blob: b4ed844d6aa1e3889306764bf332ccb3a79b679d [file] [log] [blame]
/* tslint:disable */
interface IdxSig {
[key: string]: string;
function propAccess(x: IdxSig) {
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok
function descructuring(x: IdxSig) {
const {prop} = x; // ok, but should be an error.
interface MixedIdxSig extends IdxSig {
namedProp: string;
function mixedPropAccess(x: MixedIdxSig) {
x.namedProp; // ok
x['namedProp']; // ok
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok
function genericAccess<T extends IdxSig>(x: T) {
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok
interface MixedIndexSigUsedInUnion {
[key: string]: string;
namedProp2: string;
function unionType(x: MixedIdxSig|MixedIndexSigUsedInUnion) {
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok
* Curiously Record<string, T> is treated like an index signature.
function recordStringType(x: Record<string, number>) {
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok
* But narrowing the generic parameter to a string literal union exempts it.
function recordNarrowType(x: Record<'prop'|'other', number>) {
x.prop; // ok
x['prop']; // ok
* Similary, to Records mapped types of of 'in string' are threated like a
* string index signature.
function mappedType(x: {[x in string]: boolean}) {
x.prop; // error
x['prop']; // ok