blob: 359389c7b15558655de28b1d9c8dc65d5579e3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package updater implements the main logic of the ts_auto_deps command. It reads BUILD files,
// discovers TypeScript sources, uses `bazel analyze` to update import/dependency information,
// and then modifies the BUILD file accordingly.
package updater
import (
arpb ""
var bazelErrorRE = regexp.MustCompile(`ERROR: ([^:]+):(\d+):\d+:`)
// New creates a new updater from the given arguments. One updater can be used
// to update many packages, repeatedly, but not concurrently.
// bazelAnalyze and updateFile can be passed in to handle ts_auto_deps operation in
// different environments and for fakes in tests.
func New(removeUnusedDeclarations bool, updateComments bool, bazelAnalyze BazelAnalyzer, updateFile UpdateFile) *Updater {
return &Updater{removeUnusedDeclarations, updateComments, bazelAnalyze, updateFile}
// UpdateFile updates the contents of filePath. Implementations may postpone or batch actually writing the given file, i.e.
// a subsequent read may return stale contents.
type UpdateFile func(ctx context.Context, filePath string, contents string) error
// LocalUpdateFile simply writes to the given file.
func LocalUpdateFile(ctx context.Context, filePath string, contents string) error {
return platform.WriteFile(ctx, filePath, []byte(contents))
// BazelAnalyzer is a function that executes bazel analyze for the given
// absolute build file path and bazel targets, and returns the raw analysis
// result proto, or an error if the analyze call failed.
// It's used to abstract over execution using rabbit vs local execution.
// Returns the main output (serialized AnalysisResult proto), any error
// messages, or an error.
type BazelAnalyzer func(buildFilePath string, targets []string) ([]byte, []byte, error)
// Updater encapsulates configuration for the ts_auto_deps process.
type Updater struct {
removeUnusedDeclarations bool
updateComments bool
bazelAnalyze BazelAnalyzer
updateFile UpdateFile
func bazelBinary() string {
return "bazel"
func attrTruthy(r *build.Rule, attr string) bool {
attrVal := r.AttrLiteral(attr)
return attrVal == "True" || attrVal == "1"
// Matches the warning TypeScriptRuleChecker prints for unused ts_declarations.
// TODO(martinprobst): in the long term, this should become the default and TypeScriptRuleChecker should no longer special case ts_declaration.
var unusedDeclarationRE = regexp.MustCompile(
`WARNING: [^:]+:\d+:\d+: keeping possibly used ts_declaration '([^']+)'`)
// GarbledBazelResponseError signals to callers that the proto returned by bazel
// analyze was garbled, and couldn't be unmarshalled.
// TODO(lucassloan): remove when b/112891536 is fixed
// Build Rabbit rewrites paths produced by bazel, which garbles the error
// messages from bazel analyze, since they're encoded in protobufs.
type GarbledBazelResponseError struct {
Message string
func (g *GarbledBazelResponseError) Error() string {
return g.Message
// runBazelAnalyze executes the `bazel analyze` command and extracts reports.
// It returns the dependency report with rule names referring to rules *before*
// macro expansion, or an error. runBazelAnalyze uses the given `analyze`
// function to actually run the `bazel analyze` operation, which allows
// exchanging it for a different implementation in the ts_auto_deps presubmit service.
func (upd *Updater) runBazelAnalyze(buildFilePath string, bld *build.File, rules []*build.Rule) ([]*arpb.DependencyReport, error) {
args := []string{}
args = append(args, "--analysis_output=PROTO")
var targets []string
for _, r := range rules {
fullTarget := AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld, r.Name())
targets = append(targets, fullTarget)
args = append(args, targets...)
out, stderr, err := upd.bazelAnalyze(buildFilePath, args)
if err != nil {
return nil, &AnalysisFailedError{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("running bazel analyze %s failed: %v", args, err),
Path: buildFilePath,
var res arpb.AnalyzeResult
if err := proto.Unmarshal(out, &res); err != nil {
// TODO(lucassloan): remove when b/112891536 is fixed
// Build Rabbit rewrites paths produced by bazel, which garbles the error
// messages from bazel analyze, since they're encoded in protobufs.
return nil, &GarbledBazelResponseError{fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal analysis result: %v\nin: %s", err, string(out))}
platform.Infof("analyze result %v", res)
reports := res.GetDependencyReport()
if len(targets) != len(reports) {
if len(stderr) > 0 {
// TODO(b/73321854): pretend second rule has a syntactical error, so bazel analyze produces no
// report for it, but also doesn't return an error code. Remove workaround once fixed.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing reports failed (%d reports for %s):\n%s",
len(reports), targets, stderr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing reports failed (%d reports for %s) in output: %s",
len(reports), targets, out)
if upd.removeUnusedDeclarations {
for _, report := range reports {
for _, fb := range report.GetFeedback() {
m := unusedDeclarationRE.FindStringSubmatch(fb)
if m == nil {
target := m[1]
platform.Infof("Removing (possibly) unused ts_declaration dependency %q", target)
// TODO(martinprobst): this warning is to educate users after changing removeUnusedDeclarations to true by default.
// Once existing code is fixed, this constitutes normal operation, and the logging below should be dropped.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: removing apparently unused ts_declaration() dependency from %q.\n", report.GetRule())
report.UnnecessaryDependency = append(report.UnnecessaryDependency, target)
return reports, nil
func spin(prefix string) chan<- struct{} {
done := make(chan struct{})
// Check for cygwin, important for Windows compatibility
if !isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stderr.Fd()) || !isatty.IsCygwinTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
return done
go func() {
// Wait a bit before starting to print to avoid flashing a spinner unnecessarily.
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
i := 0
str := []rune(`⠋⠙⠹⠸⠼⠴⠦⠧⠇⠏`)
for {
select {
case <-done:
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\r")
for i := 0; i < len(prefix)+2; i++ {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, " ")
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "\r")
case <-ticker.C:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\r%s %s", prefix, string(str[i]))
i = (i + 1) % len(str)
return done
// readBUILD loads the BUILD file, if present, or returns a new empty one.
// workspaceRoot must be an absolute path and buildFilePath is interpreted as
// relative to CWD, and must be underneath workspaceRoot.
func readBUILD(ctx context.Context, workspaceRoot, buildFilePath string) (*build.File, error) {
// Relativize the absolute build path so that buildFilePath is definitely below workspaceRoot.
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(buildFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
g3Path, err := filepath.Rel(workspaceRoot, absPath)
normalizedG3Path := platform.Normalize(g3Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve workspace relative path: %s", err)
data, err := platform.ReadFile(ctx, buildFilePath)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return &build.File{Path: normalizedG3Path, Build: true}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %q: %s", buildFilePath, err)
return build.ParseBuild(normalizedG3Path, data)
type srcSet map[string]bool
// globSources finds sources in path with any of the given extensions.
// It also filters out temporary files, dangling symlinks, and symlinks into bazel-bin specifically.
// It returns file names relative to path.
func globSources(ctx context.Context, path string, extensions []string) (srcSet, error) {
var allSourcePaths []string
for _, extension := range extensions {
pattern := "*." + extension
matched, err := platform.Glob(ctx, filepath.Join(path, pattern))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("glob(%s): %s", pattern, err)
allSourcePaths = append(allSourcePaths, matched...)
srcs := make(srcSet)
for _, p := range allSourcePaths {
fileName := filepath.Base(p)
if isTempFile(fileName) {
continue // Ignore editor swap/backup files.
// Try platform.Stat as a fallback, for Google file systems.
_, err := platform.Stat(ctx, p)
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
platform.Infof("platform.Glob returned non-existent file (dangling symlink?). Ignoring %q.", p)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot stat platform.Glob result %q: %v", p, err)
p, err := filepath.Rel(path, p)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("filepath.Rel(%s, %s): %v", path, p, err)
srcs[p] = true
return srcs, nil
func isTempFile(fileName string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(fileName, ".") || strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".swp") ||
strings.HasSuffix(fileName, "~")
// updateSources adds any srcs that are not in some rule to the last ts_* rule
// in the package, or create a new rule for them.
func updateSources(bld *build.File, srcs srcSet) bool {
removeSourcesUsed(bld, "ts_library", "srcs", srcs)
removeSourcesUsed(bld, "ts_declaration", "srcs", srcs)
if len(srcs) == 0 {
return false
// Sort the remaining sources for reproducibility (sadly Go has no LinkedHashSet)
var srcSlice []string
for s := range srcs {
srcSlice = append(srcSlice, s)
pkgName := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(bld.Path))
for _, s := range srcSlice {
var r *build.Rule
ruleName := pkgName
if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".d.ts") {
r = getOrCreateRule(bld, ruleName+"_dts", "ts_declaration", ruleTypeRegular)
} else {
rt := determineRuleType(bld.Path, s)
r = getOrCreateRule(bld, ruleName, "ts_library", rt)
srcs := r.Attr("srcs")
switch srcs.(type) {
case nil, *build.ListExpr:
// expected - either absent or a list of files.
// Remove any glob calls, variables, etc. ts_auto_deps uses explicit source lists.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: clobbering non-list srcs attribute on %s\n",
AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld, r.Name()))
val := &build.StringExpr{Value: s}
edit.AddValueToListAttribute(r, "srcs", pkgName, val, nil)
return true
var testingRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\btesting\b`)
func determineRuleType(path, s string) ruleType {
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "_test.ts") || strings.HasSuffix(s, "_test.tsx") {
return ruleTypeTest
return ruleTypeRegular
// AnalysisFailedError is returned by ts_auto_deps when the underlying analyze operation
// fails, e.g. because the BUILD files have syntactical errors.
type AnalysisFailedError struct {
Causes []AnalysisFailureCause
// AnalysisFailureCause gives (one of) the reasons analysis failed, along with
// the path and line that caused the failure (if available).
type AnalysisFailureCause struct {
Message string
// workspace path of the file on which analysis failed
Path string
// 1-based line on which analysis failed
Line int
func (a *AnalysisFailedError) Error() string {
var messages []string
for _, c := range a.Causes {
messages = append(messages, c.Message)
return strings.Join(messages, "\n")
// updateDeps adds missing dependencies and removes unnecessary dependencies
// for the targets in the given DependencyReports to the build rules in bld.
// Returns true if it changed anything in the build file.
func updateDeps(bld *build.File, errorOnUnresolvedImports bool, reports []*arpb.DependencyReport) (bool, error) {
// First, check *all* reports on whether they were successful, so that users
// get the complete set of errors at once.
var errors []AnalysisFailureCause
for _, report := range reports {
if !report.GetSuccessful() {
for _, fb := range report.GetFeedback() {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("dependency analysis failed for %s:\n%s",
report.GetRule(), fb)
m := bazelErrorRE.FindStringSubmatch(fb)
if m == nil {
// error message didn't contain file and line number, so just use the
// path of the BUILD file that was analyzed
errors = append(errors, AnalysisFailureCause{Message: msg, Path: bld.Path})
file := m[1]
line, err := strconv.Atoi(m[2])
if err != nil {
return false, err
errors = append(errors, AnalysisFailureCause{msg, file, line})
if len(errors) > 0 {
return false, &AnalysisFailedError{errors}
pkg := filepath.Dir(bld.Path)
changedDeps := false
for _, report := range reports {
platform.Infof("Applying report: %s", report.String())
fullTarget := report.GetRule()
targetName := fullTarget[strings.LastIndex(fullTarget, ":")+1:]
r := edit.FindRuleByName(bld, targetName)
if r == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("could not find rule from report %v", targetName)
for _, md := range report.MissingDependencyGroup {
for _, d := range md.Dependency {
d = AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld, d)
if d == fullTarget {
return false, &AnalysisFailedError{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("target %s depends on itself. "+
"Maybe you have an incorrect `// from %s` comment, or need to split application "+
"entry point (main.ts) and ng_module() rule?", d, d),
Path: bld.Path,
platform.Infof("Adding dependency on %s to %s\n", d, fullTarget)
if addDep(bld, r, d) {
changedDeps = true
hadUnresolved := len(report.UnresolvedImport) > 0
if hadUnresolved {
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("ERROR in %s: unresolved imports %s.\nMaybe you are missing a "+
"'// from ...'' comment, or the target BUILD files are incorrect?\n%s\n",
fullTarget, report.UnresolvedImport, strings.Join(report.GetFeedback(), "\n"))
if errorOnUnresolvedImports {
return false, fmt.Errorf(errMsg)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, errMsg)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Continuing.\n")
for _, d := range report.UnnecessaryDependency {
if hadUnresolved {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Keeping unnecessary dependency %s due to unresolved imports\n", d)
platform.Infof("Removing dependency on %s from %s\n", d, fullTarget)
if edit.ListAttributeDelete(r, "deps", d, pkg) != nil {
// Dep might not exist if e.g. using a macro such as ng_module
changedDeps = true
for _, s := range report.MissingSourceFile {
platform.Infof("Removing missing source %s from %s\n", s, fullTarget)
if edit.ListAttributeDelete(r, "srcs", s, pkg) != nil {
changedDeps = true
return changedDeps, nil
func (upd *Updater) writeBUILD(ctx context.Context, path string, bld *build.File) error {
ri := &build.RewriteInfo{}
build.Rewrite(bld, ri)
platform.Infof("Formatted %s: %s\n", path, ri)
data := string(build.Format(bld))
if err := upd.updateFile(ctx, path, data); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update %q: %v", path, err)
return nil
func getBUILDPathAndBUILDFile(ctx context.Context, path string) (string, string, *build.File, error) {
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, "/BUILD") // Support both package paths and BUILD files
if _, err := platform.Stat(ctx, path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", "", nil, err
buildFilePath := filepath.Join(path, "BUILD")
g3root, err := workspace.Root(buildFilePath)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, err
bld, err := readBUILD(ctx, g3root, buildFilePath)
if err != nil {
platform.Infof("Error reading building file!")
return "", "", nil, err
return g3root, buildFilePath, bld, nil
// isTazeDisabled checks the BUILD file, or if the directory doesn't exist, the nearest
// ancestor BUILD file for a disable_ts_auto_deps() rule.
func isTazeDisabled(ctx context.Context, g3root string, buildFilePath string, bld *build.File) bool {
if _, err := platform.Stat(ctx, buildFilePath); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Make sure ts_auto_deps hasn't been disabled in the next closest ancestor package.
ancestor, err := FindBUILDFile(ctx, make(map[string]*build.File), g3root, filepath.Dir(bld.Path))
if err != nil {
platform.Infof("Could not find any ancestor BUILD for %q, continuing with a new BUILD file",
} else if !hasTazeEnabled(ancestor) {
fmt.Printf("ts_auto_deps disabled below %q\n", ancestor.Path)
return true
} else {
platform.Infof("BUILD file missing and ts_auto_deps is enabled below %q. Creating new BUILD file.",
if !hasTazeEnabled(bld) {
fmt.Printf("ts_auto_deps disabled on %q\n", buildFilePath)
return true
return false
func (upd *Updater) addSourcesToBUILD(ctx context.Context, path string, buildFilePath string, bld *build.File) (bool, error) {
platform.Infof("Globbing TS sources in %s", path)
srcs, err := globSources(ctx, path, []string{"ts", "tsx"})
if err != nil {
return false, err
platform.Infof("Updating sources")
updatedBuild := updateSources(bld, srcs)
if updatedBuild {
if err := upd.writeBUILD(ctx, buildFilePath, bld); err != nil {
platform.Infof("Error Writing BUILD!")
return true, err
return updatedBuild, nil
// updateBUILDAfterBazelAnalyze applies the BUILD file updates that depend on bazel
// analyze's DependencyReports, most notably updating any rules' deps.
func (upd *Updater) updateBUILDAfterBazelAnalyze(ctx context.Context, isRoot bool, errorOnUnresolvedImports bool,
g3root string, buildFilePath string, bld *build.File, reports []*arpb.DependencyReport) (bool, error) {
platform.Infof("Updating deps")
updatedBuild, err := updateDeps(bld, errorOnUnresolvedImports, reports)
if err != nil {
return false, err
platform.Infof("Setting library rule kinds")
updatedRuleKinds, err := setLibraryRuleKinds(ctx, buildFilePath, bld)
if err != nil {
return false, err
updatedBuild = updatedBuild || updatedRuleKinds
if updatedBuild {
if err := upd.writeBUILD(ctx, buildFilePath, bld); err != nil {
return true, err
if tr := getRule(bld, "ts_library", ruleTypeTest); tr != nil {
platform.Infof("Registering test rule in closest ts_config & ts_development_sources")
target := AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld, tr.Name())
if err := upd.registerTestRule(ctx, bld, "ts_config", ruleTypeAny, g3root, target); err != nil {
return false, err
// NodeJS rules should not be added to ts_development_sources automatically, because
// they typically do not run in the browser.
if tr.AttrString("runtime") != "nodejs" {
if err := upd.registerTestRule(ctx, bld, "ts_development_sources", ruleTypeTest, g3root, target); err != nil {
return false, err
return updatedBuild, nil
// CantProgressAfterWriteError reports that ts_auto_deps was run in an environment
// where it can't make writes to the file system (such as when ts_auto_deps is running
// as a service for cider) and the writes it made need to be visible to bazel analyze,
// so it can continue updating the BUILD file(s). In such a case, the caller should
// collect the writes using a custom UpdateFile function, and re-call ts_auto_deps after
// applying the writes.
type CantProgressAfterWriteError struct{}
func (a *CantProgressAfterWriteError) Error() string {
return "running ts_auto_deps in a non-writable environment, can't continue until writes are applied"
// UpdateBUILDOptions bundles options for the UpdateBUILD function.
type UpdateBUILDOptions struct {
// InNonWritableEnvironment boolean indicates to ts_auto_deps that the writes it makes
// won't be immediately visible to bazel analyze, so it cannot proceed normally.
// In this case, if it makes a write that needs to be visible to bazel analyze, it
// will return a CantProgressAfterWriteError, which indicates that the caller
// should apply the writes made to its UpdateFile function, and re-call UpdateBUILD
// after the writes have been applied.
InNonWritableEnvironment bool
// IsRoot indicates that the directory is a project's root directory, so a tsconfig
// rule should be created.
IsRoot bool
// ErrorOnUnresolvedImports indicates to ts_auto_deps that it should fail when it's unable
// to resolve the package for an import instead of printing a warning and continuing
// assuming the the user manually added an import to their BUILD for it.
ErrorOnUnresolvedImports bool
// UpdateBUILD drives the main process of creating/updating the BUILD file
// underneath path based on the available sources. Returns true if it modified
// the BUILD file, false if the BUILD file was up to date already.
// bazelAnalyze is used to run the underlying `bazel analyze` process.
func (upd *Updater) UpdateBUILD(ctx context.Context, path string, options UpdateBUILDOptions) (bool, error) {
g3root, buildFilePath, bld, err := getBUILDPathAndBUILDFile(ctx, path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if isTazeDisabled(ctx, g3root, buildFilePath, bld) {
return false, nil
changed, err := upd.addSourcesToBUILD(ctx, path, buildFilePath, bld)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if options.InNonWritableEnvironment && changed {
return true, &CantProgressAfterWriteError{}
rules := allTSRules(bld)
rulesWithSrcs := []*build.Rule{}
for _, r := range rules {
srcs := r.Attr("srcs")
if srcs != nil {
if l, ok := srcs.(*build.ListExpr); ok && len(l.List) > 0 {
rulesWithSrcs = append(rulesWithSrcs, r)
reports, err := upd.runBazelAnalyze(buildFilePath, bld, rulesWithSrcs)
if err != nil {
return false, err
changedAfterBazelAnalyze, err := upd.updateBUILDAfterBazelAnalyze(ctx, options.IsRoot, options.ErrorOnUnresolvedImports, g3root, buildFilePath, bld, reports)
return changed || changedAfterBazelAnalyze, err
// hasTazeEnabled checks if the BUILD file should be managed using ts_auto_deps.
// Users can disable ts_auto_deps by adding a "disable_ts_auto_deps()" (or "dont_ts_auto_deps_me()") statement.
func hasTazeEnabled(bld *build.File) bool {
for _, stmt := range bld.Stmt {
if call, ok := stmt.(*build.CallExpr); ok {
if fnName, ok := call.X.(*build.Ident); ok && (fnName.Name == "disable_ts_auto_deps" || fnName.Name == "dont_ts_auto_deps_me") {
return false
return true
// QueryBasedBazelAnalyze uses bazel query to analyze targets. It is available under a flag or
// an environment variable on engineer's workstations.
func QueryBasedBazelAnalyze(buildFilePath string, args []string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
// The first member of args is the '--analysis_output=PROTO' flag. Remove
// this flag to get only the targets.
targets := args[1:]
root, err := workspace.Root(buildFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
reports, err := analyze.New(analyze.NewQueryBasedTargetLoader(root, bazelBinary())).Analyze(context.Background(), buildFilePath, targets)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
s, err := proto.Marshal(&arpb.AnalyzeResult{
DependencyReport: reports,
return s, nil, err
// registerTestRule searches ancestor packages for a rule with the given ruleKind and ruleType
// and adds the given target to it. Prints a warning if no rule is found, but only returns an error
// if adding the dependency fails.
func (upd *Updater) registerTestRule(ctx context.Context, bld *build.File, ruleKind string, rt ruleType, g3root, target string) error {
// If the target has already been registered in any of the rule with the given ruleKind and ruleType,
// we shouldn't register it again.
if targetRegisteredInRule(bld, ruleKind, rt, target) {
return nil
r := getRule(bld, ruleKind, rt)
if r != nil {
if addDep(bld, r, target) {
fmt.Printf("Registered test %s in %s\n", target, AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld, r.Name()))
return upd.writeBUILD(ctx, filepath.Join(g3root, bld.Path), bld)
return nil
parentDir := filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(bld.Path))
for parentDir != "." && parentDir != "/" {
buildFile := filepath.Join(g3root, parentDir, "BUILD")
if _, err := platform.Stat(ctx, buildFile); err == nil {
parent, err := readBUILD(ctx, g3root, buildFile)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasTazeEnabled(bld) {
return upd.registerTestRule(ctx, parent, ruleKind, rt, g3root, target)
platform.Infof("ts_auto_deps disabled on %q", buildFile)
// Continue below.
parentDir = filepath.Dir(parentDir)
ruleTypeStr := ""
switch rt {
case ruleTypeRegular:
ruleTypeStr = "testonly=0"
case ruleTypeTest, ruleTypeTestSupport:
ruleTypeStr = "testonly=1"
fmt.Printf("WARNING: no %s(%s) rule in parent packages of %s to register with.\n",
ruleKind, ruleTypeStr, target)
return nil
type ruleType int
const (
ruleTypeAny ruleType = iota
func buildRules(bld *build.File, kind string) []*build.Rule {
// Find all rules, then filter by kind.
// This is nearly the same as just calling bld.Rules(kind), but allows to
// retrieve ng_module and ts_library intermixed, in the order in which they
// appear in the BUILD file. That allows ts_auto_deps to consistently always pick the
// last build rule in the file in case multiple match, regardless of kind.
allRules := bld.Rules("")
var res []*build.Rule
acceptNgModule := kind == "ts_library"
for _, r := range allRules {
if r.Kind() == kind || (acceptNgModule && r.Kind() == "ng_module") {
res = append(res, r)
return res
// hasDependency returns whether a build rule contains the specified dependency.
func hasDependency(bld *build.File, r *build.Rule, dep string) bool {
pkg := filepath.Dir(bld.Path)
oldDeps := r.Attr("deps")
if edit.ListFind(oldDeps, dep, pkg) != nil {
return true
runtimeDeps := r.Attr("runtime_deps")
return edit.ListFind(runtimeDeps, dep, pkg) != nil
// addDep adds a dependency to the specified build rule
func addDep(bld *build.File, r *build.Rule, dep string) bool {
// If the rule has the specified dependency already, we shouldn't add it again
if hasDependency(bld, r, dep) {
return false
pkg := filepath.Dir(bld.Path)
dep = edit.ShortenLabel(dep, pkg)
if dep[0] != '/' && dep[0] != ':' {
dep = ":" + dep // ShortenLabel doesn't add the ':'
edit.AddValueToListAttribute(r, "deps", pkg, &build.StringExpr{Value: dep}, nil)
return true
// AbsoluteBazelTarget converts a ruleName to an absolute target string (//foo/bar:bar).
// It interprets ruleName relative to the given build file's package. It
// supports plain names, names starting with colons, absolute paths, and
// absolute paths with shorthand target syntax (i.e. "bar", ":bar", "//foo/bar",
// "//foo/bar:bar").
func AbsoluteBazelTarget(bld *build.File, ruleName string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(ruleName, "//") {
// already absolute
if colonIdx := strings.LastIndex(ruleName, ":"); colonIdx == -1 {
// expand shorthand syntax
return ruleName + ":" + ruleName[strings.LastIndex(ruleName, "/")+1:]
return ruleName
pkg := platform.Normalize(filepath.Dir(bld.Path))
return fmt.Sprintf("//%s:%s", pkg, strings.TrimPrefix(ruleName, ":"))
// Finds all ts_library and ts_declaration targets in the given BUILD file.
func allTSRules(bld *build.File) []*build.Rule {
var res []*build.Rule
res = append(res, buildRules(bld, "ts_library")...)
res = append(res, buildRules(bld, "ts_declaration")...)
return res
// removeSourcesUsed removes sources used by rules of kind ruleKind in attribute
// attrName from the given set of sources.
func removeSourcesUsed(bld *build.File, ruleKind, attrName string, srcs srcSet) {
for _, rule := range buildRules(bld, ruleKind) {
ruleSrcs := rule.AttrStrings(attrName)
for _, s := range ruleSrcs {
// TODO(martinprobst): What to do about sources that don't seem to exist?
if strings.HasPrefix(s, ":") {
s = s[1:] // Recognize ":foo.ts" style references to sources
// Might be generated srcs.
delete(srcs, s)
const (
tsSkylarkLabel = "@build_bazel_rules_typescript//:defs.bzl"
ngSkylarkLabel = "@angular//:index.bzl"
func removeUnusedLoad(bld *build.File, kind string) {
if len(bld.Rules(kind)) > 0 {
return // kind is still used somewhere.
var stmt []build.Expr
for _, s := range bld.Stmt {
load, ok := s.(*build.LoadStmt)
if !ok {
stmt = append(stmt, s)
if len(load.To) == 0 {
// a load statement without actually loaded symbols, skip
var from, to []*build.Ident
for i, ca := range load.To {
if ca.Name != kind {
from = append(from, load.From[i])
to = append(to, ca)
load.From = from
load.To = to
if len(to) > 0 {
stmt = append(stmt, load)
bld.Stmt = stmt
// setLibraryRuleKinds sets the kinds for recognized library rules. That is, it
// determines if a rule should be an ng_module, and sets the
// rule kind if so. It also takes care of having the appropriate load calls.
func setLibraryRuleKinds(ctx context.Context, buildFilePath string, bld *build.File) (bool, error) {
changed := false
hasNgModule := false
for _, r := range buildRules(bld, "ts_library") {
shouldBeNgModule := false
isNgModule := r.Call.X.(*build.Ident).Name == "ng_module"
if hasAngularDependency(r) {
shouldBeNgModule = true
hasNgModule = true
if isNgModule && !shouldBeNgModule {
platform.Infof("Changing rule %s to ts_library()", r.AttrString("name"))
r.Call.X.(*build.Ident).Name = "ts_library"
changed = true
} else if !isNgModule && shouldBeNgModule {
platform.Infof("Changing rule %s to ng_module()", r.AttrString("name"))
r.Call.X.(*build.Ident).Name = "ng_module"
changed = true
if changed {
bld.Stmt = edit.InsertLoad(bld.Stmt, ngSkylarkLabel,
[]string{"ng_module"}, []string{"ng_module"})
bld.Stmt = edit.InsertLoad(bld.Stmt, tsSkylarkLabel,
[]string{"ts_library"}, []string{"ts_library"})
removeUnusedLoad(bld, "ts_library")
removeUnusedLoad(bld, "ng_module")
if hasNgModule {
changedAssets, err := updateWebAssets(ctx, buildFilePath, bld)
if err != nil {
return false, err
changed = changed || changedAssets
return changed, nil
// hasAngularDependency returns true if the given rule depends on a Angular
// build rule.
func hasAngularDependency(r *build.Rule) bool {
e := r.Attr("deps")
for _, li := range edit.AllLists(e) {
for _, elem := range li.List {
str, ok := elem.(*build.StringExpr)
if ok && strings.HasPrefix(str.Value, "//third_party/javascript/angular2") {
return true
return false
// updateWebAssets finds web assets in the package of the BUILD file and adds
// them to the "assets" attribute of the ng_module rules. Returns true if it
// changed anything in the build file.
func updateWebAssets(ctx context.Context, buildFilePath string, bld *build.File) (bool, error) {
// TODO(martinprobst): should this be merged with updateSources above? Difference is that
// creates new rules, this just distributes assets across them.
changed := false
// This must use buildFilePath, the absolute path to the directory, as our cwd
// might not be the workspace root.
absolutePkgPath := filepath.Dir(buildFilePath)
assetFiles, err := globSources(ctx, absolutePkgPath, []string{"html", "css"})
if err != nil {
return false, err
platform.Infof("Found asset files in %s: %v", absolutePkgPath, assetFiles)
pkg := filepath.Dir(bld.Path)
for _, r := range bld.Rules("ng_module") {
srcs := r.Attr("assets")
if call, ok := srcs.(*build.CallExpr); ok && call.X.(*build.Ident).Name == "glob" {
// Remove any glob calls, ts_auto_deps uses explicit source lists.
changed = true
for _, s := range r.AttrStrings("assets") {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, ":") || strings.HasPrefix(s, "//") {
continue // keep rule references
if _, ok := assetFiles[s]; !ok {
del := edit.ListAttributeDelete(r, "assets", s, pkg)
changed = changed || del != nil
removeSourcesUsed(bld, "ng_module", "assets", assetFiles)
if len(assetFiles) == 0 {
return changed, nil // nothing new, but might have deleted something.
// Add to the last rule, to match behaviour with *.ts sources.
lastModule := getRule(bld, "ng_module", ruleTypeRegular)
if lastModule == nil {
// Fall back to using any ng_module
lastModule = getRule(bld, "ng_module", ruleTypeAny)
if lastModule == nil {
// Should not happen by preconditions of this function.
return changed, fmt.Errorf("no ng_module rules in BUILD?")
for newAsset := range assetFiles {
val := &build.StringExpr{Value: newAsset}
edit.AddValueToListAttribute(lastModule, "assets", pkg, val, nil)
return true, nil
// getOrCreateRule returns or creates a rule of the given kind, with testonly = 1 or 0 depending on
// rt. If there's no such rule, it creates a new rule with the given ruleName.
// If there is more than one rule matching, it returns the *last* rule.
func getOrCreateRule(bld *build.File, ruleName, ruleKind string, rt ruleType) *build.Rule {
if r := getRule(bld, ruleKind, rt); r != nil {
return r
// TODO(calebegg): Switch this to "_test" but still support "_tests"
if rt == ruleTypeTest {
ruleName += "_tests"
loadArgs := []string{ruleKind}
bld.Stmt = edit.InsertLoad(bld.Stmt, tsSkylarkLabel, loadArgs, loadArgs)
r := &build.Rule{&build.CallExpr{X: &build.Ident{Name: ruleKind}}, ""}
// Rename to *_ts if there's a name collision. This leaves open a collision with another rule
// called _ts, but that failure mode is unlikely to happen accidentally.
if edit.FindRuleByName(bld, ruleName) != nil {
ruleName = ruleName + "_ts"
} else if filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(bld.Path)) == ruleName {
// The various *_ajd macros do not have a "name" attribute, but implicitly use the package name.
// Make sure not to use the package name if there is a *_ajd rule.
for _, r := range bld.Rules("") {
if r.Name() == "" && strings.HasSuffix(r.Kind(), "_ajd") {
ruleName = ruleName + "_ts"
r.SetAttr("name", &build.StringExpr{Value: ruleName})
if rt == ruleTypeTest || rt == ruleTypeTestSupport {
r.SetAttr("testonly", &build.Ident{Name: "True"})
bld.Stmt = append(bld.Stmt, r.Call)
return r
// ruleMatches return whether a rule matches the specified rt value.
func ruleMatches(bld *build.File, r *build.Rule, rt ruleType) bool {
inTestingDir := determineRuleType(bld.Path, "somefile.ts") == ruleTypeTestSupport
hasTestsName := strings.HasSuffix(r.Name(), "_tests")
// Accept the rule if it matches the testonly attribute.
if rt == ruleTypeAny {
return true
if attrTruthy(r, "testonly") {
if inTestingDir && ((hasTestsName && rt == ruleTypeTest) || (!hasTestsName && rt == ruleTypeTestSupport)) {
return true
if !inTestingDir && rt == ruleTypeTest {
return true
return rt == ruleTypeRegular && !attrTruthy(r, "testonly")
// targetRegisteredInRule returns whether a target has been registered in a rule that
// matches a specified ruleKind and ruleType in current build file
func targetRegisteredInRule(bld *build.File, ruleKind string, rt ruleType, target string) bool {
rs := buildRules(bld, ruleKind)
for _, r := range rs {
if ruleMatches(bld, r, rt) && hasDependency(bld, r, target) {
return true
return false
// getRule returns the last rule in bld that has the given ruleKind and matches
// the specified rt value.
func getRule(bld *build.File, ruleKind string, rt ruleType) *build.Rule {
rs := buildRules(bld, ruleKind)
for i := len(rs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
r := rs[i]
if ruleMatches(bld, r, rt) {
return r
return nil
// FilterPaths filters the given paths, returning the deduplicated set of
// folders that contain TypeScript sources (.ts and .tsx) or BUILD files.
func FilterPaths(paths []string) []string {
fileSet := make(map[string]bool)
for _, p := range paths {
if !strings.HasSuffix(p, ".ts") && !strings.HasSuffix(p, ".tsx") && filepath.Base(p) != "BUILD" {
fileSet[filepath.Dir(p)] = true
var newPaths []string
for k := range fileSet {
newPaths = append(newPaths, platform.Normalize(k))
return newPaths
// ResolvePackages resolves package paths, i.e. paths starting with '//',
// against the workspace root folder closest to the current working directory.
// It updates paths in place.
// It returns an error if it cannot find a workspace root or working directory.
func ResolvePackages(paths []string) error {
for i, p := range paths {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "//") {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get working directory: %v", err)
g3root, err := workspace.Root(wd)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to find workspace root under %q: %v", wd, err)
paths[i] = filepath.Join(g3root, p)
return nil
// FindBUILDFile searches for the closest parent BUILD file above pkg. It
// returns the parsed BUILD file, or an error if none can be found.
func FindBUILDFile(ctx context.Context, pkgToBUILD map[string]*build.File,
workspaceRoot string, packagePath string) (*build.File, error) {
if packagePath == "." || packagePath == "/" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no ancestor BUILD file found")
if bld, ok := pkgToBUILD[packagePath]; ok {
return bld, nil
buildPath := filepath.Join(workspaceRoot, packagePath, "BUILD")
_, err := platform.Stat(ctx, buildPath)
var bld *build.File
if err == nil {
bld, err = readBUILD(ctx, workspaceRoot, buildPath)
} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Recursively search parent package and cache its location below if found.
bld, err = FindBUILDFile(ctx, pkgToBUILD, workspaceRoot, filepath.Dir(packagePath))
} else {
return nil, err
if err == nil {
// NB: The cache key is packagePath ('foo/bar/baz'), even if build file was
// found at a higher location ('foo/BUILD'). This avoids re-testing for file
// existence.
pkgToBUILD[packagePath] = bld
return bld, err
// Paths gets the list of paths for the current execution of ts_auto_deps.
func Paths(isRoot bool, files bool, recursive bool) ([]string, error) {
paths := flag.Args()
if len(paths) == 0 {
wd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get working directory: %v", err)
paths = []string{wd}
if len(paths) > 1 && isRoot {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can only take exactly one path with -root")
if files {
paths = FilterPaths(paths)
if len(paths) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("WARNING: found no TypeScript files in %s", paths)
if err := ResolvePackages(paths); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve packages: %s", err)
if recursive {
var allPaths []string
for _, p := range paths {
err := filepath.Walk(p, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err == nil && info.IsDir() {
allPaths = append(allPaths, path)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ts_auto_deps -recursive failed: %s", err)
paths = allPaths
return paths, nil
// Execute runs ts_auto_deps on paths using host.
func Execute(host *Updater, paths []string, isRoot bool, recursive bool) error {
ctx := context.Background()
for i, p := range paths {
isLastAndRoot := isRoot && i == len(paths)-1
changed, err := host.UpdateBUILD(ctx, p, UpdateBUILDOptions{InNonWritableEnvironment: false, IsRoot: isLastAndRoot})
if err != nil {
if recursive {
return fmt.Errorf("ts_auto_deps failed on %s/BUILD: %s", p, err)
return fmt.Errorf("ts_auto_deps failed: %s", err)
if changed {
if filepath.Base(p) == "BUILD" {
fmt.Printf("Wrote %s\n", p)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Wrote %s\n", filepath.Join(p, "BUILD"))
return nil
// allPaths walks the file system and returns a list of all directories under
// all paths.
func allPaths(paths []string) ([]string, error) {
var allPaths []string
for _, p := range paths {
err := filepath.Walk(p, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err == nil && info.IsDir() {
allPaths = append(allPaths, path)
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return allPaths, nil
type byLengthInverted []string
func (s byLengthInverted) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s byLengthInverted) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s byLengthInverted) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(s[i]) > len(s[j]) }