blob: 20f90148fac74d31d81a961b05a3d821f764ab1e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helpers for configuring the TypeScript compiler.
_DEBUG = False
load(":common/module_mappings.bzl", "get_module_mappings")
def create_tsconfig(ctx, files, srcs,
devmode_manifest=None, tsickle_externs=None, type_blacklisted_declarations=[],
out_dir=None, disable_strict_deps=False, allowed_deps=depset(),
extra_root_dirs=[], module_path_prefixes=None, module_roots=None):
"""Creates an object representing the TypeScript configuration
to run the compiler under Bazel.
ctx: the skylark execution context
files: Labels of all TypeScript compiler inputs
srcs: Immediate sources being compiled, as opposed to transitive deps.
devmode_manifest: path to the manifest file to write for --target=es5
tsickle_externs: path to write tsickle-generated externs.js.
type_blacklisted_declarations: types declared in these files will never be
mentioned in generated .d.ts.
out_dir: directory for generated output. Default is ctx.bin_dir
disable_strict_deps: whether to disable the strict deps check
allowed_deps: the set of files that code in srcs may depend on (strict deps)
extra_root_dirs: Extra root dirs to be passed to tsc_wrapped.
outdir_path = out_dir if out_dir != None else ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path
# Callers can choose the filename for the tsconfig, but it must always live
# in the output directory corresponding with the label where it's declared.
tsconfig_dir = "/".join([p
for p in [
] +"/")[:-1]
# Skip empty path segments (eg. workspace_root when in same repo)
if p])
workspace_path = "/".join([".."] * len(tsconfig_dir.split("/")))
if module_path_prefixes == None:
module_path_prefixes = [
ctx.configuration.genfiles_dir.path + "/",
ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path + "/"
if module_roots == None:
base_path_mappings = ["%s/*" % p for p in [
module_roots = {
"*": base_path_mappings,
module_mappings = get_module_mappings(ctx.label, ctx.attr, srcs = srcs)
for name, path in module_mappings.items():
# Each module name maps to the immediate path, to resolve "index(.d).ts",
# or module mappings that directly point to files (like index.d.ts).
module_roots[name] = ["%s%s" % (p, path.replace(".d.ts", "")) for p in module_path_prefixes]
if not path.endswith(".d.ts"):
# If not just mapping to a single .d.ts file, include a path glob that
# maps the entire module root.
module_roots["{}/*".format(name)] = ["%s%s/*" % (p, path) for p in module_path_prefixes]
# Options for running the TypeScript compiler under Bazel.
# See javascript/typescript/compiler/tsc_wrapped.ts:BazelOptions.
# Unlike compiler_options, the paths here are relative to the rootDir,
# not the location of the tsconfig.json file.
bazel_options = {
"workspaceName": ctx.workspace_name,
"target": str(ctx.label),
"tsickle": tsickle_externs != None,
"tsickleGenerateExterns": getattr(ctx.attr, "generate_externs", True),
"tsickleExternsPath": tsickle_externs.path if tsickle_externs else "",
"untyped": not getattr(ctx.attr, "tsickle_typed", False),
"typeBlackListPaths": [f.path for f in type_blacklisted_declarations],
"es5Mode": devmode_manifest != None,
"manifest": devmode_manifest if devmode_manifest else "",
# Explicitly tell the compiler which sources we're interested in (emitting
# and type checking).
"compilationTargetSrc": [s.path for s in srcs],
"disableStrictDeps": disable_strict_deps,
"allowedStrictDeps": [f.path for f in allowed_deps],
"enableConformance": getattr(ctx.attr, "enable_conformance", False),
# Keep these options in sync with those in playground/playground.ts.
compiler_options = {
# De-sugar to this language level
"target": "es5" if devmode_manifest or ctx.attr.runtime == "nodejs" else "es6",
# Has no effect in closure/ES2015 mode. Always true just for simplicity.
"downlevelIteration": True,
# Do not type-check the lib.*.d.ts.
# We think this shouldn't be necessary but haven't figured out why yet
# and builds are faster with the setting on.
"skipDefaultLibCheck": True,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"outDir": "/".join([workspace_path, outdir_path]),
# We must set a rootDir to avoid TypeScript emit paths varying
# due computeCommonSourceDirectory behavior.
# TypeScript requires the rootDir be a parent of all sources in
# files[], so it must be set to the workspace_path.
"rootDir": workspace_path,
# Path handling for resolving modules, see specification at
# Paths where we attempt to load relative references.
# Longest match wins
# tsc_wrapped also uses this property to strip leading paths
# to produce a flattened output tree, see
"rootDirs": ["/".join([workspace_path, e]) for e in extra_root_dirs] + [
"/".join([workspace_path, ctx.configuration.genfiles_dir.path]),
"/".join([workspace_path, ctx.configuration.bin_dir.path]),
# Root for non-relative module names
"baseUrl": workspace_path,
# "short name" mappings for npm packages, such as "@angular/core"
"paths": module_roots,
# Inline const enums.
"preserveConstEnums": False,
# permit `@Decorator` syntax and allow runtime reflection on their types.
"experimentalDecorators": True,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": True,
# Interpret JSX as React calls (until someone asks for something different)
"jsx": "react",
"jsxFactory": "React.createElement",
"noEmitOnError": False,
"declaration": True,
# We don't support this compiler option (See github #32), so
# always emit declaration files in the same location as outDir.
"declarationDir": "/".join([workspace_path, outdir_path]),
"stripInternal": True,
# Embed source maps and sources in .js outputs
"inlineSourceMap": True,
"inlineSources": True,
# Implied by inlineSourceMap: True
"sourceMap": False,
if _DEBUG:
compiler_options["traceResolution"] = True
compiler_options["diagnostics"] = True
return {
"compilerOptions": compiler_options,
"bazelOptions": bazel_options,
"files": [workspace_path + "/" + f.path for f in files],
"compileOnSave": False,