blob: 2bcfa210e3dd5172b8595b7b21ae44add2c860a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview
* Provides APIs for extending TypeScript command-line compiler.
* It's roughly analogous to how the Language Service allows plugins.
import * as ts from 'typescript';
export interface PluginCompilerHost extends ts.CompilerHost {
* Absolute file paths which should be included in the initial ts.Program.
* In vanilla tsc, these are the ts.ParsedCommandLine#fileNames
inputFiles: ReadonlyArray<string>;
* This API is simpler than LanguageService plugins.
* It's used for plugins that only target the command-line and never run in an
* editor context.
* One instance of the TscPlugin will be created for each execution of the compiler, so it is
* safe for these plugins to hold state that's local to one execution.
* The methods on the plugin will be called in the order shown below:
* - wrapHost to intercept CompilerHost methods and contribute inputFiles to the program
* - setupCompilation to capture the ts.Program
* - createTransformers once it's time to emit
export interface EmitPlugin {
* Allow plugins to add additional files to the program.
* For example, Angular creates ngsummary and ngfactory files.
* These files must be in the program since there may be incoming references to the symbols.
* @param inputFiles the files that were part of the original program
* @param compilerHost: the original host (likely a ts.CompilerHost) that we can delegate to
wrapHost?(compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, inputFiles: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions): PluginCompilerHost;
setupCompilation(program: ts.Program, oldProgram?: ts.Program): void;
getNextProgram?(): ts.Program;
* Allow plugins to contribute additional TypeScript CustomTransformers.
* These can modify the TS AST, JS AST, or .d.ts output AST.
createTransformers(): ts.CustomTransformers;
* The proxy design pattern, allowing us to customize behavior of the delegate
* object.
* This creates a property-by-property copy of the object, so it can be mutated
* without affecting other users of the original object.
* See
export function createProxy<T>(delegate: T): T {
const proxy = Object.create(null);
for (const k of Object.keys(delegate)) {
proxy[k] = function() {
return (delegate as any)[k].apply(delegate, arguments);
return proxy;
* A plugin that contributes additional diagnostics during compilation.
* This is a more limited API than Plugin, which can overwrite any features of
* the Program. A DiagnosticPlugin can't affect the output, and can only reject
* otherwise valid programs.
* This means that disabling a DiagnosticPlugin is always safe. It will not
* break any downstream projects, either at build time or in production.
* It also lets us instrument the plugin to track performance, and tag the
* diagnostics it emits with the plugin name.
export interface DiagnosticPlugin {
* A brief descriptive name for the plugin.
* Should not include 'ts', 'typescript', or 'plugin'.
readonly name: string;
* Return diagnostics for the given file.
* Should only include new diagnostics that your plugin is contributing.
* Should not include diagnostics from program.
getDiagnostics(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile):