blob: 60fd2a13e2105ad7417d9df29bc2d4ddb60b773e [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import * as perfTrace from './perf_trace';
import * as pluginApi from './plugin_api';
export interface StrictDepsPluginConfig {
compilationTargetSrc: string[];
allowedStrictDeps: string[];
rootDir: string;
// Paths where users may freely import without declared dependencies.
// This is used in Bazel where dependencies on node_modules may be undeclared.
ignoredFilesPrefixes?: string[];
/** The TypeScript diagnostic code for "Cannot find module ...". */
export const TS_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_MODULE = 2307;
* The strict_deps plugin checks the imports of the compiled modules.
* It implements strict deps, i.e. enforces that each file in
* `config.compilationTargetSrc` only imports from files in
* `config.allowedStrictDeps`.
* This is used to implement strict dependency checking -
* source files in a build target may only import sources of their immediate
* dependencies, but not sources of their transitive dependencies.
* strict_deps also makes sure that no imports ends in '.ts'. TypeScript
* allows imports including the file extension, but our runtime loading support
* fails with it.
* strict_deps currently does not check ambient/global definitions.
export const PLUGIN: pluginApi.Plugin = {
wrap: (program: ts.Program, config: StrictDepsPluginConfig): ts.Program => {
const proxy = pluginApi.createProxy(program);
proxy.getSemanticDiagnostics = function(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {
const result = [...program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile)];
perfTrace.wrap('checkModuleDeps', () => {
program, config.compilationTargetSrc, config.allowedStrictDeps,
config.rootDir, config.ignoredFilesPrefixes));
return result;
return proxy;
// Exported for testing
export function checkModuleDeps(
program: ts.Program, filesToCheck: string[], allowedDeps: string[],
rootDir: string, ignoredFilesPrefixes: string[] = []): ts.Diagnostic[] {
function stripExt(fn: string) {
return fn.replace(/(\.d)?\.tsx?$/, '');
const allowedMap: {[fileName: string]: boolean} = {};
for (const d of allowedDeps) allowedMap[stripExt(d)] = true;
const tc = program.getTypeChecker();
const result: ts.Diagnostic[] = [];
for (const fileName of filesToCheck) {
const sf = program.getSourceFile(fileName);
for (const stmt of sf.statements) {
if (stmt.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration &&
stmt.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration) {
const id = stmt as ts.ImportDeclaration | ts.ExportDeclaration;
const modSpec = id.moduleSpecifier;
if (!modSpec) continue; // E.g. a bare "export {x};"
const sym = tc.getSymbolAtLocation(modSpec);
if (!sym || !sym.declarations || sym.declarations.length < 1) {
// Module imports can only have one declaration location.
const declFileName = sym.declarations[0].getSourceFile().fileName;
if (allowedMap[stripExt(declFileName)]) continue;
if (ignoredFilesPrefixes.some(p => declFileName.startsWith(p))) continue;
const importName = path.posix.relative(rootDir, declFileName);
file: sf,
start: modSpec.getStart(),
length: modSpec.getEnd() - modSpec.getStart(),
messageText: `transitive dependency on ${importName} not allowed. ` +
`Please add the BUILD target to your rule's deps.`,
category: ts.DiagnosticCategory.Error,
// semantics are close enough, needs taze.
return result;