelist} from '../../util/testing/test_support';
const tmpPrefixForWhitelist = getTempDirForWhitelist();
const tmpRegexpForWhitelist =
`^(?:${getTempDirForWhitelist().replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')})`;
describe('ConformancePatternRule', () => {
describe('whitelist handling', () => {
const source = `export {};\n` +
`const q = document.createElement('q');\n` +
`q.cite = 'some example string';\n`;
// The initial config off which we run those checks.
const baseConfig = {
errorMessage: 'do not cite',
values: ['HTMLQuoteElement.prototype.cite'],
it('matches if no whitelist (sanity check)', () => {
const config = {...baseConfig, whitelistEntries: []};
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
it('matches if there is an empty whitelist group', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
it('respects prefix-based whitelists (matching test)', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
prefix: [tmpPrefixForWhitelist],
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
it('respects prefix-based whitelists (non-matching test)', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
prefix: ['/nowhere in particular/'],
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
it('respects regex-based whitelists', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
regexp: [`${tmpRegexpForWhitelist}.+/file_0\\.ts`]
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source);
it('accepts several regex-based whitelists', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
regexp: [
const rule = new ConformancePatternRule(config);
// Testing two times the same file so that both regexps match.
const results = compileAndCheck(rule, source, source);
it('throws on creation of invalid regexps', () => {
const config = {
whitelistEntries: [{
reason: WhitelistReason.UNSPECIFIED,
regexp: ['(', '/tmp/', 'foo'],
expect(() => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression
new ConformancePatternRule(config);
}).toThrowError(/Invalid regular expression/);
beforeEach(() => {